Weight Loss & Hair Growth Challenge 2012 Q1

UGH! Ladies, I've done NOTHING this week! :nono:I was supposed to start on Monday and it would give me 2 weeks to lose 6 lbs in time for my company party on the 14th and here I am still not working out or eating right. I'm so upset. Theres no way I'll lose that weight in 1 week! Even still I am going to try:pray:...I'm just really disappointed in myself. :imstupid:
Started slow exercised two days going spin, zumba, step and cardio. However I ate a lot of crap so i dont know.

Hairwise as i am still in my sew I oiled my scalp with a little castor oil, and moisturized the hair with ORS and sealed with coconut oil.
Along with my regular cardio, I've started salsa'ing again. I was sweating so much while dancing, and all I could think about was: I'm burning more even MORE calories right now! To top it off... I came home around midnight I didn't stop at the In N Out first. HYFR. lol.
I do salsa also! And now that the new trimester has started at uni, i can get back to all my dance and sport!...and studies of course... *cough cough*
I am also officially a broke student: had to pay for glasses, laptop, medical textbooks that cost a fortune and all sorts of other things.
This means that i absolutely need to be thrifty... bright side...I can't afford frivolous junk food! I'm losing weight already just by NOT eating junk..not changing anything else. I am beginning to gradually increase my workouts..it's goin strong so far, ladies (and gents :) )
I've been watching what I eat. Drink 24oz of my green juice (veggies with fruit). I need to drink more water, so I'm working on it.

I love myfitnesspal, it has help keep me on track with my eating.

As for my hair, I shampoo'd this week. I plan to DC and braid my hair back into corn rolls. I have also have been doing full head baggying at night. LOVE THE RESULTS!!
I haven't exercised at all and I ate a turkey sandwich with lots of cheese for brunch :nono:. On a positive note, I weighed myself and have lost 3lbs since the beginning of the challenge bringing. Gotta be thankful for the small victories :yep:

Current weight: 154 lbs.

17 lbs to go!
I have been doing pretty well this week. I am very optimistic that I will be able to acheive my weight loss goals this year better yet before March. I am not that optimistic about my hair though.

I saw this on Dr. oz or the Doctors to drink 30grams of protein in the morning for weight loss. it was from the book The 4 hour body. so that is what I am doing. So far so good.

my protein mix consists of protein powder, brewers yeast, wheat grass, spirulina, kelp, with a little stevia. I think it is probably more than 30 grams of protein and it is still under 200 calories. I have been eating half a grapefruit with that each morning and that is my breakfast.
I'm at 153 pounds on the dot now.the scale is slowly down down..at least it's not up!
I'm gonna be sly and say that I should weigh less..it's just these Sengalese twists that have added weight back on mwhaha :lol:
So, my plan for the next 30 days:

- A bowl of cereal (Special K, Total or oatmeal) with fresh blueberries and 2% milk for breakfast
- Alternate days between working out with weights at gym and P90X at home
- Lean 1 shake w/added fruit for lunch (may add in other supplements. not sure yet)
- Drink at least 64 oz of water daily
- Steamed veggies and fruit for dinner (lean meat 1 night per week)
- Continue visualizing body image
- Continue daily supplements and hair regimen

Let's see how this works. If it seems to go well, I'll extend it another 60 days. I gotta get serious. I plan to reward myself with a trip to Jamaica IF I'm beach body ready by May. I'm on it doggone it!
I've been doing better with my eating. I finally got my Special K products and have been faithful to that the past couple of days. It's not as bad as I thought it would be! Now I just need to exercise. I plan to try tonight so we will see since I haven't been feeling very well today.
This is my first update! I haven't worked out all week due to a severe cold, but my weight has gone down due to reduced appetite. I will start my daily workouts tomorrow morning, shooting for at least an hour of cardio per day.

Last week's BMI 48.3 --> This week 46.8

I washed and flat-ironed my hair and wore it out last week. I plan to get individual braids next weekend to lower manipulation.

I want in

What's your main motivation: My main motivation is to live longer so I need to drop the weight. I desire long hair so thats the other motivation

How often will you update your progress in this thread?
I will try to update weekly

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): Current weight as of 12/31/2011 234.5

Current hair length: APL
Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: Goal poundage wise is 40 pounds. but I dont measure my pounds but by look...when I get the look I know where I stand

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: Full BSL by 03/31/2012

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: Goal weight who knows roughly 165 just thin in the waist, is the goal

Full Year 2012 hair goal: Full thick MBL or WSL

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Waist of 29 inches!! Thicker stronger hair

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
Drink water minimize sodas/fried foods
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? protective styling/growth aids protecting my ends

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? various websites/books
sorry for delay

What's your main motivation: For the past few years my weight has been going up and up, I found an old sheet with previous weight loss goals and I’ve put on quite a bit since then

How often will you update your progress in this thread? weekly

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): SW was 207, SW for challenge 203.4, weight today 202.8

Current hair length: just past APL

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: I am working towards losing 15lbs for Q1

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: I would like to gain and retain around 1 ½ inches for Q1

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: I see myself being 60lbs lighter my overall goal is to be between 135 – 140 (goal 137)

Full Year 2012 hair goal: I would like to be touching full MBL

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: I would like to get down to a size 6/8 and lose inches all over, plus maintain this. I want my hair to be healthy, long and shiny

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Drink more water, exercise more regularly and portion control as well as eat more healthy

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Moisturise and seal, start off with fortnightly DC's, working towards weekly. Use the dryer on the lowest setting, protective styling using wigs and occasionally full weaves

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? Currently I am using a pedometer to track my steps walked and when I sort out my phone will use an app to track everything more regularly but until then will write down what I eat
Weekly check-in:

Current weight: 210lbs (down 1.5lbs from last week)

I have stopped eating out for lunch at work. I eat fruit only all day. I still drink my one cup of coffee in the mornings though. :look:

Still need to get back into my morning workouts. I'll use this week to get to bed earlier and wake up earlier. I'll restart my workouts next week.

Hair: I'm currently stretching my relaxer to 15 weeks. That will be my longest stretch ever. I love the thickness I get from stretching! I may try to stretch 16 weeks next time.

I'll do a length next week when I relax.

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So last week was a bust for me. I just couldn't get OP, I was eating everything in sight.

Starting Weight: 201.2
Today's Weight: 202.8

Total: +1.6 lbs. :nono:

I can't change the past, but I can move forward with trying to make this week a much better one. On an upside, I do have a nonscale victory. Since joining the water challenge I've been pretty consistent in getting 64 oz + a day. I'm very happy with that.:yep:
So last week was a bust for me. I just couldn't get OP, I was eating everything in sight.

Starting Weight: 201.2
Today's Weight: 202.8

Total: +1.6 lbs. :nono:

I can't change the past, but I can move forward with trying to make this week a much better one. On an upside, I do have a nonscale victory. Since joining the water challenge I've been pretty consistent in getting 64 oz + a day. I'm very happy with that.:yep:

I feel you! I weigh-in on Wednesday, and I have a feeling that I might not lose my normal pound this week -- I just ate so damn much bad stuff this weekend. I've got the same mindset tho -- I can't change the past, I can only work to make sure that I DO lose my expected pound the next seven days. (I'm still crossing my fingers that I'll be down this week, lol, but in case I don't...)

Congrats to your non-scale victory! I think I'm going to start thinking about goals in terms of non-scale, too. :yep:
ToSelahWithLove, that's one thing I learned with WW. When you don't see the numbers moving in the right direction on the scales, think of something positive that may have happened, like losing inches, being able to fit something you couldn't before, getting in your daily water/veggie/fruit requirements, receiving a compliment, not overindulging in your favorite foods...you name it! Just look for the positive in a negative.

If you look at it in those terms, you won't allow yourself to dwell on your scale setback. I hope your WI is a good one...but if it's not, think of that nonscale victory, because there's definitely one there.:grin:
its so hard to work on my diet living with my sister. shes an aspiring chef and shes always creating something and trying to use me as a food tester. i just try not to go home at this point.

i didnt expect to enjoy planet fitness but it is definitely not a bad gym and im loving the free fitness training.
its so hard to work on my diet living with my sister. shes an aspiring chef and shes always creating something and trying to use me as a food tester. i just try not to go home at this point.

i didnt expect to enjoy planet fitness but it is definitely not a bad gym and im loving the free fitness training.

Wow. That's trouble. Just let her know what you're trying to do. I'm sure she'll quit (or at least slow up) making you the taste tester. Good luck with that. I'm hungry just thinking about it. :look:
It's been a week, so I'm checking in. I weighed in at 225 and 226 today, so I'm down 9-10lbs from a week ago. Sounds nuts, but I ate clean (no processed foods or carbs, no added sugar, lots of fish and chicken, fruits and veggies, some air popped plain white popcorn, and TONS of water), ran AT LEAST a mile on the treadmill 5 days out of 7. Did body weight strength training at home and low weight/high rep on machines at the gym - and it's working!

That brings my total weight loss to 69lbs. Hopefully I can shatter my Q1 goal of reaching 190lbs by March.

As far as my hair, I washed it today and was GOING to wet bun it, but it was too cold to go out with wet hair. I usually wet bun overnight so that it can be mostly dry and then I browdry the rest of the moisture out (on low/cool) in the morning if it's still damp, but I washed in the morning and had to dry my hair before I could bun it. I'll probably wear it in this bun - with the front pinned back - all week, as usual. I'll probably seal my ends every other day, but nothing spectacular to report on the hair front.
Awh naw ladies I weighed in today and........I'm going backwards all bad. I gained 3lbs 155lbs. I worked out the first two days of last week and then my body was soo sore, so i didnt do anything.
I need to stop being lazy.
mEmYSELFaNDj, it's probably just water weight. How was your salt intake for the week? I know a couple of weeks back I ate right, stayed within my range and still had a gain. WHAT???!!! When I thought back to what I ate that week, I realized that I had eaten a lot of salty foods.

Good for you for getting those workouts in! :-)
I want to lose weight, but I don't want to stop eating. <Cry> My weight went up as well thanks to New Year's. Ok, I just needed to get that out. I'm sure I'll get it together soon.
After my big triumph last week, I didn't eat so well yesterday and fear I may have gotten off to a bad start for my next check in.

Does anyone else do that? Have a good weigh-in and then CELEBRATE? With ... food?

This is why we can't have nice things! SMH at myself right now.
Checking in!
I'm only a couple of ounces down from last week, and am still 212. Although I hoped to be at least a pound down, I'm still grateful just to have not gained. I've gotta get moving though, if I'm gonna make my Q1 goal. So this week, just gotta focus on keeping to my food window, staying away from all the delicious restaurants near my home, and getting my butt up to exercise. Our winter break is almost done and while I'll miss being home, honestly, it's better for me to not be. It was stupid easy to drop weight while at school because I controlled all the food that came into my space. But here...:nono: Everyone has a sweet tooth and no one particularly cares that I'm trying to lose weight over here.

Hair-wise, things are okay. I did my wash, DC, and all that on Saturday, and my hair still feels good. It looks a little greasy though, even though I don't know why. Maybe I need to clarify again. Also, I'm planning to place an order for ayurvedic supplies either today or tomorrow, so hopefully, I will be able to do my first cassia treatment next week. So excited! :yay:
Checking in

I'm (hoping I'm) still 209. The holidays weren't too good for my self control, and this menstrual water weight is dampening my spirits quite a bit. Hopefully a touch of exercise will do the trick, because I don't FEEL like I gained 5 lbs, nor does my mom say I look like it (and she's quick to tell me if I'm getting heavier).

Do any of you ladies have any tips on getting rid of water weight??

As for my hair, it's going pretty well. The family compliments my hair more frequently which is really nice. All of this attention is starting to make me feel as if all of my investment in my hair is actually paying off!
This student brokeness is really working for me!
I have no money to buy junk, and all i have in my fridge/freezer are vegetables (go figure), lean meats, and healthy grains in my cupboard. Who knew that stuff was lurking there? My mum probably put those there when I moved back to uni accommodation a few days ago .

Well thanks, mum! This is actually a big help :)
The reading on the scale is slowly going down, and I am ready for more!! I feel all the more healthy for cooking my own meals.
What's your main motivation: I want my old body back. When I hurt my lower back I got a little lazy and now I've got a gut. I want to strengthen my lower back and flatten my stomach in time for swimsuit season.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? Weekly.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 135lbs

Current hair length: TWA (6 months new growth)

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: 10lbs

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: I guess I am neck length stretched, so I will say shoulder length stretched.

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: I don't have a goal weight, more of a goal look.

Full Year 2012 hair goal: Thickness and moisture are my goals for now. I'd like to be past shoulder length stretched.

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Reduce lower back pain.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Continue working out 5 days a week. It may not be super intense every day but I will do something. I will refrain from drinking tasty Belgian beer 5 days a week. LOL :lick:

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? I will continue to cowash everyday/every other day until I feel that it will be burdensome to do so because of longer length. I will continue to use the kimmaytube leave-in, that my hair seems to love so much. I will continue to DC 1x per week. No heat. Protective styling with wigs for work.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? Wii Fit
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