Weight Loss & Hair Growth Challenge 2012 Q1

What's your main motivation: Keeping Fit and healthy while still trying to maintain some hair dignity LOL.

I have been underweight most of my life. After 4 kids I was still underweight. From 2008 - 2011 I gained 37 lbs which put me at a BMI of 24.6 :(
I wasn't going to let myself go. I didn't even like to look in the mirror. Sure I took pictures but I wasn't Myself.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? [Daily, weekly?] I am going to try weekly.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): [Enter your current weight and/or BMI] My current BMI is 21.8

Current hair length: [Enter your current hair length] I don't really know, My siggy is my hair length, :look:

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: [Enter number of lbs or decrease in BMI you expect to achieve in Q1 - make this challenging, but most importantly realistic]

I am hoping to get my BMI to 21 then start weight lifting and raise it to 22 with muscle

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: [Enter hair length you expect to achieve in Q1 - again keep it challenging yet realistic]
Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: [Where do you see your body in Dec 2012?]
I want tighter Abs, Toned Arms, My legs are fine, and my hips are fine, that is all I desire LOL

Full Year 2012 hair goal: [Where do you see your hair in Dec 2012?] Just cruising along :)

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, thicker hair, better condition hair etc etc etc]

I want my heart in better condition. I think I must go to the doctor soon. I am beginning to think I have exercise Induced asthma, Trust while Choking and coughing I am still pushing it along and have for 7 months now LOL

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, cut no of grams of fat eaten each day be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, fit back into your favourite jeans or dress be very specific]
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? [E.g. Moisturise and seal religiously, weekly DC's cutting out or reducing heat, protective styling, low manipulation - be very specific ... ]
Continuing my regimen and making sure I keep account of what goes in my mouth. I want to lose 1 inch in my waist, and one in my hips (not really in my hips) just want to look proportioned.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? [E.g. Android apps or websites for tracking exercise or calories consumed, distance walked, will you keep a food and exercise diary, or follow a particular eating plan or perhaps you will partner with someone with similar goals or exercise with a partner. Please share resources - your idea may help others on the thread]

Wil post them as I do them.
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Alright I'm joining this challenge. I lost about 60lbs in 2011 and have about 100 left to go!


What's your main motivation: I lost 60-70lbs in 2011. I started at 294 and had gotten to 225, but after the holidays, I'm back up to 235, so that's where I'm starting for 2012. I have over 100lbs left to lose, but I know I can do it. I've been growing my hair out for almost 4 years, and I'd like to be at waist length by the end of the year.


How often will you update your progress in this thread? I'll definitely try to update at least weekly.

Current weight: 235lbs, 5'7

Current hair length: BSL in the back, APL in the front.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) 190lbs. I'm 235 now. At 190, I'll no longer be obese. It's a bit of an aggressive goal, but I think I can get close!

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: Just to be a bit past BSL, I guess. I feel like I've been stuck there for AGES.

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: I want to weigh somewhere between 120 and 140lbs by the end of 2012.

Full Year 2012 hair goal: I want my hair to be waist length in the back and bra strap length in the front by the end of 2012.

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Just to be happy with the way I look. The weight loss and hair length goals are a HUGE part of that.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I started running in 2011 and it's been incredible. I've also started to eat clean - no processed carbs AT ALL. That helped me to lose the first 60-70lbs. This year, I plan to do the same AND incorporate more strength training (mainly body weight stuff, but suuuuper light reps on machines as well - and when I'm down MAYBE another 30lbs to start swimming.)

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? I'm a hardcore wet bunner. I've been wet bunning for years and I've gone from a big chop 3 years ago to bra strap length. I rarely straighten - and the bunning stretches my hair pretty well. I sometimes do braidouts to show more length as well. But overall, I keep it VERY simple. Wash at least weekly, moisturize and wet bun. I occasionally do deep conditioning - but not with any regularity.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? Right now, I have a weight loss tumblr that I may link to later; it'll help me stay accountable. And I'm really just looking at the mirror, the scale, and how my clothes fit.
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Checking in!

My weight this morning was 212, which I was really surprised at, because I weighed 215 when I came home on December 21st. I'm not sure how this happened because I have not been on my best behavior lately, but I'm willing to chalk it up as a Christmas miracle and KIM. I've updated my starting post with the new numbers and added a starting picture.

For this week, I'm going to get back on track with my food choices and water consumption and make my goal of at least four workouts this week.
Cardio will be a mixture of Zumba and Just Dance 3 and for strength training will be a mixture of Venus Index and Pilates.

I got a touchup and blowout on the 29th, and am still enjoying that, so I haven't done too much to my hair this week. Just moisturized with some Qhemet AOHC and applied castor oil to my scalp.

This week will be more of the same, and then this weekend, I will shampoo, DC and rollerset my hair. If I decide to go to the alumni thingy happening at my high school this weekend, I will probably silk wrap my hair as well.
Caught a small part of a segment on Dr Oz's show today talking about getting rid of belly fat. I went to his site for details and thought I'd share the link. Hmmm. I gotta pray about Dr Oz's Fat Burning Noodle Pudding. Somehow that just sounds weird but, I trust Dr Oz. Guess I have a new recipe to try. :look: Carbs in the morning. Bonne appetite!
This is my kind of challenge!

What's your main motivation? I want to be fine when I turn 40 in September. I've never been this fat before. The problem is that I'm the kind of person that looks good in clothes. No one believes I weigh what I weigh. I have nice legs and a good sized waist, but the fat is sitting everywhere else. I was doing well in 2010, but in August of that year, I became ill. The medication I had to take made me pack on 15 pounds in one month! I was devastated and kind of fell off the wagon after that.

I know it will get harder to lose weight the older I get. I've gotta get it off now!

How often will you update your progress in this thread? At least weekly.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 211.5 lbs as of 5 minutes ago.

Current hair length: BSL

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: I want to be 199 lbs by March 31st.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: Don't think I'll hit MBL that soon, so I'll just say that I want to retain all that I grow and work on having thicker ends.

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: Hopefully I'm at 175lbs. My ultimate goal is to be 155lbs.

Full Year 2012 hair goal: MBL baby! :grin:

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Get back into my early morning workouts and lurk in the Health Forum more. The ladies are so inspirational over there.

Fortunately, I gave up soda and that was my main food weakness. Now, I need to give up candy. I think once I do that, I'll be so much better since I eat lots of fruit and vegetables already.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Keep my same regimen. It's working for me. I just need to NOT get lazy.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? I'll get on my Wii Fit Plus at least once a week. It allows you to track your progress and shows charts and everything. I love being able to see how I'm doing.
I two strand twisted my hair last night. Took forever! I had to keep stopping and also I did them smaller than usual. I am hoping to keep them in for 2 weeks and redo them for another 2 weeks after that and hopefully get close to an inch of growth in those 4 weeks. We'll see how they hold up! :look:I'll be GHE'ing every night and M&S'ing nightly along with applying MT and Beemine sulfer serum mix to my scalp every other night and massaging. And I will do a weekly wash and DC and a mid-week co wash with MT.
And today I am starting my workout regimen. I am going to do my Insanity workout this afternoon/evening. And going grocery shopping later on to get stuff for my Special K challenge plan. Has anyone tried this yet? It's supposed to help you lose 6 lbs or a jean size in 2 weeks....we'll see...
I am having a hard time uploading pics. It keeps saying upload failed. Does anyone know how I can upload pics?
What's your main motivation: I want to lose the baby weight I gained during my recent pregnancy. I just had a baby on 11/11/11. During that pregnancy I gained 41lbs and got up to 173lbs. Since delivery I have lost 21lbs. So I have another 20lbs to go. And I need to get healthy and drop the weight so I can up my energy so I can keep up with my three boys.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? I will do a weekly weigh in update. Quarterly update for hair.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): 152

Current hair length: an inch above WL

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: atleast 140 lbs or less

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: reach the 9 on my length check shirt

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: 125-130lbs

Full Year 2012 hair goal: reach the 13 on my length check shirt.

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: I would like to start eating healthier and and building muscle. I don't want to just be skinny, I used to run track, so I want to look like an athlete.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Only drink water with lemon juice(no soda or juice), no fast food, only eat turkey chicken fish, up my protein and vegetable intake. Workout at least 6 days a week. P90x and insanity.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? I'm going to keep a health and fitness journal. Also use myfitnesspal app on my phone.


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I want to join this challenge! I want to drop a few pounds and retain length. I have no trouble getting to bsl but I have to cut it because of my split ends
So this is the year I will retain bsl and go beyond I'm determined. Anyone have any tips on split end prevention ? :look:

I also have to drop at least 10 pounds.
First update! I exercised yesterday and today! I'm working on increasing my water intake also.

Posting my starting pic. I'm currently scrapping BSL right now. Hoping to be WL by December


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Here are my starting pics taken on freshly washed hair. I am keeping it in 2 strand twists for 2 weeks (HOPEFULLY!) and then going to take them out and redo after a good wash and DC for another 2 weeks and see how my retention is at the end of the month. The last pic there is a black mark on the back of my shirt. That is where my hair was in October but it was just a funky part of my hair that was about 1" longer than the rest so I had it cut off and now my hair has grown past that mark now! That's about 1 1/2" in a little over 2 months maybe even closer to 2" because the very ends of my hair are sticking out a little at the bottom of my hubby's fingers. That's awesome retention and growth for me! YAY MT!! The bra pic is just to show where my armpits are to see how close I am to APL.




I've lost an inch on my waist and 6 lbs this week. :woohoo: Feeling good over here!
So yesterday was supposed to be my first day of working out and starting my Special K challenge but I got busy and distracted and then tired, so...needless to say I didn't do it! Today I am! I still need to run to the store to get the rest of my Special K products but I have enough for the morning. And once the kiddos go down for a nap I will be doing my pilates abs DVD. I'm alternating pilates with Insanity. I want to try to do Insanity 3-4 times a week and pilates 2. I also need to pick up some more vitamins and up my water intake. I will update tomorrow!
So here's the 2012 challenge for us ladies with hair and weight goals to achieve :grin: I've set a Q1 challenge, to break the goals up and make them more do-able (thanks for the suggestion Grownupnai. Everyone is welcome and you can join at any time...

  1. To join, just thank this post and I'll add you to the challenge list :yep:
  2. Fill in the form below, deleting the tips in blue once you get the gist - have a real good think when you're setting your goals. Setting well thought goals will really help to motivate you to be a success in 2012.
  3. Feel free to post your hair and weight tips or make suggestions - if you've found something that works, please share, you may be able to help someone who is struggling or on a plateau.
  4. Remember to update regularly, good or bad
  5. All good threads have PICS, so feel free to post yours if you like
  6. Have fun and be a success in 2012!
What's your main motivation: [What's your backstory/ why did you join this challenge/ why do you want to lose weight /grow hair?]

i so need 2 be in this challenge.

what's your main motivation

in no particular order

to fit into my uniform
to run to the bus, and never miss it
to look in the mirror and say praise is for none other then God
to cross my legs
to run the streets at a fast speed in the rain when ppl are asleep
to improve my mental health (vigorous exercise does strange (but wonderful) things to my mind)
to discriminate against superficial men

what's your backstory

I used to be annoyingly skinny, the type that eats and doesn't gain. But then again I never used to sit still, so maybe that had an effect. I moved to the UK, and my food habits just spiralled out of control. Junk food is so cheap here. it went from being a once a month treat, to a daily thing, the weight just crept on. And now I am 25 kg heavier :look:. that needs to all come off.

why do you want lose weight/grow hair?

as above

How often will you update your progress in this thread? [Daily, weekly?]

  • As often as I recognize my progress. whether that is daily or weekly.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): [Enter your current weight and/or BMI]

between 88-90 I fluctuate depending on my food habits at the time. BMI 32? not sure

Current hair length: [Enter your current hair length]


Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: [Enter number of lbs or decrease in BMI you expect to achieve in Q1 - make this challenging, but most importantly realistic]

BMI isn't important for me, as i intend to lose weight in a method that i have never done before: weight training. this means i will actually gain muscle and hence weight, (but still losing fat) so i will ignore bmi all together

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: [Enter hair length you expect to achieve in Q1 - again keep it challenging yet realistic]

WL hair with no split ends

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: [Where do you see your body in Dec 2012?]

lose 25 kg, bmi irrelevant. hopefully I will have lost that all that, and be toned fully.

Full Year 2012 hair goal: [Where do you see your hair in Dec 2012?]

WL with no split ends

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, thicker hair, better condition hair etc etc etc]

get super toned. don't wanna see no more flab.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, cut no of grams of fat eaten each day be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, fit back into your favourite jeans or dress be very specific]

my whole diet. This night I've eaten spinage with rich tomato sauce (yuk, it was disgusting), but it contained a whole lotta vitamins.

i want to change how I use food, from something which I eat to enjoy, to something which i put into my body for improvement.

i want to be able to run out in the morning, and come back from a jog not tired and completely energised.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? [E.g. Moisturise and seal religiously, weekly DC's cutting out or reducing heat, protective styling, low manipulation - be very specific ... ]

what will I change: I am hoping to reduce my weekly regiment to, twice monthly. To reduce tangles, as a method of preventing hair loss. no heat, except small sections to determine length. leave it alone, when it doesn't need anything. i seem to mess about with my hair when its not needed.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? [E.g. Android apps or websites for tracking exercise or calories consumed, distance walked, will you keep a food and exercise diary, or follow a particular eating plan or perhaps you will partner with someone with similar goals or exercise with a partner. Please share resources - your idea may help others on the thread]

I got a good set of scales. despite doing weight training, i realise that i am not going to replace 25 kg of fat with 25 kg of muscle, in other words yes i am going to lose SOME weight, and to monitor that ill use the scale sparingly. my gp also paid 12 wks of weight watchers programme for me, which i hope to benefit learn some good eating habits from that i can implement longer then just those 12 wks. keep a food diary on my computer for ease, and also to track back if i encounter unexpected problems.
I was a member of LHCF a LONG time ago, left and came back. I would like to join this challenge, and I am STICKING to it.

What's your main motivation: [What's your backstory/ why did you join this challenge/ why do you want to lose weight /grow hair?] I had a gigantic bald spot about 4" in diameter on the back of my head from stress back in 2007, and I through pure luck and experimentation grew my hair back. I have lurked through multiple Fotkis and I know that this is just the beginning. I want to join this one challenge, because I need to start sticking to the resolution(s). I want to lose weight because I can't afford to stay big, and I want to grow my hair because...well...I want to see how long I can get it this year. The end length this year is the length I will maintain.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? [Daily, weekly?]Weekly, I can't promise daily

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): [Enter your current weight and/or BMI]195 even; BMI according to that damn scale is 28. Ugh!

Current hair length: [Enter your current hair length]Grazing APL front and back

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: [Enter number of lbs or decrease in BMI you expect to achieve in Q1 - make this challenging, but most importantly realistic]I would like to drop 10 pounds

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: [Enter hair length you expect to achieve in Q1 - again keep it challenging yet realistic] Hit and stay at APL

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: [Where do you see your body in Dec 2012?]I see myself with about 30 pounds gone!

Full Year 2012 hair goal: [Where do you see your hair in Dec 2012?]If I could graze BSL and keep the length I get, that will be good enough for me.

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, thicker hair, better condition hair etc etc etc] Smaller waist definitely; I want to be in better physical shape, maintain any improved condition of my hair I can gain

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, cut no of grams of fat eaten each day be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, fit back into your favourite jeans or dress be very specific]I will be eating nutritarian style (focusing on whole clean foods, raw/cooked veggies, fruits, vegetable based starches at the foundation of the pyramid, etc), continue with Bikram yoga at least 4 times a week, daily if I can maintain it; CrossFit

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? [E.g. Moisturise and seal religiously, weekly DC's cutting out or reducing heat, protective styling, low manipulation - be very specific ... ]I will be using exclusively natural products from etsy. com; I will be moisturizing daily, weekly DCs due to yoga, no direct heat, low manipulation through braided styles, wigs, etc.;

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? [E.g. Android apps or websites for tracking exercise or calories consumed, distance walked, will you keep a food and exercise diary, or follow a particular eating plan or perhaps you will partner with someone with similar goals or exercise with a partner. Please share resources - your idea may help others on the thread] Keeping a food diary; the nutritarian system as above, Noom app for weight loss.

I will post starting hair picture this week after DC.
Today I did 2 hours of cardio: 1 hour of Zumba, 30 minutes on the elliptical, 30 on the treadmill. And I feel awesome. Been doing good getting back on my Weight Watchers too. I have a feeling I'm going to have an awesome weigh in on the 14th!
What's your main motivation:For health reasons-I can't believe I let my self get this big-wow was I sleep
How often will you update your progress in this thread? Weekly

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): BMI-39.3

Current hair length: SBL

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) 25 lb loss

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: closer to BSL

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: Goal Weight-75 lbs lost, never to be found

Full Year 2012 hair goal:at BSL

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: even out thinner side of hair

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Weight Watchers/Couch to 5K
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Moisture and Seal Nightly, DC Weekly, Low Manipulation (Buns and Twists)

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? My Fitness Pal, Weight Watchers Meetings, Couch to 5K App, Black Girls Run Group
What's your main motivation:
Honestly...mostly Vanity...but I also hate being out of shape. I want to be able to run for 15 mins and not be in aches and pains and be extremely tired. I find it embarrassing.. I need more stamina. Also I shouldn't be putting all junk in my body like fast food or my own fatty junk I cook at my house.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? Once or Twice a month

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers):
At 5'5 160 pounds. BMI 26.6

Current hair length:
Grazing SHL

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal:
10-15 LBS is my goal

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: SHL? or still grazing ..I don't know my hair is layered

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal:

Full Year 2012 hair goal:
Grazing APL

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach:
Nope :)

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? Stop eating out, and eat more wisely

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?
More air drying, and always remembering to Deep condition once a week

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals?
Nothing really besides my scale and measuring tape, I plan to keep it really simple.
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What's your main motivation: [What's your backstory/ why did you join this challenge/ why do you want to lose weight /grow hair?] The hair is not the biggest goal, although I do want to grow my long hair back...but natural now. My main goal is to lose 60 pounds. I don't feel healthy at this weight, so I know that it's not doing anything great for my body.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? [Daily, weekly?] It depends. I will post any changes.

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): [Enter your current weight and/or BMI] My current weight is 208

Current hair length: [Enter your current hair length]SL

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: [Enter number of lbs or decrease in BMI you expect to achieve in Q1 - make this challenging, but most importantly realistic]30lbs

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: [Enter hair length you expect to achieve in Q1 - again keep it challenging yet realistic] 1 1/2"

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: [Where do you see your body in Dec 2012?] All of the 60lbs...or more will be off.

Full Year 2012 hair goal: [Where do you see your hair in Dec 2012?]Apl or longer.

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, thicker hair, better condition hair etc etc etc]I'd like to drop 4 dress sizes and reduce my measurements all over. I'd like to build moisture in my hair by conditioning with my steamer more often.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, cut no of grams of fat eaten each day be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, fit back into your favourite jeans or dress be very specific] I will eat less and continue to exercize once a day.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? [E.g. Moisturise and seal religiously, weekly DC's cutting out or reducing heat, protective styling, low manipulation - be very specific ... ] Moisturize twice a day, deep condition with steam twice a week.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? [E.g. Android apps or websites for tracking exercise or calories consumed, distance walked, will you keep a food and exercise diary, or follow a particular eating plan or perhaps you will partner with someone with similar goals or exercise with a partner. Please share resources - your idea may help others on the thread] I will use myfitnesspal.com

Starting picture:


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I'm SO in. I've been trying to become more vain, any almost all aspects of my life. Why shouldn't I want to look and be the best I can be? Since this thread addresses hair and body, I'll just talk about those though. lol.

What's your main motivation: This was me at 155lbs: (I'm almost 5'8")

and this was me at 180lbs, in early December: :(

Soo, in early Dec I decided to get my ish together... My goal is 1lb/wk until the end of May (my 24th birthday) which is 25lbs, so I'll be at 155lbs again.

Motivation for my hair? Well, I relaxed for the first time ever this past year (I'm 23)...and after one touch up, realized I hated it. So now I've gotta transition. I'd love to be grazing WSL by the end of this yr so I can cut off 4-5inches and still be swangin.:spinning:

How often will you update your progress in this thread?: For weight, weekly, since I weigh myself once a week. For hair, whenever I feel like talking about my updates, although I won't be getting it pressed until December 2012, so there won't be progress pics.

Current weight: 174. This is 6lbs down from my start 4 weeks ago

Current hair length: BSL at its longest, but has different lengths throughout.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss goal:
12lbs. 1lb/wk.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: My "goal" will be to PS for at least 1 month intervals. In the past I've gotten bored with hair styles and the constant switching them up was more than likely not helping to fulfill the "protective" part of the style. lol.

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: 25lbs down by May 31st. Once I get to 155lbs I'll focus on maintaining and toning up for the rest of the year.

Full Year 2012 hair goal: Grazing WSL

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Not really.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?

I workout an hour a day. Sometimes more. My workouts include: the elliptical and the stationary bike in 20 minute intervals. I ride my bike to the gym, Target, the grocery store, the library and any other place that's feasible (when I know I won't have TOO much to carry back lol) and it really helps with extra cardio. I also plan to join a women's basketball league as soon as I find one. Also, I try to get my carbs from vegetables, so no pasta, rice, bread, etc. I'm not 100% at it, but it still helps.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? protective styling all year long. I've been PSing in kinky twists and a weave for 3 months, I hope to keep that up.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals?:

I blog, which allows me a place to record hair and body stuff. But THEE best thing for my workouts: Don't Break the Chain. it's an invention by Jerry Seinfeld that helps motivate you. It WORKS. Each day you click that you've done your exercise, and the higher that number gets you feel inclined to go do your workout because you don't want to break the streak. It's a mental thing, and i LOVE it.:grin: I've been "getting things done for 29 days" and it feels GOOD. I almost cursed out the manager at my gym for being closed on Xmas, cuz I didn't wanna break my streak. lol (I rode my new bike instead).

Uhmmm this was a really long post, but I'm really excited to finally join a challenge. And the fact that I weighed in 2 hours ago and found I was now down 6 just has me over here ready to sell books on weight-loss lmao. Lemme slow down. But yea. Happy journeys ladies :grin:
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I've been bad. The last couple of days I've eaten like crap and have yet to workout.:nono: I need to get on track! HELP!!! :help2:

yea me too... but i just got my period so now i know why i've been eating like a fatty! lol... i'm just going to take it one meal at a time from here!

also just found out i have a pt test wed:nono: a week after i get back from christmas leave! what kind of bs is this... so 30 push ups and 80 sit ups every night before bed for the next few days... then rest on tues... then i'm getting back to the weight lifting on thurs!
I have this weird thing about starting new goals/plans on Mondays so I will be officially starting tomorrow. I am already starting on my hair goals but my weight loss plan will start tomorrow. I'm still not exactly sure what the plan is, but I will figure something out. I know that by getting my body in better health will help me reach my hair goals as well. I have friends who throw a pool party every year and I need to look decent in a swimsuit!

lol - I soo feel you on that - my favourite day for starting things is a Saturday! Welcome to the challenge :grin:
What's your main motivation:
I want to feel comfortable walking down the street in nice clothes. I have confidence, but sometimes I feel weighed down and unhealthy. I also want to break a long cycle of sugar addiction, and binging, and be as hot as I know I can be!!

How often will you update your progress in this thread?
At least weekly

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers)
Ain't no shame in my game, my current weight is 153.2 pounds (I'm only 5'4'')

Current hair length:
Grazing APL

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal:
I want to lose at least a stone (14 pounds) by the end of March.

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal:
I want to fully enter into APL territory LOL, and be on my way to BSL

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: [Where do you see your body in Dec 2012?]
I want a BMI of 22, so that means I need to be 128 pounds by the end of the year...I need to lose 25 pounds (just under 2 stone) Damn. ...I can do it though, ya'll!

Full Year 2012 hair goal:
I want Full BSL in the back, and for my bangs to grow out to CBL. Now I am APL in the back and have around about chin length bangs

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach:
I want thicker hair...i know my diet has affected my hair thickness. It is getting better, but want my hair to reach its potential. I want my old hip to waist ratio. I know i have a BANGING waistline under all of this..it's up to me to find it LOL.

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I want to drop 2 dress sizes to be a UK size 8/10. I think that's a US 4/6? I'm not sure.(Now I am a UK 12/14, but I think I wear it relatively well)
I will stop buying junk food ALL THE TIME..seriously ..not a day goes by when I don't eat absolute crap. I will do this by cooking all my meals for myself. I can cook and love to cook, so I don't know why I dont do it more. My uni accommodation is self-catered, so I can regulate my meals how I want it. What usually works for my in losing weight is 3 meals a day (half the plate fruit/veg, and quarter protein, and quarter other carbs) plus glasses of skim milk as snacks or fruit as snacks.

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?
I will be PS-ins HARD! PS..no BS!! Also co-washing and deep condition. Minimal heat. Basically continuing my current regimen.

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals?An Android app called Libra..tracks your weight and estimates a trend to tell you when you shall reach your desired weight, plus how the daily calorie deficit you need to reach it by that time.

I need to lose about 8 pounds to get to a 'normal' BMI
It's on!!

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Hi ladies,

Firstly this thread is really taking off, and I can see plently of people with really strong motivators to keep on going and keep on challenging themselves.:yep: LOVE IT! I will add the new joiners and welcomes later when I get home.

So here's my first update - this week I lost 1.75 lbs, so I'm now back at 116.25 lbs. (5.25lbs to go until my goal). I'm pleased :grin:especially as I didn't get to do my lunchtime walks as I had to work right through. :ohwell:

My hair is not dong so good - I think I'm having a setback but in slow motion - it seems to bet getting shorter everytime I look at it??? I had a really bad blowdry experience at a salon in mid december and my hair has felt increasingly brittle since. Moisture needed, if it doesn't improve soon, Lord knows...

Any more progress updates? Weight, hair or both...