Waistlength and Beyond – Names + Regimens!

what do you ladies do to your hair at night? i know some of you twist/re-twist (i have no idea how to do that)

but i'd like to know how many of you wrap your hair or wear a silk bonnet or just throw it in a ponytail or a braid or a bun on top of your head?? what do you do? the trend i've noticed is adding some sort of moisture. (sorry if i missed this answer earlier.)

Thanks again FlowerHair for this thread! What a great easy go-to resource. Come to this thread, ask some questions, get them answered. Its perfect!!!
I moisturize and seal every night. My hair is usually in two loose braids and covered with a big scarf. All of my hair has to be covered before I go to sleep. If my hair is straight I do cross wraps and cover with a scarf.....sometimes I'll band it if I want it more stretched out the next day.
WL/HipL: Chicoro's regimen (general)

  1. Detangle with fingers and section hair into loose braids. (no combing) If my hair is matted or really tangled, I rinse it to remove all product, I saturate it with a panthenol and water mix and then section it into loose braids using my fingers.
  2. Dilute shampoo in 2-3 cups of water and then wash hair in loose braids.
  3. Undo braids, slather thick conditioner on braids.
  4. Comb out each braid and twist each detangled braid out of the way.
  5. Place homemade leave in on hair (natural oil, aloe vera, rosemary essential oil)
  6. Saturate hair with conditioner concoction daily (the mix changes, but it usually has oil, aloe vera, water and some conditioner),
  7. Place un-petroleum jelly or vaseline on ends ends (1x only during the week. If I put this on, it will be directly after washing. I do not re-apply this daily.)
  8. Braid or twist into braids/bun.
  9. Put hair in baggie
  10. Every two-four months use a protein treatment *(used to use Aphogee but formula has changed. Still searching)
I am super tenderheaded and have never liked combing my hair. I comb it out only on wash day which is 1x per week. I have worn ponytails all my life as I like them! Wearing my hair up is fun and elegant.

I do not use hair typing as I do not find it helpful for me.

*If you have a question, please send a pm. I usually miss posted questions in threads.

(Thanks for the pm Flowerhair)

Cichelle and Flowerhair, amazing length. Congratulations on reaching tailbone!
Sorry this took so long

but here goes

I mostly only CoWash, usually with a series of between 2-4 conditioners, always apply Coconut Oil (my love!) after rinsing, then apply a conditioner as a leave in and wear it a in a ponytail like my siggy, I usually do this weekly, and just touch up my pony by re-adjusting/tightening it, adding more oil/conditioner to my top and edges and brush it down

I only shampoo when I am going to straighten

thats it ya'll, oh and I trim VERY well every time I straigten, but never in between no matter how long it is between the times I straighten

eta: I have some crazy vids on how I do my hair from scratch and how I press, so if I left anything out here, its probabaly on my youtube

eta: #2 I also take a very comprehensive vitamin regimen that I stick to most of the time :yep:
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Shrinkage is something many naturals struggle with. I see your inspiring lenght photo and I'm blown away. You stretch you hair down to your tail bone but even unstreteched it hangs long.

I feel like my hair shrinks to 50% of it's stretched length.
Do you think your shrinkage lessened as it got longer?
Is there hope that going from shoulder/APL to MBL the length will lessen the shrinkage??

I scour the boards quite a bit but i wonder if most tips are best suited to particular hair types (natural/relaxed, type 4's vs type 3, those that need protein vs those that need moisture. am i just destined to spend a fortune looking for what my hair likes??

can i just order what you have? :lachen:

my hair shrinks to top of shoulder when left on its own
I'm wondering if anyone sleeps in a bun. If no, why not? Maybe that's why my hair is uneven and has been stuck at below bra clasp :wallbash: for the past four years. I was wondering if I should braid it each night, which would be fine if I didn't have to work. Then, too, I don't oil my hair or ends daily.

I know what I need to do, but I'm just not really "into hair" like some other members are.

I can sleep in a bun (and used to do it all of the time) but they have to be very low buns and sort of flat. Hard to explain. More like a low, looped ponytail, I guess. I can't sleep in any "stylish" buns as the bump it would form on the back of my head would give me a headache. These days, I generally loosely twist my hair to the side, secure the ends with a silk scrunchie and cover my head with a satin bonnet (or sleep on a satin pillowcase). I used to sleep with my hair all completely on top of my head, but I don't do that anymore. I can sleep with it loose at this point, because I can flip it over the top of the pillow and it stays there even if I turn from side to side. But I don't prefer sleeping this way. I have this weird fear that something will crawl into my hair. Yeah, I'm strange. I will sleep this way if my hair is wet and I need it to dry quickly, though.
what do you ladies do to your hair at night? i know some of you twist/re-twist (i have no idea how to do that)

but I'd like to know how many of you wrap your hair or wear a silk bonnet or just throw it in a ponytail or a braid or a bun on top of your head?? what do you do? the trend I've noticed is adding some sort of moisture. (sorry if i missed this answer earlier.)

Thanks again FlowerHair for this thread! What a great easy go-to resource. Come to this thread, ask some questions, get them answered. Its perfect!!!

I moisturize then I use a satin cap or stocking cap at night. I make loose braids, or bun, its braided now I do the same thing. I have about 50% shrinkage now and as it gets longer it's showing more length.
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Anyone else with info on what length they started with and how long it to them to grow to WL?

I'm not at all WL yet, and I know that you are asking the waist length ladies, but I did start here at LHCF at SL and I have worn my hair as short as about 4 or 5 inch back in the day.. I'm now MBL. My hair seems to grow in spurts. It jumped from SL to APL in about 3 1/2 months. APL to BSL was slow going that took about 10 months, maybe a bit more. I was graising MBL in June of '08. I have gained length since then, but I'm still MBL. So again, slow going.:yawn: I don't expect to hit WL until close to the end of this year. Also, I'm 5' 9.5" tall so my back is a bit long. This has an affect on how long it takes to reach your goal also. For me, it's looking as though it is going to take 3 yrs to go from SL to WL.

Everyone's hair grows at different rates, and can stall at different milestones. As long as you practice good haircare you will get to the length you want, and learn your hair's growth pattern along the way. You've done a great job so far, be patient and keep doing what you're doing. When your hair tells you that you need to make an adjustment, you know what to do.:yep:

Sorry for butting in, I'm backing out now.:blush::blush::)

ETA: Hey Chicoro, and Iris. I was wondering when you two would come in here and post your reggies.
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Chicoro - where have i been? i didn't know you were an author and had published a book! Congratulations!! i'll definitely buy it!!

WL/HipL: Chicoro's regimen (general)

  1. Detangle with fingers and section hair into loose braids. (no combing) If my hair is matted or really tangled, I rinse it to remove all product, I saturate it with a panthenol and water mix and then section it into loose braids using my fingers.
  2. Dilute shampoo in 2-3 cups of water and then wash hair in loose braids.
  3. Undo braids, slather thick conditioner on braids.
  4. Comb out each braid and twist each detangled braid out of the way.
  5. Place homemade leave in on hair (natural oil, aloe vera, rosemary essential oil)
  6. Saturate hair with conditioner concoction daily (the mix changes, but it usually has oil, aloe vera, water and some conditioner),
  7. Place un-petroleum jelly or vaseline on ends ends (1x only during the week. If I put this on, it will be directly after washing. I do not re-apply this daily.)
  8. Braid or twist into braids/bun.
  9. Put hair in baggie
  10. Every two-four months use a protein treatment *(used to use Aphogee but formula has changed. Still searching)
I am super tenderheaded and have never liked combing my hair. I comb it out only on wash day which is 1x per week. I have worn ponytails all my life as I like them! Wearing my hair up is fun and elegant.

I do not use hair typing as I do not find it helpful for me.

*If you have a question, please send a pm. I usually miss posted questions in threads.

(Thanks for the pm Flowerhair)

Cichelle and Flowerhair, amazing length. Congratulations on reaching tailbone!
Apparently i've got to research "banding." i don't know where i've been but i know nothing about this and i've now heard Pokahontas and Cichelle (among others, but those are the 2 i remember) mention that they're doing it. what does it do? what it is about? i'm off to do a search. i'll be back if (when) i have specific questions. :)

I moisturize and seal every night. My hair is usually in two loose braids and covered with a big scarf. All of my hair has to be covered before I go to sleep. If my hair is straight I do cross wraps and cover with a scarf.....sometimes I'll band it if I want it more stretched out the next day.
Apparently i've got to research "banding." i don't know where i've been but i know nothing about this and i've now heard Pokahontas and Cichelle (among others, but those are the 2 i remember) mention that they're doing it. what does it do? what it is about? i'm off to do a search. i'll be back if (when) i have specific questions. :)

Banding is putting ponytail holders or scrunciis (sp) along the length of your wet/damp pony so that it dries more elongated. I think Cichelle, and Iris have a pic of it in their albums.
Please post more often (if you can)! Your hair is GORGEOUS and definite motivation for Type 4 ladies. :yep:

My regi changes according to what I think my hair needs or the style I want to achieve post wash. But the basic regi for the times I dont flat iron: Cowash hair in four sections, do an oil rinse with castor oil, then add conditioner on top of the castor oil, and detangle with the denman. Leave the conditioner and castor oil on for about an hour under conditioning cap and heat, rinse. Towel dry. Add shea butter and kinky curly knot today and put it in twists or plats overnight for a twistout or braidout in the morning. If im flat ironing, I basically do the same washing technique, but I use sabino moisture block instead of the knot today. Blow dry my hair, then flat iron with a chi. I dust and trim when I feel the need to. I also try to keep my protein and moisture in balance according to how my hair feels before I wash it...thats it. :-)
Banding is putting ponytail holders or scrunciis (sp) along the length of your wet/damp pony so that it dries more elongated. I think Cichelle, and Iris have a pic of it in their albums.

^^^^^^^^ :yep:

Here is my hair banded:




I do the second one more often. It looks funny, but it's easier on the hair and much faster. In the first pic, I was half way done with banding it in eight sections and when it was finished, I had used something like 80-100 elastics. Removing them without ripping the hair took forever. Some people use cut up pantyhose, which I think I'll try next time. The scrunchies, even though they are the small size, are really bulky.

I am pretty sure Poka has pics in her fotki. I think she does just two sections, though. I would too, but my hair would take forever to dry.
This is my favorite thread for the new year :love: thanks Flowerhair.

You ladies are all so inspiring :yep:
Anyone else with info on what length they started with and how long it to them to grow to WL?

I started at SL in Feb 2006 and probably will be WL by Feb or March of 2009 so 3 years and I am 5'6. I cut/trimmed my hair maybe 6 times over that 3 year period.

I'm not at all WL yet, and I know that you are asking the waist length ladies, but I did start here at LHCF at SL and I have worn my hair as short as about 4 or 5 inch back in the day.. I'm now MBL. My hair seems to grow in spurts. It jumped from SL to APL in about 3 1/2 months. APL to BSL was slow going that took about 10 months, maybe a bit more. I was graising MBL in June of '08. I have gained length since then, but I'm still MBL. So again, slow going.:yawn: I don't expect to hit WL until close to the end of this year. Also, I'm 5' 9.5" tall so my back is a bit long. This has an affect on how long it takes to reach your goal also. For me, it's looking as though it is going to take 3 yrs to go from SL to WL.

Everyone's hair grows at different rates, and can stall at different milestones. As long as you practice good haircare you will get to the length you want, and learn your hair's growth pattern along the way. You've done a great job so far, be patient and keep doing what you're doing. When your hair tells you that you need to make an adjustment, you know what to do.:yep:

Sorry for butting in, I'm backing out now.:blush::blush::)

ETA: Hey Chicoro, and Iris. I was wondering when you two would come in here and post your reggies.

ITA with your whole post. Everybodys hair is different and people go thru different things such as set backs, slow growth periods etc. Finding what works best for you and your hair and having PATIENCE are most important.
Great thread!

My regimen is pretty simple. It has varied over the years, but not in the basics. I wash my hair 2-3 times a week, air dry it and then put it in a bun or other updo. My products are shampoo (usually shampoo bars), conditioner, and occasionally I will use coconut oil sparingly. I can replace the conditioner if I do a heavy oiling pre-shampoo. But I rarely do that anymore.

I've discovered that banding works well for me to keep tangles away. When I band, I simply wash, band the hair in four sections and then let it air dry. If I am in a hurry, I will sit under a bonnet dryer for about an hour to speed up the drying. When I take the bands out, I brush my hair and put it up in an updo. It doesn't make my hair straight, but it's the closest I get since I don't use any other form of heat.

I don't deep condition, either for protein or moisture. I use henna. I don't trim and wont unless there is damage that cannot be remedied any other way.

Hmm, I think that's all.


I am DROOLING over your hair!!! It is absolutely gorgeous!!!
Anyone else with info on what length they started with and how long it to them to grow to WL?

Don't remember if I answered this, but my hair was a little above BSL when I joined LHCF. My hair was super short in 1994, but that was a while ago :grin:
Since then my hair grew down to BSL but never longer and sometimes broke off to a shorter length...until I started to really take good care of my hair.
I'm not at all WL yet, and I know that you are asking the waist length ladies, but I did start here at LHCF at SL and I have worn my hair as short as about 4 or 5 inch back in the day.. I'm now MBL. My hair seems to grow in spurts. It jumped from SL to APL in about 3 1/2 months. APL to BSL was slow going that took about 10 months, maybe a bit more. I was graising MBL in June of '08. I have gained length since then, but I'm still MBL. So again, slow going.:yawn: I don't expect to hit WL until close to the end of this year. Also, I'm 5' 9.5" tall so my back is a bit long. This has an affect on how long it takes to reach your goal also. For me, it's looking as though it is going to take 3 yrs to go from SL to WL.

Everyone's hair grows at different rates, and can stall at different milestones. As long as you practice good haircare you will get to the length you want, and learn your hair's growth pattern along the way. You've done a great job so far, be patient and keep doing what you're doing. When your hair tells you that you need to make an adjustment, you know what to do.:yep:

Sorry for butting in, I'm backing out now.:blush::blush::)

ETA: Hey Chicoro, and Iris. I was wondering when you two would come in here and post your reggies.

I didn't mean to discriminate. LOL.

But this was sooooo helpful! I'm also 5'9" (not sure about the .5), so it's good to have an idea of how my growth process could go. How long did it take you to get from BSL to MBL?

This really encourages me because I thought it was going to take a real long time to get to the longer lengths (BSL, MBL, etc.).
Thank you ladies so much for your answers. As I said earlier, sometimes it gets a little discouraging looking at fotkis of women MBL+ that have pictures of them starting at BSL or longer.

It just helps to know that I will one day see something other than SL hair.

I started at SL in Feb 2006 and probably will be WL by Feb or March of 2009 so 3 years and I am 5'6. I cut/trimmed my hair maybe 6 times over that 3 year period.

ITA with your whole post. Everybodys hair is different and people go thru different things such as set backs, slow growth periods etc. Finding what works best for you and your hair and having PATIENCE are most important.

Don't remember if I answered this, but my hair was a little above BSL when I joined LHCF. My hair was super short in 1994, but that was a while ago :grin:
Since then my hair grew down to BSL but never longer and sometimes broke off to a shorter length...until I started to really take good care of my hair.

I'm not at all WL yet, and I know that you are asking the waist length ladies, but I did start here at LHCF at SL and I have worn my hair as short as about 4 or 5 inch back in the day.. I'm now MBL. My hair seems to grow in spurts. It jumped from SL to APL in about 3 1/2 months. APL to BSL was slow going that took about 10 months, maybe a bit more. I was graising MBL in June of '08. I have gained length since then, but I'm still MBL. So again, slow going.:yawn: I don't expect to hit WL until close to the end of this year. Also, I'm 5' 9.5" tall so my back is a bit long. This has an affect on how long it takes to reach your goal also. For me, it's looking as though it is going to take 3 yrs to go from SL to WL.

Everyone's hair grows at different rates, and can stall at different milestones. As long as you practice good haircare you will get to the length you want, and learn your hair's growth pattern along the way. You've done a great job so far, be patient and keep doing what you're doing. When your hair tells you that you need to make an adjustment, you know what to do.:yep:

Sorry for butting in, I'm backing out now.:blush::blush::)

ETA: Hey Chicoro, and Iris. I was wondering when you two would come in here and post your reggies.
Oh, and thanks for mentioning slow growth periods. I didn't think of it that way. The first year after my BC, my hair pretty much sprouted out of my hair. I went from almost being able to see my scalp to having neck length hair in a matter of months. Then, this year, it seems I've been at the same length for at least 5 months.

The things all of you are saying are very inspiring. It'll definitely keep me motivated. Thanks a mil!
when i joined my hair was around APL.
In 1995 i had cut it all off due to damage. As short as Fantasias hair with a shaved back. I started growing it out in 96 which was a nightmare(shudders). I wish i knew thn what i kno now. would have been pleasant.:lol:
I was shoulderlength by summer 97. APL 98 and basically thts the longest i ever really been. In 99 hair got damaged again and cut it to NL. Then went to a stylist who kept it that way the nex 2 years.
I joined lhcf in 04 with hair damaged once again:lol: instead of cutting this time with the stuff i learned here i nurtured and stretched. I discovered no combing, leave ins & stretching which has lead my hair to be the lonegest its ever been in my life. no one else in my family has hair past SL.
It does have its slow growth period. I was stuck at MBL forEVER b4 finally reaching WL..and im still not FULL WL. nowhere near.
Hey yall:)
Im relaxed bone straight no lye. Touchup twice a year. 4a/b hair coarse.
I wear braidouts 50% and striaght hair 50% of the time
Shampoo every 2 weeks.
I don't comb my hair except only on wash day. wide tooth thru wet conditioner filled hair.
overnite deep conditions once a month
i don't do protective styles and wear my hair out every single day.
trims twice a year and dustings in between
staple products right now-ntm silk touch which i use as a moisturizer on my dry hair.
Rusk smoother which is my main con leave in. ntm deep conditioning treatment, P&N mask and jojoba oil. use Sabino for flat ironing and john frieda frizz ease for blowdrying
jojoba oil on my ends.
i rub ntm silk touch thru hair every nite then immediately put satin scarf on. Hair comes out sleek, smooth.
probably use direct heat once a month or once every two months

Sylver, your hair is gorgeous!! But it seems you use a lot of heat and no protective styling and still have beautiful hair. Do you think this is just genetic or is there something you can attribute the health of your hair to?

How do you keep your ends from thinning as it get longer too?
But a question to all the WL ladies, how are you wearing your hair on a daily basis? Do you just keep to one or two hairstyles? Or do you think its important to switch it up?
Anyone else with info on what length they started with and how long it to them to grow to WL?

I started with a 2-3 inch twa in October of 2005. I have proof in my fotki. So from then to now, it took 3 years to get to waistlength. I am also 5'9. HTH Q
Sylver, your hair is gorgeous!! But it seems you use a lot of heat and no protective styling and still have beautiful hair. Do you think this is just genetic or is there something you can attribute the health of your hair to?

How do you keep your ends from thinning as it get longer too?

really? I didn't think i used a lot of heat. I'm def not a no heat woman but i don't use a lot of heat.
Its not like nothings ever happen to it..Ive had soooo many setbacks:lol:
Leaving my hair alone is what attributes to my hair health. The only time i really manipulate my hair is on wash day which is twice a month. Sometimes once a month. I don't comb it, i never hot curl it, i threw my hot curlers away a couple of years ago. don't brush it. same style every single day.
yeah i don't do protective styles but i have to be extra strict with my ends because of it. dustings dailys, sealing, oil etc. my regimen seems simple but it was a lot of work finding it, a lot of patience.. Soooo much patience:lol: No one in my family has hair past SL. My mom had thick hair but it was never long.
I didn't mean to discriminate. LOL.

But this was sooooo helpful! I'm also 5'9" (not sure about the .5), so it's good to have an idea of how my growth process could go. How long did it take you to get from BSL to MBL?

This really encourages me because I thought it was going to take a real long time to get to the longer lengths (BSL, MBL, etc.).

I know, LOL. I just realize that this is a WL and beyond thread, and I didn't want to speak out of turn. :)

It took about 7 or 8 months to go from BSL to MBL even with the 4 hook bra, another spurt. It seems that MBL to WL is another stall period for me, so I automatically just give it the full year and forget about it. If I reach WL by Sept., then it will have taken 3 years from SL to WL. I've given it to Dec. for good measure.:grin:

when i joined my hair was around APL.
In 1995 i had cut it all off due to damage. As short as Fantasias hair with a shaved back. I started growing it out in 96 which was a nightmare(shudders). I wish i knew thn what i kno now. would have been pleasant.:lol:
I was shoulderlength by summer 97. APL 98 and basically thts the longest i ever really been. In 99 hair got damaged again and cut it to NL. Then went to a stylist who kept it that way the nex 2 years.
I joined lhcf in 04 with hair damaged once again:lol: instead of cutting this time with the stuff i learned here i nurtured and stretched. I discovered no combing, leave ins & stretching which has lead my hair to be the lonegest its ever been in my life. no one else in my family has hair past SL.
It does have its slow growth period. I was stuck at MBL forEVER b4 finally reaching WL..and im still not FULL WL. nowhere near.

I feel you on that one. I'm stranded in that MBL to WL wasteland right now.:lachen:
Thank ya'll so much for this. After much setbacks, I'm trying to get back to brastrap length. Don't let my avatar fool you. I've decided to revisit my old routine to get back on track... exercise, multivitamins, etc. You waistlength chick are keeping me inspired. From the time I first hit brastrap until now, I should have been well into waistlength. UGH!