Is their a SL challenge for 2008?


Hi everone just want to show you'all my progress:
NL/SL April 08....
This photo was taken Oct 06' I am still washing 2x and DC 2 x as well I want to reach SL by summer....

Very good should be there in a matter of months.
Hi everyone, I got a touch up last weekend and I am slowly but surely getting closer to SL. I am hoping to be there by the end of my next stretch. You can see my progress pics in my fotki. Good luck to everyone in the challenge!
Hi... I'm checking in. I haven't relaxed yet though...I don't know- Im liking my natchal texture so I'll see how long this feeling lasts... Im so very very close to SL. I'll post pics either this weekend or next
Hi... I'm checking in. I haven't relaxed yet though...I don't know- Im liking my natchal texture so I'll see how long this feeling lasts... Im so very very close to SL. I'll post pics either this weekend or next

Looking forward to seeing the pics.
Hello Ladies, I've come to the conclusion that because I'm cutting off the blond little by little each month, making SL is not possible this year. That's so trifling to start a challenge and then resign myself to not making! Oh well, hopefully, after I cut this color off, next year is my year!
Ok... I made shoulder length... just aint got the pics to show for :( im transitioning as well so im currently in braids... sorry! im cutting inch by inch
hi everyone,
I just trim 1" off the sides. and 1/2"back, and dusted everywhere else. my goal to even out my hair to grown evenly to SL...counting on mid summer for SL....the growing process is doing really well. I have been using Claudie's Gro Elixir is far so good ...well post pics later...
I don't know if I can claim it or not (see siggy), but I'm so close I can taste it!!!!!

My next relaxer is scheduled for July 24, so we will see how far I've come.

But I'll tell you this, my hair hasn't been this healthy in AGES!!!!!
:look:Is it too late to join? If not, count me in! I won't have an updated pic until I remove my Kinky Twists.
Thanks, Kiya, I won't be claiming SL until the rest of my hair plays catch up :grin: But the nape is shooting out

:yep: I know exactly what you mean - my hair is doing the same thing (nape all long, hair above that not so much).... do you have natural layers?
Daaaaaaaaaaaang you guys I am so close to full SL. I'm not counting my bangs but dang it I'm so close. End of summer I think it'll happen.
can i join? i am on a quest to my first, i think i need like 3 maybe 3.5" for my nap to reach sl. my hair grows even all over so my crown will need like another year maybe a year n a half to catch up to my nape...shoulder...plz
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Another half inch or so and I'm claiming it. There is one section next to my bangs that isn't quite there yet.


Freshly hennae'd wet hair. Taken last night.
I am so in love with the forum. I have been on it all day just reading and not doing any work but I can't wait until this weekend to get started on something new. I found this thread late but I am going to try and get started anyways. I cute my hair last summer and the back is like an inch below my nape, like at the bottom of my eyes and the front is about at my jawline. I need about 5.5 inches to reach shoulder length hair.

I relax my hair about every 2 to 2 1/2 months and I plan on doing the deep conditioning challenge and the moegro challenge. Thank you guys for the inspiration. Good Luck. Please put up more pics.
Urm, yeah, I think I'll claim it. Maybe. I dunno. I'm definitely SL, but not a solid SL. :lol: :look: New Hair pics would help, ever so much. :lol:
Iwas claiming SL since July 30th and it looks to me that I barely made CBL lol...ahh man. What a dummy.
I am so in love with the forum. I have been on it all day just reading and not doing any work but I can't wait until this weekend to get started on something new. I found this thread late but I am going to try and get started anyways. I cute my hair last summer and the back is like an inch below my nape, like at the bottom of my eyes and the front is about at my jawline. I need about 5.5 inches to reach shoulder length hair.

I relax my hair about every 2 to 2 1/2 months and I plan on doing the deep conditioning challenge and the moegro challenge. Thank you guys for the inspiration. Good Luck. Please put up more pics.

Welcome to the board!!:grin: