Is their a SL challenge for 2008?

oops..... I guess I forgot to post those updated pics I spoke about huh...

well I'll be dc-ing later so I will take pics then. I need to update my siggy too..... my hair is a lil longer than that now
*tee hee*:grin:
Okay so if i am not too late, i want to join! I will be washing, dc'ing, and flat ironing my hair tomorrow (hopefully), so i will take pics and post. I want to be APL by next year, hopefully even BSL....
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I am styriving towards full SL/ thus far I am doing very well with my Ayurvedic products such as Skikakai hair soap, Bramhi-Amla powder, rose powder, and Neem, Skikakai, & Amla oils.....of course I have my staples Apretadora, silion mix conditioner, and Miel & leche rinse...
I am striving towards full SL/ thus far I am doing very well with my Ayurvedic products such as Skikakai hair soap, Bramhi-Amla powder, rose powder, and Neem, Skikakai, & Amla oils.....of course I have my staples Apretadora, silion mix conditioner, and Miel & leche rinse...[/quote]
so....who all made SL??? I did. My progress is in my siggy pic. I went from Chin Length to Shoulder length in about 5 months. It took a long time, IMO
Hi, there I am verrry close to making SL....I have not cut my hair for 7 months...I will wait another 5-6 months before trimming....My goal is WL,,,thus far my patience has been pretty good ...luv ur hair mizzdebi


  • 5 months stretch May-Nov 2008.jpg
    5 months stretch May-Nov 2008.jpg
    5.8 KB · Views: 16
I was wondering what happened to this this thread................I'm going to take some progress pics. tommorrow, sigh...hopefully I'll be there.