Waistlength and Beyond – Names + Regimens!

This thread is great! Thank you ladies for sharing! I am stepping up my game and hopefully I can join this group soon!!!!
Hey sylver2, What no lye relaxer do you use? I stared using a lye relaxer and I think I am experiencing my first set back.i plan on doing a 6 month stretch thanks to you. BTW, I love your hair.
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How long did it take you to reach your current length?:lick: What length are you coming from??
in 2001-2002 i was between NL and SL. im usually a slow grower. 2003 a little past SL. in 2004 i was near APL. i had one fast growth spurt in 2005. then i stalled getting to WL..seems lLike it took me 4ever..lol.

so all in all im guessing 5-6 years it took me from NL to a lil past WL now...slow grower.

Hey sylver2, What no lye relaxer do you use? I stared using a lye relaxer and I think I am experiencing my first set back.i plan on doing a 6 month stretch thanks to you. BTW, I love your hair.

Thank you:)
Optimum No lye.
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Up until this point, my regimen has absolutely sucked! :nono: I've realized how much damage I've been causing my poor hair! :wallbash:

I am getting rid of the TONS of hair produts in my bathroom cabinet (any suggestions on how to do this??) and starting fresh:

1. Pre shampoo with coconut oil OR Burt's Mango Butter

2. Wash with gentle natural shampoo - i would like to try Essentious; anyone ever tried it? Usually I shampoo 3-4 times thinking this would get my hair extra clean. I've read that this simply dries out the hair so I will shampoo just once and leave on the shampoo for 5 mins before washing out

3. Condition with gentle natural conditioner - again maybe Essentious - my hair tangles and clumps together as soon as water hits it. In this step I am going to comb through with a wide tooth comb, if my hair permits....from ends to roots

4. Deep Condition with Essentious conditioner plus one egg. Cover with cap and leave on for an hour - no heat! Wash out with lukewarm water

5. Apply Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream for sealing in moisture, detangling, as well as heat protection

6. Attempt to air dry - my hair takes forever to dry so I may continue sitting under the hair dryer but simply do low heat

7. Blow dry - as much as I would love to skip this step, my hair does not look "normal" without it!

8. Flat Iron - I will only do this step if my hair is due for a relaxer and is simply uncooperative

9. Moisturize daily with Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream, as well as Coconut Oil

I'm new at this so SUGGESTIONS are welcomed =) I don't want to spend heaps of money if I don't have to
Up until this point, my regimen has absolutely sucked! :nono: I've realized how much damage I've been causing my poor hair! :wallbash:

I am getting rid of the TONS of hair produts in my bathroom cabinet (any suggestions on how to do this??) and starting fresh:

1. Pre shampoo with coconut oil OR Burt's Mango Butter

2. Wash with gentle natural shampoo - i would like to try Essentious; anyone ever tried it? Usually I shampoo 3-4 times thinking this would get my hair extra clean. I've read that this simply dries out the hair so I will shampoo just once and leave on the shampoo for 5 mins before washing out

3. Condition with gentle natural conditioner - again maybe Essentious - my hair tangles and clumps together as soon as water hits it. In this step I am going to comb through with a wide tooth comb, if my hair permits....from ends to roots

4. Deep Condition with Essentious conditioner plus one egg. Cover with cap and leave on for an hour - no heat! Wash out with lukewarm water

5. Apply Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream for sealing in moisture, detangling, as well as heat protection

6. Attempt to air dry - my hair takes forever to dry so I may continue sitting under the hair dryer but simply do low heat

7. Blow dry - as much as I would love to skip this step, my hair does not look "normal" without it!

8. Flat Iron - I will only do this step if my hair is due for a relaxer and is simply uncooperative

9. Moisturize daily with Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream, as well as Coconut Oil

I'm new at this so SUGGESTIONS are welcomed =) I don't want to spend heaps of money if I don't have to

Blow drying suggestion. Braid your hair into 4 sections, sit under a dry and let your crown dry to your desire and the next day wear a braid out. Just a suggestion. I haven't blow dryed my hair in years. My hair should be to the floor but I simply was not taking care of my hair.

Oh yeah, you could also put some rollers on the ends of your hair.

Blow drying suggestion. Braid your hair into 4 sections, sit under a dry and let your crown dry to your desire and the next day wear a braid out. Just a suggestion. I haven't blow dryed my hair in years. My hair should be to the floor but I simply was not taking care of my hair.

Oh yeah, you could also put some rollers on the ends of your hair.

Thanks Hurricane! duly noted! :yep:
Up until this point, my regimen has absolutely sucked! :nono: I've realized how much damage I've been causing my poor hair! :wallbash:

I am getting rid of the TONS of hair produts in my bathroom cabinet (any suggestions on how to do this??) and starting fresh:

1. Pre shampoo with coconut oil OR Burt's Mango Butter

2. Wash with gentle natural shampoo - i would like to try Essentious; anyone ever tried it? Usually I shampoo 3-4 times thinking this would get my hair extra clean. I've read that this simply dries out the hair so I will shampoo just once and leave on the shampoo for 5 mins before washing out

3. Condition with gentle natural conditioner - again maybe Essentious - my hair tangles and clumps together as soon as water hits it. In this step I am going to comb through with a wide tooth comb, if my hair permits....from ends to roots

4. Deep Condition with Essentious conditioner plus one egg. Cover with cap and leave on for an hour - no heat! Wash out with lukewarm water

5. Apply Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream for sealing in moisture, detangling, as well as heat protection

6. Attempt to air dry - my hair takes forever to dry so I may continue sitting under the hair dryer but simply do low heat

7. Blow dry - as much as I would love to skip this step, my hair does not look "normal" without it!

8. Flat Iron - I will only do this step if my hair is due for a relaxer and is simply uncooperative

9. Moisturize daily with Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream, as well as Coconut Oil

I'm new at this so SUGGESTIONS are welcomed =) I don't want to spend heaps of money if I don't have to

thanks for posting your regime I think I should be getting tips from you not giving you suggestions. :lol: your hair is gorgeous how long is it officially?
the only thing I would suggest is how to downsize would be using 1 or 2 favor conditioners for daily and deep conditioning and you could add stuff to it for deep conditioning. I would also suggest going to cowasing and acv clrifying and giveup the shampoo that would eliminate tangling, at least that helped me. detangling for me is a breeze and Im natural. hth
Everyone's hair here is gorgeous! Hopefully some of your regimens will help me reach my goals...
(and MissMarie, I had never seen your fotki. Gorgeous!)
when i joined my hair was around APL.
In 1995 i had cut it all off due to damage. As short as Fantasias hair with a shaved back. I started growing it out in 96 which was a nightmare(shudders). I wish i knew thn what i kno now. would have been pleasant.:lol:
I was shoulderlength by summer 97. APL 98 and basically thts the longest i ever really been. In 99 hair got damaged again and cut it to NL. Then went to a stylist who kept it that way the nex 2 years.
I joined lhcf in 04 with hair damaged once again:lol: instead of cutting this time with the stuff i learned here i nurtured and stretched. I discovered no combing, leave ins & stretching which has lead my hair to be the lonegest its ever been in my life. no one else in my family has hair past SL.
It does have its slow growth period. I was stuck at MBL forEVER b4 finally reaching WL..and im still not FULL WL. nowhere near.

How long did you stay at MBL?
Thank ya'll so much for this. After much setbacks, I'm trying to get back to brastrap length. Don't let my avatar fool you. I've decided to revisit my old routine to get back on track... exercise, multivitamins, etc. You waistlength chick are keeping me inspired. From the time I first hit brastrap until now, I should have been well into waistlength. UGH!

What caused your setback?
Up until this point, my regimen has absolutely sucked! :nono: I've realized how much damage I've been causing my poor hair! :wallbash:

I am getting rid of the TONS of hair produts in my bathroom cabinet (any suggestions on how to do this??) and starting fresh:

1. Pre shampoo with coconut oil OR Burt's Mango Butter

2. Wash with gentle natural shampoo - i would like to try Essentious; anyone ever tried it? Usually I shampoo 3-4 times thinking this would get my hair extra clean. I've read that this simply dries out the hair so I will shampoo just once and leave on the shampoo for 5 mins before washing out

3. Condition with gentle natural conditioner - again maybe Essentious - my hair tangles and clumps together as soon as water hits it. In this step I am going to comb through with a wide tooth comb, if my hair permits....from ends to roots

4. Deep Condition with Essentious conditioner plus one egg. Cover with cap and leave on for an hour - no heat! Wash out with lukewarm water

5. Apply Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream for sealing in moisture, detangling, as well as heat protection

6. Attempt to air dry - my hair takes forever to dry so I may continue sitting under the hair dryer but simply do low heat

7. Blow dry - as much as I would love to skip this step, my hair does not look "normal" without it!

8. Flat Iron - I will only do this step if my hair is due for a relaxer and is simply uncooperative

9. Moisturize daily with Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream, as well as Coconut Oil

I'm new at this so SUGGESTIONS are welcomed =) I don't want to spend heaps of money if I don't have to

You can give your products to a women's shelter.
Good grief! I'm on the late freight. . . (Thanks for remembering me FlowerHair!)

I have a really simple regimen:

1. Co-wash every 3 days with V05 Tea Therapy
2. Detangle in shower with fingers (or denman if needed)
3. Rinse 50%
4. Apply mix of shea butter and sweet almond oil
5. Put in two banded ponytails to dry

Henna gloss and tea rinse as needed.

I generally tend to wear my hair up about 90% of the time because I have kids, but I do wear it down on occasion. Right now I'm keeping my hair trimmed at tailbone because my ends from previous damage were bugging the heck out of me and even though I was almost to my goal I cut back to tailbone. I'd rather have health over length.
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Good grief! I'm on the late freight. . . (Thanks for remembering me FlowerHair!)

I have a really simple regimen:

1. Co-wash every 3 days with V05 Tea Therapy
2. Detangle in shower with fingers (or denman if needed)
3. Rinse 50%
4. Apply mix of shea butter and sweet almond oil
5. Put in two banded ponytails to dry

Henna gloss and tea rinse as needed.

I generally tend to wear my hair up about 90% of the time because I have kids, but I do wear it down on occasion. Right now I'm keeping my hair trimmed at tailbone because my ends from previous damage were bugging the heck out of me and even though I was almost to my goal I cut back to tailbone. I'd rather have health over length.

thanks for posting, luv your hair, your at tailbone now, so what's your goal?
:woot:THANKS ...it kinks up alot but when pulled straight its WL

I asked cause your hair looks longer than Waistlength like hipbone approaching tailbone even in the siggy pic?



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thanks for posting, luv your hair, your at tailbone now, so what's your goal?

Thank you for the compliment.:yep:

My goal is classic, I was about an inch away when I decided to cut back again- very frustrating, but it's for the best.
Thank you Starr1 and Divineempress for contributing!! :)
I hope more waist length or longer hair ladies will contribute continously... :D

When I came to this board there were never this many waist length ladies, I'm so impressed by everyone's progress!! :rocker:
I was waist length 1998 - Did a BIG CHOP; waist length again in 2003 DID another big chop (When I say big Chop I cut with the clippers on the lowest adapter piece, my friends tease me waiting to exhale, I cut off when I got pregnant for the first time and wanted to shed all the old and start a new, then when I left a relationship in 2003, I did my last big chop in 2007, hopefully, I was bored with my hair it was only mid back at that time)

My hair was natural for about 3 years after my first big chop and 1 years with my second big chop; (I had 4 beautiful boys so my hormones made my hair grow LIKE crazy) My hair grows average of 1/2 inch per month but during those times it was way more, and I got a trim every other month.

1999-2003 I washed my hair every other week; I kept my hair in a protective hair style, low manipulation and I deep conditioned once a month! I relaxed once a year 2 times was rare.

2004-up to date
I wash it once a week, deep condition weekly weather I go to the salon or not. I air dry 95% and blow dry 5%; I flat Iron 1-2 times a month; rollerset and wear draw string ponytails the rest, I like to keep my ends secure, and my draw strings are curly so I don't have to damage my real hair; I still wear protective styles a month before my relaxer so I can build up the strength in my hair. I relax every 4 months now; I get a trim every 4 months in between I dust atleast once. I make sure it is UP every night, I bought a satin pillow case, and I talk to my hair (lol, I do) I also use a mason and pearson brush to stimulate my scalp every now and then!
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