Waistlength and Beyond – Names + Regimens!

Thank you FlowerHair!! I am honored to be mentioned but I still have a couple of inches to go til I am really WL.

Prepoo with Coconut Oil +Shampoo and DC once per week. I used to be a cowashing mad woman but I dont do it anymore. I think I was getting protein overload. I rollerset. I cant remember the last time I used my blow dryer or flat iron..maybe in July. I had to learn that air drying is not my friend so I dont do that anymore unless I am feeling extremely lazy and tired.

I bun everyday or wear my hair in a twist if I want to feel like I am wearing it down..hahaha..I do wear my hair down maybe once a month though.

I take vitamins but not as often as I should. I don't do growth aids that much anymore. Maybe a few times a month if I remember to do it. I do try and drink a protein shake everyday.

Main products: Poos I used Elucence and CON...Conditioners Elucence, Silicon Mix and CON..Deep Conditioners Hairveda Sitrinilah and Motions Moisture Plus..I used to henna every month but I think that was contributing to the protein overload thing so I henna maybe every 3 months and use Aphoghee 2 minute maybe once a month.

This so much simplier from when I first joined the board. I was doing something different to my hair almost every other day using different products and that just gets to be too much. I do agree with the other ladies about low manipulation. I have retained so much hair and gained more thickness since I stopped doing all that cowashing. I do detangle in the shower under running water while the conditioner is in.

I cant wait to really join the ranks of you lovely WL ladies!!

Your hair is gorgeous. Thanks for listing your regimen.

OT: Girl, you have some skills with a sewing machine. That jacket is beautiful.
Hey ladies, I have a quick question, when you wear your hair down and go to the store, do you seem to get a lot of attention from other races who never seem black women with hair longer than bra strap?
Hey ladies, I have a quick question, when you wear your hair down and go to the store, do you seem to get a lot of attention from other races who never seem black women with hair longer than bra strap?

People in my country have no clue about black women's hair, so the attention I get is not like that...I do get more stares when I wear my hair down, but people don't know anything about what my hair should or shouldn't look like. :D

I think black people stare even more or are more fascinated so to speak.
Hey ladies, I have a quick question, when you wear your hair down and go to the store, do you seem to get a lot of attention from other races who never seem black women with hair longer than bra strap?

I had a girlfriend in college who had WL hair & she told me how foreigners would point blank tell her that they didn't think black people had hair that long & basically one went as far as to ask her was she sure she was all black. :perplexed
Thanks FlowerHair for starting this great thread and thanks to all of you ladies for contributing! Very sweet and inspiring! :yep: My question is, how much product do you all go through in a month? Especially with conditioners and moisturizers. It seems like I go thru a lot- and I'm just barely SL stretched! Lol:wallbash:. It doesn't help that I like a lot of stuff that isn't cheap!
The only thing I go through a lot of is conditioners because I'm very heavy handed and I not only use them for conditioning and detangling but I use them as my leave-in too.
Beautiful hair ladies, all of you. My question is--how long from start to finish on wash day are you spending doing your hair? One hour? Two hours? In between washing (on non wash days), do you detangle at all to cut down on matting? When my hair was BSL stretched natural it would take me about an hour or more to detangle on wash day, and if I wouldn't detangle at least every other day (which took about 1/2 hour) it would be a mess. It's one of the reasons I didn't want to grow any longer because it was just too much work to have that much hair (for me).

I am on a journey to attempt to grow it out once again, but the minute it starts taking over 30 mins for me to style and detangle my hair, then it's over.
On wash day if I'm just doing a wash n' go it takes me about an hour and a half to do everything start to finish.

I detangle once a week in the shower and it usually only takes me no more than 5 minutes to detangle. When my hair is curly I don't detangle at all on non-wash days....just once a week.
I had a girlfriend in college who had WL hair & she told me how foreigners would point blank tell her that they didn't think black people had hair that long & basically one went as far as to ask her was she sure she was all black. :perplexed

I have that same problem, everyone think I'm mixed, but I'm not, I mean down the line I have cuban and indian and I've been told german but I'm not sure how acurate that is.........I was walking in a store and I get a lot stares already and my hair is almost APL, and I'm like dang if I had waist length hair.....people will think I'm def not black....it bothers me cuz I feel like I have to fight with people to get it across to them that i'm black, my ancestors might be differenct races, but my parents are black.......I just wanted to know......if others get stares......thanks for responding.:yep:
I haven't read through the thread so I don't know if this has been addressed yet, but can the women who have this WL hair and beyond post their hair type also, I think that would help out too. Sorry if this has already been addressed I'm just too lazy to look all the way through right now
Your hair is gorgeous. Thanks for listing your regimen.

OT: Girl, you have some skills with a sewing machine. That jacket is beautiful.

Thank you so much!!!

Hey ladies, I have a quick question, when you wear your hair down and go to the store, do you seem to get a lot of attention from other races who never seem black women with hair longer than bra strap?

I do notice a few stares but even funnier than that are people that know me wonder if I am wearing weave cause they never have seen my hair. My white coworker even came right out and asked if all my hair was "naturally" mine hahaha
Hey ladies, I have a quick question, when you wear your hair down and go to the store, do you seem to get a lot of attention from other races who never seem black women with hair longer than bra strap?
Girl yes esp where I live. I very rarely have mine straight and I think that is what throws people off even those who know me. But my hair gets a lot of attention in general because most black women here aren't natural and don't rock fros and twists like I do. Plus it's not a lot of us here either. Q

I haven't read through the thread so I don't know if this has been addressed yet, but can the women who have this WL hair and beyond post their hair type also, I think that would help out too. Sorry if this has already been addressed I'm just too lazy to look all the way through right now
No problem. I am a 4b. Q
I haven't read through the thread so I don't know if this has been addressed yet, but can the women who have this WL hair and beyond post their hair type also, I think that would help out too. Sorry if this has already been addressed I'm just too lazy to look all the way through right now

I'm happy to say there are ladies in this thread with every hair type, natural and relaxed :D That means that it's achievable for everyone.

I think I'm a 3b/c...
I haven't read through the thread so I don't know if this has been addressed yet, but can the women who have this WL hair and beyond post their hair type also, I think that would help out too. Sorry if this has already been addressed I'm just too lazy to look all the way through right now

I am 4a relaxed
I have that same problem, everyone think I'm mixed, but I'm not, I mean down the line I have cuban and indian and I've been told german but I'm not sure how acurate that is.........I was walking in a store and I get a lot stares already and my hair is almost APL, and I'm like dang if I had waist length hair.....people will think I'm def not black....it bothers me cuz I feel like I have to fight with people to get it across to them that i'm black, my ancestors might be differenct races, but my parents are black.......I just wanted to know......if others get stares......thanks for responding.:yep:

Even Cuban doesn't make you mixed (I know you're not saying you are) I'm half-Cuban, but I'm not mixed. Both my parents are Black - descendants of slaves. I'm so scared that when I have long hair, people aren't going to believe I'm not mixed. I can hear them now, "Hernandez, that's a Mexican name. You gotta be mixed." :rolleyes: And yes, I hear "Hernandez is a Mexican name" now, complete with weird looks. :nono:

But anyways, this thread is awesome. I love the inspiration. I do have a question that will help me feel more inspired: At what length did you start? Sometimes, I'll look at fotkis of people with long hair, and their comparison pictures START with at least BSL. Anyone start with SL or shorter? How long did it take you to grow it to WL?
Even Cuban doesn't make you mixed (I know you're not saying you are) I'm half-Cuban, but I'm not mixed. Both my parents are Black - descendants of slaves. I'm so scared that when I have long hair, people aren't going to believe I'm not mixed. I can hear them now, "Hernandez, that's a Mexican name. You gotta be mixed." :rolleyes: And yes, I hear "Hernandez is a Mexican name" now, complete with weird looks. :nono:

But anyways, this thread is awesome. I love the inspiration. I do have a question that will help me feel more inspired: At what length did you start? Sometimes, I'll look at fotkis of people with long hair, and their comparison pictures START with at least BSL. Anyone start with SL or shorter? How long did it take you to grow it to WL?

I did the b/c in 2005 after a 14 month transition. My hair was shorter than SL. You can see the pictures in my fotki. It took me approx. two years from that point to reach WL when stretched.
I did the b/c in 2005 after a 14 month transition. My hair was shorter than SL. You can see the pictures in my fotki. It took me approx. two years from that point to reach WL when stretched.

ONLY 2?!

Wow, I BC'ed in March 2007, and I'm no where near WL. Lol. Makes me wonder if I could've done the same if I had taken better care of my hair. :nono:
Since you co-wash every 4 days, what do you do to your hair to maintain your twistouts/braidouts, in order to avoid tangles/knots? Do you retwist nightly? Also, do you apply anything to your hair daily in order to maintain the moisture?

What does the Kinky-curly product do for your hair?

TIA :)

I do retwist nightly...at night I apply a little bit of water to each section, then seal with a little shea butter. Then retwist. I do about 9 or 10 twists. I actually just started incorporating the kinky curly about a month ago, I just use it as a leave in after I wash my hair.
ONLY 2?!

Wow, I BC'ed in March 2007, and I'm no where near WL. Lol. Makes me wonder if I could've done the same if I had taken better care of my hair. :nono:

Please remember I transitioned for 14 months...so you have to add in that time. My hair grew to WL in two years from my big chop which followed a 14 month transition.

Not combing/brushing has helped me a lot. The ends are still thinner than my hair closer to the scalp :ohwell:
The answer might be different for the other ladies though. :)

My ends are thinner too, I know that me transitioning has a lot to do with it though--having the two different textures. I get trims a couple of times a year to keep my ends looking nice. And I usually wear my hair up, so my ends are not rubbing against anything or getting tangled.
I'm wondering if anyone sleeps in a bun. If no, why not? Maybe that's why my hair is uneven and has been stuck at below bra clasp :wallbash: for the past four years. I was wondering if I should braid it each night, which would be fine if I didn't have to work. Then, too, I don't oil my hair or ends daily.

I know what I need to do, but I'm just not really "into hair" like some other members are.
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Please remember I transitioned for 14 months...so you have to add in that time. My hair grew to WL in two years from my big chop which followed a 14 month transition.


Yeah, that's true. I was just thinking it would take me about 4 years to grow my hair from SL to WL. Hopefully, I won't have to wait that long.
what do you ladies do to your hair at night? i know some of you twist/re-twist (i have no idea how to do that)

but i'd like to know how many of you wrap your hair or wear a silk bonnet or just throw it in a ponytail or a braid or a bun on top of your head?? what do you do? the trend i've noticed is adding some sort of moisture. (sorry if i missed this answer earlier.)

Thanks again FlowerHair for this thread! What a great easy go-to resource. Come to this thread, ask some questions, get them answered. Its perfect!!!

I wanted to start a thread where everyone who is Waist Length and beyond can post their regimens to inspire and answer questions from anyone who is interested. What do you ladies think about that?

So far I know there are plenty of WL or longer ladies here, I thought of names like:
and myself, but I know there are quite a few more that I can't remember right now!

Please post any name you can think of that is WL or longer and I'll contact them for their regimen! :)

My regimen can be found here:

I'm wondering if anyone sleeps in a bun. If no, why not? Maybe that's why my hair is uneven and has been stuck at below bra clasp :wallbash: for the past four years. I was wondering if I should braid it each night, which would be fine if I didn't have to work. Then, too, I don't oil my hair or ends daily.

I know what I need to do, but I'm just not really "into hair" like some other members are.

I guess a topknot could be okay, but a bun at the back of the head is impossible, as it would be too big to sleep on... :grin:

what do you ladies do to your hair at night? i know some of you twist/re-twist (i have no idea how to do that)

but i'd like to know how many of you wrap your hair or wear a silk bonnet or just throw it in a ponytail or a braid or a bun on top of your head?? what do you do? the trend i've noticed is adding some sort of moisture. (sorry if i missed this answer earlier.)

Thanks again FlowerHair for this thread! What a great easy go-to resource. Come to this thread, ask some questions, get them answered. Its perfect!!!

I just put my hair in a really loose twist and fasten it with a hair comb. It's got to be soft enough to sleep on, yet keep my hair contained.
If I have a headache I sleep with my hair loose/out/down.