What's your goal length?? and why?

Goal Length

  • Shoulder

    Votes: 45 3.7%
  • APL

    Votes: 120 9.9%
  • BSL

    Votes: 329 27.1%
  • Midback

    Votes: 365 30.1%
  • Waist

    Votes: 255 21.0%
  • Tailbone

    Votes: 75 6.2%
  • Classic

    Votes: 11 0.9%
  • Longer than Classic

    Votes: 12 1.0%

  • Total voters
Long term or short term goal?

My long term goal is tailbone short term (as in the 2 years) MBL

I don't know why those are my goals... I don't think I can handle anything longer than tailbone. I want long natural afro hair it would be so cool to have a tailbone afro. I love poofy puffs. I'll be happy once I reach BSL
I chose waist length because the longest my hair has been is MBL. I want to see if my hair can grow longer.

However, I will be happy to reach MBL again.
I have never been longer than neck length...until c&g, so obviously i want to see if my hair can actually grow. I am now on my way to apl but my hair still feels short soooo...it's gonna have to be mbl!!
I think I would ideally want midback length hair in the future. Right now I have a somewhat inverted bob, and might just cut it again. If I cut it again, I will let it grow out from there.
I want knee length hair.

I like to shock the mess out of people when they find out it is all my hair!!

Black hair is not supposed to grow is it?? (ha ha)
Short Term: APL stretched natural hair after my BC
Short Term after BC: BSL stretched
Long Term: WL stretched and/ or BSL natural
Ultimate goal: Hip-length braided pigtails.

I consider myself a slow grower and would love to achieve WL as an adult at a height of 5'7. I think my ultimate goal length would be absolutely beautiful on my natural hair.
This is my second time posting to this thread, but it keeps popping up! LOL--one of my fav threads...

Now I want I want WL stretched and BSL curly.

AND I WANT IT SOON b/c I want to be pregnant in 2010 and the extra length will be needed as my already round face gets bigger!! :)
I would be happy at any length as long as it's healthy and growing. In high school it was bra strap length. In college on a bet I got a perm and it's been breaking ever since...
My goal is currently MBL, there are a few reasons. 1: I'm hairnorexic and think my current length is on the short side. 2: I'm really tall and think it would look good on me. 3: My hair has become a science project and I want to prove to all the disbelievers around me that AA hair grows just like any other race and is gorgeous.
I'm shooting more for the brastrap. I think that it's an easily manageable length. It has been shown to create awesome buns and I think it'll be cute on me.

But definitely no longer than midback for me I'm afraid my hair would get caught in places if any longer...like maybe jacuzzi jets or swinging doors and the plumbing in our house would be screwed. Lol.
I think I posted before that my goal was APL or something. I had this dream a short while ago that I had nice thick natural hair and I pulled a piece and it stretched to my waist. It was so pretty, so now I'm aiming for waist! It may take a few years, but I hope to live until I'm in my 90's so its okay.
Judging by the poll most of the people on this site want medium to mid length hair. Where are all the people who want really long hair like classic, thigh or knee length?
I don't remember what I voted for before, I think it may have been BSL, but I have since changed my mind and it is now thick, healthy, APL hair and I would be very happy with that:yep:.
My ultimate goal is waist length. My hair has not been there since I was a child. I would be okay with midback though. I think waist length hair is an exceptional length and anything beyond that. So, I would really love it if my hair reaches it and like someone else said I think it would look good on me.
When I first started growing my hair out, my goal was BSL.
Now I am aiming for MBL and ultimately WL.

Why? It would be so sexy.
I had Past shoulder length hair as a young girl, before my mother sent me to a perm happy, hair cutting finatic. I would like to experience that length again and possibly BSL,
Hmmm. When I first started going natural I thought I wanted to be straight haired WL. But now I see I enjoy my hair curly more often than not. WL unstretched- in twistouts and braidouts. I won't be mad at midback though. As a matter of fact I'll just take what I can get, lol.
I want BSL or MB b/c It's the length a lot of people say black women can never reach without weaves and wigs.... I want my own long hair, I don't want to have to sew it, glue it, or slap in on.
my ultimate goal is brastrap and only because i think anything longer would be too hard to care for. IMO BSL is the prettiest length

(however it is STC)
I want WL because when I was a kid I had dreamed of it. I was on my way with hair past my shoulders but my mother kept cutting it. I guess I want to see if I can get there.
I want WSL because i think it will look really nice on me. I love long hair, and I want to prove to my sister that washing my hair myself, not relaxing every 4-6 wks are not going to make my hair fall out.. but actually help me.
I want healthy THICK BSL length hair with great ends... my hair gets past APL often, but the ends just aren't what i want them to be. I get upset and cut my hair to SL just to thicken up the hair again, but it always grows out the same :ohwell:

So this time around, i'm changing a few things with hopes i'll meet my BSL goal early 2010
I've re-thought about the question and you know what, my goal length isn't down, it's out!

This is my goal "length"


I want something so big that 1970's Roberta Flack would look and day "daaaaaang girl, I want YOUR fro!"


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WL, because that is such an old-fashioned country thing to do. :grin:

In reality though, I'll take anything past APL. :look:
full on blunt cut APL :yep:

but my ultimate dream goal would be to be able to do an Amy Winehouse beehive! all BIG up top, with a cute lil flipped to the side bang, and the sides just flowin away...
