What's your goal length?? and why?

Goal Length

  • Shoulder

    Votes: 45 3.7%
  • APL

    Votes: 120 9.9%
  • BSL

    Votes: 329 27.1%
  • Midback

    Votes: 365 30.1%
  • Waist

    Votes: 255 21.0%
  • Tailbone

    Votes: 75 6.2%
  • Classic

    Votes: 11 0.9%
  • Longer than Classic

    Votes: 12 1.0%

  • Total voters
I would love to have waistlength hair because I have never really had long hair. My hair has never been past my shoulders. I want to do it because I think it would look nice and because I just want to prove to myself that I can do it and be consistent enough with a personal challenge to actually reach my goal.
my ultimate goal woul be thick, healthy mid-back length hair.. any longer than that and I think it would be more trouble that it would be worth.. for me that is
I voted waist length, but I actually have an at least equally important other length goal. Since my hair is heavily layered (from last BC when I cut into a round afro), I want the top of my head to stretch down to apl. In fact, if that got there, I think I could settle for a bottom layer of bsl. I've been saying that when the center top of my hair stretches to APL, I can officially say I have long hair.



Okay, I wondered and went to take a length shot. I'm practically there for my top center. I almost officially (to me) have long hair! lol.
I see that this poll has been ongoing for a while now. I thought long and hard and realized I really didn't set a goal. Okay, sooooo I decided on APL. I have never had hair that long and would just love the experience.

I have been taking better care of my hair for the last 3 months and have gained some length. (happy, happy)

Since I really started paying attention to my hair I realized that I'm learning so much. One afternoon, I cowashed and styled my hair I was feeling a little frustrated trying to dry and style and prevent dryness. In my frustration, I had a lightbulb moment; I realized I must also prepare myself mentally for caring for longer hair if I expect to attain any length. I can't see my reggie as a CHORE if I want longer hair. So now, I look forward to my "hairtime".

Does this make sense to anyone else? Blessings

I voted waist length, but I actually have an at least equally important other length goal. Since my hair is heavily layered (from last BC when I cut into a round afro), I want the top of my head to stretch down to apl. In fact, if that got there, I think I could settle for a bottom layer of bsl. I've been saying that when the center top of my hair stretches to APL, I can officially say I have long hair.



Okay, I wondered and went to take a length shot. I'm practically there for my top center. I almost officially (to me) have long hair! lol.
mwedzi, your hair is beauiful to me.:love5:
APL. my hair right now is only just over chin the the front and about collar bone in the back. however, my hair is natural and thick so it looks big already. i've only got up to shoulder length before when i was relaxed (i can't remember if i had longer hair as a child) and would like to go further than that. i think as my hair is so thick/dense, it would be hard to manage anything more than apl length.

apl and over is what i consider long; i could do twists or cornrows on my own hair and it would be a nice length. plus, if i decide to straighten i think it would look a nice length; i could do updos, buns, have nice pony tails etc.

i have 6-6.5 inches to go in the back and about 9-9.5 in the front. i think it will take me about 2 years to reach my goal.

LMAO. Well, contrary to this post, my goal is now waist length. I reached APL at the beginning of 09 and realised it wasn't all that long on me. I couldn't do updos, buns etc because my hair was too short. Manageability wasn't too bad but my hair was as huge (when stretched) as I thought it would be. I trimmed back to between SL and APL in May and I'm now well on my way back to APL and beyond. :)
I voted for Mid-Back. I chose this goal because of the challenge. I have never had hair that long before and I want to prove to myself that I could get it. Plus, I am trying to have longer hair than my cousin who is at BSL.
Waistlength for me. I've had that length before and I want it again.
I think WL hair looks good on almost everyone, it's tailbone and longer that looks good on only a few (imo). I want that hair because I think long hair is beautiful and sexy on almost any woman, except if it's long and looks terrible(unhealthy). If it's too much for me to handle, I can cut. Or if it's too thin for my taste, I'll cut too. But i want to get there again nonetheless.
Don't have a goal length right now. I am mbl and transitioning.
100% natural I want to let it get as long as it can. It will be interesting because this time I will be getting what needs to be trimmed off vs. telling them to take a few inches off twice a year. I wonder how much past mbl I could have been if I had limited my trims to when necessary.
My goal is waist length. I haven't had that length since I was a little girl. I think that since I have hit my goal of bra length by the time I am 40 (four more years to go) I will be there! You would not know I was bra length now because of the shrinkage in my hair.
I would love to have hair that ends anywhere from my bra strap to midback.
I just like the look of it.

I don't know if I could ever make it though. I never had long hair before but, I'm still in highschool so I still have a long time.
What I really want is for my kinky 4a curls to be apl. This could mean wl or longer considering shrinkage, and I'm not willing to bother with hair longer than mbl, so I chose that. I'm short and a professionalWho needs to keep her hair up so longer than that would look silly when I straighten or texturize :ohwell:
I would like somewhere between wl and tailbone, because I think it would great with my bone structure. Plus, I am tall. So I don't think it would look too much on me. So it would be an extra plus to my appeal. I think I would like to try the extra attention. lol. If it gets to much I'll cut it a bit shorter. I always loved long hair. My hair has always been a bit passed shoulder length and for yrs before I came to this forum I wanted to get it longer. I think I will look even more exotic as a black woman with such long, healthy hair. I feel I would be able to do any style. It opens up so many possibilities to me. I use to see a style I liked, but couldn't get it to look just as nice. I also have this fantasy hairstyle for when I get married and I thought I would never be able to pull that off unless I put a weave in. That thought sadden me, because I never ever had a weave. I just wanted it to be all me you know. No covering or adding to look a certain way. Even though, weaves can be great for some. Especially, great for protective styling. They aren't me. Now since I came to this forum I am closer to my goal. I am BSL now. I am so happy that I discovered the secret of getting this hair of mine healthy. Ohh yeah and to prove to the nay sayers out there
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I chose waist because I was so close to it before I cut (4" from it). I know I can do BSL, and MB, so waist is my next goal.
My goal is waist length. All my life I have worn long weaves, and my real hair has never been pass bra strap length (and even that was when I was a lot younger). I want waist length to prove to myself that I can do it. Until recently, I was one of those women who thought that we could not grow long hair, and now that I know that I can, I want to grow it as long as possible.
My vote was for Mid back length. I want full, heathy, and thick mid back length hair to make the ultimate BAA. One so big ppl have to walk around it LOL
Tailbone. It's a fun length. Prior to cutting off my almost tailbone length hair back in May, I had fun banding my hair with hair ties and thowing it over my shoulders and having hair fall into my lap when I sit down. I had never had hair that long in my life, but it was fun.