Using Pheromones To Attract Men

OK, this may sound weird, but when I have my period, men always are very nice to me. I feel like I stink, but they just won't go away. Sometimes, when I sweat heavy, I seem to draw attention. I'm happily married, and I have no interest in other men. I just find that weird that at my funkiest, either a co worker or random man will smile at or talk to me.

Re: Obama gif, I remember that. I think it's from that interview he gave when asked what was his response to the GOP claiming they had a better debt reduction plan. Obama said, GTFOOHWTBS.

Sent from the TARDIS.
It's been well documented how our natural scents effect how we are treated by men. This was posted here.
The Stripper's Secret
Flaunting your fertility makes for big tips. The showgirl's guide to maximizing income.
By Matthew Hutson, published on September 01, 2007 - last reviewed on February 06, 2008

Unlike their sisters in the animal kingdom, human females don't openly advertise their ovulation. But even without a human version of the baboon's bright pink behind, signs of fertility sneak out, according to several studies. Subconsciously, women dress more provocatively and men find them prettier when it's prime time for conception. And a report from the University of New Mexico demonstrates that the cyclic signs have economic consequences.

Psychologist Geoffrey Miller and colleagues tapped the talent at local gentlemen's clubs and counted tips made on lap dances. Dancers made about $70 an hour during their peak period of fertility, versus about $35 while menstruating and $50 in between.

Miller links the wage fluctuations to changes in body odor, waist-to-hip ratio, and facial features. Despite operating at the upper limits of flirtatiousness already, he says there may also be subtle shifts in their behavior—"how they talk and move when enticing a customer to buy a dance, and how they perform the dance itself."

Women on the pill averaged $37 (and had no performance peak) versus $53 for women off-pill. The contraceptive produces hormonal cues indicating early pregnancy, not an enticing target for a would-be suitor. Birth control could lead to many thousands of dollars lost every year.

The researchers were surprised that almost no one in the business had noticed the pattern before. But if you're a woman in any service-industry job looking to maximize your tips, Miller suggests scheduling more shifts for the phase right before ovulation: "It might help to know about this so that you can exploit these effects."
So yes ovulating changes a whole lot! @DDTexlaxed maybe you ovulate while on your period like some do.
Well shut my mouth wide open. Ovulation during menustration! Not possible. If possible, not very likely.

Sent from the TARDIS.
WOW ladies!! I haven't been on this thread as I've been busy traveling...imagine my surprise seeing all these responses! I'm so glad you guys are trying out the different pheromones.

For me, I'm still using the System Jo with great success. I've been casually dating someone for 2 months now and still use this every once in a while when I feel like I need more attention from him. Works like a charm every time.

I went out last night with my girlfriends and while I will admit, I was looking very nice, I had people turning their heads as I walked past sidewalk cafes which never happens. Once I got to the bar/lounge, it continued.

It works for me and am enjoying how it adds to my presence.

I'm looking forward to hearing more of your experiences.
Well shut my mouth wide open. Ovulation during menustration! Not possible. If possible, not very likely.

Sent from the TARDIS.
It IS unlikely but it IS VERY POSSIBLE especially if you have irregular periods.

Some people feel because you're bleeding that's a birth control/condom free time period (those who don't mind having sex during their periods) and sure enough, oops. you can get pregnant. Having unprotected sex while having your period can be as much of a risk as having sex while breast feeding. Some people think it's an impossibility and yes, it's a low chance, but IT CAN HAPPEN.
It IS unlikely but it IS VERY POSSIBLE especially if you have irregular periods.

Some people feel because you're bleeding that's a birth control/condom free time period (those who don't mind having sex during their periods) and sure enough, oops. you can get pregnant. Having unprotected sex while having your period can be as much of a risk as having sex while breast feeding. Some people think it's an impossibility and yes, it's a low chance, but IT CAN HAPPEN.

Yes, as can becoming pregnant while on the pill. Again, very small chance, but it can happen :yep: As for giving off ovulatory pheromones while bleeding, though, I'm still not so sure that happens to the extent where males can pick up on it as they would the days post bleeding when ovulation is at its peak, KWIM?

You know, you just gave another argument for "unicorn status" on LHCF :lol:
Yes, as can becoming pregnant while on the pill. Again, very small chance, but it can happen :yep: As for giving off ovulatory pheromones while bleeding, though, I'm still not so sure that happens to the extent where males can pick up on it as they would the days post bleeding when ovulation is at its peak, KWIM?

You know, you just gave another argument for "unicorn status" on LHCF :lol:
I tried to find this article I read a few years ago about a Japanese man who got arrested...thing is, he walked by a random woman on the street and "smelled" she was on her period and snatched her purse because he knew pads/tampons were in it. :S Weird fetishes, but he could tell just by walking by her. wow.
DDTexlaxed, you are welcome
Dang y'all are always coming up with something for me to buy.

*off to order*

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The TAF pheromone gives the ability to mentally focus :bookworm: and lets people ignore distractions so they can do their best work. They were out of it when I looked before. I will keep my peepers peeled to see when they have it available again, because I have some serious exams to take :work: and I could use the boost! I can wear it while I study :bookworm: so I can ignore distractions (hello, my 3 kids!!!) and really grind.

I think on exam day I can apply it to my upper lip so I smell it a whole lot but other people near me aren't bogarting my pheromones to get better scores! :clubu: If I can put my stank on this DELE exam I may well qualify for this fellowship :pray: complete with 20k/yr stipend :pray: :dollar: :pray: :drool:
Just threw my hat into the pheromone ring :look: I ordered the System Jo, Instant Sexiness and Instant Openness (travel sizes). I *will* report back with results--good or bad. :look:
I had no sucess with instant sexiness or pure romance, nothng. I have 2 instant sexiness b new, so sale pm if interested.
I received my products last week. I haven't had anything major like some of y'all here. I have noticed a lot more guys looking at me and being more friendly in general. :look: LadyPaniolo if you have tips on using this more effectively, I'd appreciate it. I'm using one spray that I rub onto my inner wrists and neck.

Also, I didn't order Instant Openness. I thought I did but it wasn't on the invoice. They did include a travel size of "MX424" but I have no idea what it is. There's no label on there.
Do they have a "Buy me a Yacht with no strings attached" Pheromone that I can wear around execs? I can collect them and sell with 100% profit. :look: I'm serious ladies! :iroc::vette:
I wore my pheromone when I put in my apartment application. I got a student discount.

They don't have student discounts at that apartment complex :lol:

The leasing agent was a girl :blush:

She kept talking about how tall and pretty I was :giggle:

Pheromones = WINNING :creatures
Okay, so here's my story (ies): I ordered the System Jo a while back and had been kind of spraying it sporadically like when I went to work, JUST to see if I noticed a difference and I didn't. So I was thinking that this stuff doesn't work, ON ME anyway. Saturday I decided to test it again (because it's not cheap), so I sprayed some on my pulse points and then covered it with my regular perfume. I needed to go to the rental car place AND look for a place to live with a roommate, so I knew I'd be around people. Anyway, I went to the rental car place because I needed the car for another month or so and I had a coupon that wouldn't work for what I needed, so the guy ended up giving me a Triple A discount AND some other coupon he had, LOL. I did REALLY well on the car rental...believe me, if I had had all that in the beginning, I could've saved $600, but that's another matter. :ohwell:

Story 2: Went to look at this room in this house and the guy who owned it (Chinese) showed it to me he was like let's sit down and chat (I had already made up my mind that I wasn't interested). I said okay so he was asking me about myself and whatnot and we were just conversing and then he said, "I think black girls are sexy". Okay, for me, that's always code for there is more to come or to be said or something...and I was right. So we're still chatting and he mentions how he frequently goes to Toronto and I mentioned how I love Toronto and have friends up there. So he says, "oh, do you want to go with me next week?" He said, "We don't have to sleep in the same bed, I can get a double bed!" :shocked: So then, he says, "Don't rent from me because if you rent from me, then we can't date!" :huh: He said, "It'd be a too weird if we were dating and you were in my house". All this time, I'm kinda just looking at him, in disbelief. So, as we're wrapping up the conversation, he says, "Big hug!" Now, in general, I'm not a fan of hugging people I don't know, BUT I thought I'd just give him a quick little hug and be on my way, quickly. Well, that hug turned into him trying to kiss me (on the cheek/neck) because he was sitting beside me on the couch. At that point, I had to push him away. He still was all excited and smiling and "let me know", etc. So, yeah, I high-tailed it out.

I didn't remember until I had walked out of the driveway that I had put pheromones on earlier. At that point, it had been about 2 hours ago, so YES they work and be careful where you use them, LOL.

FTR, I didn't really feel threatened that he would take it further, but I certainly wasn't wasting time getting out of the situation.
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One other thing, I ordered Instant Shine and I love it! I prefer it more for the self-effects, actually. It just kinda makes me feel really relaxed, calm, confident. It's somewhat difficult to describe, but it takes the edge off. People are more relaxed and chatty with you as well. It'd be great if you needed a little boost in social situations which is exactly where I plan on using it. I'm a bit shy in social situations.
I received my products last week. I haven't had anything major like some of y'all here. I have noticed a lot more guys looking at me and being more friendly in general. :look: @LadyPaniolo if you have tips on using this more effectively, I'd appreciate it. I'm using one spray that I rub onto my inner wrists and neck.

Also, I didn't order Instant Openness. I thought I did but it wasn't on the invoice. They did include a travel size of "MX424" but I have no idea what it is. There's no label on there.

OK... for one thing, just 1 spray isn't enough!!! Each person's sweet spot will vary. For some people 2 sprays gets them good results. Others wear up to 4 sprays. Just one spray won't really get you much results. Also, be sure to wear it in a place where other people can smell it, where it will diffuse into the air easily. :yep:

OK- My new pheromone experience. At my grad school orientation, I had on some pheromones. I am trying to remember which ones I wore :scratchch ... I know I wore some of the body dew on my lower body, on my feet and ankles, but not a ton of it. That is the copulins, sex pheromones. I also wore Instant Shine- which should be called Instant "That-Girl" by the way, as everyone there wanted to chat with me and buddy up to me.

There was a Taiwanese Computer Science PhD student in my breakout group, and he was ALL.OVER.ME ok!!!!!! He was so relaxed, friendly, open and stuff, it was crazy! I have a bit of experience with Asian men :grin: and I have NEVER had a foreign born Asian guy be that up front with his attraction! He was extremely flirtatious but also respectful. :yep:

There was a white dude in our cohort who kept looking deep into my eyes whenever we were near one another, but he didn't say anything, because Mr. Taiwan was all up on me! But he gave me some serious :shocked: :lick: eye contact and kept circling around waiting for me to be free. The Taiwanese octopus was not having it though!!! :lachen:

Pheromones do not work on every person you meet, I'll tell you that right now. While I was the life of the party that day, there was one person who looked like she wanted to rip my head off and :grunt: down my throat!!! The BW security guard was glaring at me like I urinated on her grandmomma's grave! :burnup: And I hadn't done anything but just walk in the room. Can't please everybody I guess :rolleyes:
LadyPaniolo, has the pheremones affected your husband's attraction to you?

OK... for one thing, just 1 spray isn't enough!!! Each person's sweet spot will vary. For some people 2 sprays gets them good results. Others wear up to 4 sprays. Just one spray won't really get you much results. Also, be sure to wear it in a place where other people can smell it, where it will diffuse into the air easily. :yep:

OK- My new pheromone experience. At my grad school orientation, I had on some pheromones. I am trying to remember which ones I wore :scratchch ... I know I wore some of the body dew on my lower body, on my feet and ankles, but not a ton of it. That is the copulins, sex pheromones. I also wore Instant Shine- which should be called Instant "That-Girl" by the way, as everyone there wanted to chat with me and buddy up to me.

There was a Taiwanese Computer Science PhD student in my breakout group, and he was ALL.OVER.ME ok!!!!!! He was so relaxed, friendly, open and stuff, it was crazy! I have a bit of experience with Asian men :grin: and I have NEVER had a foreign born Asian guy be that up front with his attraction! He was extremely flirtatious but also respectful. :yep:

There was a white dude in our cohort who kept looking deep into my eyes whenever we were near one another, but he didn't say anything, because Mr. Taiwan was all up on me! But he gave me some serious :shocked: :lick: eye contact and kept circling around waiting for me to be free. The Taiwanese octopus was not having it though!!! :lachen:

Pheromones do not work on every person you meet, I'll tell you that right now. While I was the life of the party that day, there was one person who looked like she wanted to rip my head off and :grunt: down my throat!!! The BW security guard was glaring at me like I urinated on her grandmomma's grave! :burnup: And I hadn't done anything but just walk in the room. Can't please everybody I guess :rolleyes: