Using Pheromones To Attract Men

Interviews...Openess and Honesty are good. You'll be good with openness though :yep:

Many say Shine works best when its the 2x dosage.

ETA: sorry this is so long

I had an experience this week with what I believe were my natural pheromones...

Been on a training course all week and had to give a presentation on the last day. I really wanted to do well and was super nervous (read sweaty!) . At the hotel desk I went to check out. I met one of the guys on the course

He: "Do you want to put your bag in my car?"
Me: "No, thanks, I'll just put it in the safe room and I can pick it up when I come back"
He: "No it's cool, put it in my car, it'll be easier." (Like how??)
Me: *feeling a bit odd but didn't want to be rude* "ok"

We got outside and I put the bag into his trunk.

He: "You just going to stand there or are you going to get in?"
Me: *surprised because the course is a 2 min walk away, but again I don't want to be rude* "Er ok, thanks!" So he gives me a needless ride to my course...

By the time I got to my course I was in a nervous sweat, if you get what I mean. I had worn just sure deodorant (the body reactive type, which produces more fragrance as your body heats up). I was extra self conscious because I was sweating and paranoid that I might smell "off" though I had just showered, but each time I went to the ladies and sniffed myself, I was fine, I could just smell the strong deodorant.

Anyway, gave my presentation (still super nervous) but everyone LOVED it! They said I was really engaging and asked lots of genuine questions. When I got the feedback sheet, there was NO negative feedback at all from either instructor or my peers. This is bearing in mind the presentations were timed and were supposed to last no more than 10 mins - one of the instructors confirmed I had been 15 mins - serious overrun. By far the longest presentation of them all, so I should have got a negative mark for that! They commented about how relaxed I seemed (I was uber nervous).

Throughout the course summary, I was sure that the same guy from the hotel kept looking at me, but I was sooo tired, I was nodding off and couldn't be sure, but at the break, he commented that he looked over at me and my glasses had slipped down on my nose when I nodded off, lol.

Anyway the last thing is that at the end, we played a game where we had to run up to 2 flipcharts and note down one word associated with the course then tag the next person to go write theirs. When we sat down all a puffing and a panting another guy next to me went - "look at the other flipchart - someone's put the name of your presentation down as something memorable from the course!"

I look up at the board and sure enough, someone had written "FIBRE" with an exclamation mark. I chuckled at the notion that I had done a presentation on the benefits of fibre for 15 mins and people loved it! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Also while chatting to a lady who sits behind me at work, she offered me a lift in her car (I didn't ask or drop hints)- I was taking the train. She really opened up to me in the car, telling me some VERY personal stuff (in a completely relaxed and natural way) - basically we really hit it off - I always knew she was a wonderful lovely person, but we'd never opened up like this before now... She said she is interested in working for me on my team and I'm looking for a new specialist soon, so I told her I'd invite her for an interview if and when the opportunity arose.

Cut to today and I'm about to do my laundry and I'm still puzzled by Friday's events and wonder "did I smell funny". So I picked up the top I was wearing and sniffed the armpits :look: ... it actually smells nice - I can smell the deodorant and then a different barely perceptible scent different, sweet, maybe musky, I don't know???...:lachen::lachen:

There were other positive reactions, too, but these are the main ones - and all this time, I was worried that people could "smell" me - they obviously could but it worked to my advantage...

There is DEFINITELY something to pheromones, natural or otherwise, believe it ladies :yep::yep::yep:

I'm going to look at ways to use this and other techniques in a strategic and focussed manner. I'm looking to change things up for 2012...
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The 'mones I bought haven't been working for me at all. Oh well Kanye Shrug. I'm waiting for some System Jo to arrive so hopefully I'll have some luck with that.
Well guess who got busted...... ME!!!

I ordered some pheromones from amazon and I was walking with my partner and opening my mail. He saw the bottle and grabbed it! I wanted to die of shame. I played it off and said it was part of a perfume set. I don't think he believed me. :/
i just purchased lure for her pheromone anyone used this before. any success??

sweetvi, i have this, got it a few months ago as a gift. I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary using it. I put one spray on a cotton ball and dab it behind my ears because its strong as hell. It lasts until i wash it off so this bottle will last forever. The reviews on this as being a pheromone attractant aren't very good either, but it may work for you, doesn't hurt to try it. Hth
"On one occasion a plastic bag was tied arroun my balls and i went for a walk. Upon my retur the bag was removed and the sweat/odours (directly from the balls) could clearly be seen the bag. I used this on a tissue and the affect seemed to make many a ladies head turn as i walked dowet. Upon striking up conversation i noticed dialated pupils in almo all of the ladies who spoke with me."
@La Colocha

ive tried it a couple of times and it difference. i actually got more approaches without it..and i do not like the smell

Ok, the smell can be very cloying, but i do like it sparingly, I want to find some different ones with fragrance just to see how they work. Please share if you find something that you like.
So today I spray the system Jo on. I'm at the bus stop some lady and her boyfriend are talking and they begin to stare (I was all hype in my head like omg its working :-))
She says I like your boots.

Next I go to Mcdonalds for a bite to eat before I could sit down a guy practically got up and gave up his seat by the window. I thanked him and he says oh no problem enjoy your food.

Maybe I'm overreacting though.
Part 2 of today

A guy walks up to me and is asking me if i have a minute....We begin talking he shows me a ic in his phone his phone of his twin boys ....
You know, something else that works for pheromones is urine. There is a urine therapy thread and I'm applying it to my skin right now (it is glowing!). It has your own natural pheramones. People notice me more, I have more of a presence definitely hollar at me more. Very interesting.
You know, something else that works for pheromones is urine. There is a urine therapy thread and I'm applying it to my skin right now (it is glowing!). It has your own natural pheramones. People notice me more, I have more of a presence definitely hollar at me more. Very interesting.

Eaux de Pee-Pee...:lol:
You know, something else that works for pheromones is urine. There is a urine therapy thread and I'm applying it to my skin right now (it is glowing!). It has your own natural pheramones. People notice me more, I have more of a presence definitely hollar at me more. Very interesting.

AstroQueen77, how are you applying it and where?
Isis started the thread in the natural forum. I apply it to my face with a cotton swab. I'm noticing that my eyesight is getting a bit better as well.