Using Pheromones To Attract Men

I bought Instant Sexiness and it does nothing for my SO. That Instant Honesty? Crazy! The first time I wore it he opened up and started talking....and just wouldn't shut up! Second time, same thing. I tried wearing it at work, same thing, people talking and talking and sharing TMI. Who sells the STFU pheromone?
I bought Instant Sexiness and it does nothing for my SO. That Instant Honesty? Crazy! The first time I wore it he opened up and started talking....and just wouldn't shut up! Second time, same thing. I tried wearing it at work, same thing, people talking and talking and sharing TMI. Who sells the STFU pheromone?

If you got Instant Sexiness B and it didnt work, you probably would have fared better with Instant Sexiness A...but they discontinued that. From the forums, B is gives off more of that softer Marilyn Monroe vibe, while A gives off that Angelina Jolie vibe...strong, confident, yet sexy.
^ Are you sure you are trying it in the right environments? Maybe your personal chemistry requires you to spray more than others.
Why do I almost always end up spending cash when I'm on this forum :lachen:

I'm ordering instant shine and turn up the heat! Will report back on my results.... Should have some very interesting work experiences... :grin:
:sekret: Alright ladies. I purchased some pheromones. :sekret:
I bought a whole bunch of different ones :lachen: but I will describe what I used today and the effects.

I bought System Jo, which contains estratetraenol. And I bought Glib's Body Dew, which has like 3 kinds of copulins :blush:.

About estratetraenol :bookworm: :

Estratetraenol (related to estrogen, the female sex hormone) creates an aura of ultra-femininity, uniquely feminine sensual appeal, and encourages people to treat you with gentle kindness. It has a calming effect on both men and women, and will tend to make people more amiable, solicitous and friendly around you. It makes other women who are stand-offish, visibily thaw in your company. It softens the moods of those around you, and seems to make people want to do things for you. It's effect on men is soothing, and it inspires in them a craving to want to protect you and cuddle with you. Estratetraenol is produced naturally by child-bearing women and is not present at all in men.

The Exotic Body Dew contains copulins.
About copulins :bookworm: :
Research since the mid to late 90s has proven that copulins can affect and even control a male's brain. It's long been known that a female's "pheromones" can affect certain male behavior. Pheromones will affect how a male behaves sexually toward the female, but copulins will affect a male's dominant/submissive behavior. Each female's copulins will affect each male's behavior differently and at different levels. A female whose copulins have a strong effect on a particular male may notice the male wanted to please her, offer gifts, and do what she wants. This is not a sexually driven need to please, but an unconscious reflex, and the female may notice there is no limit to what the male will do for her.

Now that we have the basics down :lachen:Let's talk turkey!

I wore 2 sprays of the System Jo (estratetraenol) below the breastbone, but then I was delayed for a few hours before I could head out and take my little trip. So I reapplied before leaving. I did not put the Exotic Body Dew on all over; only on a few places.

Then I took a little journey into Philly to check out the UPenn campus. I was supposed to be going to a folk music festival, but the :censored: Philly Fun Guide had the date wrong :darkcloud: I was mostly in the University City and Northern Liberties neighborhoods. These areas are generally full of college students, professors, and professional school students. Most of the men I saw were in their late 20's to mid-30's, though of course there were older men too.

PHEROMONES WORK. Seriously!!!!

When I first got on the train, I sat right behind this young guy with his GF. At first he was pretty much ignoring her, but after a few minutes he was gazing at her, and started rubbing her back and cooing at her. I thought it might be due to the 'mones, but I couldn't be sure.

I was totally lost, having never taken the Septa very often and never to this neighborhood. I had black men in particular bending over backwards to help me find the right place to go and being SUCH GENTLEMEN.

Everywhere I went, all of the men were acutely aware of my presence. Some stared like they were hypnotized. Others acted extra cool while they pretended NOT to see me. 2 guys who were having a conversation started to get a bit aggro with each other while I stood nearby, though they had been totally cool before I arrived.

When I entered this vegan coffeehouse, there were 2 hipster types sitting in the otherwise empty cafe. BOTH of their heads physically snapped up when I came in, and they got very flustered and self conscious. After I had gotten my Thai tea, 3 slimmer and younger very pretty girls came into the cafe one by one a few minutes apart... not once did either of those 2 guys react.

The women who were out in my environs were putting me to shame :nono: flat toned abs, no flab anywhere, and looking fine, plus they were younger than me. Men looked through them like they were a panel of glass and looked at me instead.

It worked on men of all races. Black men, multiple Asian guys (this Vietnamese dude looked like he was ready to do some thangs to me!!!! ) a Middle Eastern guy and garden variety white men were ALL impacted by the pheromones.

I got directly hit on 5 times today. None of the approaches were the sleezy or gross kind. One guy just said "You are very pretty :love: " and that was it. I was worried about copulins making guys very horny and too aggressive (like "ay, ma!"), but that didn't happen at all. It wasn't :lick: reactions, it was :notworthy and :love: reactions. Now, if I wore this to the hood :nono: the reaction might have been different, but it inspired tenderness and caring, not super lust.

The only negative: I got one FIERCE side eye from a Latina when her man looked at me. She felt threatened. But most of the reactions from other women were very friendly and relaxed.

Conclusion: Pheromones WORK and I will NEVER STOP USING THEM. It's like being 10 years younger and 20 lbs lighter!
Situations that would really be helped by pheromone use:

- conflict at work. You know how Becky and them can be :nono: When they try that White Women's Tears ploy, if you can just whip the liptstick sized container of Jo out and spritz yourself, any male boss will be more likely to see you as the feminine victim (instead of the manly she-male who upset Becky Sue)

- If you have an emergency like a flat tire, wearing estratetraenol will make men jump over themselves to help you.

- If you need a raise :dollar: you should wear it when you ask!

- Oral exams! (eta: I mean like having to give presentations in class, where there isn't a hard and fast right/wrong grading scale)

- When you are at the dentist, he will be more gentle and worried about hurting you

eta: More! When you have a customer service problem like a product that is past warranty but you need it fixed/replaced.

Or when you need to soften up the SO/DH to get him to do something he would normally bidge and moan about doing :lachen:
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Wow. I too got a boatload of pheramones from that forum. A lot of ones that were discontinued and people got fantastic results from. I havent had time to test them, but I will definitely do that soon.

One thing I learned about pheramones is to try to get pheramones that are opposite of you. If you are soft..maybe a bit unassertive, get something that will help you have a bit of courage or give you that strong women vibe. If you get something too similar to your personality, those traits will stand out big time and may have unintended affects.

Also, stay away from drunks/druggies when wearing pheramones. They will act a fool!
I ordered Instant Shine and TAA, but they haven't arrived yet. I am now a pheromone junkie :alcoholic I just hope they get busy making the new batches of Instant Sexiness :whip:

eta: I might be wrong for this, but you ladies on LHCF are the ONLY ones Im telling about this! Let Becky et al figure issht out for themselves.
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Oh yeah, one last thing.

I always dress modestly. I was wearing a chocolate colored gored skirt that came to mid calf, and a teal colored shirt with a very modest neckline and 3/4 length sleeves yesterday. I had bronze high heeled sandals, a straw hat, and my brown leather purse to complete the look. My makeup was very very natural, the "nude" look if you will, but with a rose colored lipstick. (eta: I wore a natural style 3/4 wig, it looks like 4a hair and hangs to APL)

This kind of ensemble does not communicate to men that I wish to be approached for a romantic liaison. If I had been wearing the same style of clothes as the other women in the area, or an even "younger" or more sexy outfit, I am positive that the results would have skewed more toward the "lemme get the digits" side, instead of :love: :notworthy from afar reactions. If I had been in a club, I also would have gotten more direct approaches, I'm sure.

So pheromones do a LOT, but you can temper the reactions you elicit with the other aspects of your self-presentation and of course, the location.

eta: So it really goes to show how powerful these pheromones are; men looked over, past, around and through girls in poom poom shorts, girls who were younger, slimmer, and cuter than me AND had all of that on display... to look HARD at me!!!
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I'm not sure if this has been asked, but has anyone tried the Scent of Eros? It's supposed to be one of the best....but pricey. I'm thinking of trying it, but it's so expensive.
I'm not sure if this has been asked, but has anyone tried the Scent of Eros? It's supposed to be one of the best....but pricey. I'm thinking of trying it, but it's so expensive.

I just looked at Scent of Eros, and all it lists as ingredients is copulins, and fragrance. You can get those cheaper!!!

I just paid $20 for Essence of Woman, which is pure copulins. I like the Body Dew, which has copulins and androstenone, but the fragrance is really strong. Also, I'm not sure how much copulins are in there; I don't know the exact dose. With the EOW pure cops, I will know exactly how much I'm using. :grin: I also got the pheromone sample pack for a penny :cool2: The EOW was recommended on the androtics direct forum.

Looking back on my Philly adventure, I can't be sure if men were reacting to the copulins or to the estratetraenol, or a mix. :scratchch The respectful and protective reactions fit much more with the est's purported results. It could be that the cops were working as well, but were being tempered by the est. The only thing for it is more testing! :yay:

I am a bootleg pheromone scientist now :brainy:

Looking forward to hearing other people's experiences!!!
:woot: Ah, sookie sookie now!! Don't hog them all this time! :whip:

eta: Got mine! :cool2: It better not leak in transit this time, or I won't buy from Androtics again. My TAA bottle was half EMPTY when it got there! A little bitty bottle, for $30, in this economy, half gone!!! :cry3:
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Recv'd my order (TUTH, I-Honesty, I-Openness & I-Shine). Recv'd Instant Sexiness as a gift (full-size bottle! :grin:).

Will report back tomorrow on my misadventures at work... :drunk:

Why do I almost always end up spending cash when I'm on this forum :lachen:

I'm ordering instant shine and turn up the heat! Will report back on my results.... Should have some very interesting work experiences... :grin:
I can't yall.

I feel a...voodoo, supernatural vibe about this. If I were single, I'd take my natural chances.
I was supposed to have ordered so long ago and then they ran out of Instant Sexiness.
Just placed my order for that last night and I should have gotten Instant Shine too :ohwell:

Anyway, I am going to experiment by spraying some of this on a handkerchief and putting it in my friends' bag or something :look: I want to see how people react :look:
And I have a lunch date that I'll be wearing some on :giggle:
OK, this may sound weird, but when I have my period, men always are very nice to me. I feel like I stink, but they just won't go away. Sometimes, when I sweat heavy, I seem to draw attention. I'm happily married, and I have no interest in other men. I just find that weird that at my funkiest, either a co worker or random man will smile at or talk to me.