How Do You Approach Men At Parties?

I don't approach men. But for what it's worth, you can gently bump into them. A friend of mine met her husband that way. She wanted to meet him while at a mutual friend's wedding and her mother suggested bumping into him. She tried to do it and chickened out so she went again this time with her mother for "moral support". Her mother damn near shoved her into him. They're now married and are living happily ever after lol.

I'm not sure how this will work in a professional setting though.

"Accidentally" bumping into them with my boobs, then feigning embarrassed apologies while making eye contact usually got a conversation started. 42H's were handy that way. A big booty can get the job done too.

The art of the approach is to leave the dude thinking it was his idea to get things started.

If you're not comfortable with direct physical contact, then eye contact is always good. If you're new at it the best deal is the 'let him catch you looking then look away shyly'. If he catches you twice and doesn't come over then move on to the next one. Practice a signature 'come and get it' looks in the mirror. Lots of women think they have these down but they just look constipated.
