'Pheromones arent meant to be depended upon to attract men. It's supposed to enhance and compliment.
Exactly. People sure know how to ruin a thread.
Got my gift certificate and ordered Shine and Openness. I'm going to Chicago nex Friday and can't wait to experiment on my trip. Wish the Sexiness was in stock too.
To those that have ordered, what do they smell like, and are you pairing them with perfume or wearing them alone? For those who are wearing with perfume, have you noticed a difference with wearing as opposed to not?
Hi Flame. I was wondering if you can describe what Instant Sexiness smells like. I am a little curious.
So.......used a tiny dab today to experiment
Went to the gym for spinning class - and that **** was cancelled So I just did the elliptical and some weight training.
Doing squats and finishing up (with earphones in), I see Middle Eastern looking dood out the corner of my eye, but pay no attention. I've seen him on the rcqtball courts before but we've never spoken. 30 seconds later Mr Middle Eastern is all up in my face like
I remove my earphones.
Hey! You play racquetball right?
Yes, I do.
I play too!
Would you like to play?
Umm, sure. I didn't bring my racquet today though.
Ok that's fine, I can get one from the front desk for you.
NO, I didn't bring my racquet because I don't want to play today.
*sad look*Ohh. Oh ok. Maybe next time then?
Sure! See ya!
I finish my squats and stretches.
Head out to the car, pulling out of the parking lot.....and there's someone running up to my car. Lawd. 'Tis Mr Middle Eastern again. I roll down the window.
I just wanted to give you my card so you can call me to set up a date to play.
I know you're busy and all, so I wanted to make sure I would be available to play and help you improve your game.
Me:*looks at the card* Thank you, Raj.
Okay, make sure you call!
So nice that my racquetball game is so important
^ Nothing to be scared about. We a produce pheramones. These are just bottled in specific formulas for a desired effect. It's like having a new aura for a day and people pick up on it. It dosen't however, over ride their morals, free will etc.
I started wearing natural deodorant by Toms and I have been getting a lot of attention, I'm thinking that the natural deodorant is allowing my natural scent to come through I'm not sure. I did get the Phenoromes spray but it smells like what my private smells like after a long day, sorry to be graphic but it had a sweaty smell kind of sweet but more musty like, Lol. So I have not used it again.
I started wearing natural deodorant by Toms and I have been getting a lot of attention, I'm thinking that the natural deodorant is allowing my natural scent to come through I'm not sure. I did get the Phenoromes spray but it smells like what my private smells like after a long day, sorry to be graphic but it had a sweaty smell kind of sweet but more musty like, Lol. So I have not used it again.