Well-Known Member
My friend wants to know where you bought it?
From a sex shop. The guy actually gave me a discount when i told him it was MUCH cheaper on amazon.
My friend wants to know where you bought it?
where did you order it from flame and how much ok i googled it and the website that sells this stuff is out of stock and i placed my email so when they have it i will order it its kinda expensive but hey i need to do something new in order for me to get different results
WOW! I thought those pheromones are just a gimmick but after reading you all stories I'm beginning to think differently now. And the stories are hilarious so I guess I'm going to have to be careful. I have seen different names like Copulin, Androstenone, Turn Up The Heat, etc. Dang! Do they actually sell them? Where can I buy them? Ain't no shame in my game. I'm curious to see if this actually work but I will take extra precaution.
Their shipping was the fastest ever. It took less than 24 hours o_0
Yes they did and I ate them immediately. Damn that's how people get caught I need to be more careful now that you mention it.@shockolate did they send you some candy with your order too? when I opend that funky (I love it) green bubble wrap two pieces of candy was stashed in there. I was like, what the heck? they giving away sweets too? Umm no ..It's not Halloween, I ain't eating nobody's free candy right about now.
This thread certainly is interesting, however if I purchased the pheromones I would feel like I'm cheating in a way in order to get a man. I'd also worry if I happened to run out of the product one day that my man will possibly stray and not know why.
I'd rather be the woman that uses her own scent and enhance it by dabbing in those certain places. That way as long as I am healthy I know he is attracted to me for real.
@Honey6928215- I bought them from the shipping is fast and if you're not 100% satisfied they'll refund you for your purchase.
I've been lurking there since this thread started and I had to join after reading all the reviews. I'm kinda hooked on these pheromones now. I love the effect I'm having on the men around me. Yeee Haaw!
@Honey6928215- I bought them from the shipping is fast and if you're not 100% satisfied they'll refund you for your purchase.
I've been lurking there since this thread started and I had to join after reading all the reviews. I'm kinda hooked on these pheromones now. I love the effect I'm having on the men around me. Yeee Haaw!
Yes they did and I ate them immediately. Damn that's how people get caught I need to be more careful now that you mention it.
wow y'all bought out all the stock? it says out of stock for instant sexiness on androticsdirect lol
It's in stock:
The full sizes have been out of stock so I believe we're all buying the to-go sizes.
kk how bout now? i think all the instant sexiness is out of stock??
hahahahaha wayyyyz LHCF is a force!
So.......used a tiny dab today to experiment
Went to the gym for spinning class - and that **** was cancelled So I just did the elliptical and some weight training.
Doing squats and finishing up (with earphones in), I see Middle Eastern looking dood out the corner of my eye, but pay no attention. I've seen him on the rcqtball courts before but we've never spoken. 30 seconds later Mr Middle Eastern is all up in my face like
I remove my earphones.
Hey! You play racquetball right?
Yes, I do.
I play too!
Would you like to play?
Umm, sure. I didn't bring my racquet today though.
Ok that's fine, I can get one from the front desk for you.
NO, I didn't bring my racquet because I don't want to play today.
*sad look*Ohh. Oh ok. Maybe next time then?
Sure! See ya!
I finish my squats and stretches.
Head out to the car, pulling out of the parking lot.....and there's someone running up to my car. Lawd. 'Tis Mr Middle Eastern again. I roll down the window.
I just wanted to give you my card so you can call me to set up a date to play.
I know you're busy and all, so I wanted to make sure I would be available to play and help you improve your game.
Me:*looks at the card* Thank you, Raj.
Okay, make sure you call!
So nice that my racquetball game is so important
I was thinking about this thread and thought that instead of using this pheremones to attract guys, that this would work on job interviews for women who are unemployed and interviewing for jobs if the interviewer is a male.