Using Pheromones To Attract Men

These pheromones are bizonkers! I've been wearing Instant Shine, Instant Openness, and a spritz of IS B and people have been social, chatty and open with me. This guy in my office that I've run into twice today just introduced himself to me. Most people at work are nice enough but most NYers have a mild social handicap... So that was surprising!

I'm going to have to buy a full size bottle of one of these. It's hilarious.

lol, you've been wearing them all together? For how long?
This is too cool lol

Question to the ladies who use it to attract men...once you have them do you use it every time you see them? I mean, what would happen if the pheromones worked in finding someone and then you stopped using it. Would the "spell" be broken? Lol
Going to get instant openness and instant honesty. I'm not trying to make someone attracted to me just want people to open up more easily! Lets see how this works...
lol, you've been wearing them all together? For how long?

Lol!! On that forum they've got over three they say to layer them and spray it on a few times. Like up to 5 sprays. I did up to 3 of Instant Shine and Instant Openness. One of instant honesty and 2 of instant sexiness b.

My coworker was using my name when joking around with me today. He never does that.

I can't wait to wear this stuff to a bar or around a guy I think is hot. It's really something! I've only been wearing it over the weekend.

Totally wearing this again tomorrow. Lol. I wish I had this a month ago!
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Update: SO kept asking me what I was wearing and i kept telling him it was some spray from B&BW. He could not keep his hands off me on saturday!!! I was trying to get ready to go out but he was begging me to stay lol. I'll go easy on it next time and only when im in the mood to be attacked. :nono:
I ordered yesterday.... Instant shine and instant sexy b. I think I should have gotten the A though... We'll see

I ordered yesterday at about 10am,
I just got delivery notification that I missed the delivery at my door today at 1pm! From California to Toronto!
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Update: SO kept asking me what I was wearing and i kept telling him it was some spray from B&BW. He could not keep his hands off me on saturday!!! I was trying to get ready to go out but he was begging me to stay lol. I'll go easy on it next time and only when im in the mood to be attacked. :nono:

:lachen::lachen: shockolate What did you have on? Interesting how it would still work on an SO..
I had a booger in my nose he wiped it away. Lol. Smh


Uhn uhn!!! chiiiiiiillllle he mighta pulled back a nub. How he gon jus put his hand in yo face like that?! I would have been like...pheremone experiment over!..."Sir, I regret to inform you that you have been the victim of my reckless use of pheremones. I know you feel as if you must connect with me in a physical manner and I understand that your willpower may be faltering but I need you to use all of it refrain from touching me. Your natural sense of what is good and right and appropriate will resume its normal functioning after I leave your presence. *exit stage left*
My pheremones aren't having a huge effect at work. On a day I gave a presentation, I felt pretty good and all went well, and I felt great... so, I think for that, it's fine. But for average days, meh...! Not much of a major change...! Aside from my next door cubicle colleague using my name more often when speaking to me...
I just ordered some from this site:
I was about to order full sizes of IS A and IS from androtics direct but i googled for more clarification and stumbled unto a pheromone forum. They like alpha-dream pheromones so i figured ill give them a shot.
I ordered Alfa Donna(Jasmine Nights), Charme(Romantic Nights), Glace & Corporativo for over $200 instead of spending that on 2 full sizes of androtics direct for the same price. I will report back when I receive them.
Okay, I just got mine in the mail today. I put samples on my wrist tonight just to see how long it lasts and whether or not Ill be able to wear it all day. When I first sprayed them I thought they smelled like mens cologne. Then as it sat I can honestly say I'm in love. :love4:

The IS A smelled just like the Instant Shine until they settled. After they settled I'm' more in love with the Instant Shine. I can barely smell the IS A now. Actually, theyre both fading a lot now and it hasn't even been twenty minutes but we'll see.

I will be experimenting with this at work. Not that I want any attention from anyone there but I just want to see if it turns any heads.

They also sent me something that says P130 on it or something but I didn't even try it yet. I have no idea what it is but I'm off to find out.
I just ordered some from this site:
I was about to order full sizes of IS A and IS from androtics direct but i googled for more clarification and stumbled unto a pheromone forum. They like alpha-dream pheromones so i figured ill give them a shot.
I ordered Alfa Donna(Jasmine Nights), Charme(Romantic Nights), Glace & Corporativo for over $200 instead of spending that on 2 full sizes of androtics direct for the same price. I will report back when I receive them.

shockolate please let me know how Glace works for you.
*bump* Updates?

Yesterday, I uh...ordered for a...erm friend...:sekret: IS A & B and Instant Openess travel sizes. Hopefully they will arrive in a few days--at her house of course :lol:
My pheremones aren't having a huge effect at work. On a day I gave a presentation, I felt pretty good and all went well, and I felt great... so, I think for that, it's fine. But for average days, meh...! Not much of a major change...! Aside from my next door cubicle colleague using my name more often when speaking to me...
I remember reading that work is not the best place to try these as most people are focused on work/professionalism. Have you tried them socially yet LivingDol1?
I've been using this for a week or so, and I have interesting stories....

What I'm finding is it doesn't work on everyone... Those that it does work on, it's very obvious.

Instant shine, I find makes me 'extra'... Happy, talkative, engaging... Even when I'm dead tired, working at 5am, lol...

Instant sexiness... Well.. I'm finding that it makes men stand too close ( in your personal space so much, you step back, and then they step closer) or come in for surprise hugs that are 'too close'/awkward

Lol, in all, people are very nice to me.(men and women) (I've had some weird unexpected outbursts from women though)
It makes me wonder if the instant shine makes me engage people better, that's why they're nice, or the instant sexiness is working.
Have IS A, B and Instant Honesty. First time I wore it, nothing.
Today I went out and got looks, and head turns from drivers. Too be fair there were more BM around than the first time. I just now realized that I was wearing IS A. (Earlier today, I picked up a book that it was sitting on and got some on my hands. Did not bother washing it off and went out forgetting all about it since I was engrossed in a phone convo)
I gotta get my stash built up again, now that I have an EX-SO again. I love the stories!
With pheromones, they don't work on everyone and they don't work ALL the time.

I tried the IS-B and it didn't do ish for me. Like, nothing even after wearing it several times. I LOVE Instant Shine though. I actually wear it more for me than others. If I know I'm not going to be having the best day, I put it on to get through the day, it works.

I have the EOW too and I haven't noticed much of anything to warrant that smell, so I'll keep trying with that one.
I can't wait until this weekend to really try this stuff out around some men. I wore it to work the other day but I can't say I got any reactions. As mentioned above, work might not be a good place for it. But there also aren't any guys here that I'm around that would even mention anything anyway. They're too afraid to say anything with all the sexual harrrassment training videos shoved down our throats every time you turn around LOL.

Question though, I have the to go sizes of IS A and Instant Shine. I'm wondering how much you ladies are spraying? I can't see these lasting too long and I'm wondering if I should order another trial size or save up for the big one if I think it works.

I'm still not too hopeful because it's not that guys don't approach me (only the cornballs do) but I'm just never around any that I WANT to approach me. So I'm not expecting this to perform miracles or anything and make the good ones suddenly appear LOL. Because I have no problem flirting and walking by a guy and smiling (but I would NEVER ask a guy out or anything). But I just don't see any guys I even WANT to flirt with. :nono: The dating pool sucks here. But I'll run into him soon and I want to be prepared with my happy juice LOL.
Omg...I have read this entire thread and between the pheromone attraction stories and the urine therapy in the eyeballs...I was literally LMAO. For real.

Has anyone tried the Booty Parlor Flirty Little Secret Perfume Oil with pheromones by VS? I haven't seen it mentioned upthread...
*bump* Updates?

Yesterday, I uh...ordered for a...erm friend...:sekret: IS A & B and Instant Openess travel sizes. Hopefully they will arrive in a few days--at her house of course :lol:
^^^Damn that was fast! I ordered on Tuesday, 2/5/13 and it arrived today!

I smelled this stuff before!! Folks out here already know the secret! Dang! lol