Using Pheromones To Attract Men

Ok I think I have a few updates I'll try to make it quick and thorough because I'm supposed to be studying, so please excuse any typos.
Any who I bought the sprays a while back and have been trying to use them when I felt it would be most beneficial. the most recent times when I have noticed some out of the ordinary behavior had been this past weekend when my school had a spirit week. On Thursday we had a concert and throughout the concert I noticed I kept seeing the same faces walk past my seat I would go somewhere and notice that they were there too. Then when I got up to go near the stage one of the dudes came up next to me and stole my makeshift fan, aka my phone case, and began the most random conversion with me about school and my major. Small stuff but it was off because I was literally standing in a corner fanning myself while other people were dancing to the music. So I must have looked really boring yet dude held a 15 or so minute conversation until I just had to go find my friends.
Then the next night there was a party. Once again in the party I saw the same faces from the night before over and over again. Then my friends and I were standing at the opening of the party because we were hot and one of the dude followed us and began a pointless conversation with me about us being outside the party rather than inside. Then later same dudes happened to be at the same after party we went to and once again I saw the same faces waking past me in the crowd. I'm trying to work on looking more approachable because I've always noticed that I would see the same faces waking past me watching me. When I have some time I'll remember the other tales. Also I've stopped wearing deodorant in favor of a mineral crystal to keep odor at bay. And the first day I did that, one guy in my lab just kept touching my shoulders, and another guy was walking ahead of me and just would not stop turning around to stare.
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so the instant sexiness one is discontinued or something? I'm intrigued lol I'm a Gemini and I love attention

I wouldn't mind having more

I'm going to start a collection haha
Alpha 7 Unsented came yesterday. I think I may have ODed (over dosed) on this one. At first I could not smell it so I put some more on. However, after it had the chance to settle in my skin, the smell became STRONG. I still got one 'hi' from a guy which is huge because no one has been saying anything to me for two years, lol

However, Alpha 7 really does give you a 'strong' vibe, which I really needed in the job I have. Had a couple of instances where I wanted cry a couple of days ago (I am just so out of element with this new job: TONS of studying for someone who was NEVER a good student). Yesterday, I was able to stay calm and keep my 'ish together.
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Victorias Secret sells shampoo and conditioner that has pheramones in it. Very sexy..I think the name is. Google it.

I must have extra pheromones because if I walk the street alone I get hit on non stop. Good, bad or ugly.

I used to wear Very Sexy before they changed it and men loved it. That's too funny. I just thought it was because it was light and worked great with my body chemistry.
I bought Instant Openness yesterday and it came in the mail today. Wow! When I first smelled it, it smelled like cologne and I was basically like ugh...this is gross. But once you let it set in, I swear it smells just like Very Sexy by Victoria Secret.

VS is the one perfume I'd wear that would drive my husband crazy. I just bought this Instant Openness today though so Ill report back maybe next week with my "findings" lol
Update: So Sat night I decided to give my instant sexiness a test drive, lol. My cousin and I went to a lounge in the city and I sprayed the inner portion of both arms, my neck and my hair. Our first stop was to ATM for some cash and some middle age white man open the bank door and exclaimed OMG you look f*cking amazing! I was shocked but smiled and said thanks then he continued on, "you must get that a lot don't you?", I just giggled and nodded. Got my cash and left the bank noticing some Hispanic men staring as I hopped back in my cousin's car.

We got to the lounge I made a bee line for the bar and caught several men, even two with their women staring (and their women glaring) and one with his mouth open, lol. One woman stopped me in my tracks to compliment me which was sweet. Several men asked/tried to dance but I politely declined. I stayed glued to my cousin's hip since I wasn't really fond of the scenery, lol.

All in all this stuff is pretty neat, I'm not a big fan of the scent though.. I'll have to test it out a few more times for a real assessment. I ordered the instant shine and I can't wait to pair them both together.

Gas anyone used both instant sexiness a and b? Was there a difference in your opinion?
^I dont like either.

The smell is Neroli which is a sucky smell. Use a cover scent 10 mins after.

glad it worked for you.
FelaShrine said:
^I dont like either.

The smell is Neroli which is a sucky smell. Use a cover scent 10 mins after.

glad it worked for you.


I wanted to cover it up so bad but the I thought it would mess with the effects. I guess it beats the ones that I heard smell like funky cheese (EOW) lol.
Ok so instant shine works wonders, especially for my own mood. I have the double strength one and sprayed each inner arm and my mood has been great this morning and I feel energized. My colleagues have even super chatty from the moment I stepped in the elevator and have been getting compliments.

It's not a pheromone it's a flower and a scent from a flower.

The scent is very faint, and it doesn't seem that the essential oil is easily found in the U.S. but if you're going to a country where it can be found it might be worth picking up.

I bought the concentrated oil in Egypt, one of the selling points was that it was used to attract others. Needless to say I only bough it because it smelled so nice ;)

Anywhoooo I wear it here and there, but on the days that I do wear it, I'm of the mindset that it might enhance my pheromones. People that aren't smiley, smile at me more, I've also noticed that when talking to people, they look into my eyes longer. I'll keep running experiments, but I thought I'd share the findings of my "experiment" so far.
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I havent used my sprays since i ran out in 2011. About to order Instant Sexiness A and Instant Shine. Ordered the pure instinct sex attractant from amazon.
These pheromones are bizonkers! I've been wearing Instant Shine, Instant Openness, and a spritz of IS B and people have been social, chatty and open with me. This guy in my office that I've run into twice today just introduced himself to me. Most people at work are nice enough but most NYers have a mild social handicap... So that was surprising!

I'm going to have to buy a full size bottle of one of these. It's hilarious.