Well-Known Member
Wishing you the best, @GetHappy2014
I'm not. Leave those people alone all together. Snakes don't care who they bite.I'm always down for this.
This is what my gut is telling me. I can't help that.In general, Please listen to your gut. We don't have to fall into a hole to figure out there is a big hole in the ground. If you see the hole, cross the street!
I knew I liked you .**unpopular opinion alert**
Op, if you like this guy, but have become less interested, then I say keep him around while you date others. There's 2 reasons I suggest this:
1) if you know its not gonna go anywhere use him for kicks...if and only if the "kicks" are worth it to you. There's a chance he's gonna continue to act perfect because he got an ace in the hole. Use that to your advantage until you're tired of him. I only advise this if you are feeling him less than you were before.
2) I have a strong intuition about men. After they touch me (if I let them), I will literally dream about who they are/intentions. Those who know what I'm talking about know that intuition gets stronger with experience. When I was younger, I used to 2nd guess myself until I got tired of walking into mine fields . I seemed crazy back then, but that experience actually served me well. But now, when I get my gut feeling, its strong...and I now know when to jump ship w/o the 2nd guessing.
My point is that at some point you may get the evidence you need. I'm not suggesting that you look for it, but getting that confirmation will help you learn your lesson, if you can manage to avoid the drama.
If the potential cheating/swinging is a deal breaker for you then use his time, money, etc until you've landed the guy you want or have gotten tired. Not every guy in your rotation needs to be a dime...he just needs to be giving you something worthwhile.
This should go without saying but just in case: Continue to date, esp since he's untrustworthy and is not your man!
I'm not. Leave those people alone all together. Snakes don't care who they bite.
One thing that stands out is that he didn't acknowledge your feelings, he didn't apologize for his actions making you feel that way, and he didn't ensure you that something like that would not happen again.So, 'my guy' and I had our talk. Bottom line ...before I go into detail is... I am going to continue to see him until I have clear evidence. My gut instinct made me zone in on what I observed between girlfriend and 'my guy'. That same gut instinct is telling me that the interaction was innocent (at least for him). You must remember that hindsight is 20/20. So with that said...many of the posters who were gracious enough to share their stories of betrayal... Must realize that they may have had to wait to receive clear information or undeniable evidence of their SO's behavior that they could no longer deny. In my case, if 'my guy' is up to no good... I am going to need more evidence. Know that I have been dating and been in relationships for years, so I am not new to this. I have come across a few dogs (just a few), but it never took me longer than a month for me to see their ways and take immediate action. I am confident that if my guy is up to no good, I will find out soon enough. Soon enough for me. I have come to know men pretty well. As a single women I am always propositioned by married men, even the ones you would least expect. It has gotten to where I know the game. Most men have side chicks. So I am not gullible or a fool. However, at this point while I am dating my guy, with the exception of the hand incident, I have no complaints. In my heart and gut I do not feel there was anything to the hand incident. However, I do feel girlfriend should have reacted differently. My guys' response to that was, "he cannot tell me what she was thinking."
His response to my inquiry for those interested:
1. Do you think I would play "finger-sies", while you are sitting right there, for you to clearly see?
2. Girlfriend is 'best friends' girl. I would never cross that line.
3. He has never been in a past relationship of any kind with her.
Now, although his statements don't necessarily exonerate him, I cannot just drop a seemingly 'good guy' for something I am not certain about.
So, I will continue to date 'my guy' with 'eyes and ears' turned all the way up. If there is any indication of questionable behavior again, he will be discarded (no questions asked).
By the way, during my online dating stint, I have gotten to know a few private investigators. If my guy and I discuss taking this to the next level, I will definitely patronize their services. I have a feeling they would be happy to oblige.
One thing that stands out is that he didn't acknowledge your feelings, he didn't apologize for his actions making you feel that way, and he didn't ensure you that something like that would not happen again.
What he did was turn it back on you and make you rationalize and normalize the behavior in question. He tried to make it look like you were being irrational and delusional. Like you can't trust your own two eyes.
Just keep that in mind for future reference.
I knew I liked you .
Keep us updated
Nope. I don't think your on the mark, this time. He said more in our conversation but I can't recall everything. I personally did not feel he needed to apologize because he inadvertently touched someone's hand/finger. I will add that he was supportive in his answer. He stressed that it was a misunderstanding and that he did not intentionally touch her hand/finger and he did not realize he was touching her hand/finger.One thing that stands out is that he didn't acknowledge your feelings, he didn't apologize for his actions making you feel that way, and he didn't ensure you that something like that would not happen again.
One thing that stands out is that he didn't acknowledge your feelings, he didn't apologize for his actions making you feel that way, and he didn't ensure you that something like that would not happen again.
What he did was turn it back on you and make you rationalize and normalize the behavior in question. He tried to make it look like you were being irrational and delusional. Like you can't trust your own two eyes.
Just keep that in mind for future reference.
One thing that stands out is that he didn't acknowledge your feelings, he didn't apologize for his actions making you feel that way, and he didn't ensure you that something like that would not happen again.
What he did was turn it back on you and make you rationalize and normalize the behavior in question. He tried to make it look like you were being irrational and delusional. Like you can't trust your own two eyes.
Just keep that in mind for future reference.
Nope. I don't think your on the mark, this time. He said more in our conversation but I can't recall everything. I personally did not feel he needed to apologize because he inadvertently touched someone's hand/finger. I will add that he was supportive in his answer. He stressed that it was a misunderstanding and that he did not intentionally touch her hand/finger and he did not realize he was touching her hand/finger.
Trust me, I really wish I had more concrete proof that something was going on, but I don't. I get a thrill from letting guys know I am not the one. I have no problem being single and there is someone actually in line for their spot (which is actually true). I don't feel I'm back pedaling. I just don't feel I have enough proof. It really appeared to be an accident on his part.
Thanks for sharing and I'm sorry that you had to experience that. I'm glad that you're life is better.
I experienced verbal and emotional abuse in my marriage. You have to be very careful after you come out of that type of situation because you leave so broken that a whiff of good treatment is enough. All they have to do is treat you slightly better than the last man. More than likely, your self esteem has been chipped away and you can be easily manipulated. It isn't likely that you know how to do any of the bulleted items. I know that I didn't. Thank you for highlighting them.
It's a catch 22 because you need to date so that you can get to know different types of men, but at the same time, if you aren't healed, you can end up with the same partner-different name.
Having a broken engagement has really shaken me to the core. I've felt humiliation, anger, hurt and so much more. The flip side is us getting back together was one of the best things that could have happened to me. It helped me to think in shades of gray.
As I was looking at cake toppers, I wanted one that said, "It was always you". Something that symbolized us coming back together and it being great. God showed me that it was never him. He came back into my life for me to learn this last piece, not to be my husband.
I agree. It is discouraging to hear these stories but you have to remember that there are still good men out there. As you sharpen your intuition, the bums will stand out like sore thumbs. When you hear and see their deception, you will recognize it and send them on their way. Stay encouraged and stay woke.
I wouldn't consider it a rotation because I am not able to be intimate (even kissing) with more than one guy at a time. But my guy knows that someone recently came forward professing their feelings for me. I had to let the new guy know that I was in a "relationship". The only reason I decided to let this "new guy" know that I was in an exclusive relationship, was because he himself was looking for exclusivity. I wanted to give him the impression that I was an exclusive type of girl, just in case I reached out to him in the future (which he asked me to do, if things don't work out with 'my guy'). Other than that, let's just say I keep the lines of communication open with other potentials. When it rains it pours.Do you have a rotation of men going?
Great advice! Thanks for sharing.I was able to experience the bolded (dating) safely.
What helped me escape the Catch 22 was;
1. Remembering other people's mistakes. One friend ended up pregnant and abandoned after going wild after her divorce.
2. Dating multiple guys. It kept me from focusing on just one guy (and him smelling my vulnerability) and brought me tons of attention from multiple sources (which I needed).
3. Forcing myself to outline the good and the bad of my ExDH and sift through to discover what I valued in a mate. This helped me not just look for guys who displayed traits opposite of my Ex had but forced me to see them as whole people and judge them accordingly. (This may have been one of the most valuable lessons I got).
4. I forced myself to let go of guys at the first sign of suspicious behavior. Having multiple guys in rotation AND not being sexually involved with any of them made red flags easy to spot, and ghosting or calling them out easy to do.
5. Only dating for the experience, not for a relationship. Realizing I needed time to heal and so this was just "practice".
I dated for about 3 months and got it all out of my system. Now, I'm not interested in being in dating or being in a relationship but I needed that time of healing and learning about guys.
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Good luck OP. We'll always be there for you. We all want you to be safe and happy.
There's nothing wrong with my post... If you have questions ask.Girl...it was so much wrong with OP's last post I don't even know what to say...this gif sums it up perfectly though.
A lot of people in this board believe in rotations, or dating until you're married/engaged. I firmly believe in this as it only benefits you and will not hurt you. Letting men know you're not exclusive until you have a ring on your finger is the ultimate trial of a man's dedication to you. Idk what @shortycocoa meant specifically but your post seemed off to me for two reasons:There's nothing wrong with my post... If you have questions ask.
A lot of people in this board believe in rotations, or dating until you're married/engaged. I firmly believe in this as it only benefits you and will not hurt you. Letting men know you're not exclusive until you have a ring on your finger is the ultimate trial of a man's dedication to you. Idk what @shortycocoa meant specifically but your post seemed off to me for two reasons:
1. Having a rotation does not mean kissing and sexin a bunch of men. It means being available to date and get to know as many men as possible. It keeps dating fun and keeps women from clinging onto potentially bad men because thats their only choice.
2. A man came to you offering exclusivity which imo is a step up from a man who hasn't offered that and is touching other women. It seems backwards that you would give a man touching another woomen in front of you a second chance, but not a man who is offering more at least one measly date.
I wouldn't suggest dropping ol touchy dude if you don't want to. But I would suggest letting that second man take you out. (You can always say, oh I was very flattered and embarrassed in our recent conversation. Maybe you could give me a second chance at dinner/coffee/whatever).
The way you put "relationship in quotes is making me assume you aren't really. Don't let a man control your dating life if you aren't at minimum engaged imo
Once a man knows that he can not only disrespect you, but disrespect you without feeling the impending consequences, he's going to continue as long as you let him. Remember, we teach people how to treat us.
Quoting for emphasis. So much wisdom in this thread. If only I had this forum when I was younger. It would've saved me a ton of disappointment and wasted time.
Don't let a man control your dating life if you aren't at minimum engaged imo