Well-Known Member
This thread has really resonated with me. What I finally realized is that I USED to be very black and white in my thinking because of the examples I had in my life. I.e, The good dad and the good husband. A man can be either, neither or both but that didn't solidly click with me until the past year. My intuition got stronger as I got stronger. My wisdom improved as I began to work on myself.
A man can be perfectly in to you and attentive and meanwhile be sleeping with someone else and lying about it. A man can be generous to you and to someone else. A man can make you think you didn't see anything, but you clearly did. A man can be apologetic when caught and not had an ounce of remorse. A man can promise you the moon and stars, but what do his actions say? The thing is, once they tell the first lie, they have no problem continuing the lies. I'm not calling anyone out but myself. This is one of the painful parts of my past that I had to reconcile.
This is such a beautiful post. Thank you for writing this out. To be safe in this world you have to truly and deeply love yourself, trust your gut instincts, and be able to think critically.
Black and white thinking will get you got. Most people and situations are both/and, not either/or. We must learn to think in shades of gray, not black and white. Humans are gray. Very few are angels or demons. So you have to really get that. Yes a man can make beautiful love to you, sweet talk you, pay the bills, and be lying and cheating without an ounce of guilt or remorse. But like some of the ladies said already, we just know something is wrong, something is off.
Keep in mind:
•Love yourself unconditionally, take good care of yourself first and foremost
•Trust your gut instincts
•Learn to think critically, in shades of gray, accept that black and white thinking will get you got.