Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (10/1/2012 -12/31/2012)

NappyNelle - thanks so much for asking!! My hair actually strangely feels amazing lol. I left the AOHSR sealed with Grapeseed oil in all day yesterday while my hair was bunned up. This morning when I cowashed, it felt buttery and strong. So I'm hoping I won't see any setbacks down the line. Today I used HE Honey Im Strong conditioner as my leave in and sealed with GSO again, and wet bunned. Hoping things will be okay. :yep:

tapioca_pudding glad to hear it sounds like you have it under control! does the AOHSR make a good leave in? Thats the first I've heard anybody use it that way.
I would love to join! Im natural and have been for years. My problem is retaining the length I suppose. So here we go.

I will be wearing my hair in braids and buns when in the three day waiting period.

I dont do much styling to my hair. Probably just greasing scalp and a was every few weeks.

I am natural.

I hope to achieve a few inches while retaining my length.

I plain to go from braids to buns and back. Lolzyz pretty much what I do now anyways.. My starting photo is weird... But it's around apl when stretched.

The first photo is current length. Second photo is what it looks like right now. Just did it this weekend. Don't plan on pulling them down until nxt week.

Mucho Amor


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Um... so I'm not sure I'm going to make it to my 2 week mark!!! I keep finding too many loose hairs, lol. I'm not sure HOW I missed them in the twisting process - but they're there. Now the paranoid, SSK-phobic in me is wondering if I should take these down, detangle, wash and then reinstall? What should I do?!
Um... so I'm not sure I'm going to make it to my 2 week mark!!! I keep finding too many loose hairs, lol. I'm not sure HOW I missed them in the twisting process - but they're there. Now the paranoid, SSK-phobic in me is wondering if I should take these down, detangle, wash and then reinstall? What should I do?!

Maybe retwist them row by row unless they're in need of a serious washing?
Leslie_C I'm glad too! And no I don't think AOHSR is traditionally used for a leave in, I was just paranoid about protein overload and since AOHSR is so moisturizing (and all of my leave ins I had on hand contained some type of protein), I just went for it. I doubt I'll ever use it as a REGULAR leave in - maybe on my ends a couple times a week, sealed with oil. But this was my first time ever trying it and it seemed to work okay :)
I would love to join!:grin:
1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)?
crazy looking twists.:blush:
2. What is your style maintenance regimen?
Wash once a week, style, moisturize and seal every other day.
3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?
4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?
I'm hoping to retain length. I'm also hoping to become less style challenged.
5. After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? I will restyle after two days.


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Braids are done. I took my time with this set. Will probably leave them in for 2 weeks. My ends are always fuzzy. I can't braid all the way to the end so I leave em be :lol:

And guess what! I can bun the braids!! :yahoo: this is a HUGE deal!



Sent from my Android...Boom.
NikkiQ Your hair has gotten so long!!! I need to move to PR. :lol:

thehappyserver Your twists look so thick and juicy. We missed your posts during the last quarter of the challenge. Glad to have you back!

Kimeshajohnson Welcome to the board and welcome to the challenge! :wave: I don't see how you may have had problems retaining length because your hair looks long and thick to me. :lol: I hope you share your tips with us.

It is pouring in NY, so I'm bunned up with a banana clip. I was going to take a walk outside if it was just misting, but it's raining hard, so no extra moisture boost from nature for me.
:lol: thanks NappyNelle! I think it's the fact that I just don't do anything to it while I'm here. I don't work so I don't have to try to do my hair everyday. Tropical climate. I can cowash whenever and let it air dry. It's just so whatever here, I think everyone's hair can grow in this place :lachen:
This was my hair from yesterday:



I rolled the ends of my braids on perm rods the night before. I still want to get to the BSS to get some smaller ones. It was inspired from this look when I had mini twists earlier this year:



Those were tucked under the banana clip as a bun. I think I will prob do that tomorrow when these curls have fallen some more. I have been oiling my scalp every other day, so I will be washing my hair in a couple days. I am spraying my hair w/a aloe vera juice, grapeseed oil, honey mix. So far so good.
Just loving all this activity, I tried to jump in here this morning but ran out of time.

Forever in Bloom :welcome2:. Thanks for your patience with the mix up. It really would help if I could read :lol:. I'm really happy you're in this challenge with us. BTW, I used to go to the BSS to buy hair like yours:)

BraunSugar. Loving the new avi. Do you do hair professionally?

Diva_Esq. :hiya3:. Your location cracks me up.

nickmack. Hey. I got your first message friend. I was just trif and didn't update the Inspirations post right away. :blush: It's there now. As far as SSKs, there is a theory that they can't be avoided and are not that damaging. That's just one theory. Maybe Nonie knows something about this? TIA Nonie.

Leslie_C & NappyNelle. Aw shucks, y'all made me do the cheese eating :grin:. I can't take credit for anything. It's this team that keeps me going. :theteam:. Plus I lurked long enough in NikkiQ 's APL thread to see how much fun a challenge can be. Did y'all see her bun? :gorgeous:

Leslie_C has graced us once again with a 'Frugal Find'. Look at NappyNelle making lemonade out of lemons. Thanks for the tumblr inspiration. She is pretty with a great smile.

Going to go update the thread to include thehappyserver & Kimeshajohnson
@nickmack. Hey. I got your first message friend. I was just trif and didn't update the Inspirations post right away. :blush: It's there now. As far as SSKs, there is a theory that they can't be avoided and are not that damaging. That's just one theory. Maybe @Nonie knows something about this? TIA Nonie.

MeowMix, it is said they are characteristic of our hair. As I shared in this thread, my own experience has been I get them when I use products on my twists. I don't get them if I don't use any products. Also I think ACV rinses help keep my hair pH acidic so the strands are smooth. Keeping hair stretched in braids or twists (not loose) I think also helps. As does regular dusting, which I am anal about.

I do believe WNGs are a huge culprit.
Thanks Nonie for your expertise and jumping in here I just read through that thread. There is some great information in there. No wonder 2 years later I was thinking :scratchch 'where's Nonie':lol:
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Reading Nonie's posts for years has made me anal about my ends as well but I truly see it paying off. Daydreaming about DCing and retwisting on Thursday :). any of you ladies dabble in coffee or tea rinsing? I lurk in that challenge thread but still don't really get what the benefits are!
NappyNelle I really dont do much. My mother's Jamaican. They dont believe in doing too much. I have tried so many things I've seen on here, and she's like, wth are you doing now?! lolzyz. But thanxzyz! :-)
MeowMix Thank you! No I don't do hair professionally. I am a beauty school drop out though. I took some classes while I was in high school and ultimately decided to go to college to pursue art & design. I constantly watch videos about hair, mostly from hair dressers that teach different techniques and I also watch YT vids.

Braiding isn't my strong point but I am getting much better at it with practice. I am an unofficial weaveologist and wig maker. Those skills got me through some very hard times. :lol:
I'd like to join. I'm a long time on and off (mostly off) lurker. I've been natural my whole life (just about 30 years), but I had no idea about how to care for my hair until recently. I'm lazy. I used to keep my hair in extension braids for long periods of time, wash it only when I take out the braids, let the braid salons do whatever to my hair, use grease as "moisturizer", handle it roughly etc. I started learning about healthy hair practices a few years ago, but I just started my HHJ this past May. My avatar is from 06, so it isn't current. My hair is currently just below my collarbone (I guess that is shoulder length). It has grown since May, but I don't know how much.

My pics are of my current length (sides) and the style it has been in for the past week. I will redo my style on wash day (Saturday or Sunday).

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)? Twists and buns
2. What is your style maintenance regimen? Co-wash weekly, shampoo bi-weekly to monthly, style weekly, moisturize and seal ends every day, DC bi-weekly (will begin weekly soon).
3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural
4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? Retain length
5. After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? I restyle right after I air dry. The most I will go with my hair out is one day.

Froreal3 Your hair story sounds a lot like mine. I stayed in individual braids not realizing how much they were tearing up my ends.:( Your updo looks is looking GOOD. :welcome4: aboard
Reading Nonie's posts for years has made me anal about my ends as well but I truly see it paying off. Daydreaming about DCing and retwisting on Thursday :). any of you ladies dabble in coffee or tea rinsing? I lurk in that challenge thread but still don't really get what the benefits are!

-PYT I have a tried a black tea rinse, but of course I did it all wrong. :lol: Many people are decreasing their shedding by using tea/ herb/ coffee rinses as the last rinse after conditioning or shampooing. IDareT'sHair has gotten her shedding to be normal amounts, and Nix08 is experiencing better moisture retention. Someone else said that she doesn't get as many tangles at the line of demarcation.

If you make an herbal spritz for your hair, you will experience similar things, depending on the tea or herbs you use. I think I'll stop trying to be a mixtress and just use my Oyin spritzes with extra rosemary and peppermint.

BraunSugar That is talent to me. You could make wigs as your side hustle if you wanted/had the time to.
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What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)?
2 strand twists, flat twist updos, and quite recently I am able to bun! :yay:

What is your style maintenance regimen?
I twist up on the weekends at the end of wash day. I twist with wet hair. I usually will wear 2 strand twists for 1 week, OR flat twist updos for 2 weeks. If I wore 2 strand twists - at the end of the week, I'll rock a twistout.

Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?

What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?
Growth retention, getting more creative with my styling.

After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days?
3 days max

Include Starting Pic. (You are not a challenger without a pic).

@Nonie I also like to do ACv rinses, but Im not sure how often is ok to do them...? Can I do them after every wash?

@Froreal3 Welcome! Cant wait to see how much your hair flourishes since you officially started your HHJ.

@PYT I have coffee/tea rinses on my list of things to try eventually, along with bentonite clay. Just dont want to add anything else into the mix right now bc what Im doing seems to be working and in the past I did more harm than good by doing just too many different things to my hair at once lol.

@BraunSugar you could profit off those upart wig skills ya know? Can we get a Nikos cousin rate???? :look:

@bajandoc86 I love that hairstyle you just posted...I hope you dont mind Im gonna add it to my inspiration folder lol. You sure do have some skills!!!
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@Nonie I also like to do ACv rinses, but Im not sure how often is ok to do them...? Can I do them after every wash?

Leslie_C absolutely! I do mine at the end of every wash. If I don't have time to do a dunk (which I prefer), I towel dry and then spritz my hair with a solution of ACV, water and essential oils of lavender and of rosemary. Just make sure your solution is very dilute. Err on the side of caution as a very acidic solution will breakdown the protein in your hair. My solution ratio is 1/4 cup of ACV to 2 gallons of water. My argument is, even just a drop of ACV does make plain water slightly acidic and lowers the pH some, so better safe than sorry.