Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (1/1/2012-3/31/2012)

Just a first week update:

my name wont stay twisted for the life of me. So I've re-twisted it a few times. I've worn my hair down to class only once. The next day it was up in a small pony with the ends tucked ( baggied the ends and sealed before tucking the ends ).

Tonight I think I'm going to re-twist the front. Ive been wearing them in a pony tails with my silk scarf while I've been home and the front has gotten really egh loooking.

Things I'm going to do this week: Baggie only my ends maybe twice this week and seal.
Thursday or Friday the 12th or 13th im going to wear a twist out. Saturday night I'll pre-poo while at work. Then sunday will be detangle, poo, and wash ( maybe) condition day.

It all sounds good but I know I can make it work!
I need to get started on my hair but I'm dragging. I wore a twist out yesterday so now my hair is up in 20 twists. I applied Castor oil to my scalp last night and let it soak in. So want to DC with AO GPB and then retwist. It shouldn't take long once I really get started.
3 hours braiding these last night:
wet them this morning so that they would curl on the ends, which didn't work. I guess I need the conditioner to make them curl


Dry hair
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My twists are a week old today. They're holding up fairly well. I re-twisted to front row and the back row on Friday since the front was looking a little raggedy and the back my hair is finer there so the twists were unravelling. I was going to shampoo and DC today but my hair didn't feel like it needed it so I instead ran my hands under water and used my wet hands to dampen my hair just a little and then applied MT and HTN Protein DC all over, covered with a baggie and wrapped it up in my hair therapy wrap. I'm just going to leave this on until tonight when I shower and rinse it out then. I'm warming my therapy wrap in the microwave every 20 mins to keep it warm. After I rinse I'll check out my twists and retwist any loose twists. Then I will apply my leave in, m&s, and massage my scalp with my mix of water, MT and Beemine sulfer serum and GHE over night. I'll be taking these out on Weds night or Thurs morning...we'll see.
Finally rinsed out my conditioner. Applied my SM Smoothie mix, let it air dry and reapplied SM Smoothie. I put 2 strand twist in the front. But it was so late I flat twisted the rest and applied unpetroleum jelly to the ends. I will try to put it in a bun tomorrow. Not sure how that will turn out. I haven't done a bun before. Probably tomorrow night I will twist the remainder of my hair into 2 strand twists.
I use satin twist. I take my briaids or hair and start rolling half way up until all roled on the twist. Then I twist up till secure. No ruff edges and not tight to cause breakage. This is what they look like.

The second way is I start a loose twist then I start to wind the hair in a bun holding it down at first. When all the ends are in I use a large soft tip hair pin to secure the bun ends to the bun not my scalp hairs. It may take 3 hair pins or more for alot of hair.

I had no breakage.

I am now using another method because the bun was getting to heavy as some of my volume has returned this past 10 months. :yep: Need to get a photo later.

Vintagecoilylocks Love love love your hair. I mean I love my henna hair but I also love the salt and pepper and every time I see your hair it makes me want to go back. I also love my curls but you make me want to rock the twist.
What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)? bunning
What is your style maintenance regimen? DC weekly, moisturize daily, Aphogee DC monthly.
Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Texlax
What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? retain length and add thickness
After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days?
faithVA can I join in?

I was wigging it but due to some of my financial goals I will not be indulging in my weaves and wigs this year. So on to bunning!

What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)?Mostly buns. I have bangs cut, so those short twists would look funny :lol: I am dry bunning until it gets nice outside
What is your style maintenance regimen? At night I moisturize with some oils, wear my scarf, and then the next day I do it all again.
Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? colored Natural
What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? I want to be able to deep condition my hair every weekend and also transition out of some of my color damage, while still remaining a blonde. I will probably get my color retouched next weekend.
A healthy BSL by next year would make me happy.
After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? My hair will have breathe days on the weekend.
Include Starting Pic. (You are not a challenger without a pic).


as you can see, some of the light peices broke. This is a result of color cleansing and highlights on top of highlights. working at the salon really did a number on my own hair, I just kept getting bored. :lol:


I want my curls to reach my shoulders as well.
Day 3 with these braids. So on Saturday I got a compliment. Nevermind that it was from the supermarket crackhead & she only wanted $1, it was a compliment & i'll take it LOL! I swear she just popped up and was like "das nice"

My Mama & my Aunty love it too but they are easily impressed by ANYBODY that can do their own hair. LMAO!

I've rinsed everyday and will continue to rinse,remoisturize, & seal so long as I keep sweating up a storm everyday!
Day 3 with these braids. So on Saturday I got a compliment. Nevermind that it was from the supermarket crackhead & she only wanted $1, it was a compliment & i'll take it LOL! I swear she just popped up and was like "das nice"

My Mama & my Aunty love it too but they are easily impressed by ANYBODY that can do their own hair. LMAO!

I've rinsed everyday and will continue to rinse,remoisturize, & seal so long as I keep sweating up a storm everyday!

:lol: That's funny. I can almost hear it in that Erykah Badu crackhead voice. Take it however you can get it girl.
I'm back in twists, yay!! I did my Aphogee treatment, followed by a moisturizing DC, and then twisted. I think they look pretty good too :yep:. Planning to keep these in until 1/28.

:lol: i wasn't even trying to put it in a bun either! :lol: i was trying to twist up the back and it just ended up that way! i thought i couldn't use this hair stick thingy for that, but hey i found something new to try! now i gotta find your post! :lol:

Yeah, I'll give you a pass. :ohwell: This time. :lol:
Washed, DC'd, and bantu knotted my hair for another week of bunning!

Haven't worn my hair out since the beginning of this challenge and it's made a big difference compared to WnG's daily. I've also discovered that if I don't give my hair a chance to curl up, my hair stays so smooth and tanglefree I can just run my fingers through it while dry. I would have never thought this possible. :lol:
Wore my hair in a twist-out for two days and I'm now wearing mini (at least for me) twists. My plan is to wear the new set of twists for at least two weeks. Will use a scalp cleanser when I feel the need arises.
Ok, I'm in...I'm currently wearing my twists in an updo style that I normally wear for a week.
  1. What is your primary style? - Twists in a updo (bun style)
  2. What is your style maintenance regimen? I oil my scalp immediately after creating twists. I wrap my twists with a satin scarf when ready for bed.
  3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? I am natural
  4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? Protecting my ends from the damaging affects of the cold winter air
  5. After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? Three days
Edited to add starting images to post. Image dated 12/28/2011:

BEAUTIFUL TWISTS Asha97!! :drool:
Ok ladies I'm having a slight problem and im not sure how to fix it. I'm relaxed and am 8 months post relaxer and am trying to go for a few more months. Lately I've been twisting my hair to keep my hands out of it and such but I can't seem to figure out what to do about my ends. As you can imagine, at 8 months post I have a lot of new growth. Any suggestions ladies? I could really use your help! :(
Ok ladies I'm having a slight problem and im not sure how to fix it. I'm relaxed and am 8 months post relaxer and am trying to go for a few more months. Lately I've been twisting my hair to keep my hands out of it and such but I can't seem to figure out what to do about my ends. As you can imagine, at 8 months post I have a lot of new growth. Any suggestions ladies? I could really use your help! :(

EasypeaZee, What are you trying to figure out about your ends?

If you mean that when you twist, your ends are straight, I think some put their ends on rods to curl them up.