Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (1/1/2012-3/31/2012)

I'm so excited about this new start. I really need to back away from the wigs and everything. My husband "made" me wear my hair out when his judgmental family came here and I felt so stress free. I didn't have to worry about making sure the wig wasn't going to be able to fall off. It was nice. I can do a lot with these twists so I'm gonna make it work.
@faithVA Updated my original post! I believe my post is #36.

I'm currently wearing twists now, and will sport a twist out for a few days. I plan to wash and re-style into wet set twists for my next style.

GL ladies!
I'm back in twists for 2011. I still need some inches. I have a hard time getting the majority of my twists into a bun without pulling them and they still wiggle loose.

I wore a twist out on New Years day. So last night I used a conditioner and twisted my hair into small to medium twists. They don't look like much but they feel nice.

Going to go home and try to take some pictures. I want to do a measurement and take a picture the first week of every month to chart my progress. Because I swear my hair isn't retaining.

I do think twisting with the conditioner and learning how to use the SM Smoothie correctly for my hair is going to help me in the long run.

I may try to keep these in for 2 weeks but I will wait until Saturday to decide.
I'm still twisting... it's taking forever and there's nothing interesting on television.
Can I still join??

What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)? boxed braids
What is your style maintenance regimen?wash/dc/detangle hair, put box braids in for 5 days, plopped wash n go for 2 days, start the cycle over again
Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?natural
What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?I'm growing my hair back to WL after a BC to chin length
After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days?2
Include Starting Pic. (You are not a challenger without a pic)
Can I still join??

What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)? boxed braids
What is your style maintenance regimen?wash/dc/detangle hair, put box braids in for 5 days, plopped wash n go for 2 days, start the cycle over again
Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?natural
What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?I'm growing my hair back to WL after a BC to chin length
After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days?2
Include Starting Pic. (You are not a challenger without a pic)

Welcome curlycrocheter. Yes you can still join. We are just getting started.
Welcome curlycrocheter. Yes you can still join. We are just getting started.

Awesome! I wore box braids all through the summer and they were amazing! They just took 8+ to do.

I've worn them once this winter and they lasted about 5 days so this challenge is perfect for me. I'll be doing them tomorrow after my daughter goes to her grandparent's house :yep:
I'm officially in. Edited my post #92

Truth is I said I wasn't going to join anymore challenges, cos I'm mostly lazy to post updates.. but I really liked hanging out with y'all in the other challenges last year.. so what the heck.. lol...
Awesome! I wore box braids all through the summer and they were amazing! They just took 8+ to do.

I've worn them once this winter and they lasted about 5 days so this challenge is perfect for me. I'll be doing them tomorrow after my daughter goes to her grandparent's house :yep:

Pics please-would love to see some box braid examples on non-weaved hair.
JustGROWwithIt and cherryhair123, Thanks for attempting to post your pics. But I don't see a picture for either of you. So you will have to try again.

1. Go to your original post.
2. Click edit
3. Click the paperclip
4. Browse to a picture on your computer
5. Click upload
6. Close the box
7. Click the paperclip again, and it will show the image(s) you uploaded
8. Select the name of the image and it will drop it into the post.

Hope that helps.
Pics showed up now
I'm officially in. Edited my post #92

Truth is I said I wasn't going to join anymore challenges, cos I'm mostly lazy to post updates.. but I really liked hanging out with y'all in the other challenges last year.. so what the heck.. lol...

judy4all, I'm glad you decided to hang out with us. And you know my threads are low stress. Yes, I do want a starting and ending pic but besides that we can work it out :yep:

Your hair is already growing nicely. Can't wait to see the final results.
Can someone share their maintenance regimen when in twists/braids? I've never tried to wash/DC in them and want to know a process that works.
I'm in! I didn't take care of my hair well towards the end of the 2011. I have been inspired by the 2011 progress/reveal threads. It also helps to know that I'm not alone in this journey and it is possible to reach my hair health & length goals in 2012.

My starting point (nape) is touching/grazing APL. My goal is to reach BSL August 2012.
Can someone share their maintenance regimen when in twists/braids? I've never tried to wash/DC in them and want to know a process that works.

gvin89 I moisturize with water and seal with a castor oil mix every other day. Oil my scalp with castor oil. I wash and condition in twists every other week... no dc.. (prepoo with evco overnight first), and redo my edges. I redo the entire head of twists monthly by washing in twists as usual, airdrying with scarf n bun till 60% dry, then redoing twists one by one(i dont unravel my whole head of twists)

Hope this helps..

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Can someone share their maintenance regimen when in twists/braids? I've never tried to wash/DC in them and want to know a process that works.

I can't help you with that one. But I know a few ladies on here do wash in them and will be able to provide you with tips.
[USER=21123 said:
septemberbaby[/USER];14980721]I'm in! I didn't take care of my hair well towards the end of the 2011. I have been inspired by the 2011 progress/reveal threads. It also helps to know that I'm not alone in this journey and it is possible to reach my hair health & length goals in 2012.

My starting point (nape) is touching/grazing APL. My goal is to reach BSL August 2012.

Let me know when you update your post so I can officially add you to the challenge.
I'm finally finished twisting my hair; I have to take pictures, but I'm not sure how I'll style them today.
Can someone share their maintenance regimen when in twists/braids? I've never tried to wash/DC in them and want to know a process that works.

I cowash daily and I am very careful and make sure that I smooth the conditioner down the shaft of the braid and that I rub gently on the scalp so that the hair doesn't get tangled or matted. same thing when I shampoo (once every 3 weeks), apply my deep conditioner (weekly) and when I apply my leave-in (daily). I do go heavy on the hair with the products because I work 13 hour days and really need my hair to stay moist, and this has been helping.

I love love love washing my hair now because i don't have to detangle but once a month when its time to re-do my breaids. So far I haven't experienced lots of build-up and the daily co-washing my be the reason
1.What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)? 2 strand twists + 2 strand flat twists
2.What is your style maintenance regimen? Twist and leave in for two weeks, DC and wash hair 2x a week (shampoo and co-wash in alternation), m&s as needed as well as scalping, leave hair out for 2 days (during this time is when I'll do ayurvedic tea rinses and DC) and repeat.
3.Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural
4.What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? More length, growth and moisture retention, versatility
5.After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days?
2 days

ETA: Will DC 1x a week^^


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Ok, @faithVA
Here are my starting pics. I hope it works this time :lol:
These are pics taken on freshly washed hair. In the first pic there is a black mark on the back of my shirt. That is where my hair was in October but it was just a funky part of my hair that was about 1" longer than the rest so I had it cut off. The bra pic is just to show where my armpits are to see how close I am to APL.
I was searching through my phone pics because I knew I had taken a pic of my hair not too long ago and I wanted to see how much it grew. When I found it I was shocked. I took it in the same shirt as the pics below. The pic on my phone is dated 11/12/11 and it is approx 1" above the black line on my shirt. The pic posted below is from a few days ago and it's approx 1" PAST the line! (My hubby's fingers are blocking the ends of my hair but it is at the bottom of his fingers). That's way more growth than I thought I had and only in a month and a half! I am just going to keep doing what I've been doing because it's obviously working for me. If my hair keeps this up I'll be APL by March! :yay:I can't figure out how to get my pic off my phone but when I do I'll come back and edit this post.




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I am really thinking about washing/cowashing and retwisting my hair every 4 days. I think it will help up the moisture in my hair and it will make a difference in the health of my crown. I've been really lazy when it comes to the idea of retwisting my hair mid-week because it eats up so much time. I'm still a bit up in the air. But I may give it a try to see.

I think I need to buy one of those thermal heat/steaming packs. That way I can condition with heat while still being able to move around.
I'm thinking about washing my hair more often as well! I'm really liking my wash and go's so I'm thinking I can wash on Fridays, down for weekend, and then wash again on Monday and bun for the week.
I'm thinking about washing my hair more often as well! I'm really liking my wash and go's so I'm thinking I can wash on Fridays, down for weekend, and then wash again on Monday and bun for the week.

I think if my hair was at a length where I could wash, stretch overnight and bun in the morning I would be less hesitant. But I think I have another 3 to 6 months before my hair will be bun ready. I am sooooo looking forward to it though. :yep:
I'm thinking about washing my hair more often as well! I'm really liking my wash and go's so I'm thinking I can wash on Fridays, down for weekend, and then wash again on Monday and bun for the week.

That is a great routine!!
I am really thinking about washing/cowashing and retwisting my hair every 4 days. I think it will help up the moisture in my hair and it will make a difference in the health of my crown. I've been really lazy when it comes to the idea of retwisting my hair mid-week because it eats up so much time. I'm still a bit up in the air. But I may give it a try to see.

I think I need to buy one of those thermal heat/steaming packs. That way I can condition with heat while still being able to move around.

Why are you re-twisting your hair so often? Can't you wash in twists?

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