The Past Has Caught Up With Me

Ladies, I really, really, really, need some help. I have finally started dating the man of my dreams. He is kind, gentle, sweet, understanding and a great catch. I can tell that he really loves me a lot, he shows it and has no problem expressing it. We talk about the future cause both of us are about to graduate from college, and we have a lot of fun being together.

Well today he googled my username (not this one) but another one that I used to have on another site in 2009. So some posts that I made in June 2009 came up, unfortunately it was about sex. I posted a thread about having the worst sex ever in a forum that was...well an adult forum. I had about 8 posts total in the entire forum and have not posted there since 2009. I also posted about some stuff that I liked in other threads where that was the topic.

Prior to posting that stuff though, I was in a relationship for 5 years. I was beaten, and mentally abused for the last two (really three but I was stupid and did not see the warning signs) and I got the hell out of that and started to date someone about 5 months later just to kinda cut loose, date, have fun and yes..we had sex. I went thru counseling after that last person I dated cause I was really depressed and drinking a bit. I went back to school, got promoted at work, lost weight, started to feel better about myself and then I met him.

Well he text me today, after he read that and he called me a whore, told me I was filthy and that he did not want to sleep with me because I may post about on a message board. He text me everything that I have ever posted and then he dumped me and told me that I was fake. I apologized and explained everything to him, and he forgave me. But then he started to cry and tell me that I was a whore again. I tried to call him again and he said he was gonna go to bed and that it was too hard for him to talk to me.

I changed a lot since 2009. It may have not been forever ago, but I really made steps to get over that and move on and it kills me that he saw that, but I cannot take it back. As of the last time we talked, we are still together, but he kept reading my old posts and even took screenshots of them. He said that I crushed him and that he didn't know what to do with me.

I feel so bad, and I cannot stop crying. He really made me feel like dirt, and I feel low like I did back then. What can I do?

:look: He called you a whore and filthy. He's not wonderful...when the chips are down he will kick you (again) if you let him. The names are telling of the kind of person he is. I won't even get into his detective work which is a whole other bag of b.s. I think it's a done deal and should be left in the past. I think instead of apologizing and feeling guilty for a time in which you felt you were depressed, you should be more concerned with the way this guy is talking to you now: you said you were mentally abused before, can't you see the signs? He's not a prize so be happy he cut you loose and kim. You deserve someone who loves you for who you are (and your past) and someone who won't fly off the handle calling you names. I'm sure they're out there. I'm sorry you're in this situation but I hope that you can see it for the gift that it is. Who knows where this relationship was going to lead? This verbal abuse is only the beginning imo.
Okay finally read through the thread. Wow lhcf united in agreement! Anyhooo... I'm glad that you decided to tell him off and let him go. I am sure he will still blow up your phone for a while...hopefully you'll continue to stand strong.
You nailed it! I totally agree.:yep: He's going to be blowing her up because some men are dogs. You run and they chase you. I can smell dog all over her original post. And you know he cursed his mom out, any man that can let the "w" fly, doesn't have any respect for women starting with Mom.:nono:

Lexy baby you ran and really dodged the bullet aimed straight at you. Stay gone when it comes to this nut case.

I don't know if he's a dog or just silly.
Thank you so much ladies. Now I'm crying cause I feel so much better :)

I'm pretty sure he got my username from Skype. He just used that name and ran with it. I emailed the mods over there to have all my post removed. So hopefully they will help with that, since they are too old too edit.

And yes, I do think that he has sexual insecurity. I don't know.where it comes from though. And I never told him I was a virgin. But he kept telling me he thought that I would never talk like that.

I know this may be reaching...but he is Hispanic, so maybe the whole machismo thing is coming into play. And his mother kinda rode him for me being black, but he acted like he didn't care so neither did I. Maybe he really did.

But I have not talked to him since last night. He text me about 20 times, and I have not read them.

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I'm glad that you got rid of him. :yep:

Not that he would, but since we have the impression that he is unstable, I would save, print out or take pictures of any texts he sends you that seems questionable or threatening, in case you ever have a problem with him. Save any voice mail messages too that seem “off” or threatening.

I’m not trying to scare you. I just want you to cover your “_____” just in case.
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First this:
Ladies, I really, really, really, need some help. I have finally started dating the man of my dreams. He is kind, gentle, sweet, understanding and a great catch. I can tell that he really loves me a lot, he shows it and has no problem expressing it. We talk about the future cause both of us are about to graduate from college, and we have a lot of fun being together.

Then this which, btw, contradicts with that above. Are you sure? :nono::
Well he text me today, after he read that and he called me a whore, told me I was filthy and that he did not want to sleep with me because I may post about on a message board. He text me everything that I have ever posted and then he dumped me and told me that I was fake. I apologized and explained everything to him, and he forgave me.

Sorry OP, this made me laugh out loud:
But then he started to cry and tell me that I was a whore again. I tried to call him again and he said he was gonna go to bed and that it was too hard for him to talk to me.

Basically, he has no understanding about life. If he wants a virgin, let him go find a virgin. I'm sure you didn't post the other guy's name and address etc. on front street, just the treachery involved. You had every right to. He might have been nice in the beginning but he's very immature. And one word of advice from a good friend, "don't trust a man who cries like that." Secondly, you'd be a whore for having slept with him and he lost interest at some point.

................. He really made me feel like dirt, and I feel low like I did back then. What can I do?

Now, take FLOTUS' advice on dating and relationships in general. If it hurts, it's not good for doesn't hurt. Don't date a man that makes you hurt or causes you anxiety.
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I'm sorry that happened to you lady, I'm sure this is a hard scenario for you.

In your post you said you ignored the warning signs of your old abusive relationship... I don't like to judge others but his actions read off as warning signs to me. Anytime someone castrates another individual over something they did and stopped doing before they met (depending on the circumstances) should evaluate their ego and pride. We like to think that we are the first and only in the lives of those that we meet, not realizing that everyone has a past. To me that is a major red flag, how will he react when he finds out about anything else in your past?

No one is perfect, we all must bear with one another through our grievances and not condemn. Do not let anyone hold you to your past, do not let anyone tear down your spirit, do not let anyone abuse you through words, actions or behaviors.
She said he was kind and a slew of wonderful things, his actions were opposite which leads me to believe that her initial perception of him was skewed.:look:

Ohhh, ok. I gotcha. I read that a totally different way but I see what you mean now. :yep:
Ladies, I really, really, really, need some help. I have finally started dating the man of my dreams. He is kind, gentle, sweet, understanding and a great catch. I can tell that he really loves me a lot, he shows it and has no problem expressing it. We talk about the future cause both of us are about to graduate from college, and we have a lot of fun being together.

Well today he googled my username (not this one) but another one that I used to have on another site in 2009. So some posts that I made in June 2009 came up, unfortunately it was about sex. I posted a thread about having the worst sex ever in a forum that was...well an adult forum. I had about 8 posts total in the entire forum and have not posted there since 2009. I also posted about some stuff that I liked in other threads where that was the topic.

Prior to posting that stuff though, I was in a relationship for 5 years. I was beaten, and mentally abused for the last two (really three but I was stupid and did not see the warning signs) and I got the hell out of that and started to date someone about 5 months later just to kinda cut loose, date, have fun and yes..we had sex. I went thru counseling after that last person I dated cause I was really depressed and drinking a bit. I went back to school, got promoted at work, lost weight, started to feel better about myself and then I met him.

Well he text me today, after he read that and he called me a whore, told me I was filthy and that he did not want to sleep with me because I may post about on a message board. He text me everything that I have ever posted and then he dumped me and told me that I was fake. I apologized and explained everything to him, and he forgave me. But then he started to cry and tell me that I was a whore again. I tried to call him again and he said he was gonna go to bed and that it was too hard for him to talk to me.

I changed a lot since 2009. It may have not been forever ago, but I really made steps to get over that and move on and it kills me that he saw that, but I cannot take it back. As of the last time we talked, we are still together, but he kept reading my old posts and even took screenshots of them. He said that I crushed him and that he didn't know what to do with me.

I feel so bad, and I cannot stop crying. He really made me feel like dirt, and I feel low like I did back then. What can I do?

Wow, I just finished going through the same schitt. Dude going on facebook looking for me, googling me, and all that and mad because of things from my past. As @FlowerHair said, you do not owe him any kind of apology or explanation for anything you may have said or done in the past. That is YOUR past and he has nothing to do with it. If he can not see that you are not that same person girl to hell with him. Im sorry Im coming to you from a fed up woman's perspective. It just kills me....boils my blood that these men have the audacity to say things to us about what we did on the fa king internet as opposed to their whoring out in the real world. Schitt maybe he should go find a girl with no past (tell him to try a convent). Im sick of this.....worrying about our past and constantly asking about our past. I know one thing....if I ever decided to be in another relationship I will tell the guy upfront that I don't want to know about his past and I do not discuss my past. I have nothing to hide but I feel its nothing that concerns you. If you do not like that you can walk away now. Seriously.....because my older cousin was loose and wild in college back in the 90s. She had sex with quite a few men she told us but she always protected herself.
She met this guy a few years after she had started her career and he seemed like a great guy. After about 8 months or so of dating he felt it was necessary to tell my cousin that when he was 18 he had sex with a girl from his neighborhood that was 12 years old and messed with her cousin who was 11 years old. The girls were fast and never told anyone but he was sneaking over there when the mother wasn't home and the neighbors told. He went to jail for a little bit and had that sex offender stamp for the rest of eternity. My cousin was shocked....very very shocked but she liked him and trusted him and told him that they would get through it together. My cousin is a very understanding person. (borderline stupid)
A few months later my cousin went to a party her sorority threw with the guy. Everyone was drinking and having a good time then subjects started popping up like "remember the time". Well one of my cousin's sorority sisters brought up the time she and my cousin let these dudes run a train and about the night she was in a beer bath with some white boys. The guy my cousin was with got up and left her there because they rode together. When my cousin got home she called him and he told her that she is a whore and that's something that he couldn't deal with.
Can you believe that? A damn sex offender telling MY cousin that stuff just because she was loosed IN COLLEGE? In those days who wasn't loose. She looked past his schitt but he couldn't look past hers. These men today are just.....ugh! Im telling you if you must bring up your past tell the person before getting involved but all in all don't bring it up ever!

In your case OP im sorry I would like to give u an e-hug because you have a horrible snooper on your hands and I just got rid of one of those. Bless u baby but u can find better out there. Who u were then is not who u are now and it takes a very understanding person to see that. I feel ur pain and best wishes to u.
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I am sorry you feel hurt but men are quick to do research on the woman they are truly feeling and may even think about wifing up. It's the case of always wanting a woman to better and have more respectability for their self than they have. It's truly a double standard. He probably saw those posts and concluded that you may have been a freak. It may not have been true in your case but that is probably how he felt.

Your past is indicative of your future. Just be wiser in your choice of action. The last two men I dated did do research on me as well. One even told me he was googling me. Checking me out on Facebook etc. That's just what they do.
Wow, I just finished going through the same schitt. Dude going on facebook looking for me, googling me, and all that and mad because of things from my past.


When my cousin got home she called him and he told her that she is a whore and that's something that he couldn't deal with.
Can you believe that? A damn sex offender telling MY cousin that stuff just because she was loosed IN COLLEGE? In those days who wasn't loose. She looked past his schitt but he couldn't look past hers. These men today are just.....ugh! Im telling you if you must bring up your past tell the person before getting involved but all in all don't bring it up ever!

In your case OP im sorry I would like to give u an e-hug because you have a horrible snooper on your hands and I just got rid of one of those. Bless u baby but u can find better out there. Who u were then is not who u are now and it takes a very understanding person to see that. I feel ur pain and best wishes to u.

I know all too well of these types. I, too, just got away from one. The stuff he did can be turned into a lifetime movie. I don't want to hijack this thread, so I might start a thread to discuss it (if I'm ever ready to share).

Anyhow, OP, I know how you must feel I have been there. You dodged a bullet. Another -good- man will know your true worth!
HUGSSS!!!! You didn't deserve to be made to feel that way.. If he can't appreciate the journey you've taken, as nice as he may sound, he's NOT the man for you..
I google most men i am interested in. I dont think that means I'm disturbed. What I do think is that his quick overreaction is a good indication that he has some stuff going on as well. I would assume he's projecting.

I would run so fast. Girl, count your lucky stars. And don't you let that man see you cry. Its his loss.
I am shaking my head at all the comments at how he was virtually in the wrong for doing research. Don't y'all do research on the men you are seriously dating? I did a background check on a former boyfriend a few weeks after we started steadily dating. You have to do that research. It's a form of protection. For example I don't know any man who will wife up a former, past, or perceived hoe/ jumpoff. They do their research, get opinions from their boys etc. It's the same concept of thinking you can wild out in your college days be sexually promiscuous but automatically feel that those behaviors don't count or matter later in life when you desire to be found by a potential husband. Of course it matters.

I am shaking my head at all the comments at how he was virtually in the wrong for doing research. Don't y'all do research on the men you are seriously dating? I did a background check on a former boyfriend a few weeks after we started steadily dating. You have to do that research. It's a form of protection. For example I don't know any man who will wife up a former, past, or perceived hoe/ jumpoff. They do their research, get opinions from their boys etc. It's the same concept of thinking you can wild out in your college days be sexually promiscuous but automatically feel that those behaviors don't count or matter later in life when you desire to be found by a potential husband. Of course it matters.

Only a group of women will tell you it doesn't matter. It is hilarious. Oh and congrats Daystar on your upcoming wedding. It's evident your FH did his research as well and you proved you were respectable hence you got a ring.
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While I think it's ok that he googled you (I'll do it in a heartbeat to any man I'm dating), I think he's burnt out for 1. telling you that he googled you(whoooo does that) 2. cursing you out and calling you out of your name (without a doubt he's bytch ninja).
I am shaking my head at all the comments at how he was virtually in the wrong for doing research. Don't y'all do research on the men you are seriously dating? I did a background check on a former boyfriend a few weeks after we started steadily dating. You have to do that research. It's a form of protection. For example I don't know any man who will wife up a former, past, or perceived hoe/ jumpoff. They do their research, get opinions from their boys etc. It's the same concept of thinking you can wild out in your college days be sexually promiscuous but automatically feel that those behaviors don't count or matter later in life when you desire to be found by a potential husband. Of course it matters.

I agree. I've checked Google, Facebook, Myspace, sex offender registries, sites like don' and and I will *peacefully*confront people on inconsistencies. If that makes me crazy or a stalker, so be it. *Kanye shrug*
I don't think he was wrong for doing research. I think he was dead a$$ wrong for how he handled the situation after he conducted his "research".
I was just making myself clear. :lol: I'll google a potential. I'll just have some tact when I bring it up in conversation.


And I believe people change. If OP has changed, and he can't accept it, then bon voyage. :bye:
:lol: Yes dude was a hot mess with that name calling and 50-11 texts.
Like many have said, its not the googling thats bad, its the name calling.

OP I hope you don't end up back with him because he's got some really big issues with the whole name calling. My husband has been mad at me before (a given...:lol:) but has never insulted me by EVER calling me a whore because of the men before him. A man who really cares, respects, and wants to be with you may not like your past, but won't disrespect you like that.

I am shaking my head at all the comments at how he was virtually in the wrong for doing research. Don't y'all do research on the men you are seriously dating? I did a background check on a former boyfriend a few weeks after we started steadily dating. You have to do that research. It's a form of protection. For example I don't know any man who will wife up a former, past, or perceived hoe/ jumpoff. They do their research, get opinions from their boys etc. It's the same concept of thinking you can wild out in your college days be sexually promiscuous but automatically feel that those behaviors don't count or matter later in life when you desire to be found by a potential husband. Of course it matters.
Sure, yeah. Fine if you discover someone doesn't meet your standards. But to call someone a filthy whore, rant and rave and cry? That's just abusive, immature, silly. The mature thing is to do your observation / investigation, and if you don't like what you observe or discover, then discreetly go your merry way.
I am guessing OP went back to the guy unless she has gone into some serious therapy. A healthy woman would never speak to that guy again after the texts and certainly not after he relapsed after she forgave him.
Sure, yeah. Fine if you discover someone doesn't meet your standards. But to call someone a filthy whore, rant and rave and cry? That's just abusive, immature, silly. The mature thing is to do your observation / investigation, and if you don't like what you observe or discover, then discreetly go your merry way.[/]

I probably would have handled it differently but hey it is what it is. Some guys would have probably knocked it off a few times and then went on their way. He choose to check her. The important thing is don't put yourself in a position like that and you don't need to worry about being checked.
Sure, yeah. Fine if you discover someone doesn't meet your standards. But to call someone a filthy whore, rant and rave and cry? That's just abusive, immature, silly. The mature thing is to do your observation / investigation, and if you don't like what you observe or discover, then discreetly go your merry way.[/]

I probably would have handled it differently but hey it is what it is. Some guys would have probably knocked it off a few times and then went on their way. He choose to check her. The important thing is don't put yourself in a position like that and you don't need to worry about being checked.

Please elaborate. I do not want to misread your statement. TIA.
Please elaborate. I do not want to misread your statement. TIA.

Um, I guess she's saying don't do whory things then get upset when called a whore. Or or, don't play in the dirt then get mad when someone calls you dirty. Ooh ooh wait, maybe she's just saying don't post about your whory or dirty stuff online because it could consequently leave a cyber trail that upon being discovered could turn a kind and loving person MAD I tell you, MAAAAAD!

Hmmmmm, I'm curious to know as well!