Hanging out with the neighbour

I hope you get out of this whole thing smoothly and unscathed. I never ever would want to mess with anyone in my neighborhood let alone my block. I dont want anyone being able to say ish about me. You dont know if this guy will make trouble for you...blow you up and possibly ruin future potential relationships. And if you start snubbing him...no telling what foolishness he may pull. That mess is too close to home.
YES!!! Everything this poster wrote!

Always maintain your dignity and grace as a woman. When he looks your way, kindly acknowledge him with a smile and a, "How are you? Wish I had time to chat but life being what it is, it has me moving in different directions. Take care!" Wave goodbye and get into your car or walk into your house, but YOU keep the conversation short and sweet.

If EVER he tries to engage you in further conversation, apologize for not having time to chat, then tell him he'll have to hit you up on text sometime. When/if he texts, don't respond. Just smile and be grateful for regaining control over your emotions. :-D

Never show anger, hurt or disappointment! It really is true; "The best revenge is to live well!".

AMEN ma sisters!
I hope you get out of this whole thing smoothly and unscathed. I never ever would want to mess with anyone in my neighborhood let alone my block. I dont want anyone being able to say ish about me. You dont know if this guy will make trouble for you...blow you up and possibly ruin future potential relationships. And if you start snubbing him...no telling what foolishness he may pull. That mess is too close to home.

My high-school sweetheart lived DIRECTLY across the street from me, well, still does actually. It had its perks when we were together, but some drawbacks once we split.
Ok I don't know if you're an emotional person. This may not work for you but what I would do in this situation is just go on with your life and be happy with yourself. Do not avoid him and by that I mean if you see him, say hi and keep it moving. Do not let him see or feel that his actions affected you negatively. Switch it up on him. Make him feel like you only wanted the sex from him and it wasn't all that so you have no more use for him.

Focus on yourself and be the best YOU. Dress nicely, get dolled up, start feeling great about you and others will take notice and want to be around you. Now mr. Neighbor will be the one checking for your car and trying to ring your doorbell.

There is entirely too much focus on him in this advice.

Given this advice, the OP will be back in this fools bed if he shows any trace of stepping up. It's not about showing him anything. The way to deal with people who think they have game is not to play.

As far as the OP should be concerned, this man should no longer exist. If she wants to doll up great, but he's not worth another thought for any reason.
There is entirely too much focus on him in this advice.

Given this advice, the OP will be back in this fools bed if he shows any trace of stepping up. It's not about showing him anything. The way to deal with people who think they have game is not to play.

As far as the OP should be concerned, this man should no longer exist. If she wants to doll up great, but he's not worth another thought for any reason.

I hope you get out of this whole thing smoothly and unscathed. I never ever wou You dont know if this guy will make trouble for you...blow you up and possibly ruin future potential relationships..

Seriously. probably telling any future date/bfs about how he hit that and ish. Yuck

OP please dont do this again. He got what he wanted from you..way too easily. You need to stop focusing on him and focus on your kid and truly healing from the separation.

I do agree with Femme's advice. cant let him know you'[re bothered but you also cant give him any time of day anymore cos all that stuff he said after sex was him saying you're not worth anything serious to him.
There is entirely too much focus on him in this advice.

The key to her post was in the beginning, if the OP is emotionally strong enough to handle it. I don't think the poster's intent was to put focus on him as much as it is moving on with your life, being happy, healing, and knowing he'll ultimately feel some type of way in the process... We're women, let's face it, we ALWAYS want the "neighbor" to feel like he missed out on a great woman (which he probably did). I know that it's exactly how I would have handled it in my pre-MRS days. LOL
There is entirely too much focus on him in this advice.

Given this advice, the OP will be back in this fools bed if he shows any trace of stepping up. It's not about showing him anything. The way to deal with people who think they have game is not to play.

As far as the OP should be concerned, this man should no longer exist. If she wants to doll up great, but he's not worth another thought for any reason.

The focus is not at all on him. Instead I suggested she focused on herself and be the best HER. I said DO NOT allow him affect her negatively. If she goes out of her way to avoid him, that's giving him power over her. She needs to live her life like dude was just a passing thought. So being that they're neighbors, she is going to see him at some point. Just be cordial and keep it moving.

Her getting dolled up is for HERSELF NOT for him. When you look good you feel good. At least I do.
Just say no to fcuk boyz.


I really think you aint feeling him for real. U used him as a rebound to help yourself move on from the ex. U needed some rebound sex/attention and he set it up as the perfect person to give it to u. U aint checking for this dude for real, u r bored, wanna try to get over the ex, so u saw him as moving on. Dont beat yourself up over the sex, it happened and you wanted it too. Now, keep it moving, u have nothing invested in this little gamer anyway!

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KaramelKendra , I co-sign what everyone else has mentioned but I would like to add...please tell me that you had protected sex with this man. If he's done this with you, please know he's done it with other women. If not, get yourself checked in a few weeks.
I didn't even finish reading after he stopped texting you. I will say that Dates 2 & 3 were not dates. They were booty calls, and he played you. :(
Okay, so the first date was at his house, too. I atleast thought dinner was at a nice restaurant. Cheapskate! This guy had these intentions in mind the whole time, and you fell into his trap easily. I would be pissed if I were you. He sure did tell you what was up after he got the goods, though. Why would he need a girlfriend when he has a perfectly good bootycall who lives next door? :nono:
I hope you get out of this whole thing smoothly and unscathed. I never ever would want to mess with anyone in my neighborhood let alone my block. I dont want anyone being able to say ish about me. You dont know if this guy will make trouble for you...blow you up and possibly ruin future potential relationships. And if you start snubbing him...no telling what foolishness he may pull. That mess is too close to home.

My high-school sweetheart lived DIRECTLY across the street from me, well, still does actually. It had its perks when we were together, but some drawbacks once we split.

This is why I don't even want to date this guy I fancy at work. No thank you.

There is entirely too much focus on him in this advice.

Given this advice, the OP will be back in this fools bed if he shows any trace of stepping up. It's not about showing him anything. The way to deal with people who think they have game is not to play.

As far as the OP should be concerned, this man should no longer exist. If she wants to doll up great, but he's not worth another thought for any reason.

Two thumbs up:yep: There's no point in lying about how it's all going well and then breaking down later on because you didn't properly heal. Take the necessary steps to get to joy and pray that he lives long enough to witness it:look: We have a saying in my country: two mountains never meet, but two people always meet!
I think its best when you are going through something to just lay low things like this usually happens when you are feeling down.