The Past Has Caught Up With Me

This just further lets me know that any man I'm dating is going to be the "second" guy I've ever slept with :lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl: People kill me being so concerned with forcing women to lead a chaste existence. I was just talking about this the other day with a male friend who is in a serious relationship with a girl who wasn't a slut but got a kinda bs rap as one, and he was telling me how these kinds of double standards don't matter to him. I was saying, I wonder who the onus of change is on when it comes to sexual double standards, men or women? Because I think women are the ones pushing the "can't turn a ho into a housewife" agenda more than men are, and in most cases it's just a means to justify one's own choices... as long as you can find a way to put yourself above someone else you feel like you've elevated yourself and made yourself the more desirable candidate... really it's all about women trying to bag a man, as usual.... and the rest of us all have to suffer for it.

We are our own worst enemies, and then wanna get together and complain about how men are treating us when there is not a lick of solidarity among us... we will throw the next chick under the bus in a heartbeat, and skip right over her prostrate body if it will get us in the arms of some dude...
He is not stable not thoughtful,nor kind or a "good catch" sounds verbally and emotionally abusive girl.RUN!
Sound like my Ex, run. I did. And he is, not the man of you're dreams, this type of behavior was going to eventually come up.

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Only a group of women will tell you it doesn't matter. It is hilarious. Oh and congrats Daystar on your upcoming wedding. It's evident your FH did his research as well and you proved you were respectable hence you got a ring.

Maybe I'm missing something or misreading. So only women who have super squeaky clean backgrounds deserve to be married???:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed
I enjoyed my single life in every way I saw fit. The problem is when you leave a trail or worse, tell a man all your business. Unless you're saving it for marriage what should that man expect? If you enjoy your freedom you shouldn't date fools with moral hang ups that THEY don't even adhere to.

FURTHERMORE...he didn't get info from the local dudes, he got info from random message boards where the cleanest virgin can pretend to be a dirty whore. He handled the situation like a little ******.
We are our own worst enemies, and then wanna get together and complain about how men are treating us when there is not a lick of solidarity among us... we will throw the next chick under the bus in a heartbeat, and skip right over her prostrate body if it will get us in the arms of some dude...

The bolded is so true, we boggle ourselves down with "rules" when we should be trying to find the man that suits US. How many women out there are trying to mold themselves to fit a man that doesn't even exist yet?
Maybe I'm missing something or misreading. So only women who have super squeaky clean backgrounds deserve to be married???:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed

Um did I actually say that? Shakes head. Men don't marry women they don't respect point black. If you have hoeish ways why complain about not getting what you want? Only hoes get upset at being called a hoe. I am not a hoe so being called one would not affect me. Why is it that women have a problem with that word? I called my former boss a male hoe because he had hoeish behavior. He laughed at me and was not affected by what I said. Men accept it and move on. Only women are ready to throw bows if called a hoe.

The best men don't want women who don't respect themselves and their bodies. Of course that doesn't apply to these losers out here.
Um did I actually say that? Shakes head. Men don't marry women they don't respect point black. If you have hoeish ways why complain about not getting what you want? Only hoes get upset at being called a hoe. I am not a hoe so being called one would not affect me. Why is it that women have a problem with that word? I called my former boss a male hoe because he had hoeish behavior. He laughed at me and was not affected by what I said. Men accept it and move on. Only women are ready to throw bows if called a hoe.

The best men don't want women who don't respect themselves and their bodies. Of course that doesn't apply to these losers out here.

She bolded this part of your previous statement: "It's evident your FH did his research as well and you proved you were respectable hence you got a ring."

I cannot speak for her, but when I read it, one aspect (concerning reasoning) bothered me. That is, to assume that because someone got a ring is is because the man a) did research, and b) that person is respectable. This simply should not be assumed. He may not have done any research, he may have done research and ignored what he found, or something else may have transpired. That person my have gotten a ring, but it does not mean their respectable, lol. Perhaps it is just me and my preference not to assume anything.:grin:

On another note, I feel that whether or not a woman is a hoe, it can still bother her to be called a hoe. As a matter of fact, it may bother her even more since she is not one. Personally, whether a woman is a hoe or not, she should not be called a hoe unless she was a hoe with you or to you (you meaning the man in question), or her "hoe-ish" behavior directly affect you or someone you love. :drunk: Also, when men are called hoes or sluts, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Most mind see this as a huge compliment. Just like some find being called a "pimp", "playa", or the likes, to be a major compliment.

All in all, just my thoughts...worth a million buck to me, but perhaps worth only 2 cent to some. :lol:
I have nothing new to add but : "whore", "Whore", "WHORE".

Not calling names, or pointing fingers, I just felt inspired to type the correct spelling, instead of the garden tool.
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Some believe that a hoe can be something other than a garden tool. For some a hoe is a 'female' who gives it away for free and actually enjoys it while a whore sells it........................
Okay, then I'm just old. 'Cause in my day a Prostitute sold it; and the "various other named folked" gave it away for free OR for M&Ms *.
Some believe that a hoe can be something other than a garden tool. For some a hoe is a 'female' who gives it away for free and actually enjoys it while a whore sells it........................

* M&Ms = Meals, Movie, Sex (No matter how you do the math, it's still cheap)
Okay, then I'm just old. 'Cause in my day a Prostitute sold it; and the "various other named folked" gave it away for free OR for M&Ms *.

* M&Ms = Meals, Movie, Sex (No matter how you do the math, it's still cheap)

Nope, you're not old. You are right on the money.
Please don't go back to him. You seem to have a tendency to attract these types of guys. It is a signal that there is still some form of insecurity you hold, some lies you still hold in your psyche about yourself. I know you said that you've been in therapy for some time. You have to evaluate who you are and what you TRULY believe about yourself and what kind of man you deserve. You have to take charge of the negative self talk in your head, even if those thoughts don't revolve around relationships and your past. The negative tapes we play in our heads affect how we view life and what and who we attract. I have literally had to rehearse confessions about myself everyday and pay close attention to what I think about myself. I am replacing the negativity with what God says about me and what I know about myself in EVERY area of my life.

Good thing he showed you who he was before you got in too deep. You deserve better. You can have more and you will have more. You just have to make room for it in your life and mental space.
Um did I actually say that? Shakes head. Men don't marry women they don't respect point black. If you have hoeish ways why complain about not getting what you want? Only hoes get upset at being called a hoe. I am not a hoe so being called one would not affect me. Why is it that women have a problem with that word? I called my former boss a male hoe because he had hoeish behavior. He laughed at me and was not affected by what I said. Men accept it and move on. Only women are ready to throw bows if called a hoe.

The best men don't want women who don't respect themselves and their bodies. Of course that doesn't apply to these losers out here.

@1st bolded- Thats why I asked for clarification. Your post seemed to imply that only certain women who pass these stringent background checks will get married, which of course we all know is silly.

@ 2nd bolded I don't understand what the whole tangent about the word "hoe" had to do at all with my post? Maybe you meant to quote someone else for that portion of your post???:perplexed I never discussed garden tools or other related vocabulary in my post.
I think you saved yourself a lot of heartache and pain by finding out this guy is crazy as hell now versus later. This guy sounds insecure & verbally abusive so you just dodged a bullet. I can understand him being upset about some of the posts but calling you a whore was totally out of line. And don't even get me started about him cyber stalking you by reading all of your old posts. Dudes don't do that!
Everyone has a past, some more questionable than others but trust me everyone has done something they are not proud of. That’s life. You learn from your mistakes and you move on.
Now is your time to move on. I would start by deleting ALL of those old posts. Then when the right guy comes along, without exposing all of your skeletons, let him know a little about your past. That way there are no secrets and you can breathe easy knowing that person loves you despite your past indiscretions.