Crackers Phinn
Either A Blessing Or A Lesson.
i know everyone here is a super sensual freak in the sheets afro goddess but is there anyone who is just, well, not?
i literally do not know how to have sex. it simply doesnt come naturally to me. i spend the whole tine thinking "what exactly am supposed to be doing right now?" i havent gotten any complaints but i know deep down in my heart my bedroom skills are subpar.
how can i learn? any one who was once very unsure of themselves in the sheets and now a pro? halp
I'm going to suggest practicing not thinking so much so you become less self conscious about 'performing' and just learning how to be in the moment to enjoy it. If you just can't turn your brain off then when the 'what am I supposed to be doing' thoughts pop up then just stroke, lick or rub him or yourself someplace. Trace the alphabet or numbers, that's what most men say they do with their tongues when they are going down on women because it's an unpredictable pattern.