Well-Known Member
So....that's the whole story?
Added on... she told me to get naked. I took my butt home. I don't judge people but that's not my thing.
So....that's the whole story?
Veteran status honeyClearly I'm late to the towel game lol
Added on... she told me to get naked. I took my butt home. I don't judge people but that's not my thing.
I know a few and the commonality is that they are insecure. Not just insecure, but also damaged. Two of the ones i knew were unrealistically idealistic people *gag*. I cant speak for all men who don't touch themselves, but I had vowed to avoid dating them because there tends to be something severely off with them. Our personalities also just clash...and this is speaking for outside of the bedroom.
@BGT you had me looking like this reading your news....Go head girl! Get you some pasta next time haha!
Imma need you to go in depth, this is interesting
I don't know how to go any deeper than this. I'd research it, but I hope to never come across men like this again.
Oh I guess Im trying to see how being idealistic..well unrealistically anyway can be in the same realm as damaged. I guess Im trying to figure what it is theyve said or done that made you see them that way
^even better, cant wait to hear it. since Im a Cap and Im prettyu sure the loon(s) youre talking of are Cancers.
I forget youy are sometimes, you one of them nice ones
Had to let Canc go for being extremely insecure, passive aggressive coments and everything. just gross. I wanted to see your examples of your unreaslistic idealism and see if that was part of this one as well.
why do they suck sooo mcuh
So I got my fresh pasta and round 2. Still amazing! But this man texts me good morning and good night texts everyday....even if I don't respond to them.
Don't turn this into an another astrology thread
I am riding and then I start bleeding...alot, like Carrie style. Each time I climax. I had my menstrual cycle two weeks before. I do have a retroverted (tilted) uterus and found it was quite common. He wasn't the biggest, but he was curved downward. It was interesting.
Also he had been taking maca root and also had Hennessy and Red Bull and it took him forever to release. Like we started at 10PM and finally finished at 3AM. He was nice about it. Like he really wanted to but couldn't until I coached him and said his name for the first time, then *bloop* it helps we were joking all night and just comfortable with each other and *swoon* I like him... he smashed it.
It was crazy. We have our theories and we are retesting tonight lol. He stopped the maca root this week, because I know it is prone to stimulating fatty muscles in buttock and boobs, so maybe it stimulated the blood flow to his peen. That plus Henny and Red Bull. We were both surprised. But I was overdue so it worked out. I like marathons, but damn! At one point we lost count and started counting by hours instead.Oh hellllllllll no.
i know everyone here is a super sensual freak in the sheets afro goddess but is there anyone who is just, well, not?
i literally do not know how to have sex. it simply doesnt come naturally to me. i spend the whole tine thinking "what exactly am supposed to be doing right now?" i havent gotten any complaints but i know deep down in my heart my bedroom skills are subpar.
how can i learn? any one who was once very unsure of themselves in the sheets and now a pro? halp
i know everyone here is a super sensual freak in the sheets afro goddess but is there anyone who is just, well, not?
i literally do not know how to have sex. it simply doesnt come naturally to me. i spend the whole tine thinking "what exactly am supposed to be doing right now?" i havent gotten any complaints but i know deep down in my heart my bedroom skills are subpar.
how can i learn? any one who was once very unsure of themselves in the sheets and now a pro? halp