The Brastrap by 2005 Thread


old head
I've noticed in a few people's signatures that they, like me, are shooting for brastrap length hair in time to bring in the new year. Let's congregate and encourage and share and so forth in this thread

Examples of things you might want to share:
How long is your hair now?
Have you ever been brastrap length before?
What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal?
Did you have the same goal last year?--I know I did
(And if so, what set you back, and what are you doing differently this time?)
Whatever else you want to add

We can check in every once in a while to discuss progress (and get tips from whoever is progressing the fastest

Weeeee! Brastrap here we come!
Hey BC I'm also hoping for BS without straigtening by 2005 so maybe I'll get there with you. My hair, unstraightened, is about 3 inches away from brastrap now. I have never been to brastrap unstraightened but have been this length before when I had a jheri curl.

I am surging to help my growth rate but am more concerned with staving off breakage and shedding which are always problems for me.
Count me in...I want to be at bra strap by 2005.

How long is my hair right now? I don't know the exact measurements but I'm about 4 inches away from bra strap.

Have I ever been at bra strap? I was once at bra strap but I wasn't wearing a bra then.

What special regiments or treatments do I have? I'm going to the Dom. salons every two weeks and geting relaxers every 4 months. I'm on the water challenge and I'm taking 3000mg of MSM

Did I have the same goal last year? Yes, but I immediately changed it after an agressive trim.
Well, for me, I wanted to be at brastrap length long time ago. There are two main reasons I think I didn't make it:
1. My hair really just doesn't grow that fast
2. Too much manipulation

Here are my proposed solutions:
1. I'll be taking vitamins and am planning on getting some wild growth oil or something similar to stimulate growth.
2. Regimen change--I'm only going to wash once a week instead of doing conditioner washes every time I get the urge.

Current length: around armpit (I just trimmed today so I'm a little shy of armpit length)
The longest my hair has ever been is a teensy bit longer than it is right now. I've never had brastrap length hair.
can i get in on this even though im not aiming for new year's...maybe summer 2005 i'll be at bra strap...takes about 2 years to reach bra strap from a short cut right?
-My hair is about 2 1/2 inches from bra strap.
-Nope, A few months ago I was about 1 inch away when pressed.
-I'm doing nothing. Sad... I know. I've been very lazy. I wash it with whatever is under the sink. Condition with motions and throw it in a bun. I haven't bought new products in ages.
-No, I made bra strap my goal in the spring when I realized I was really close. My setback came in the form of a big gap I discovered in my hair from a bad perm. It was about 2 inches from the ends and had to go!

I've trimmed my hair twice since July. Once to remove the gap and again today because I was bored. I'd rather have thick hair then long hair. I honestly think I might just keep my hair at this length until January. It should be super thick by then. Then I'll grow it out and hopefully I'll be brastrap by next summer.
I want to be at bra strap by 2005.

How long is my hair right now? I don't know the exactly -- I'm about 4 inches away from bra strap.

Have I ever been at bra strap? no

What special regimens or treatments do I have? I use Mizani products and geting relaxers every 10 weeks. Other products are in my signature.

Did I have the same goal last year? I had no clue what I was doing last year, so I had no goals.
can I join with my goal of armpit by 2005? lol....bra strap is a little much to ask since its just a little past my shoulder blades!

Im taking a multi, biotin, b complex, and andrew lessman hair/skin/nails formula.

Im surging(starting tomorrow!) and massaging scalp daily

Im wearing protective styles at least 5 days of the week

Im washing and deep conditioning 1-2 times a week

Im moisturizing morning and night
Well my goals are a little different. Just stiving to achieve more health to my hair. I have never had brastrap length hair and doubt I will. The longest my hair has been was to my clavicle. I firmly believe genetics and not just the use of products play a major part in having long hair.
A goal of brastrap length for me in 2005 might be stretching it a bit (no pun intended). I hope that my hair will be reaching my shoulders next year,shrinkage and all.
Count me in. I don't want to get my hopes up but hopefully I'll meet my goal with you other ladies. I'm two inches away.
How long is your hair now?
not exactly sure...but i should be about 3 inches from BS
Have you ever been brastrap length before?
What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal?nothing super special..protective styles,frequent heat..less manip.
Did you have the same goal last year?--
i have had this goal since i started growing, with no set backs...just slow growth..
I've never been bra strap before. I've always had to trim/cut off dead ends from blow drying damage. Now I've layed off the heat styling and am doing rollersets and surging. Hopefully I'll reach my goal early next year, it seems like I've been aiming for bra strap forever!

oh my goodnes, Bublnbrnsuga, love your avatar!
Count me in, also. I'm 4" away at this point.

1. How long is your hair now?
2. Have you ever been brastrap length before?

3. What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal? I am taking vitamins, washing more frequently, and wearing protective buns.
4. Did you have the same goal last year?--I know I did (And if so, what set you back, and what are you doing differently this time?) No.
michelle3147 said:
Well my goals are a little different. Just stiving to achieve more health to my hair. I have never had brastrap length hair and doubt I will. The longest my hair has been was to my clavicle. I firmly believe genetics and not just the use of products play a major part in having long hair.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cheer up, michelle! There are definitely some ladies on the board who have reached the longest lengths of their lives once they learned more about hair care. I'm not saying genetics plays no role in hair growth, but I wouldn't give up so easily. If the longest you have reached is clavicle, maybe you should shoot for armpit or shoulder blade length as a long-term goal. You can do it!
I'm shooting for this too! My hair in the back is about 1.5 inches away, but the top and sides are about 4 inches away. Once the back reaches that length, I'm going to keep trimming it until the rest of my hair catches up!

My plan to accomplish this: Once a week washes, Almost no heat (once a month or less), protective styling (I will be doing mostly braidouts. I consider them protective even when worn down.)

I don't know that I've ever had bra strap length hair before. It's usually stayed a few inches below the shoulders. If it's been longer, I was too young to remember.
ayeshia said:
Im 15 inches away
So to those who are 2-4 inches away you can definitely meet your goal

[/ QUOTE ]

i guess you and i have about the same distance to go!
lsubabiedee said:
ayeshia said:
Im 15 inches away
So to those who are 2-4 inches away you can definitely meet your goal

[/ QUOTE ]

i guess you and i have about the same distance to go!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup It will be here in no time. If I dont straighten my hair like I plan to, then that will stop me from measuring. I have not measured since June

Are you measuring from hairline to ends or individual strands? I do individual.
My hair is about two inches past my shoulders but it's in layers so it's growing in that 'V' shape. I've been 2 or 3 inches from bra-strap...that was Spring 2001 by 2002 my hair had broken off and I transitioned....did BC in 2003 and now I am here

I may get to bra-strap by the end of I will join in too.

Long hair has always been my goal but I had no idea of how to get it....I would leave it alone it would grow I would notice the growth and start to use heat and manipulate it too much and then I would be back where I started.

Right now I do a lot of con washes...I use coconut oil and the milk to help with the new growth.

I am aiming for minimal heat use...I do a lot of braid outs....when I roller set and my roots get puffy I will flat iron the roots only! I am not using any direct heat on my ends cuz I want to see if I can go w/o trimming until the end of the year!

It's been 4 months and they are holding up!

I've slipped a few times but I use WAY less heat than I use to...If I have used direct heat it has been no more than once in any given week and I have managed to pass 3 weeks w/o touching a flat iron or curling iron. This is amazing for me. I use to be a heat junky but I plan to be even better about it.
Count me in...I want to be at bra strap by 12/2005.

How long is my hair right now? 6-7.5 inches(just barely shoulder length),I'm about 5 inches away from bra strap(12-13in root to tip).

Have I ever been at bra strap? no
What special regiments or treatments do I have? strict vitamin regime, water, excercise, carrot juice,eating healthier and avoiding junk food, Surge, will probably go back to a wig as a protective style or kinky twists, will do conditioner washes and oil my ends constantly, press my hair only for trims, avoid direct heat, minimal manipulation, protecting my hair from the sun/wind with a silk scarf, NO HAIR COLOR.

Did I have the same goal last year? no my goal for last year was to grow out my perm in prep for my big chop having at least 4in of hair and i did that.

**It would be great if i could join the inch a month club, if i started getting that much starting next month and ending dec 2005 I would be working on tailbone length
I'm in too! I'm about 4-5 inches away.

How long is your hair now?13 inches from the crown (17 from hairline)

Have you ever been brastrap length before? Yes.

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal? Surge, braids and Viviscal

Did you have the same goal last year?--I know I did (And if so, what set you back, and what are you doing differently this time?)I had the same goal two years ago before I cut my hair. I cut my hair because my hair was long but it was too thin and weak to enjoy.
ok I see now, I thought u all meant bra strap by 1/05. I think I can definitely make bra strap by 12/05...alrighty then! Im in for sure!
I'm in. I certainly should be at brastrap by 2005.

How long is your hair now? 22 1/2 inches hairline to ends when I last measured. That was after my last touchup 9 weeks ago.

Have you ever been brastrap before? Never

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal? Conditioner washes, vitamins, protective styles, minimal heat

Did you have the same goal last year?-- Nah, my hair grows too slowly.
I'm 5-1/2 Inches away. My husband says my hair is 14 inches from crown to ends I say 13 just to give me some pease of mind so I'm not overly anxious. I guess I won't be bra strap until next winter. I have never in my life been bra strap even before I wore a bra so this goal seems very unatainable to me but I am going to keep working on it. If all else fails by next winter I will have healthy hair. But that is my cut off. December 2005 if I am not bra strap or very close to it. I am giving up. No more supplements, surge and whatever else.
Count Me in

-Current Length: 3" from Bra Strap
-1st Goal: Bra Strap by New Year's Eve
-2nd Goal: Mid Back by 12/05
-Past Lengths: From chin-length Bob to Mid-back
-Secrets to faster Growth: HF37, Surge, WGO, Buns
-Hair Inspiration- Stacey Dash, Aaliyah, Kenya Moore

-Wash 2ce /week
-Relax every 6 months
-Wear protective style 95% of time
-Maintain blunt cut (no more layers)
-Treat hair like silk

-Use heat for styling
-Neglect periodic trims
-Rush through washing/detangling process

I'm in.

How long is you hair right now? Not sure, I think I am right at bra stap but I need to cut about 3 inches to remove the no lye straight ends.

Was I ever at bra strap? Nope

What special routines or treatments do I have? Nothing special just being gentle and deep condition once to twice a week. I may try hair vitamins.

Did I have the same goal last year? No, I was just concern with having healthy hair at the time
Count me in!! I'm setting an agressive goal to be Bra strap by 12/05

How long is your hair now? At its longest point ~ 6-7 inches. I haven't measured since June. I am currently in braids.

Have you ever been brastrap length before? No, the longest my hair has been is 2 inches pass shoulder. I tend to get the "OOH that's a cute short style, let's try it" Syndrome in the summer time.

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal? Surge, braids, Evoo-Rosemary mixture, and scalp massages. I have also added a new multi-vitamin and 2500 mcg of Biotin to my vitamin regime.

Did you have the same goal last year?--NO
How long is your hair now? I don't know I don't measure. It's about an inch from brastrap though. Unfortunately my hair is very very v-shaped so I have a few inches before most my hais is brastrap.
Have you ever been brastrap length before? Yup
What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal? I'm leaving it alone. Hope to touch brastrap by January and maybe waist by 12/2005 if I'm really lucky.