The Brastrap by 2005 Thread

How long is your hair now? My natural hair is the same lenth as AudraChanel in the avator

Have you ever been brastrap length before?

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal?

I am going to do the cornrow/wig thing until January, and switch between that and braids. I am really lazy with vitamins, but I will try the Biotin/MSM thing and see how that goes. I use my homemade grease and oil concotion.

Did you have the same goal last year?--I know I did (And if so, what set you back, and what are you doing differently this time?)
I don't remember having the same goal last year. Truthfully, I never thought my hair could be this long, and continue to get longer.

Whatever else you want to add
I have learned a great deal from this board, and I am excited. I have always envisoned myself with thick ,long hair and now I know that it can be a reality.
I think that by Summer of 2005, I should be at bra-strap.
Ok. I'm in! My hair is 22.5 inches from hairline to ends when it's strightened out. I hope to be at brastrap by 12/05 when it is straight. I have no idea how long it would take to get to brastrap in it's natural state because I have major shrinkage.

Anywhoo..... I take my vitamins and conditioner rise daily. I usually wear my hair in a banded ponytail or bun or something like it. I don't really have a specific routine though. I also work out daily and try to eat right. I drink a lot of whey protien, though that's really for my muscle recovery and growth. I also drink about a gallon of water a day.

I didn't have any goals last year for hair growth. My main goal was to just have healthy hair.

This is a great board and I have learned a lot since joining. The only problem I have with it though is that it encourages product junky-itis....... And I am no longer in recovery. Thanks guys /images/graemlins/spank.gif
I think I have an 1-2 inches to go. I started running more regularly and watching what I eat so hopefully I will get there before spring '05. /images/graemlins/clap.gif
How long is your hair now?
Just brushing my shoulders mostly(after a agressive cut), the ends are touching my collarbone

Have you ever been brastrap length before?
No came kinda close, bout 2.5 inches away

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal?
Keeping my hair braided, protecting my ends by using jojoba oil and vaseline. Just leaving it alone really. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Did you have the same goal last year?
Nopa, I really just discovered the forum

Whatever else you want to add?
I'm hoping for it by my b-day in May '05
How long is your hair now?
*Barely at the top of BS..don't know in inches..trying not to measure

Have you ever been brastrap length before?
*Yes, a few times..but this time it is taking me the's not about the's about the health!

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal?
*Trying to limit my use of heat and go back to airdrying exclusivelly! That darn CHI is ruining everything! I'm also trying to be more consistent with my pre-treatemtns and moisturizing..I just get so darned lazy!

Did you have the same goal last year?--I know I did (And if so, what set you back, and what are you doing differently this time?)
*OH yeah..I definately had this same goal. My biggest set back has been trimming off my damaged no-lye ends..hopefully I'll eventually trim off all of the no lye ends!

My Goal is to be at the bottom of my BS by July 1, 2004
I'm doing okay so far, just fine tunning my winter regimen at the present. I am still about 3-3 1/2 inches away so I'm thinking I should hit brastap good by June.
I am not seeing any progress these last few months /images/graemlins/cry3.gif, but I am trying to stay encouraged /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif.
Ehh I had to trim I think Im 2 or 3 inches away. Not too sure,I stopped measuring. Right now Im tweaking my regimen AGAIN. Just trying to simplfy. I plan to buckle down and do proctective styles for a minute..
I'm getting a touch up this weekend and maybe a dusting. But I know my hair is past the bottom of my shoulder blades even with all my newgrowth - so I'm close! My hair grows so slowly though. /images/graemlins/frown.gif
i'm doing pretty good hopefully i can continue to stay from heat and keep the moisture up.
I want to pull a Carlie Shoulders to brastrap in a year!!!
Ok, I am joining this - Brastrap by December 2005. I have had more growth than I thought. Based on this picture:

I am at the 13" point. So I am gonna believe I can get there by the end of next year now that I am getting serious about my routine again. The issue for me is I have layers in my hair and my front is short. My most important goal is to get all (or most) of my hair the same length. I plan to start an album no later than january. But count me in! /images/graemlins/clap.gif
I got a touchup today and a very small trim. This pic isn't the best but I think you can see that I'm *this* close to brastrap. Actually I'm at brastrap if I stretch my hair but my goal is to be comfortably at brastrap without stretching.


Sorry the pic is so big! /images/graemlins/blush.gif
Good going, Mariaat!
Like you, I want to be at brastrap any which way I turn my head, irregardless of what bra I wear. Maybe that's why I even go as far as tilting my head down a little when I take my pics. That way, when I reach brastrap length, it will be undisputably so... /images/graemlins/smile.gif I think I'll definitely be there by June /images/graemlins/clap.gif2005.
Hey everyone! :wave:
I know I've been MIA for a while but you know how school can get...

Soooo time is drawing nigh--how is everyone's hair journey going? I've been leaving my hair alone for a while, and after blowing out my roots this past weekend, I found that the back of my hair is just reaching the top of my brastrap! Yay!! I need a trim though (transitioning can take a serious toll on a girl's hair, y'all), so I probably won't REALLY be at a comfortable brastrap length for a couple more months, but that's good enough for me lol.
my update: I did not reach my goal of bra-strap length although I only need about and inch or so more. I should be there in a couple of months too! but the ultimate goal is for the rest of my layers to grow out to bra-strap length and that won't be happening until fall 2005 :perplexed - but I can wait it out
I remember writing on this thread but since then I've had two major trims...shoot I'm further back than I was a year ago, lol. I'm 3 inches til brastrap, 4 inches til I'm comfortably at crappy is that? But I'm determined to get to brastrap with nice even hair and not by just a few scragglies. I think I have a pic but I think it came out too dark...Bout to see...if its not too dark after I fix it, I will have an update!
Glad to see this thread bumped! I know there must be more than just a couple of us who plan to reach brastrap this year.

I posted this in the Supergorwout Challenge thread but I'll post it here too. I thought I'd be to brastrap by now (just had a touchup yesterday) but I had a pretty significant trim along with the touchup. I've been trying to grow out my layers and my ends were thin and uneven. My hair looks much better IMO. It's almost blunt cut in the back. But I'm further from my goal than I thought I would be. It's still doable though! Still plan to be at brastrap this year. I was wearing my hair out a lot more since I was so close to brastrap (it was hard to stay motivated so close to my goal) so now I have to bucke down again.
I cut my hair :shocked: so I thought I might join! More importantly, I wish my sides would be at BSL too!

How long is your hair now? It's about 1-2 inches from BSL now. The sides are shorter, about 3-4 inches from BSL

Have you ever been brastrap length before? Yes, I reached my first goal of BSL in August 2004. I cut off about three inches all around. I know its thick but I want it to be thicker.

What special regimens or treatments are you doing to help you reach your goal? I usually give myself a protein treatment (mayonnaise &/or eggs) every week followed by a moisturizing conditioner (I have a ton, see my "I need to go on a product challenge" thread). I rollerset my hair and after it dries, I flat iron my new growth only and either wrap my hair or put it in a high ponytail before going to bed. I have not been able to wash daily but after I get my hair straightened better with a relaxer, I will start again with the baggie/vaseline technique.

Did you have the same goal last year?--(And if so, what set you back, and what are you doing differently this time?) This is the same goal I had last year. I just want to have four more inches of hair. There was a time when i wanted waist-length hair but the hair I have now takes 239242342 days to dry :lol:
I had a touch up today and my stylist told me my hair is healthy and growing! She asked me what was I doing to it! I was so happy. I can tell the vitamins and my regimen is working. I had a natural sheen that wasnt there before and I just looks wonderful! I am still 1.5 away from bra strap. I think the last trim set me back. I wanted to get rid of my damaged ends. I have about 1/2" more to go. So after my trim in April, I wont trim anymore until I reach my goal!
I'm still mourning the 2-3 inches I cut off last week because my ends were so uneven. I was holding onto all that length but embarrassed anytime someone stood behind me in the line at the grocery store. Anyway, I'm back on the challenge and am crossing my fingers I'll be back to brastrap by June... at least. :ohwell:
I reached brastrap while transitioning, but I've been trimming away relaxed hair more frequently lately and will probably do the big chop soon. I guess then I'll have to figure out what my new length goal will be...

Good luck to everyone else! :yay:
I am in!

I am currently just below the collar bone in Length

I have never reached Bra-strap length before

Special Regimene.. See signature..