

Well-Known Member
Okay, I just want different view points, no controversy please. This is sort of my response to the thread that was closed without the ranting. I just want a few responses to see different opinions nothing more. I meant to edit my post but yeah... it was closed before I could finish.

Historically, worrying about others has allowed the human race to grow and evolve whether good or bad. It is the weight of public opinion that has caused many valuable advances. How do you think we make new technological advances without the worry about another human being? I guess this is a mixed opinion on my part and some what contradicting because even though I do agree on a superficial level that we should keep our thoughts focused on ourselves, if everyone did so we would simply have a halt in progression. One may say, "Okay Aireen, what are YOU doing to progress society with your view points?" My response is simply that it is the younger generation like myself that takes these concerns in combination with having an education to help create further evolution even if the focus is solely on aesthetics.
What's your question, exactly? I think I get what you're asking or looking for but I need something a little more nailed down. And it also feels like you want to ask/say something but you're not.
Well I thought luvgrass made a good point. It is just hair, its dead anyway. What is there to save people from...I think we should care about others, I'm not a "mind ur business" kind of person on serious issues. Now relaxers don't just go on the hair-xits on the scalp. That may be serious to some people. But the threads about heat Dangers seem to be motivated to incite hostility.
What's your question, exactly? I think I get what you're asking or looking for but I need something a little more nailed down. And it also feels like you want to ask/say something but you're not.

LOL oops, sorry... wow I'm a dolt. I was basically getting at, why all this "focus on your own hair" response for EVERY thread? It's almost as if that's the only rebuttal people can come up with. If you read the original thread though, you'll see more of what I'm trying to say. This is more of a response to that particular thread that I want different opinions on.
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I kind of agree but kind of don't...

You basically cited derwins theory of evolution...we need to adapt/stress/worry to change and become stronger blah blah

But at the same time it doesn't really have to do with opinions on people's hair. What we think about some random girl's hair over the interwebz and whether she should be considered natural or not doesn't affect us personally in any way (well theoretically it shouldn't unless you have some type of crazy)

ETA: Ok ya im tired and i have an online test to do so kinda distracted. i dont think i answered properly so I'll be back at midnight. (assuming yall are still here :grin: .. IBTL!)
Off to search for what I missed!
I'm always the last to know *stomping out the room and SLAMS door*
Well I thought luvgrass made a good point. It is just hair, its dead anyway. What is there to save people from...I think we should care about others, I'm not a "mind ur business" kind of person on serious issues. Now relaxers don't just go on the hair-xits on the scalp. That may be serious to some people. But the threads about heat Dangers seem to be motivated to incite hostility.

I agree with her too but to a certain extent. I'm just really sick of the "stick to worrying about yourself" comments that are made in a snide manner and I want different responses without some of the sarcasm and attitude.
In my honest opinion, I don't understand why you would sign up on LHCF and not consider other peoples' opinions on what's best to care for your natural hair.
I kind of agree but kind of don't...

You basically cited derwins theory of evolution...we need to adapt/stress/worry to change and become stronger blah blah

But at the same time it doesn't really have to do with opinions on people's hair. What we think about some random girl's hair over the interwebz and whether she should be considered natural or not doesn't affect us personally in any way (well theoretically it shouldn't unless you have some type of crazy)

ETA: Ok ya im tired and i have an online test to do so kinda distracted. i dont think i answered properly so I'll be back at midnight. (assuming yall are still here :grin: .. IBTL!)

No problem Alli, I appreciate your response and the responses everyone else contributes. Like I said, I'm sort of contradicting myself with my thoughts so it's going to be a little bit skewed.
In my honest opinion, I don't understand why you would sign up on LHCF and not consider other peoples' opinions on what's best to care for your natural hair.

I agree, it's almost as if a difference of opinion is totally unwelcome on this forum. I don't really like that vibe, I can DEAL with it but it's not something I'm going to shy away from. I WILL continue to post my views whether people like it or not. :look:
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In my honest opinion, I don't understand why you would sign up on LHCF and not consider other peoples' opinions on what's best to care for your natural hair.

the thing is there is no best way to take care of the hair. i think thats what makes hairboards so interesting. there is always something new or something old being revived and combined into more possibilities. i dont mind differences of opinion at all but i would like there to be an understanding between each side.
the thing is there is no best way to take care of the hair. i think thats what makes hairboards so interesting. there is always something new or something old being revived and combined into more possibilities. i dont mind differences of opinion at all but i would like there to be an understanding between each side.

To be completely blunt, I even like the outrageous posts and threads, it adds some interest to this forum. Yes, people take it too far but it does make for stimulating discussion. Hell even chocolatelove2010 was interesting. Sometimes I log on and there are the same threads, which doesn't bother me but it also doesn't entice me to post either. :look: So to have too much of an attitude as if whatever someone thinks should not be shared or brought up is bizarre to me, and if so LHCF should just be a database or encyclopedia.
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the thing is there is no best way to take care of the hair. i think thats what makes hairboards so interesting. there is always something new or something old being revived and combined into more possibilities. i dont mind differences of opinion at all but i would like there to be an understanding between each side.

I absolutely agree. I just feel if people truly "minded their own tresses" people wouldn't be on here trying to help other people's hair journeys by giving styling tips, advice/encouragement, pictures, videos, product reviews, etc.
I absolutely agree. I just feel if people truly "minded their own tresses" people wouldn't be on here trying to help other people's hair journeys by giving styling tips, advice/encouragement, pictures, videos, product reviews, etc.

Exactly the point I'm getting at.
You did not know this before :grin:

I agree, it's almost as if a difference of opinion is totally unwelcome on this forum. I don't really like that vibe, I can DEAL with it but it's not something I'm going to shy away from. I WILL continue to post my views whether people like it or not. :look:
You did not know this before :grin:

You mean in my other threads or posts? I totally didn't mind different opinions coming together but sometimes when people sound like they want to create an argument or are angry and/or want to bash my head in through the computer screen, I'd rather step away from that. :look: It's all in the tone, I don't mind conflicting views when it's done in a subtle or constructive manner. I will say sometimes I assume that people's tones in their writing have more emotion than they really do. If you read the posts in this thread before writing, you'll know I said that my opinions are still skewed which will result in distortion and/or bias and I am willing to admit that. I'm learning and growing every second of everyday.

Take from that what you will.
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Well some people give information and discuss ideas in a way that feels like opposing points are still valid and relevant. Yay! Some times people state their opinions like its THE FINAL WORD on the subject and it just shuts down or derails further discussion. Meh.

I think when confronted with people who feel their opinion is unassailable and everyone else is wrong, one possible response is "Well let them be wrong." It doesn't mean you don't care what people do, it's just you are not so invested in "the one true way" of doing a thing that you make it a personal crusade.
Its one thing to give your opinion...its a whole other thing to force your opinin on ppl through scare tactics or passive aggressive threads directed at specific people or groups of ppl.
Its one thing to give your opinion...its a whole other thing to force your opinin on ppl through scare tactics or passive aggressive threads directed at specific people or groups of ppl.

Well some people give information and discuss ideas in a way that feels like opposing points are still valid and relevant. Yay! Some times people state their opinions like its THE FINAL WORD on the subject and it just shuts down or derails further discussion. Meh.

I think when confronted with people who feel their opinion is unassailable and everyone else is wrong, one possible response is "Well let them be wrong." It doesn't mean you don't care what people do, it's just you are not so invested in "the one true way" of doing a thing that you make it a personal crusade.

Yeah to add to that, posters sometimes put all their personal information on the line just to prove a point totally taking the topic in another direction. By personal, I mean adding in petty details about themselves that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. For example, "Well I'm pretty so _________." I'm left thinking, I never asked about looks. This topic wasn't about your personal view about yourself, why add this in? Are you trying to dig at my sides? I think it's a desperate attempt to grasp at straws to prove a point and bring someone else down even when the topic of the thread is ridiculous in itself.
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y'all have people on here too scared to comb their hair, touch their hair, look at their hair fo fear that it will all fall out (haha)! So do a protective style, or throw a wig on that baby and hide it away (b/c hair can't possibly grow Or retain length otherwise)

Edited to add: the above are a list of scare tactic driven advice that are typical--just in case someone didn't understand
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y'all have people on here too scared to comb their hair, touch their hair, look at their hair fo fear that it will all fall out! So do a protective style, or throw a wig on that baby and hide it away (b/c hair can't possibly grow Or retain length otherwise)

Yeah, I do PS but only when I'm home and not for the retention but because I don't want to look like The Beast or The Grudge and I just prefer my hair out of the way. Otherwise, when I'm out I leave my hair down or whichever way I choose. If I were giving instructions to someone about growing relaxed hair in the healthiest way possible, I would list everything I could possibly think of but say it's relative and choosing not to do one thing isn't exactly going to make you bald.
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I absolutely agree. I just feel if people truly "minded their own tresses" people wouldn't be on here trying to help other people's hair journeys by giving styling tips, advice/encouragement, pictures, videos, product reviews, etc.

I'm back, got 100% on my quiz :grin:

I don't even remember what I was trying to say before :look: but I'm going with SND411 :yep:
more drama..........................

What makes you say that? Everyone here is adding in their opinion. Nobody has brought out guns yet. Are you making a prediction? I doubt this thread will get that popular to have any amount of drama. If I'm wrong well okay, I'll wave a white flag for you. Although, my threads are hardly ever popular so I doubt it.

I'm back, got 100% on my quiz :grin:

I don't even remember what I was trying to say before :look: but I'm going with SND411 :yep:

Congratulations, Alli! :grin:
These kinds of threads are always full of negative drama.

What makes you say that? Everyone here is adding in their opinion. Nobody has brought out guns yet. Are you making a prediction? I doubt this thread will get that popular to have any amount of drama. If I'm wrong well okay, I'll wave a white flag for you. Although, my threads are hardly ever popular so I doubt it.

Congratulations, Alli! :grin:
These kinds of threads are always full of negative drama.

No one has really been negative yet or maybe I'm biased lol. I'm thinking negative drama in the sense there's continuous arguing back and forth that has a lot of emotion involved and is not constructive. You and I have a difference of opinion but we're both quite calm, no? There isn't really anyone flaming anyone else as of yet and like I said, if it comes to that well I'll edit my post and wave a white flag. :yep:
Yeah, that was the only negative post I see. We were just having a discussion. You walked in and caught the tail end and apparently misunderstood