"Stop Lying to her, it's DNA!"


Is your Myers-Briggs profile INTJ as well? :lachen:

I do the same thing when I'm tired of dealing with ignorant or toxic people.

i am actually all over the place! :lol: but i am very sensitive when dealing with toxic people. i can't entertain foolishness. it messes with my psyche. when something or someone becomes an emotional vampire in my life, i have to remove myself from the situation. i tend to not give energy to that, because it can be very draining. i had a situation at work where i pretty much stayed out of conflict, but i allowed someone to feed me office garbage daily and it got to me. i ended up leaving that place and totally cutting off contact with the person.

that person that she is dealing with at work, would get the cold shoulder from me. and she would know why without me explaining anything to her. i am here to work and get along with coworkers. if you want to play offices games, stay the hell away from me! the minute you start interacting with that person, they will drag you in their messiness.
i am actually all over the place! :lol: but i am very sensitive when dealing with toxic people. i can't entertain foolishness. it messes with my psyche. when something or someone becomes an emotional vampire in my life, i have to remove myself from the situation. i tend to not give energy to that, because it can be very draining. i had a situation at work where i pretty much stayed out of conflict, but i allowed someone to feed me office garbage daily and it got to me. i ended up leaving that place and totally cutting off contact with the person.

that person that she is dealing with at work, would get the cold shoulder from me. and she would know why without me explaining anything to her. i am here to work and get along with coworkers. if you want to play offices games, stay the hell away from me! the minute you start interacting with that person, they will drag you in their messiness.


Girl, yes! Messy folks get the left the hell alone. The worst though is when they want to keep trying to make you interact with them outside of work issues.
I was hoping I was not being too sensitive. Hair is my favorite subject and I love discussing it but when people tell me all this work I put into it didn't come from my efforts it gets offensive. Depending on my mood:perplexed, I actually like helping people and hair is one way I KNOW I can do that, especially for Black women. Which is partly why I started this journey to show other Black women they can grow long healthy hair.

I'll change the subject with her, it will be tough because we work together; but I will have to for my peace of mind. :ohwell:

I would flat out ask her, not in a nasty way, just why do you ask me about hair when all you do is find some way to say I am wrong or that I am lying be cause of my liniage?
I would flat out ask her, not in a nasty way, just why do you ask me about hair when all you do is find some way to say I am wrong or that I am lying be cause of my liniage?

I'm the same kind of blunt. :yep: I SO don't have the patience for the BS...

Either that, or I'd say something mean like "they might have the good genes that you obviously don't..." :lol:
Smells like a frienemy with an entire subscription of issues. Keep her on a need to know basis about work related topics. No more personal stuff.
Smells like a frienemy with an entire subscription of issues. Keep her on a need to know basis about work related topics. No more personal stuff.

Since going back to school I haven't been on the job as much. Which has given me a chance to interact with other types of people. Thank you ladies, I see things much clearer now.

The other day she made a snarky comment about the school I chose to go to and I could see how spiteful she really is. Usually I would see it as her being silly but now I see the truth. She told me I should have chosen a smaller local two year college but nooo I had to choose the big university. :rolleyes: No more personal stuff! Unfortunately due the the nature of this job everyone knows I'm back in school.

I have been keeping our convo's to a minimum, she on her break; came into the bedroom where I stationed to monitor and started talking, I listened to her complain about the job and gossip but didn't offer any personal info. She left shortly after.

I also saw the other lady and she showed me her book and she is so happy. I will continue to give advice and see them all through their journey. Time to step up to the plate folks are looking to me. Which means having my hair looking nice and being an inspiration for natural healthy hair. :yep:
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