
Maybe I did misunderstand. There's so many EXTENSIONS of locked, drama-filled posts lately, that I just thought this discussion came from a locked, or drama-filled thread.:ohwell:

Yeah, that was the only negative post I see. We were just having a discussion. You walked in and caught the tail end and apparently misunderstood
I think the OP of the link you posted was really talking about people who choose the route of unnecessary aggressiveness toward something they don't like over and over again. In the OP she said she understands wanting to help people out she didn't mean her point it to the extreme of everyone keeping their business and constructive information to their selves. She was really talking about those who cross the line of being respectful and have no real constructive input besides belittling, and being dramatic.
well the locked post that this was based on wasnt filled with drama either:lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think the OP of the link you posted was really talking about people who choose the route of unnecessary aggressiveness toward something they don't like over and over again. In the OP she said she understands wanting to help people out she didn't mean her point it to the extreme of everyone keeping their business and constructive information to their selves. She was really talking about those who cross the line of being respectful and have no real constructive input besides belittling, and being dramatic.

Point taken.
I know, right? :lol: My thought: What in the world?! How on earth did a mod catch that so fast?! I wasn't even finished gathering all my thoughts together! Rude! :sad:

I guess they tried to catch it before it got really heated or maybe it wasn't heated enough because I've seen it go 20 pages with no lock. :lol: And some still pops up every now and then. :lachen:
I guess they tried to catch it before it got really heated or maybe it wasn't heated enough because I've seen it go 20 pages with no lock. :lol: And some still pops up every now and then. :lachen:

:lachen: :lol: I remember it took forever and a day for the mods to catch the 'What Threads Do You NOT Want To See In 2011' thread. Loved it, too bad it went poof.
:lachen: :lol: I remember it took forever and a day for the mods to catch the 'What Threads Do You NOT Want To See In 2011' thread. Loved it, too bad it went poof.

I think I missed that one. I see I need to start a thread starting a list of people who want to be sent the links of juicy threads.:lachen:
I think I missed that one. I see I need to start a thread starting a list of people who want to be sent the links of juicy threads.:lachen:

I think some users would have you stoned and put on the LHCF wall of shame but g'on ahead, girl! :lachen:
This is sooooo OT but thanks for this thread, I'm currently in the middle of writing my essay on whether or not people's opinions are in fact helpful in shaping our character and I must say most of the posts here have helped me out with some examples. Thx hope u guys don't mind.

Ok continue on now
You wanna see me get hollered at? :lol: Perhaps I will take a different approach than I had intended. hmm :scratchch

Haha, well chocolatelove2010 did all kinds of crazy and she just laughed it off, be brave! Then again, I don't know if she joined this forum intending to be a troll or later became one to spice things up. Psh if you get hollered at you'll have defenders, me being one! :grin:
This is sooooo OT but thanks for this thread, I'm currently in the middle of writing my essay on whether or not people's opinions are in fact helpful in shaping our character and I must say most of the posts here have helped me out with some examples. Thx hope u guys don't mind.

Ok continue on now

Glad to have helped! Hope you get a great mark on your essay! :grin:
Haha, well chocolatelove2010 did all kinds of crazy and she just laughed it off, be brave! Then again, I don't know if she joined this forum intending to be a troll or later became one to spice things up. Psh if you get hollered at you'll have defenders, me being one! :grin:

Aww thanks. I like what I came up with. :yep:
Yes you are a co- conspirator now. Well it's 2am so not too many people will see it now. I'm going to bed now so it will be interesting to see what I wake up too. Perhaps it will just die off from lack of interest or spicy threads.:grin: Good night and don't forget to post that spicy link. :lachen:
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yods comes in the thread with some incense and some reiki healing energy. Let's all say 'ohmmmmm'
Its one thing to give your opinion...its a whole other thing to force your opinin on ppl through scare tactics or passive aggressive threads directed at specific people or groups of ppl.
^^ This. All of us are never gonna agree but we can disagree with each other like adults name calling and passive agressive nonsense isnt necessary. I normally just float by those post and dont give the poster the satisfaction of a response because most of the people in the middle of all the tomfoolery are bored and just want to start drama for entertainment.
It has nothing to with hair, nothing to do with OP's generation. When you belong to a group, online and in real life, groupthink comes into play. Certain thoughts are allowed, others are not. Certain members of the group are allowed more freedom than others for what ever reason. It is part of life.
I think the OP of the link you posted was really talking about people who choose the route of unnecessary aggressiveness toward something they don't like over and over again. In the OP she said she understands wanting to help people out she didn't mean her point it to the extreme of everyone keeping their business and constructive information to their selves. She was really talking about those who cross the line of being respectful and have no real constructive input besides belittling, and being dramatic.[/B]

Exactly. :yep:


I'm still a little shocked that the thread was locked so quickly but I understand the reasoning behind it. No worries.
This is sooooo OT but thanks for this thread, I'm currently in the middle of writing my essay on whether or not people's opinions are in fact helpful in shaping our character and I must say most of the posts here have helped me out with some examples. Thx hope u guys don't mind.

Ok continue on now

ITA. I value discussion because I usually learn from it in some way or another. Even if that means learning that maybe I'm wrong.

I love a fruitful debate. But "discussion" to me is another person's drama, fight, big deal, etc.

I'm still a little shocked that the thread was locked so quickly but I understand the reasoning behind it. No worries.

I don't. Did they tell you the reason?
Well some people give information and discuss ideas in a way that feels like opposing points are still valid and relevant. Yay! Some times people state their opinions like its THE FINAL WORD on the subject and it just shuts down or derails further discussion. Meh.

I think when confronted with people who feel their opinion is unassailable and everyone else is wrong, one possible response is "Well let them be wrong." It doesn't mean you don't care what people do, it's just you are not so invested in "the one true way" of doing a thing that you make it a personal crusade.

ITA :yep:

To be completely blunt, I even like the outrageous posts and threads, it adds some interest to this forum. Yes, people take it too far but it does make for stimulating discussion. Hell even chocolatelove2010 was interesting. Sometimes I log on and there are the same threads, which doesn't bother me but it also doesn't entice me to post either. :look: So to have too much of an attitude as if whatever someone thinks should not be shared or brought up is bizarre to me, and if so LHCF should just be a database or encyclopedia.

Aireen, you MUST be my sister from another mister b/c I swear I was JUST gonna post the same thing. I just so happened to decide to look through the thread b/c I hadn't had a chance to look at it since yesterday, and I run across your post and think, "I don't need to write anything. She just said exactly what I was gonna say." First Oprah finds a sister, then me. :lol:
Aireen, you MUST be my sister from another mister b/c I swear I was JUST gonna post the same thing. I just so happened to decide to look through the thread b/c I hadn't had a chance to look at it since yesterday, and I run across your post and think, "I don't need to write anything. She just said exactly what I was gonna say." First Oprah finds a sister, then me. :lol:

I sure hope so! I have no brothers or sisters. I'm a lonly child. :sad: I don't think a lot of people like my posts but I'm just gonna tell it like it is so thanks! :grin: I mean... I'll try not to go overboard and get too personal obviously haha.

The link already went must have been good...

It was alright, it was a long rant basically about the recent threads made. You can fill in the blanks from there, EllePixie. :lol:
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