
It was alright, it was a long rant basically about the recent threads made. You can fill in the blanks from there, EllePixie. :lol:

Aw, man, I miss all the fun.

Anyway, to answer your original OP, Aireen, I agree with you. When an OP asks a question, and people answer with differing opinions, I get so confused when someone comes in the thread and acts like they have been personally attacked, especially when the OP is engaging in the conversation and everyone is being respectful. They run in there like, "Who cares?!?!! It's THEIR HAIR STOP COMMENTING ON IT!!!" And I'm thinking, "Well obviously the OP cares, because they've asked the question..."

Also, if you had a question or wanted regimen advice, or wanted everyone to look at your pretty hair, and no one responded because we don't care since it's your hair and not our responsibility, well then, you'd be crying about no one answering your posts.

Now, I will say, I won't come into a thread and talk smack or post dissent when the OP isn't asking for opinions, like if it's just a support thread. I just KIM. I only give my opinion when it is asked for. There is nothing wrong with that.

IMO, there are a lot of "hit dogs" on this forum. You throw a stone and the hollering commences, even if something isn't directed at them.
Aw, man, I miss all the fun.

Anyway, to answer your original OP, Aireen, I agree with you. When an OP asks a question, and people answer with differing opinions, I get so confused when someone comes in the thread and acts like they have been personally attacked, especially when the OP is engaging in the conversation and everyone is being respectful. They run in there like, "Who cares?!?!! It's THEIR HAIR STOP COMMENTING ON IT!!!" And I'm thinking, "Well obviously the OP cares, because they've asked the question..."

Also, if you had a question or wanted regimen advice, or wanted everyone to look at your pretty hair, and no one responded because we don't care since it's your hair and not our responsibility, well then, you'd be crying about no one answering your posts.

Now, I will say, I won't come into a thread and talk smack or post dissent when the OP isn't asking for opinions, like if it's just a support thread. I just KIM. I only give my opinion when it is asked for. There is nothing wrong with that.

IMO, there are a lot of "hit dogs" on this forum. You throw a stone and the hollering commences, even if something isn't directed at them.

Oh my goodness, YES! I even feel bad when I post a question and I see a decent amount of views but NO ONE answers, I'm like, "What the hell gives?!" I really seriously wonder why a thread that asks a question about a haircut or something gets NO answers but a thread like this gets tons of hits and responses. :rolleyes: It's almost as if the same people that "don't like drama" are drawn to it like bees to honey. WHICH IS OKAY TO ADMIT! I even admit that yes, certain threads catch my eye more but that doesn't mean I won't help out someone when they ask a darn question or won't bump their thread when they're seriously asking for help and I don't know how to answer. Puhleeze, don't like drama my foot. :rolleyes:
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Oh my goodness, YES! I even feel bad when I post a question and I see a decent amount of views but NO ONE answers, I'm like, "What the hell gives?!" I really seriously wonder why a thread that asks a question about a haircut or something gets NO answers but a thread like this gets tons of hits and responses. It's almost as if the same people that "don't like drama" are drawn to it like bees to honey. WHICH IS OKAY TO ADMIT! I even admit that yes, certain threads catch my eye more but that doesn't mean I won't help out someone when they ask a darn question or won't bump their thread when they're seriously asking for help and I don't know how to answer. Puhleeze, don't like drama my foot. :rolleyes:


OH don't give me that!!!! The ladies of LHCF LOVE LOVE LOVE drama, and we ALL know it! I know I will go in a thread in a second to lurk on some e-neck rolling and teeth sucking.

I also feel bad when someone has a legit question and there are only like two responses.
I sure hope so! I have no brothers or sisters. I'm a lonly child. :sad: I don't think a lot of people like my posts but I'm just gonna tell it like it is so thanks! :grin: I mean... I'll try not to go overboard and get too personal obviously haha.

It was alright, it was a long rant basically about the recent threads made. You can fill in the blanks from there, EllePixie. :lol:

I think I missed that rant. Who made it?:blush:
I also feel bad when someone has a legit question and there are only like two responses.

That's me on a good day. I feel GRATEFUL for the two responses. Seriously, I wanted haircut help the other day just to find out the proper name, I even posted a picture of it and people just KIM. Sigh. :perplexed
That's me on a good day. I feel GRATEFUL for the two responses. Seriously, I wanted haircut help the other day just to find out the proper name, I even posted a picture of it and people just KIM. Sigh. :perplexed

:bighug: Aw! It could have been that no one knew the answer...I didn't see your thread but I never get my hair cut so besides a posh bob I am no help at all...
:bighug: Aw! It could have been that no one knew the answer...I didn't see your thread but I never get my hair cut so besides a posh bob I am no help at all...

Oh haha it's okay, I hope I didn't sound too bitter, it was kind of funny actually. I basically found more pictures so I'm hoping to use that to describe to my hairdresser whenever I decide to do it. :lol:
Oh haha it's okay, I hope I didn't sound too bitter, it was kind of funny actually. I basically found more pictures so I'm hoping to use that to describe to my hairdresser whenever I decide to do it. :lol:

That's what I used to do, bring a ton of pics.
When I first did mi big chop, I think I only got a couple of responses. But I was very grateful for what I received because in person most people would say "OMG, WTH did you do?" and blah blah. At first I would think well dang is mi hair texture not right (yes I know, sounds silly) but then I still go back and look at that thread I posted when I first BC'd when I get tired of mi hair and wait to relax and it changes mi mind. I do not know anyone up here in real life but the information I get and the replies (good or bad), I take them and love every bit of it. I joined this community because I wanted be around people who shared the same "hobby" as mi.