Spinoff: Ask a WSL and Beyond Lady

Help me out waist length and beyond and please look over my regimen:

I am using Hair One as a co-washing product when I take down my braids
I use AO conditioning when I take down my braids every 3 weeks to detangle
Every day I spray my hair with a mix of world of curls and wonder 8 oil
I co-wash 2-3 times a week between AO and ION Effective Care Treatment.

I take about a 2 day break and put my hair right back up in braids.

Let me know what you think, please.
Help me out waist length and beyond and please look over my regimen:

I am using Hair One as a co-washing product when I take down my braids
I use AO conditioning when I take down my braids every 3 weeks to detangle
Every day I spray my hair with a mix of world of curls and wonder 8 oil
I co-wash 2-3 times a week between AO and ION Effective Care Treatment.

I take about a 2 day break and put my hair right back up in braids.

Let me know what you think, please.

I think your regime is fine, but I would re-braid more often... probably once every week....this aids in proper conditioning and stretching of each hair strand.
How often do you use direct heat (flat irons/blowdryers) on your hair?

I don't have a set schedule if it's really hot and humid or rainy weather I don't
even bother. I change it up as he mood hits me but I do straigten more in cold winter months. Also I try not to do the double whammy blow drying and flat ironing all in 1 setting unless I reaaly have no choice.
I do1 or the other I prefer to air dry then flat iron the next day. Winter I just do what I have to do so I don't go out with a damp/wey head
Hi, I'm so curious to know your thoughts on the following things. Thank you so very much! :)

Have you found that a healthy diet is/isnt more/as important than/as a particular product/set of products?

Is gaining an inch still as exciting as it was at the beginning?

How's this regi (will adopt it after I finish/give away all my products; when school starts up again probably):

• shampoo/condition every 3 days
• towel dry, spray leave-in (conditioner/EVOOorEVCO), seal with oil that doesn't penetrate then baggy
• repair edges as needed
• take down and DC after 8-10wks

• 10 cornrows with a little added hair
• in halfW or regular W: same wash/moist/baggy as braids
• in LaceFW: wash/moist/baggy every 7-10 days
• repair cornrows and DC every 4-5wks

I plan to not have any braids or wear wigs during my christmas break; I will most likely attempt a bun or WnG

• cowash every other day alternating protein/moisturizing condish
• Baggy on non-wash days
• shampoo/DC at end of break before next set of braids or wig
• apply leave-in and seal with oil that won't penetrate.

:bighug: thank you!
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are people in awe of your hair?

do people think it's weave even tho you tell them otherwise?

if you had short hair before (shoulder length n down) does if feel as good as i imagine it would to show your hair to those who doubted you before? =)
Hi, I'm so curious to know your thoughts on the following things. Thank you so very much! :)

Have you found that a healthy diet is/isnt more/as important than/as a particular product/set of products?

Is gaining an inch still as exciting as it was at the beginning?

How's this regi (will adopt it after I finish/give away all my products; when school starts up again probably):

• shampoo/condition every 3 days
• towel dry, spray leave-in (conditioner/EVOOorEVCO), seal with oil that doesn't penetrate then baggy
• repair edges as needed
• take down and DC after 8-10wks

• 10 cornrows with a little added hair
• in halfW or regular W: same wash/moist/baggy as braids
• in LaceFW: wash/moist/baggy every 7-10 days
• repair cornrows and DC every 4-5wks

I plan to not have any braids or wear wigs during my christmas break; I will most likely attempt a bun or WnG

• cowash every other day alternating protein/moisturizing condish
• Baggy on non-wash days
• shampoo/DC at end of break before next set of braids or wig
• apply leave-in and seal with oil that won't penetrate.

:bighug: thank you!

Yes healthy diet, vitamins & exercise def. help you get max growth/month and thicker healthier hair. But good products for your hair help alot too, esp with moisture/protein balance, and DC and slip. Both things are important.

Yes gaining an inch is still exciting sometimes even more so cause some o us are now only a couple inches or less form our goals, so each inch is a big deal.

If you're towel drying use a micro fiber towel or turbie twist it's micro fiber too, but don't use a regular cotton towel it will just frizz up your hair. Be careful how often and how much you disturb or rub your scalp or hair when washing with braids it can really tangle up your hair.
I'm not a fan of lacefronts, I don't like what they can do to the hairline, and I don't like the fact that you can't reach your hair/scalp every day to take care of it.
I'm also wondering why you don't want to use a penetrating oil to seal, cause then it would up the moisture and seal. IMO
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...If you're towel drying use a micro fiber towel or turbie twist it's micro fiber too, but don't use a regular cotton towel it will just frizz up your hair.

I'm not a fan of lacefronts, I don't like what they can do to the hairline, and I don't like the fact that you can't reach your hair/scalp every day to take care of it.

I'm also wondering why you don't want to use a penetrating oil to seal, cause then it would up the moisture and seal. IMO

Thank you, yea I think I'm just wanting to find a minimal product regimen and in my hunt I often wonder if they are as important as health...cause I love to eat :D and I don't mind that being a big part of my Regi :giggle:

My braids have been frizzing, if they weren't yarn braids I'm sure they would look a hot mess! Great tip, I will sneak a towel from home next time or invest in a nice turbie for after I squeeze out the majority of the water by hand.

I actually will still be sealing with an oil that penetrates, but more out of curiosity, and trial and error being my favorite teachers, I want to seal the moisturizer, EVCO/EVOO/Almond Oil (whichever I use) both in with some grease honestly see if it will hold in moisture during the 3days I do in between washes.

Yea, if I didn't have a 5head I wouldn't bother with LF they are so annoying sometimes. But I find that they keep my hair most protected from the -10 to -65 degree weather that perforates much of my winter. A weekly wash and DC worked really well for my schedule and my hair loved it as well. But again...if not for that 5 head....and even then I still have to cover my edges with an Ace Wrap for extra protection :D great tip I learned from youtube. I wear synthetic wigs because they fit my budget and needs. I've had remy full lace wigs...don't very much think they're worth all the hassle. @ my school people are just as easily fooled by a weave/full lace as they are a shiny janky wig...so ill save my money :grin:

Thanks so much for your reply, I've been wanting a turbie but always told myself it was a nonsensical desire and I had enough towels. You've just convinced me :yep:
Hey WL+ ladies..
I see a lot of you guys using just normal drug store products...
1.) Are there any high end or natural products that you swear by.. or do you think it just doesn't matter?
2.) Do you now or have you ever stayed away from sulfates/parabens/alcohols in products?

3.) Last question those that wear their hair down *most* of the time.. how do you care for it when you sleep?

Thanks ladies! GROW on withya bad selves!
Hey WL+ ladies..
I see a lot of you guys using just normal drug store products...
1.) Are there any high end or natural products that you swear by.. or do you think it just doesn't matter?
2.) Do you now or have you ever stayed away from sulfates/parabens/alcohols in products?

3.) Last question those that wear their hair down *most* of the time.. how do you care for it when you sleep?

Thanks ladies! GROW on withya bad selves!


1. personally, i've tried high end prods and prods made just for us curly girls and they dont compare to the prods i buy from walmart. so i stick with what works

2. i stay way from alcohols and mineral oils (though not always). i love sulfates (aussie moist poo is my friend) and i dont know what a paraben is :D

3. if my hair is straight, i put it in a cross wrap, put on my pretty wrap and go to bed. if its curly (which is how it is 98% of the year) i just but it in a really loose high bun (on top of my head) and sleep on satin pillow cases.
I see that most ladies with length protective style their hair in some way or another. Please believe I'm trying to achieve WL status at some point in life but I'm a long ways from it right now. I'm only BSB on a good day. Do you really enjoy your length since he's almost always hidden, tucked away, under a wig, braided up, etc?
Help me out waist length and beyond and please look over my regimen:

I am using Hair One as a co-washing product when I take down my braids
I use AO conditioning when I take down my braids every 3 weeks to detangle
Every day I spray my hair with a mix of world of curls and wonder 8 oil
I co-wash 2-3 times a week between AO and ION Effective Care Treatment.

I take about a 2 day break and put my hair right back up in braids.

Let me know what you think, please.

Sounds good to me:yep:....Hair One is an AWESOME product isn't it?...i see you have lots of moisture in you reggie....do you use anything with lite protein ? Like during deep conditionings?

I like a little bit of protein in my reggie just to make sure i don't over moisturize....every once in a blue moon i may need extra protein.

Sounds good to me:yep:....Hair One is an AWESOME product isn't it?...i see you have lots of moisture in you reggie....do you use anything with lite protein ? Like during deep conditionings?

I like a little bit of protein in my reggie just to make sure i don't over moisturize....every once in a blue moon i may need extra protein.


very true. i use light protein on a regular basis. if there is too much moisture the hair becomes mushy and breaks easily. the protein gives it the strength to with stand issues lol
how often did you all trim while on the way to WL?

some people say that trimming is imperative, yet if there are no split ends, why trim, right? (the ones who think it's imperative also many times say that it jump starts growth, is this true?)

About how long did it take you to go from MBL to WL?

It didn't really take too long but in my mind it did :lol:

What was the hardest point to get past; APL, BSL or MBL?

Actually getting past BSL was the hardest for me, so was passing shoulder length, Apl was easy, MBL took some effort but it wasn't as hard as passing BSL. I got to WL and didn't even know it :lol:
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How often do you cowash or wash your hair? Do you fully detangle each time, or only after a certain period of time?

I've seen a few wl and beyond ladies who wash once or twice a month, quite a few who do so weekly, and some that seem to do multiple cowashes a week.

Those that do multiple cowashes a week, is it for moisture or to keep a clean scalp?

Hey WL+ ladies..
I see a lot of you guys using just normal drug store products...
1.) Are there any high end or natural products that you swear by.. or do you think it just doesn't matter?
2.) Do you now or have you ever stayed away from sulfates/parabens/alcohols in products?

3.) Last question those that wear their hair down *most* of the time.. how do you care for it when you sleep?

Thanks ladies! GROW on withya bad selves!

1. I tried those high priced products and really they're not so great, some of them work worse then the cheap market products it's all about the ingredients not the price. Those expensive products just sound great and have alot of money for fancy slick TV ads. I don't like being dependent on very expensive products cause it's hard to keep that up, also I like to use stuff that I can find locally or at least order for cheap. Bottom line: save your money and find a cheap product that works for your hair.

2. YES, I avoid sulfates like the swine flu. That's why I don't use shampoos anymore b/c of the sulfates and how they would make my hair dry and super frizzy and hared to detangle. It took me a long time to deprogram myself off that must use shampoo habit. Once I tried the CW only method after reading Curlygirl book I never went back.
I try to avoid alcohols as much as possible sometimes you just have to take a little bit of bad with the good, so if it has just a little bit then and the rest is great and it works for my hair I go with it.

3. I haven't been wearing my hair down for a long time now I'm so used to PS-ing it, but @ night I either bun it or loosely put it in 2 pokahantas braids tied together and ends tucked under then I use a satin bonnet. I do the same when my hair is worn down I put it up @ night so my ends still get protected when it's worn down.

I see that most ladies with length protective style their hair in some way or another. Please believe I'm trying to achieve WL status at some point in life but I'm a long ways from it right now. I'm only BSB on a good day. Do you really enjoy your length since he's almost always hidden, tucked away, under a wig, braided up, etc?

Yes, especially when I'm going out, then I style my hair and have fun with it. I will wear it down more and "enjoy" it more when I've reached my new goal HL/TL. It's easier to maintain and wear you hair down cause you only need to retain the minimum to keep the ends healthy plus I can afford to trim or dust more often cause I won't be trying to reach a longer length. Hope that made sense.

how often did you all trim while on the way to WL?

some people say that trimming is imperative, yet if there are no split ends, why trim, right? (the ones who think it's imperative also many times say that it jump starts growth, is this true?)


I dusted every 2-3 months when the ends were damaged, then just when I needed cause I wanted to retain maximum length. I did trim for real 2x, but I learned the hard way you don't really need to trim until you've passed goal a little. Keeping it natural, or wavy or hair in fluffy straight-ish styles you don't need super even hemline that's only if you're wearing it pin straight.

How often do you cowash or wash your hair? Do you fully detangle each time, or only after a certain period of time?

I've seen a few wl and beyond ladies who wash once or twice a month, quite a few who do so weekly, and some that seem to do multiple cowashes a week.

Those that do multiple cowashes a week, is it for moisture or to keep a clean scalp?


I go by the weather and if I feel like dealing with my hair that day. Some weeks I CW daily or 2x/weekly especially if it's really hot outside, but if it's cold I keep to the minimum of 1/week or 2x/month.
It's mostly to take advantage of getting max moisture in the summer 1st clean scalp 2nd, you don't need to rinse daily for a clean scalp unless your actually putting dirt and dust on top of your head. ETA: yes I detangle at least every other CW other times I fingercomb while the water runs through it.

HHG ladies
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How often do you cowash or wash your hair? Do you fully detangle each time, or only after a certain period of time?

I've seen a few wl and beyond ladies who wash once or twice a month, quite a few who do so weekly, and some that seem to do multiple cowashes a week.

Those that do multiple cowashes a week, is it for moisture or to keep a clean scalp?


Right now i co-wash twice a week.....mainly for a clean scalp.....i HATE my scalp being dirty!! But it does help out alot with keeping my moisture in check...my hair LOVES water:yep:
are people in awe of your hair?

do people think it's weave even tho you tell them otherwise?

if you had short hair before (shoulder length n down) does if feel as good as i imagine it would to show your hair to those who doubted you before? =)

I haven't gotten any awe struck people yet, I guess it's not long enough that may be why I keep reaching my goal length and then making a new goal length, mmmm....
But I've already gotten 1 or 2 doubters and haters, but I just ignore the ignorant and KIM, if they insist I'll show them scalp and run my hands down it-that usually shuts them up. When they come close for a better look they KNOW it's real.

No one doubted I could have long or superlong hair b/c I always had long hair I went through a frying, relaxing and dying it phase that's when it broke off. And I never doubted myself which is most important. HHG
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What was the hardest point to get past; APL, BSL or MBL?

I don't know why but BSL took FOREVER to get past...that whole BSL/MBL area was when my hair seemed to stall (Candy...i think....posted an article about this in one of the length threads...which talks about how hair seems to stall when you get close to waist length.....:look:) I either saw it on here or on the long hair community forum.

But after i think 3 or 4 months my hair started growing like weeds again:yep:
I don't know why but BSL took FOREVER to get past...that whole BSL/MBL area was when my hair seemed to stall (Candy...i think....posted an article about this in one of the length threads...which talks about how hair seems to stall when you get close to waist length.....:look:) I either saw it on here or on the long hair community forum.

But after i think 3 or 4 months my hair started growing like weeds again:yep:

Thanks for this because I'm at BSB now and I'm a little nervous that since I've had such great growth, there is going to be stalling of sorts...That's why I'm doing PS's for the next couple of months to get through this.
^^^i hear you, Janet! i'm already thinking my hair is at "terminal length" just because it's now longer than it's ever been in my whole life!

the ps's are the only thing i can do because with the "shrinkage", if my hair is out, it gets depressing to see it.

Ladies, two questions:

what are your views on this whole "terminal length" idea?

how do you combat shrinkage when it really looks like your hair is shorter than it really is...i mean from a psychological point of view to not get in the dumps?

thanks all you hair idols!
i wash with shampoo 1x per wk and if my scalp feels yucky before my weekly wash i'll do a co-wash. but most times i just wash and cond 1x per wk
^^^i hear you, Janet! i'm already thinking my hair is at "terminal length" just because it's now longer than it's ever been in my whole life!

the ps's are the only thing i can do because with the "shrinkage", if my hair is out, it gets depressing to see it.

Ladies, two questions:

what are your views on this whole "terminal length" idea?

how do you combat shrinkage when it really looks like your hair is shorter than it really is...i mean from a psychological point of view to not get in the dumps?

thanks all you hair idols!

I think most people's terminal length would be about hip to classic length and I think most people can grow at least waist length hair. It's hard to tell how much your hair will grow. My hair now touches my pants pockets and I've never in my entire life had hair that touches my butt, ever. I remember last year when my hair grew to the top of tailbone (very top of my pants) for the very first time in my life and I thought that was my terminal length. So you never know.

Shrinkage doesn't really bother me. Even though my hair is actually to my butt/pants pockets, when I wear it in it's natural shrunken state it's about waist length. I actually feel as if my hair is more protected at a shorter shrunken length because I don't get the chance to sit on it and it doesn't fly around as much and get caught in things.