Waistlength and Beyond – Names + Regimens!

Oops sorry ladies! I am in the process of moving...

1. I wash every 2 weeks with Tresemme Natutals mixed with EVOO
2. DC with Silk Elements moisture conditioner w/ the white top
3. add KCKT as a leave in
4. Seal hair with whipped shea butter, cocoa butter, EVOO, Grapeseed oil, Jojoba oil, JBCO mix.

I am going to start washing with clay to see if that is a little less drying than with poo.

I do braids, twists, and buns 99% of the time. Protective styling was essential to retention.
One thing I have fallen in love with is organic Virgin Coconut oil. I now cowash every week with Tresseme Naturals and add KCKT as leave in. Then use Coconut oil and grape seed oil to seal. I low poo once a month or as needed if it is dirty. My simple regimen has made my hair so soft and shiny!
I deep condition and follow with a CW once a week, use shampoo every other week to once a month (depends on scalp and what products im using), after each wash or cw I leave in a regular or cheapie conditioner under a plastic cap to steam a while, squeeze out the excess water, apply my leave-ins, then air dry in a bun, loose, or in a braid or 2 (2 braids most often). I moisturize and seal my ends regularly in addition to PS. I sometimes use oils on my scalp, and use natural oils on my hair regularly.

I dont go to salons, I self relax every 5-6 months using a mild strength relaxer, ps 99% of the time, and only trim once or max twice a year. No more than 1" is taken off. I dont use direct heat. I dont let other ppl do my hair...one mistake (or purposeful sabotage) can destroy yrs of hard work. I try to take good care of my health, and I like natural and Ayurvedic products. Oh and I almost forgot to add that I am all about low-manipulation, and I finger comb as much as possible; that includes finger-combing to detangle unless I just cant get it done without a wide tooth comb (usually at 4+ months post)
Sorry this is in paragraph form...busy n had to type fast.
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Regimen Update 2013-2014

Products: AOHSR, AOGPB, KCKT, KCCC EVCO, Ayurvedic oils, Avocado Butter, Castor Oil, Eco styler Olive Oil Gel

Pre-Co wash/DC Weekly: EVCO hot oil sometimes with AOHSR moisture DC, Protei.n DC Eggs or AOGPB

Co-wash and Leave-in: AOHSR/KCKT (best slip ever)

Scal.p massage: 3x/week with ayurvedic.herbs infused oils that I make myself.

Sealer: EVCO or for heavy sealing in winter Castor oil or Avocado Butter Moisture seal method

Styler: KCCC and some ECO Styler Olive Oil on edges

Clarify: ACV diluted with water 1 part ACV to 4 parts water

I rarely straighten my hair now.

Straight hair: no stylers, no leave ins, just a little bit of EVCO on the last 2 inches.

Only when needed:

dusting and trim from new to full moon days only for length and thickness

Styles: Buns, baggie buns, ponytails, braidouts, wash n go's

Sleep style: high loose ponytail or loose braids under a satin bonnet
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I just finished reading through this thread, and I'm inspired. Thanks, ladies! Hopefully I'll be able to post in 3 years.
Just bumping this thread. I think I've read it once every year since I joined in 2008 (couldn't remember my old password so had to make a new account). There's a lot of good information in here.

A lot of ladies using baking soda and ACV as well...

Wash and steam every 10-14 days. Roller set 95% of the time after washing to stretch hair. No to low manipulation styles after stretching.

Heat: Direct heat usage is minimal....maybe 3 times a year if that.

Trims: Meh. I usually just search and destroy when my hair is straight and take off the minimal amount that is needed.
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Just bumping this thread. I think I've read it once every year since I joined in 2008 (couldn't remember my old password so had to make a new account). There's a lot of good information in here.

A lot of ladies using baking soda and ACV as well...


I see you :lol:
Regimen Update: Cowash AOHSR weekly winter every 3 days to daily in summer Leave in: SM Raw Shea butter extra moisture detangler, mist* butter*

oil and scalp massage 3x/week ayurvedic hair oil* I also use this oil for weekly hot oil treatments, oil baths and to seal my hair daily or as needed-LOC method

Styler: butter*

2x week dry DC overnight changed from 1-2x for now I deep condition either AOGPB or AOHSR under my heat cap or hair steamer

Cassia or Henna every 3-6 months Styles: wash n go's, braid outs, buns ponytails, air dry, t shirt dry or diffuse is my last choice I try to avoid it, I rarely straighten I used to trim every 3-6 months I'm on the 6 month don't cut it challenge Nov 2014-April 20 15 #teamnoscissors Eta I've been trying hairfinity *Details about the rest of the brands I use are in my fotki
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What got you passed your hardest brickwall length ?

Hey Lucia idk if ur asking everyone here...but I just recently checked my current length and I'm about half an inch to maybe 1 inch past my waist.

I found that just keeping my hair in a bun, using my castor oil and stepping up my deep conditioning and Co washing game helped jumpstart my stall.

I'm also starting to make sure I get more green in my diet...I bought a blender the other day and try to make me a green smoothie almost daily now. I notice it really does make me feel better :)
Hey Lucia idk if ur asking everyone here...but I just recently checked my current length and I'm about half an inch to maybe 1 inch past my waist. I found that just keeping my hair in a bun, using my castor oil and stepping up my deep conditioning and Co washing game helped jumpstart my stall. I'm also starting to make sure I get more green in my diet...I bought a blender the other day and try to make me a green smoothie almost daily now. I notice it really does make me feel better :)


Yes I'm asking everybody. Green is great I've been blending smoothies and green juice for at least 3 years now it's probably why I breezed through back to WL pretty quickly this time.
Thanks for the reply did you have to switch up your regimen at all or the styles your wear daily?

What's you're staple green drink recipe?

Yes I'm asking everybody. Green is great I've been blending smoothies and green juice for at least 3 years now it's probably why I breezed through back to WL pretty quickly this time.
Thanks for the reply did you have to switch up your regimen at all or the styles your wear daily?

What's you're staple green drink recipe?

Lucia I just started doing smoothies. I got hooked on these green smoothies i get from this smoothie chain here in my city....and they usually are always mixed with kale, spinach, pineapple, coconut and orange juice. The other one I like is just kale, spinach avocado, coconut and pineapple.

I just blend it all together so that one...I get my greens in for my overall health and two....so that it tastes good. I try to get them as close as I can to how the restaurant makes them lol. I use organic honey to sweeten.

Yesterday i used a mix of frozen blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and cherries, kale/spinach and orange juice.

It was SOOOOOOOOO so so so good!!
Lucia I just started doing smoothies. I got hooked on these green smoothies i get from this smoothie chain here in my city....and they usually are always mixed with kale, spinach, pineapple, coconut and orange juice. The other one I like is just kale, spinach avocado, coconut and pineapple. I just blend it all together so that one...I get my greens in for my overall health and two....so that it tastes good. I try to get them as close as I can to how the restaurant makes them lol. I use organic honey to sweeten. Yesterday i used a mix of frozen blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and cherries, kale/spinach and orange juice. It was SOOOOOOOOO so so so good!!


I blend baby kale spinach carrots sweet green apples with skin on and some organic white grape juice for taste it's delish :lick:
bump! Where y'all at??
I'm almost finished with the don't cut it challenge I'm debating whether I should straiten or not I've made so much progress just rocking my curls maybe I'll just do a stretched length check. My avatar ponytail is from Feb 2015
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I updated my regimen and fotki
Avatar is May 2015 after finishing don't cut it challenge
Now the grow it long challenge has stared anyone can join anytime details in first post.

co wash 1-2 times a week I only clarify with diluted acv once a month or when I have too much build up. I Deep condition 1-2 times a week.

LOC method damp hair with my mist use kinky curly knot today or Shea moisture extra moisture leave in with Giovanni's smooth as silk moisturizing conditioner then seal with an oil I alternate oils or my own oil blend and then double seal with butter especially in winter or during season changes
So LOCB method I just made that up.

I use my own whipped hair butter mixtures either avocado based or shea based. I like making my own because I don't add Any preservatives or perfumes not even natural nice smelling oil scents. Kinky curly custard or Eco styler for wash n gos that I keep to a minimum See my fotki for details.
Protective styles for everyday

No heat styles I don't straiten anymore just for certain occasions I'm into natural updos and styles now curl formers stretched twist outs etc. so I don't have to flat iron for All occasions.

I'm going for HL stretched And I'm on my hair care grind now
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