Spinoff: Ask a WSL and Beyond Lady

Well ladies, last week doing my hair I discovered that I really am clearly WL now :yay: :yay: :yay: So I thought I'd chime in :D

Are you trying to grow your hair longer than WL?

Yes I am. My goal for this year is Tailbone length. I hope to reach Classic length or longer (if possible).

what is your favorite ps and how often do you dc?

Wigs are my fave PS. I don't DC nearly often enough :ohwell: This year I'm aiming to do it at least weekly.

what are your staple products?

Suave Humectant, Kenra MC, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, henna & indigo, Aussie Deep 3 min.

What has been your shortest length?

a TWA that was about an inch long.

How often do you wear your hair down/out?

Very very rarely. This year I am starting to wear it out a bit more often though. Since Christmas I've worn it down maybe 3x... so I guess that's one day per month.

How do you wash your hair? In the shower? In plaits?

Yep, in the shower, in plaits. Unless I'm doing henna & indigo, I don't do that in plaits.

Did you have long hair before or is this the first time getting to this length? If so, what do you think you did differently? Thanks.

When I was an itty bitty girl I had long hair, it was about MBL. Then it got chopped off down to a TWA due to a scalp infection I got at Kindergarten. That's the longest my hair ever was, until now.

Questions about supplements~

Prior to becoming WL, did you take supplements? If so, do you believe they contributed to your growth? If so, how long was it before you noticed a significant difference?

Are you taking supplements now?

What supplements do you recommend?

Supplements are KEY to my growth. My growth rate is faster when I take my vitamins, no two ways about it. I noticed an uptick in growth as soon as I started with the Biotin, I think it's the most important supplement to take. You must take it with B-vits and lots of water to avoid Biotin Breakouts.

I take Biotin, B-complex, prenatals and gelatin now. In the past I also took garlic oil but I laid off on that due to the smelly burps. :nono: For a while I took Vitamins for the Hair by Puritan's Pride. I recently purchased Mega Vitamins for the Hair and I will be taking that with gelatin supplements once my current stash runs out.

Any special care taken with the ends that really helped you ladies retain length? Like when washing, leave-ins, protective styling, straightening, etc....
Subbing to this thread. :grin:
I'm aiming for WL this year and am currently transitioning long-term.

Yes, the ends are where the action is. I always make sure to really saturate my ends with product and keep them from rubbing on furniture or clothing.

Sorry if this has already been asked and answered, but how often do you trim and/or dust?

I don't dust or trim. I do Search and Destroy missions. I go through my hair strand by strand and ONLY cut the damaged bits. This allows me to keep my length and improve my hair's health at the same time. Once every 4 months is plenty.

Was WL and beyond your goal?

If so, did you ever feel defeated(discouraged) in obtaining your goal?

If not, did you just grow and grow and happen to become WL or longer?

Classic length has been my goal since joining LHCF lo so many years ago. Yes, there were many times when I felt discouraged. Sometimes I still do. I just try to keep hope alive, lol.
Was WL and beyond your goal?

If so, did you ever feel defeated(discouraged) in obtaining your goal?

If not, did you just grow and grow and happen to become WL or longer?

I did sometimes esp. when a stylist cut my hair back to SL like I mentioned before it was devastating. I was more determined to get to WL, I felt like my hair was cut short out of pure jealousy and nothing else, how could my hair be so damaged when I hadn't used heat on it and it was thriving.

I didn't become WL by accident I set that as my major goal-those who've been on my fotki before know my hair goal is always @ the bottom of my regimen. I read regimens asked advice, stalked longhaired fotki's and YT's until I got my regimen right for my hair and got passed each milestone.
WL was my 1st major goal, now it's HL/TL then who knows, right now I'm leaning towards just maintaining that length-unless hair-anorexia strikes again.
To achieve WL and beyond hair you have to be a little hair obsessed and hair-anorexic. :grin:

Prayinforfull... said:
Ok I just read this whole thread just so I don't repeat anyone's question.

1. For relaxed WL ladies, do you strecth and if so for how long?
2. For natural WL ladies what was the reason you went natural?
3. For relaxed ladies, did you go natural for a while and if so for how long before you decided to perm?
4. For the all WL ladies how long did it take you to get pass APL and( why the hell is it taking me so long) alright I'm back, lol please tell us what u did to get pass APL it is just taking me way to long.

I was always natural, then I went through a relaxed phase and my hair got really thin, damaged and short-I don't know if it's all the relaxers fault but some of it was me abusing my hair. I thought relaxer meant I didn't have to "take care" of my hair or treat it well. Even when I did try to take care of it while relaxed my hair just didn't respond well to relaxers. I remembered that I had long thick, frizzy, curly hair before so I just grew it out.

APL was a breeze for me, getting to WL was harder. I would look at your regimen, products, styles. Are you wearing your hair down alot, that's harder at SL-APL cause your ends are rub your clothes all the time, when it's a little passed the ends don't exactly rub your clothes. Also the ends get caught in scarves, purses and jacket collars at those length-very dangerous for ends esp if you want them to grow passed that length.
Are you DC-ing enough, is your moisture/protein balance working for you now. Keep your ends moisturized, oil, butter, conditioner or all 3 and hide them.

I always PS like crazy when i want to get to a new length faster. You can get to longer lengths without PS-ing but it will take longer JMO. I've been wearing my hair in buns and chignon banane/french twists these passed 2 months straight. I put a little conditioner and oil or butter on the ends braid or loose bun @ night and put on a satin bonnet. in the morning I do the same thing again but then I put it up in a PS. hth

Jade Feria said:

Do you ladies cowash currently?

If so, how often?

Did you cowash to help get to your current length?

I only co-wash now and have been for over 2 years since I started co-washing I've seen major thickness and growth and got to WL-so definitely YES co-washing helped me get to WL.

I co-wash 2x/week usually, if it's really cold I'm just not washing/wetting my hair period, I'll stretch out the washes for 2 weeks then. In summer every other day or daily if I'm wearing it curly.
If straight I try to keep the flat iron for 2 weeks.
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sorry if someone asked already;

Did you do intense protein treatments while you were trying to get to wsl (like aphogee 2 min, etc)?
Did you trim regularly as you grew?
sorry if someone asked already;

Did you do intense protein treatments while you were trying to get to wsl (like aphogee 2 min, etc)?
Did you trim regularly as you grew?

I did use aphogee 2-step treatment (the one that stinks) and the 2 minute keratin, every 2-3 months, then I found my hair was getting to hard so I stopped using that cause my hair didn't need that intense protein anymore, now I just use 1-2 beaten eggs every once in a while (see my regimen)

At 1st no, then I started seeing how some of my hair inspirations would S&D/dust trim, so I saw that S&D/dusting could take care of splits and SSK's without having to sacrifice length I just gained. That's pretty much what I've been doing ever since.

When I keep up with my ends, I only have to S&D every 2-3 months now, or of course if I see a SSK or split I nip it in the bud before it becomes a problem. I also follow Feye's method for self trims (link in my fotki) too only when I want to give myself a medium trim and even things up a little.hth
I co wash 2wice a week and shampoo and DC on the weekends. However i am going to start co-washing only and use a shampoo only for clarifying and neutralizing.
I did use aphogee 2-step treatment (the one that stinks) and the 2 minute keratin, every 2-3 months, then I found my hair was getting to hard so I stopped using that cause my hair didn't need that intense protein anymore, now I just use 1-2 beaten eggs every once in a while (see my regimen)

At 1st no, then I started seeing how some of my hair inspirations would S&D/dust trim, so I saw that S&D/dusting could take care of splits and SSK's without having to sacrifice length I just gained. That's pretty much what I've been doing ever since.

When I keep up with my ends, I only have to S&D every 2-3 months now, or of course if I see a SSK or split I nip it in the bud before it becomes a problem. I also follow Feye's method for self trims (link in my fotki) too only when I want to give myself a medium trim and even things up a little.hth

:grin: Thanks a lot. I will check that link out too. You guys all have very beautiful hair!
Repost from CL Challenge thread: Please post your response

i hope you ladies don't mind me asking a questions (as a former MBL girl who is now back at BSL...again!:wallbash:) but i saw all of Mz Mo Mo's shedding and...well, that's me everytime I comb my hair! and even worse, i just jumped on a bandwagon - got my hair colored (she used peroxide but it wouldn't "lift" so now its dark brown instead of my natural soft black.) now, it "feels" horrible. it feels kind of stiff and dry like when you have too much gel in it. when the stylist did the color - my hair dreadlocked/matted up. its never done that before! i'm soooo scared that i did something horrible to my hair and that i'll never reach my goal length or get close. oh yeah, and she "cut" it, even though i told her i'd just had it cut (i cut it, using tracy's method) but she said it "felt" horrible and cut me back to BSL with layers! i hate it. i'm so sad. never want to go to a stylist again! :nono:

WHAT are the BASICS that i need to be doing to get my hair and scalp in tip top shape, stop the shedding, stop the breakage and retain length?

Sorry this happened to you (hugs) now whatever regimen you were following before the mishap you should go back to, but ITA with Candy and MzMomo finger comb while it's damp or better yet only in the shower while your CW, then gently squeeze out excess water and let it airdry in pokahantas braids you can also add the same moisturizing CW conditioner to the entire length esp concentrate a little extra on the ends.

Then use a good hair shaft penetrating oil like EVOO, EVCO, Jojoba, and if your scalp is feeling itchy or dry some tea tree oil scalp massages weekly. I would DC 2x/week @ 1st then weekly. To counteract the shedding protein treatments for hair just use your same conditioner and beat 2 eggs mix together and use that under a plastic cap, and fresh garlic cut in oil and heated to warm in microwave for scalp-cause your actually getting the juices out of the garlic faster this way.

I would stay away from shampoos for a while if you're a shampoo girl cause that will just cause more dryness. ALWAYS AIRDRY, don't even think about using a heat tool unless it's a heating cap for DC-ing and PS low tension styles that keep the ends tucked in. There's tons on YT we've posted alot of PS styles that aren't too hard on the hair, oh and stay away from sock buns too, they're fine if your hairs healthy but damaged it will cause more prob's b/c it's tension based. hth


I reposted your ? on the ask a WL lady thread for more responses here's the link

what are your staple products?

Kenra MC(shampoo and conditioner) , ORS hair mayo and ORS replenishing pak. I use a liquid leave in for roller sets called Biotera( I think it's bootleg biolage? lol). Sometimes I use creamy one LTR. I love VO5 moisture milks for CO-washing and unrefined evco.
Are you trying to grow your hair longer than WL?

Yes I am. I am inching my way to hip length. And I will maintain there.

What has been your shortest length?

My shortest length was shoulder length.This was like 02'-03'. It was because I cut it into a long bob after wearing it at apl(uneven). But my hair usually was apl.

What process do you use to seal in moisture?? And is the EVOO you use, the type that you can buy in the grocery story? How much do you use it, and how often?

Sorry for so many questions, but Im new at this and any advice can help?

I apply moisturizer on the last inch of my hair and then seal with evco or evoo. I buy my unrefined evco at walmart. I use it often. I put some on my ends and I also rub it on to cowashed hair afterwards.

How often do you wear your hair down/out?

Almost every weekend.

How do you wash your hair? In the shower? In plaits?

I wash in the shower in 8 plaits use to be 6. My hair would be a hot tangled mess if I tried washing it in a sink:nono:

Did you have long hair before or is this the first time getting to this length? If so, what do you think you did differently? Thanks.

My hair has never been this long. I've become gentler with my hair and care for it better with the tips from this board.
1) How long was your hair when you started out?
2) How long did it take you to get to waist length?
Thank ladies!

My hair was back at apl when I became serious about growing it out. I would say it took about 3 yrs.

For the relaxed 4a/b ladies....
*Are you having issues keeping your ends even and healthy? and if so what are you doing to keep the splits at bay?

For all the relaxed ladies.....
*Are you going by the "dime amount" when it comes to using conditioner or do you slather it on generously?

*Do you find that expensive products work best or does your staples consist of cheapie products

*On relaxer day, how are you protecting your ends?

*What are you using for your moisturizing/sealing combo?

I'm transitioning now but I think I can answer. I always use way more than a dime amount for conditioner :lachen:
It depends with the products. Kenra is the most expensive of my products and I must say I can tell the difference when I use it.
When I was relaxing I usually coated my ends with conditioner, evco, or chi silk infusions.
elasta qp mango butter sealed with oil worked for me. Oh yeah, I need to go buy some more of that :look:

Questions about supplements~

Prior to becoming WL, did you take supplements? If so, do you believe they contributed to your growth? If so, how long was it before you noticed a significant difference?

Are you taking supplements now?

What supplements do you recommend?

I took pre natal vits while I was pregnant and nursing also iron supplements when it was low. I occasionally would take a daily multi vitamin:look:. I can tell by my nails if a vitamin is doing it's job but my hair seems the same. I just make sure I eat enough protein. I think vits can improve overall quality of the hair that will soon grow out the scalp. But it's to late for the rest of the length to benefit from it. And I don't know about it determing how my hair grows though. My hair usually grows at a normal growth rate of half an inch a month.

What's your hair type? Are you relaxed or natural?
I'm a 3c/4a and I'm transitioning(will be 11 months next month)

Any special care taken with the ends that really helped you ladies retain length? Like when washing, leave-ins, protective styling, straightening, etc....
Subbing to this thread. :grin:
I'm aiming for WL this year and am currently transitioning long-term.

nothing really special just be very gentle because they are the oldest part of the hair.

Sorry if this has already been asked and answered, but how often do you trim and/or dust?

I trim and dust probably every 6 months. When I reach my goal, however, I will start trimming every 3 months to thicken the hem line.
Was WL and beyond your goal?

If so, did you ever feel defeated(discouraged) in obtaining your goal?

If not, did you just grow and grow and happen to become WL or longer?

WL was my goal. It wasn't until I got there that I felt like it wasn't "doing it" for me that I decided to grow longer. I hope HL will feel longer.

Yes at times I did feel disouraged. Even now sometimes I do. But it last for a moment then I get positive again and just try my best and take care of my hair.

Ok I just read this whole thread just so I don't repeat anyone's question.

1. For relaxed WL ladies, do you strecth and if so for how long?
2. For natural WL ladies what was the reason you went natural?
3. For relaxed ladies, did you go natural for a while and if so for how long before you decided to perm?
4. For the all WL ladies how long did it take you to get pass APL and( why the hell is it taking me so long) alright I'm back, lol please tell us what u did to get pass APL it is just taking me way to long.

I use to stretch for 3 months. Before I decided to transition one of my stretches lasted 8 months I think.
Uh I don't know if I can answer number 2 because I'm not natural yet. But I'm going natural because if I can easily straighten my hair via roller set, flat iron, then what's the point of relaxing?
I reached WL while relaxed and transitioning while I aim for hip. Plan on just trimming over time instead of BC'ing.
Well it took me about 9 months(I think) to get from APL to top of bsl. I do the same as I always do. Nothing special.

Relaxed ladies - at what length did your hair start to feel "heavy." In other words, you felt it weighing on your back in the shower etc. May seem like a strange question but I ask cause I want that "heavy" feeling - I feel like only then I'll really think I have grown some hair :lachen:

I don't know :lachen: My hair still doesn't really feel all that heavy. I mean I feel it but it's not dragging my head down or nothing:yawn:


Do you ladies cowash currently?

If so, how often?

Did you cowash to help get to your current length?

I cowash at least 2x during the week. I believe it helped:yep:

sorry if someone asked already;

Did you do intense protein treatments while you were trying to get to wsl (like aphogee 2 min, etc)?
Did you trim regularly as you grew?

I'm actually scared of intense protein treatments :look: but I do use ORS mayo and the replenishing pak. It seems to get er done lol.
Thank you for this inspiring and helpful thread.
I'm especially curious about those who have 4b hair like mine, but please feel free to offer any advice regardless:
For those who typically wear their hair out, did you have to go hard on the bunning/updos when your ponytail hung btwn sl and apl? I think I'm running into that roadblock b/c the ends are "in the danger zone".

Would others cateogorize you as hair-paranoid? As in you are extra special careful about sun-exposure, wind, water, and weather?

One more: While growing, how often did you chart your progress? I imagine checking too much may lead to discouragement. (monthly, every three months, bi-annually....?)

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Thank you for this inspiring and helpful thread.
I'm especially curious about those who have 4b hair like mine, but please feel free to offer any advice regardless:
For those who typically wear their hair out, did you have to go hard on the bunning/updos when your ponytail hung btwn sl and apl? I think I'm running into that roadblock b/c the ends are "in the danger zone".

Would others cateogorize you as hair-paranoid? As in you are extra special careful about sun-exposure, wind, water, and weather?

As far as the hump of sl and apl , if something isn't working for you, then it's time to try something new. I don't think it hurts to PS if wearing your hair out doesn't get you where you want to go.

Oh and no I'm not hair-paranoid. I do whatever, whenever. I ain't neva scared lol
Thank you for this inspiring and helpful thread.
I'm especially curious about those who have 4b hair like mine, but please feel free to offer any advice regardless:
For those who typically wear their hair out, did you have to go hard on the bunning/updos when your ponytail hung btwn sl and apl? I think I'm running into that roadblock b/c the ends are "in the danger zone".

Would others cateogorize you as hair-paranoid? As in you are extra special careful about sun-exposure, wind, water, and weather?

One more: While growing, how often did you chart your progress? I imagine checking too much may lead to discouragement. (monthly, every three months, bi-annually....?)

:look: every chance I get. I just pull a few strands down. You would think I was obsessive-compulsive. No lie I look twice a week. I know it ain't healthy :nono:
any deep conditioners that you guys ABSOLUTELY swear by? Just curious, sorry if it's repeating...

after rereading thread alot of you did say it already....sorry :p
I guess if you didn't say it then do tell
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any deep conditioners that you guys ABSOLUTELY swear by? Just curious, sorry if it's repeating...

after rereading thread alot of you did say it already....sorry :p
I guess if you didn't say it then do tell

Well the best protein DC is Aphogee 2-step but you have to moisturize with a good moisturizing DC afterwards and the balancing moisturizer they make is not enough. But I suggest using it right after the prtein is rinsed out b/c they make it to work together, then DC with another moisturizing conditioner if you need it. I never had that problem with it but I wanted my hair very moist so I followed up the balancing with another DC.

Now for moisture Silicon Mix is my all time fav DC, it has tons of cones in it and my hair must think it's relaxed cause it loves cones, it's got really good slip, the only reason I haven't been using it is b/c I can't find it @ the local BSS and Suave Tropical coconut works just as good. Not much diff in price either is just I have to order it on the net and I don't want to be net dependent for my staple products and I don't want to be dependent on alot of products.

I don't believe you have to have a certain product as long as it's conditioner and it works you can DC with it. I suggest finding a good CW or leave in that's moisturizing that your hair likes and use that as your DC if you want to make it more intense just add avocado, eggs (for a homemade protein DC) or other hair foods. But just DC-ing with that staple condish for min 30 mins under a heat cap or steamer works great too. hth
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Are you trying to grow your hair longer than WL?

I was gonna settle for Waist length but now i want it at least halfway to Hip length...at least.

what is your favorite ps and how often do you dc?
I LOVE just throwin it up in a big floppy bun on top of my head and accessorize with a headband....especially when im workin or just feelin lazy:D...And i deep condition every single weekend...my hair gets dry fast....which is why im switching to sulfate-free shampoos.

What has been your shortest length?
The shortest my hair has ever been in my whole life was shoulder length...and that was due to a bleach/dye/relaxer job gone wrong and a stylist hacked off too much of my hair....both had me a shoulder length.

What process do you use to seal in moisture?? And is the EVOO you use, the type that you can buy in the grocery story? How much do you use it, and how often?

Sorry for so many questions, but Im new at this and any advice can help?
I only use EVOO to add to my relaxer creme for texlaxing or to add to my deep conditioner....for some reason using evoo on my hair to seal makes it feel like straw....BUT....I LUBS me some coconut oil...either EVCO or Vatika Coconut Oil....it really really helps my ends out....I also use Vatika Oil mixed with shea butter sometimes to moisturize:yep:

How often do you wear your hair down/out?

I wear my hair completely flat ironed maybe one week out of the month....I limit my use of blowdryers and flat irons to 2x maximum a month.

How do you wash your hair? In the shower? In plaits?

I have to wash my hair in the shower. It just kinda grosses me out about what my hair is touching in a sink drain pipe:barf:...the other day i discovered how to rinse the DC out of my hair by standing on the edge of the tub with one hand holding me up as a rinsed my hair out in the shower faucet only because i didnt feel like hopping BACK in the shower just to rinse my hair out:laugh:...but it worked just fine!!:D
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Are you trying to grow your hair longer than WL?
Yes. My goal is full hip length with blunt ends.
what is your favorite ps and how often do you dc?
My favorite protective style involving using a ficcare to pin my hair up. I deep condition every week and co-wash about three times a week.
what are your staple products?
I co-wash with Giovanni Smooth as Silk and use Virgin Coconut Oil as a leave-in (sometimes with a bit of Giovanni Direct Leave-in mixed with the oil). I deep condition with Aubrey Organics' Honey Suckle Rose.
How often do you trim?
I have no regular trimming schedule. When I take good care of my hair, I find that trimming is not necessary.
What has been your shortest length?
I have had a fade before. I still had hair, but I looked almost bald because it was so short. I started this current hair journey with 3-4" of hair.
How often do you wear your hair down/out?
I have no regular schedule. Sometimes, I'll start in an updo and take the ficcare out. Sometimes, I'll let it dry loose after co-washing and then put it up. I spent most of February using a curling iron on my hair and wearing it down.
How do you wash your hair? In the shower? In plaits?
I am a strict co-washer. I have probably used shampoo ten times in the past five years and most of those times, I was at a salon.
Did you have long hair before or is this the first time getting to this length? If so, what do you think you did differently? Thanks.
I learned how to take care of my hair, so my hair grew.
How long did it take you to get to waist length?
It took me about five years.
Was WL and beyond your goal?
I just wanted to see how long my hair could get. That is still how I feel.
If so, did you ever feel defeated(discouraged) in obtaining your goal?
I had no real goal for a long time. I just didn't cut it and took the best care I could of it. Now that I have an actual goal (growing out troublesome layers and getting all my hair to hip length), I find myself getting impatient. :laugh:
If not, did you just grow and grow and happen to become WL or longer?
1. For relaxed WL ladies, do you strecth and if so for how long?
I am tex-laxed. I stretch for four months. My goal is six months.
3. For relaxed ladies, did you go natural for a while and if so for how long before you decided to perm?
Sure. I was natural for three or four years.
4. For the all WL ladies how long did it take you to get pass APL and( why the hell is it taking me so long) alright I'm back, lol please tell us what u did to get pass APL it is just taking me way to long.
I am not sure how long it took me to get past APL because at that point, I was not measuring my hair or actively working towards any particular goal.
Relaxed ladies - at what length did your hair start to feel "heavy." In other words, you felt it weighing on your back in the shower etc. May seem like a strange question but I ask cause I want that "heavy" feeling - I feel like only then I'll really think I have grown some hair :lachen:
I have fine hair. It started to feel heavy in the shower at about bra strap length. It started to feel heavy when dry at about mid-back length. When it is tangled or I have just woken up, it does not feel heavy. It feels heavy only when it is well combed and laying smoothly.
Did you do intense protein treatments while you were trying to get to wsl (like aphogee 2 min, etc)?
I didn't know the difference between protein and moisture for much of my hair journey. Even now, I do protein treatments only when I remember, which is once every three or so months.
Did you trim regularly as you grew?
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Did you have long hair before or is this the first time getting to this length? If so, what do you think you did differently? Thanks.

The longest my hair was before LHCF...that remember...was BSL....when i was 8 or 9 years old.

1) How long was your hair when you started out?
2) How long did it take you to get to waist length?
Thank ladies!
I started my HHJ with almost APL hair...that was back in 2008....here it is 2010 and i just reached Waist Length last month!!...So....i would say 2 years and 3 months.

For the relaxed 4a/b ladies....
*Are you having issues keeping your ends even and healthy? and if so what are you doing to keep the splits at bay?

For all the relaxed ladies.....
*Are you going by the "dime amount" when it comes to using conditioner or do you slather it on generously? I'm SUPER generous when it come to conditioner..i like to saturate my hair in it:yep:

*Do you find that expensive products work best or does your staples consist of cheapie products....hmmm...i would say a mixture of both...but i mostly stay with cheapies...that are no more than $10-$20

*On relaxer day, how are you protecting your ends? I put conditioner on the length

*What are you using for your moisturizing/sealing combo? Shea Butter based moisturizers or leave-in conditioners and seal with coconut oil

Any special care taken with the ends that really helped you ladies retain length? Like when washing, leave-ins, protective styling, straightening, etc....
Subbing to this thread. :grin:
I'm aiming for WL this year and am currently transitioning long-term.
I find that putting coconut oil on my ends does them justice...but its even better if i put a leave-in or moisturizer and THEN seal. I never pile my hair up while washing and i concentrate on putting my heat protectant serums on my ends when flat-ironing or blowdrying.

Sorry if this has already been asked and answered, but how often do you trim and/or dust?
When needed...since i'm going for length right now....next year it'll be every 3-4 months for thickening.

Relaxed ladies - at what length did your hair start to feel "heavy." In other words, you felt it weighing on your back in the shower etc. May seem like a strange question but I ask cause I want that "heavy" feeling - I feel like only then I'll really think I have grown some hair :lachen:
:laugh:....my hair started feeling heavy when i reached BSL...it STILL feels BSL to me....but i have noticed a lil increase in the weight lately.

sorry if someone asked already;

Did you do intense protein treatments while you were trying to get to wsl (like aphogee 2 min, etc)?
Did you trim regularly as you grew?
I used to get trims every 3-4 months pre-LHCF. I didnt learn about protein treatments til i got here.
Ok so Im definitely WSL now but I have hair anorexia. Im going for the top of my jeans.
My favorite conditioner is V05 because I go thru a bottle in 2 "washes". I can't remember the last time I used shampoo. A few months ago maybe? I am 2 years post. The shortest my hair has ever been is nape length that was by choice. Before that it was BSL and I was annoyed with the length (the angst of youth). Thru all my hair abuse the shortest my hair ever got from abuse is shoulder length. I find that basic is best. I heat style maybe once a month. My go to style is a braid out that I redo on wednesdays and saturdays. If not its a wet bun or wet ponytail.
If relaxed or telaxed, what relaxer do you use now and while growing most your hair length? Lye or no lye?

Which relaxer do you love best?

How long do you keep relaxer in for and do you smooth?

What is your hair type?
FOr relaxed ladies...
I hope to get to WL. i am formerly relax now i texlax. I am too chicken to mess with that protein treatments. So i currently focus on moisture with jsut hawaiian silky, carefree curl and argan oil.
About what length did you start using protein treatments?
Have you use twists or braids like cornrows to help your hair grow?
What do you do to limit the amount split ends?

i must lurk this thread:grin: