Spinoff: Ask a WSL and Beyond Lady

How often do you cowash or wash your hair? Do you fully detangle each time, or only after a certain period of time?

I've seen a few wl and beyond ladies who wash once or twice a month, quite a few who do so weekly, and some that seem to do multiple cowashes a week.

Those that do multiple cowashes a week, is it for moisture or to keep a clean scalp?


Lately I've only been washing once a week and sometimes twice. I fully detangle each times using my fingers. Using my fingers I go from tip to root and keep "raking" my fingers through my hair until no more shed hair comes out. I divide my hair into four sections to do this.

I wash to keep a clean scalp, for moisture, and also to detangle. I only comb my hair while wet and with conditioner.

how often did you all trim while on the way to WL?

some people say that trimming is imperative, yet if there are no split ends, why trim, right? (the ones who think it's imperative also many times say that it jump starts growth, is this true?)


I trimmed as needed. I was still transitioning while I was growing my hair from bra strap to waist length so I got a few mini trims that summer.

I see that most ladies with length protective style their hair in some way or another. Please believe I'm trying to achieve WL status at some point in life but I'm a long ways from it right now. I'm only BSB on a good day. Do you really enjoy your length since he's almost always hidden, tucked away, under a wig, braided up, etc?

I never wear wigs or braids. It's always loose in a wash and go up do, bun, ponytail, down somestimes, etc. I think hair can get so long that it actually gets in the way and becomes uncomfortable. Really long hair can get caught in things so I keep it up a lot out of convenience. I don't hesitate to take it down though like if I get a bad headache, etc. from an updo. I've taken it down at work for this reason.

So I do enjoy my hair. I don't feel as if I have to hide my hair or only keep it in buns, etc. Most days I keep it up and out of the way and don't even think about it.

are people in awe of your hair?

do people think it's weave even tho you tell them otherwise?

if you had short hair before (shoulder length n down) does if feel as good as i imagine it would to show your hair to those who doubted you before? =)

Some people are in awe of my hair then other's don't really notice/care.

Some people don't believe me when I tell them that my hair is real but most people do actually. I hope I don't gross anyone out by saying this, but I'm a hairy woman so I think people look at the hair on my arms, sideburns, heavy eyebrows, etc. and just assume that the hair on my head could really be mine. My hair fits my features.

The shortest my hair has ever been was shoulder length and it does feel good knowing that I can grow it out and that cutting it isn't a big deal because it will grow.

About how long did it take you to go from MBL to WL?

Not long. I remember the beginning of that summer starting at bra strap and I was waist length by the beginning of that fall.

What was the hardest point to get past; APL, BSL or MBL?

None of them were hard for me, but my hair seems to start growing slower at waist length then by the time it gets to the top of tailbone it seems to stop growing for a while.

Hey WL+ ladies..
I see a lot of you guys using just normal drug store products...
1.) Are there any high end or natural products that you swear by.. or do you think it just doesn't matter?
2.) Do you now or have you ever stayed away from sulfates/parabens/alcohols in products?

3.) Last question those that wear their hair down *most* of the time.. how do you care for it when you sleep?

Thanks ladies! GROW on withya bad selves!

I use Giovanni conditioners because they are cone free. I am cone free because it takes my hair less time to dry when I don't use cones. Also my hair tangles less.

I believe in using whatever works. I've tried some high end expensive products and I wasn't impressed. Some cheaps products can work just as well if not better than the high end stuff. Prior to going cone free Aussie Moist and Herbal Essence Hello Hydration for my staples. Plus a lot of the products that claim to be natural aren't very natural.

I try to avoid sulfates, but I find that shampoos tend to dry my hair out even when sulfate free so I'll still use them. I very rarely shampoo my hair anyway.
I am shoulder length grazing apl what do you ladies think of the Brazilian blowout I have noy noticed that any of you ladies have done it to your hair
I am shoulder length grazing apl what do you ladies think of the Brazilian blowout I have noy noticed that any of you ladies have done it to your hair

what tends to happen is when you reach longer lengths, you experiment with your hair less and less to reduce a set back. basically, do what ever you did to get to xx length and keep doing it.

i do believe there is one wl+ chica i saw with it and it was beautiful. i however will not be trying it
Do any of you ladies have scalp issues? I have a very itchy scalp and nothing seems to help:nono:. I want to have a healthy scalp...

this is why i really dont co-wash except for winter time. i need sulfates to thuroughly clean my scalp or it will get icky.

maybe try head and shoulders or selsum blue shampoo weekly and then cond with something really moisturizing like aussie moist. a healthy scalp= healthy hair :D lol
I hope I don't gross anyone out by saying this, but I'm a hairy woman so I think people look at the hair on my arms, sideburns, heavy eyebrows, etc. and just assume that the hair on my head could really be mine. My hair fits my features.

lol i have hairy arms and side burns too (though my eyebrows are quite thin) so people have used that as an excuse to me having long hair too (as apposed to proper hair care)
did any of yall go through a period where you knew your hair was growing but it just seemed to be getting thicker for a while as opposed to making leaps in length? My hair seems to be "filling out" and not flying down my back now that I'm at BSL and trying to go beyond it.
did any of yall go through a period where you knew your hair was growing but it just seemed to be getting thicker for a while as opposed to making leaps in length? My hair seems to be "filling out" and not flying down my back now that I'm at BSL and trying to go beyond it.

Yeah I'm going through that right now, I try not to think about it much cause length comes after thickness.
I'd like to know which WSL ladies started from a TWA and how long it took you to go from the TWA to WSL. Also are you WSL when your hair is curly or straight. Thanks, I need some hope!
lol i have hairy arms and side burns too (though my eyebrows are quite thin) so people have used that as an excuse to me having long hair too (as apposed to proper hair care)

Me too!(at the bolded) I get hair in places hair isn't normally supposed to be!!:lachen:....wish i had some eyebrows tho....i don't have sideburns but i have hair that meets up at my eyebrows that i shave off when i'm doing my eyebrows.....its a shame i have to shape my brows for them to show up!!!:nono::lachen:

My bad...this ain't the makeup forum!!:laugh:
Do any of you ladies have scalp issues? I have a very itchy scalp and nothing seems to help:nono:. I want to have a healthy scalp...

I used to have an itchy scalp and horrible dandruff until i came to LHCF and started co washing twice a week.....as long as my scalp sees water sometime during the week i'm good:yep:

Um....hmmm:look:...have you tried something like Hair One cleanser? It tingles and feels good on the scalp....and also make sure when you rinse out your shampoos and conditioners you wash them THOROUGHLY off your scalp and when you wan to leave some in you can go back and put it in.

I found that using some kind of oil on my scalp helps....i like to use JBCO...but mainly during the cold months bc thats usually when my scalp gets really dry.
After looking at everyone reggie's or hair journeys what are some of the mistakes or problems you think we are doing that may damage our hair from growing to its full potential?
lol i have hairy arms and side burns too (though my eyebrows are quite thin) so people have used that as an excuse to me having long hair too (as apposed to proper hair care)

Lol, people can be so funny, lol.

After looking at everyone reggie's or hair journeys what are some of the mistakes or problems you think we are doing that may damage our hair from growing to its full potential?

I think many people do too much to their hair; just too much manipulation and trying too many different things at once. This is my opinion but I really do think less is more. Using and layering tons of products on the hair and constantly brushing and combing the hair does more harm than good.

The less the hair is bothered the better.

I am shoulder length grazing apl what do you ladies think of the Brazilian blowout I have noy noticed that any of you ladies have done it to your hair

I've read the the Brazilian blowout can be very damaging especially for those very tightly coiled hair or coarser textures that aren't easily straightened. I've read topics from a few posters that have had major setbacks from this. I won't be trying it but if you have finer hair that is loosely curled and easily straightened then it might work.

Do any of you ladies have scalp issues? I have a very itchy scalp and nothing seems to help:nono:. I want to have a healthy scalp...

I've noticed that leaving a product with a lot of cones on my scalp can cause itching. Garnier conditioner made my scalp itch like crazy. Using heavy products or too many products like gels, oils, and conditioner all mixed together may also cause itching. I would shampoo perhaps once a week at most and try not leaving anything on the scalp and just leave products (those without a lot of cones or no cones) on the hair only.

You may also be allergic to one of your hair products. So I would try eliminating products and see if the itching stops.
any deep conditioners that you guys ABSOLUTELY swear by? Just curious, sorry if it's repeating...

after rereading thread alot of you did say it already....sorry :p
I guess if you didn't say it then do tell

The deep conditioners I like are ORS Hair Mayo and ORS Replinishing pack. I also use my Kenra moisturizing conditioner as a DC.

How often do you use direct heat (flat irons/blowdryers) on your hair?

I flat iron my roots every time I roller set. Which is about every weekend or every other weekend.

If relaxed or telaxed, what relaxer do you use now and while growing most your hair length? Lye or no lye?

Which relaxer do you love best?

How long do you keep relaxer in for and do you smooth?

What is your hair type?

I can answer a few although I'm transitioning.

I was using no-lye. Lye seemed to always be too harsh on my scalp.

I can't even remember how long I use to leave my relaxer in. But I would rather it be under processed than over processed.

My hair type is 3c/4a

FOr relaxed ladies...
I hope to get to WL. i am formerly relax now i texlax. I am too chicken to mess with that protein treatments. So i currently focus on moisture with jsut hawaiian silky, carefree curl and argan oil.
About what length did you start using protein treatments?
Have you use twists or braids like cornrows to help your hair grow?
What do you do to limit the amount split ends?

i must lurk this thread:grin:

The protein treatments I use are my deep conditoners. The ors ones. That's it. I've used them since I've learned the importance of them. And when if my hair got mushy I knew to use them.

No I don't put any braids in my hair. I just rollerset, braidouts bantu knots, buns.

You know what? I don't even pay attention to split ends anymore. I', quite sure I have a few but I stopped obsessing over them awhile ago when I realized I couldn't get rid of all of them lol.
Help me out waist length and beyond and please look over my regimen:

I am using Hair One as a co-washing product when I take down my braids
I use AO conditioning when I take down my braids every 3 weeks to detangle
Every day I spray my hair with a mix of world of curls and wonder 8 oil
I co-wash 2-3 times a week between AO and ION Effective Care Treatment.

I take about a 2 day break and put my hair right back up in braids.

Let me know what you think, please.

If it works for you and your not running into any conundrums I don't see the problem. I wonder though, do you ever clarify after awhile?

Hi, I'm so curious to know your thoughts on the following things. Thank you so very much! :)

Have you found that a healthy diet is/isnt more/as important than/as a particular product/set of products?

Is gaining an inch still as exciting as it was at the beginning?

How's this regi (will adopt it after I finish/give away all my products; when school starts up again probably):

• shampoo/condition every 3 days
• towel dry, spray leave-in (conditioner/EVOOorEVCO), seal with oil that doesn't penetrate then baggy
• repair edges as needed
• take down and DC after 8-10wks

• 10 cornrows with a little added hair
• in halfW or regular W: same wash/moist/baggy as braids
• in LaceFW: wash/moist/baggy every 7-10 days
• repair cornrows and DC every 4-5wks

I plan to not have any braids or wear wigs during my christmas break; I will most likely attempt a bun or WnG

• cowash every other day alternating protein/moisturizing condish
• Baggy on non-wash days
• shampoo/DC at end of break before next set of braids or wig
• apply leave-in and seal with oil that won't penetrate.

:bighug: thank you!

A healthy diet is important. Especially make sure you get enough protein because that's what hair is made up of. Dead protein. But I would say technique comes before product.

Gaining an inch still makes me giddy after all this time lol

Since your gonna co-wash so often make sure that you add a clarifying shampoo in there somewhere. You can usually tell if you need to clarify if after you've conditioned your hair still feels coated, hard and tangley.

I'm not sure how to answer you about the weaves and braids because I do not use them to get length.

are people in awe of your hair?

do people think it's weave even tho you tell them otherwise?

if you had short hair before (shoulder length n down) does if feel as good as i imagine it would to show your hair to those who doubted you before? =)

Well I guess people that know me are in awe of my hair when they see me.

Strangers usually just tell me they think my hair is pretty. Or they will just stare at me :look:. The only person that has asked me if my hair is real was my grandma lol. But I think my hair looks like mine. I don't know if that is a bad or good thing :look:.

About how long did it take you to go from MBL to WL?

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh, hmmm I can't remember.mbl is like 2 or 3 inches to waist(for me) but I think what is throwing me off is because I trimmed. 2 to 3 inches, however, takes 4-6 months.

What was the hardest point to get past; APL, BSL or MBL?

Hey WL+ ladies..
I see a lot of you guys using just normal drug store products...
1.) Are there any high end or natural products that you swear by.. or do you think it just doesn't matter?
2.) Do you now or have you ever stayed away from sulfates/parabens/alcohols in products?

3.) Last question those that wear their hair down *most* of the time.. how do you care for it when you sleep?

Thanks ladies! GROW on withya bad selves!

I can tell the difference when I use my Kenra. My hair usually seems softer with it. But I don't think it blows my ORS products out of the water or anything.

For number 2 I've attempted to stay away from 'bad' products but since I've found what works for me, I really don't have to read the labels anymore.

Sometimes I wear a bonnet, Sometimes I cross wrap. Sometimes I just twist it into a bun and just go to sleep with nothing on.

I see that most ladies with length protective style their hair in some way or another. Please believe I'm trying to achieve WL status at some point in life but I'm a long ways from it right now. I'm only BSB on a good day. Do you really enjoy your length since he's almost always hidden, tucked away, under a wig, braided up, etc?

Well since I generally wear my hair up during the week I wear it down on the weekends. Mostly so my dh can see it. Since he thinks, "what's the point of growing it if you don't wear it down" :rolleyes:.

how often did you all trim while on the way to WL?

some people say that trimming is imperative, yet if there are no split ends, why trim, right? (the ones who think it's imperative also many times say that it jump starts growth, is this true?)


I think I did maybe 2-3 trims. Not many.

Well I could see why. Hair that has damaged cuticles can tangle and snag other hairs. So when you trim you don't have to worry about that problem. But for myself I've just learned to find a way to handle that by being gentler when I handle my hair especially my ends. But no it's doesn't jump start growth. Hair is always growing. But, if they cut off their raggedy ends they may start to notice growth because their ends are healthier so they are able to retain better.

How often do you cowash or wash your hair? Do you fully detangle each time, or only after a certain period of time?

I've seen a few wl and beyond ladies who wash once or twice a month, quite a few who do so weekly, and some that seem to do multiple cowashes a week.

Those that do multiple cowashes a week, is it for moisture or to keep a clean scalp?


I usuallly co-wash 2-3 times a week then bun. No I don not fully detangle each time. Maybe a little with my fingers. But I generally wait until wash day to detangle. Some other people may detangle every day. It depends.

I co-wash multiple times a week because I like being completely Immersed in water from showers. It feels good :look:. So why not throw conditioner on it while I'm in there? And I throw it in a bun anyway so I like my hair in my bun to be moisturized.

Do any of you ladies have scalp issues? I have a very itchy scalp and nothing seems to help:nono:. I want to have a healthy scalp...

No I don't have any scalp issues. I just make sure it's clean. Maybe you have yeast over growth on your scalp. Have you tried tea tree oil for little while?

^^^i hear you, Janet! i'm already thinking my hair is at "terminal length" just because it's now longer than it's ever been in my whole life!

the ps's are the only thing i can do because with the "shrinkage", if my hair is out, it gets depressing to see it.

Ladies, two questions:

what are your views on this whole "terminal length" idea?

how do you combat shrinkage when it really looks like your hair is shorter than it really is...i mean from a psychological point of view to not get in the dumps?

thanks all you hair idols!

I think pretty much everyone can grow their hair to their waist or their hips. I think that's probably with the shortest growth span.

I do roller sets to combat that feeling :look:

I am shoulder length grazing apl what do you ladies think of the Brazilian blowout I have noy noticed that any of you ladies have done it to your hair

I'm scurred of blow outs honestly. Never had one never want one.

did any of yall go through a period where you knew your hair was growing but it just seemed to be getting thicker for a while as opposed to making leaps in length? My hair seems to be "filling out" and not flying down my back now that I'm at BSL and trying to go beyond it.

Hey Kurlee! Yes! That happened to me when I first got to wl. Matter of fact the longer my hair gets I notice that my hair has lengthening and thickening stages. I think it's normal.
a big thank you to all of you lovely long haired divas for all of your help and inspiration!

when you ladies rollerset, how long does it take to dry? (do you air dry or use heat?)

also, where is your shortest layer at the moment? thanks!
a big thank you to all of you lovely long haired divas for all of your help and inspiration!

when you ladies rollerset, how long does it take to dry? (do you air dry or use heat?)

also, where is your shortest layer at the moment? thanks!

i tried to air dry over nite but even then my hair is still wet so its a waste of time. under a bonnet dryer its takes about an hour

right now my hair is pretty blunt so i dont have layers aside from the breakage i got from a set back i had.
:blush::blush::blush::blush:when did ur hair get so long?!
The deep conditioners I like are ORS Hair Mayo and ORS Replinishing pack. I also use my Kenra moisturizing conditioner as a DC.

I flat iron my roots every time I roller set. Which is about every weekend or every other weekend.

I can answer a few although I'm transitioning.

I was using no-lye. Lye seemed to always be too harsh on my scalp.

I can't even remember how long I use to leave my relaxer in. But I would rather it be under processed than over processed.

My hair type is 3c/4a

The protein treatments I use are my deep conditoners. The ors ones. That's it. I've used them since I've learned the importance of them. And when if my hair got mushy I knew to use them.

No I don't put any braids in my hair. I just rollerset, braidouts bantu knots, buns.

You know what? I don't even pay attention to split ends anymore. I', quite sure I have a few but I stopped obsessing over them awhile ago when I realized I couldn't get rid of all of them lol.
After looking at everyone reggie's or hair journeys what are some of the mistakes or problems you think we are doing that may damage our hair from growing to its full potential?

I'm only WSL and not Beyond yet, but I wanted to answer this:

I feel like the inconsistency, bandwagon jumping and doing too much (having an overly complex reggie) is what stops some folks from reaching their full hair potential sooner.
I don't know why but BSL took FOREVER to get past...that whole BSL/MBL area was when my hair seemed to stall (Candy...i think....posted an article about this in one of the length threads...which talks about how hair seems to stall when you get close to waist length.....:look:) I either saw it on here or on the long hair community forum.

But after i think 3 or 4 months my hair started growing like weeds again:yep:

See, that's where I am right now...BSB...I wear my bra low (so I've been told), so I think that once I reach full BSL on me, I will be MBL...I've been doing PS to not focus on length so much...How did you break through the BSL/MBL barrier?
how long does it take for you to detangle? how often do you do it? what is your detangling method?

For me... My hair is at the middle of my back pockets. So I section my hair into 4 braids before washing. Then I unbraid a section to wash. I don't scrub like your scrubbing clothes. I gently wash my scalp throughly, then finger comb conditioner through my hair... this detangles it. Then I braid that section back up and do the next. When that is done I put a little more conditioner on the top of my hair because while rinsing each section, I rinse some of the conditioner out of the other sections. Then I put on a plastic cap, take a shower or bath. Then I rinse the conditioner out in braids. So some conditoner stays in my hair so I don't use a leave-in. But by doing it this way I don't have tangling issues... It takes me about 45 minutes for the whole process but my water doesn't run that long... I turn off and on the water as I am doing a section... I do this once or twice a week. It depends on the weather.
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3c/4a naturals, where does your natural hair sit? i am almost MBL and my hair still shrinks up to my neck (sometimes just BRUSHING my shoulders)
I'm only WSL and not Beyond yet, but I wanted to answer this:

I feel like the inconsistency, bandwagon jumping and doing too much (having an overly complex reggie) is what stops some folks from reaching their full hair potential sooner.

Oh you can answer you're WL, that's the req in this thread to answer. Please share the knowledge.
how long does it take for you to detangle? how often do you do it? what is your detangling method?

I cowash in the shower here's what I do and it takes about 10 min 15 if a lolly-gag around.
My hair will usually be in 2 pokahantas braids from my pre-poo oil treatment. I stand under the shower head and let the water run through my hair and saturate it completely while I unbraid the 2 sections.
Then I load it up with too much conditioner and finger comb and detangle with my hands first, then I detangle with a wide tooth seamless comb. Rinse and massage my scalp then I wring it out some then braid it back up in the 2 braids and I'm done.

Then I put some conditioner on the braid length and let it airdry.
I cowash in the shower here's what I do and it takes about 10 min 15 if a lolly-gag around.
My hair will usually be in 2 pokahantas braids from my pre-poo oil treatment. I stand under the shower head and let the water run through my hair and saturate it completely while I unbraid the 2 sections.
Then I load it up with too much conditioner and finger comb and detangle with my hands first, then I detangle with a wide tooth seamless comb. Rinse and massage my scalp then I wring it out some then braid it back up in the 2 braids and I'm done.

Then I put some conditioner on the braid length and let it airdry.

Wow!:yawn: I like that 10 to 15 min. time you got goin on!:grin: I guess if I cut down my 15 to 20 min of bath time I can shorten the time a little...:lachen: Bath time is only that long because it is so hot and humid here that sitting in cool water is refreshing!
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have any of you ladies grown your hair this long while perming and coloring as well?

how many of you use heat? (any type: blowdryer, flat iron, hot rollers)

do any of you use Ayurveda and henna/indigo?

thanks WL Divas!