What Does the S in "WSL" stand for? & other questions...

What does BSB mean? Is that the same length as BSL?

BSB = below shoulder blade. Pretty much a standardized location for BSL, since so many people wear their bras incorrectly. There are people on here who claim BSL when they are only centimeters past APL because they wear their bras so high, and others who wear them so low that they are MBL when they claim BSL.
I thought WSL was used because you needed at least 3 letters for a thread/post to show up in the Search feature...and would make a search for a thread like "BSL to WL" impossible to find. I know some forums are like that.

WaSupLength? (by the time you get to waist length, you know what's up with your hair)
I think it's time for alot of us to move on. I'll miss you Nichi.:kiss:

New people will come and the old will move on. I feel a little out of the loop without my camera anyway and there's a weird tone on the board, i dont know...

If all of you move on then who will help the newbie's? I'm a newbie so needless to say I'm a little selfishly motivated to keep you around. I know it's a burden dealing with us and all of our questions because you've perfected your craft but what good is it to have a board full of newbie's if all the seasoned ppl bounce? *shrug* -- Did that pathetic argument make you two reconsider? *shrug again* I tried. :spinning:
I think it's time for alot of us to move on. I'll miss you Nichi.:kiss:

Yeah I'll miss you Nichi!!! And I think after being on the board for so long sometimes it's good to take a little break. Once my subscription ends I'm going to take a break from the board and just lurk in the hair forum since that's what I've been doing recently anyway.
I tried to let my subscription go and lurk, but the board looks A LOT different when you're not logged in as a paid member. Ads everywhere, can't see any pics, can't read blogs, you can only view 4 forums, and of course you can't post. I can't do without the vendor review and the product swap sections.

Anyway, like someone said it all goes in cycles up and down. Look at a thread from 4 years ago and most of the people aren't active anymore. Don't worry, newbies....enough people will be here on LHCF. Plus, there are other boards, blogs, and YOUTUBE!