Spinoff: Ask a WSL and Beyond Lady

I don't know why but BSL took FOREVER to get past...that whole BSL/MBL area was when my hair seemed to stall (Candy...i think....posted an article about this in one of the length threads...which talks about how hair seems to stall when you get close to waist length.....:look:) I either saw it on here or on the long hair community forum.

But after i think 3 or 4 months my hair started growing like weeds again:yep:

Well this is good information. I'd like to see that article. It seemed like my hair growth slowed down around BSL. If it is true, I wonder what the reason is.
If you were stuck on a dessert island (:lol:) and could only have one product or do one thing to your hair, what would it be?
If you were stuck on a dessert island (:lol:) and could only have one product or do one thing to your hair, what would it be?

I would have my Bee Mine Luscious moisturizer to keep it moisturized....i could always wash my hair in the ocean....i'on'no bout dat salt...:laugh:....but i i would use a stick to keep my hair pinned up:yep:
have any of you ladies grown your hair this long while perming and coloring as well?

how many of you use heat? (any type: blowdryer, flat iron, hot rollers)

do any of you use Ayurveda and henna/indigo?

thanks WL Divas!

hi ladies!

i copied my questions just so they don't get lost in the shuffle, lol!
I wash in the tub with my hair lose. Even though it's easier in the shower, I prefer baths. Lately I've been putting a band around the very end of the hair and washing the scalp. When I'm done washing, conditioning and rinsing I take the band off and swish the ends of the hair around in the tub. Wrap with a towel. It's help to cut down on tangles.

This is genius, now I shall copy!!!:lachen: Thank you Dlewis:blowkiss:...my hair is tangle cityyyy! I know this will work!
have any of you ladies grown your hair this long while perming and coloring as well?

how many of you use heat? (any type: blowdryer, flat iron, hot rollers)

do any of you use Ayurveda and henna/indigo?

thanks WL Divas!

1. Double processing doesn't work for me,
I could probably grow and keep length with color and lots of DC-ing but relaxing no.

2. I use steam based heat Maxiglide, Caruso steam setter, and I DC using steam too I used to use a hair steamer now it's a damp towel over damp hair with conditioner. I'm looking for a standing hair steamer that's on the cheap side to replace the table top (just to hard to prop up and sit under so I sold it). I try not to blow dry, or use curling irons I try to diffuse if it's too cool to go out with a wet head.

3. I love ayurveda, I use the oils bringaraj or brahmi. I also use bringaraj or brahmi powders pastes for conditioning masque, works great. I use henna & indigo or cassia I use Banyan botanical oils and get my oils from amazon they have good natural essential oil base like sesame or coconut that's better for the hair. HHG

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anyone double processed i.e. color and relaxer, grow hair to WL or HL?
anyone cut hair according to the lunar cycles? did it make a difference?
It would be helpful if fine hair ladies would identify themselves when answering these questions.

Thank you
If you were stuck on a dessert island (:lol:) and could only have one product or do one thing to your hair, what would it be?

coconut oil for sure!
and i'd do braids/braidouts

have any of you ladies grown your hair this long while perming and coloring as well?

how many of you use heat? (any type: blowdryer, flat iron, hot rollers)

do any of you use Ayurveda and henna/indigo?

thanks WL Divas!

I use heat once in a while, i dont use ayurveda products, and no i don't perm but my hair has been colored.
I prefer not to use heat, but for a while there i was using my maxiglide almost weekly.
anyone double processed i.e. color and relaxer, grow hair to WL or HL?
anyone cut hair according to the lunar cycles? did it make a difference?
It would be helpful if fine hair ladies would identify themselves when answering these questions.

Thank you

1. No I'm not double processed, not even single processed all natural.

2. I do follow the lunar cycles to trim and dust my hair. It makes a difference to me I've seen it.
I have thick hair, and alot of individual hair strands.
Natural ladies, how do you handle single strand knots? Do you think they hinder progress and search and destroy for them, or just ignore 'em?

Do you wear stretched styles or use heat more often to keep them at bay and if so, which styles have you noticed are the most effective in doing so?

Thanks in advance :)
Natural ladies, how do you handle single strand knots? Do you think they hinder progress and search and destroy for them, or just ignore 'em?

Do you wear stretched styles or use heat more often to keep them at bay and if so, which styles have you noticed are the most effective in doing so?

Thanks in advance :)

I don't wear my hair straight that often, but when I do I use heat because that keeps the ssk's away. When I am wear my natural curls they are ignored... I keep my hair moisturized and usually that moisture keeps them away as well. But when I do feel them I ignore them and just moisturize that section of hair more. That seems to do the trick for me...
Were you able to reach WSL despite breakage?

How much time do you spend maintaining your hair length daily?

Yes, I was able to reach WSL despite breakage, but I wasn't able to go beyond WSL until I learned how to conquer the breakage problem...

I spend about 30 minutes a day maintaining my length.
Natural ladies, how do you handle single strand knots? Do you think they hinder progress and search and destroy for them, or just ignore 'em?

Do you wear stretched styles or use heat more often to keep them at bay and if so, which styles have you noticed are the most effective in doing so?

Thanks in advance :)

For SSK's the best thing is more moisture especially on the ends and seal with EVOO, also DC-ing with a thick creamy moisturizing conditioner (I like Suave Tropical Coconut, or Aussie Moist 3-minute).
Then I keep them away by doing S&D when I feel them.
I don't use more heat and I do wear my hair in PS slightly stretched but that really doesn't help much for SSK, getting the hair and esp ends moisturized is the key.

Were you able to reach WSL despite breakage?

How much time do you spend maintaining your hair length daily?

Well it depends on how I'm wearing my hair if it's more complicated style like set on Caruso then it's more like 1 hour. But for regular everyday just 15-20 min, usually my hairs already up in a PS or nighttime PS all I have to do is take it down if I'm wearing it down that day which is not usual I keep my hair is some sort of PS all the time.
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are the moajority of you ladies natural?

it seems there is no one with permed hair that has WL hair, as well.

it this true?
are the moajority of you ladies natural?

it seems there is no one with permed hair that has WL hair, as well.

it this true?

I think sylver2 and dlewis are relaxed/texlaxed and are WL.
(dont quote me on that)

It is my opinion that it's just easier to grow your hair long and healthy if there's less going on with it chemically.
Were you able to reach WSL despite breakage?

How much time do you spend maintaining your hair length daily?

Yes. I had breakage during my transition and was able to continue to grow. I just upped the moisture and found a low manipulation regi that worked for me.

Daily? not much depending on what I'm doing. Sometimes daily care just consists of moisturizing and wrapping my hair backup in a bun. Other days I DC, or cowash and style so...it varies from day to day.
Natural ladies, how do you handle single strand knots? Do you think they hinder progress and search and destroy for them, or just ignore 'em?

Do you wear stretched styles or use heat more often to keep them at bay and if so, which styles have you noticed are the most effective in doing so?

Thanks in advance :)

I don't get single strand knots thank ALLAH! I would search and destroy if/when i ever see em. No need keepin them around!
3c/4a naturals, where does your natural hair sit? i am almost MBL and my hair still shrinks up to my neck (sometimes just BRUSHING my shoulders)

Oh man I'm jealous!! That's some mega shrinkage!

My hair will shrink up to around APL or just above APL when I wear a wash n go. When wet it hangs at bsl.
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3c/4a naturals, where does your natural hair sit? i am almost MBL and my hair still shrinks up to my neck (sometimes just BRUSHING my shoulders)

I'm almost WL and I still have major shrinkage when it's wet it's passed SL touching apl when it dries just touching SL or just above SL sometimes w the right product I can get it to dry with less shrinkage bit I'm still working on getting that combo right.
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when the wind is blowing or you swing your head around, how do you keep your long strands from getting "stuck" on your lipstick/lipgloss when your hands are full?

when the wind is blowing or you swing your head around, how do you keep your long strands from getting "stuck" on your lipstick/lipgloss when your hands are full?

LMAO!!!! I hate when that happens, I don't avoid it, i just deal with it when it happens lol.

when the wind is blowing or you swing your head around, how do you keep your long strands from getting "stuck" on your lipstick/lipgloss when your hands are full?

LMAO!!!! I hate when that happens, I don't avoid it, i just deal with it when it happens lol.

I agree with Whimsy, lol. This can't be avoided. I just put all of my hair back into a bun or something, lol!
have any of you ladies grown your hair this long while perming and coloring as well?

how many of you use heat? (any type: blowdryer, flat iron, hot rollers)

do any of you use Ayurveda and henna/indigo?

thanks WL Divas!

My hair just doesn't take relaxers and color very well especially when combined. I was always in need of a trim when I relaxed and colored and eventually had to get my MBL to waist length hair (my hair grows in a "u" shape) cut to shoulder length. I use heat no more than once or perhaps twice a year.

I don't use Ayurveda or henna/indigo.

If you were stuck on a dessert island (:lol:) and could only have one product or do one thing to your hair, what would it be?

Conditioner. Giovanni conditioner. :grin:

Natural ladies, how do you handle single strand knots? Do you think they hinder progress and search and destroy for them, or just ignore 'em?

Do you wear stretched styles or use heat more often to keep them at bay and if so, which styles have you noticed are the most effective in doing so?

Thanks in advance :)

I sometimes see them but I don't have very many. They haven't hindered my progress at all. They're not even very noticeable; I must really look. I just leave them. I asked my beautician about them and she wasn't too concerned. She just told me that mine are a result of shed hairs that warp around the stands and break. My curls are wavy "s" shapes and not spirals so I don't have a big issue with my hair wrapping around itself and creating knots on the ends.

I tend to wear a lot of buns and updos. This not only help with SSKs but tangles in general. Also, I've noticed since I've stopped using cones, my hair tangles less.

Were you able to reach WSL despite breakage?

How much time do you spend maintaining your hair length daily?

I had some breakage during my transition and still made it to waist length and top of tail bone length right before I got the last of the relaxed ends cut off. I would try to minimize breakage because hair looks better without breakage and hair takes longer to show more length with breakage.

I spend like no time maintaining my length on a daily basis, lol. I wash and detangle once a week and that's it.

are the moajority of you ladies natural?

it seems there is no one with permed hair that has WL hair, as well.

it this true?

I'm natural. As a relaxed head I maintained my hair at around bra strap. My relaxed hair just doesn't fare very well.

Some people are able to grow long relaxed hair. Don't be discouraged. Your hair looks lovely in your siggy and you've made nice progress. Loveya4ever has AMAZING relaxed hair. She is one of my hair inspirations. I *heart* her hair so much.
do you ladies do anything particular to help sensitive areas like the nape?

(i've read where some braid it separately and keep it like that.)

also, has excessive bunning ever caused thinning areas to occur?

if so, how do you protective style without having the "weight" of your hair cause pulling or tension to sensitive areas which can then, end up with thinning and damage?
what are your staple products?
-S-curl Moisturizer, CHI Keratin Mist, CHI Silk, Aphogee Keratin Recon., Water LOL, EVCO

Are you trying to grow your hair longer than WL?
Yes, I dont trim much so whatever it grows to its ok with me. But I may do full WL first than stop cutting. I'm not sure yet.

What has been your shortest length?
A neck length bob with bangs

How often do you wear your hair down/out?
Alot now. Im ponytails but mostly braidouts. I still faithful to my buns too.

How do you wash your hair? In the shower? In plaits?
In shower, focusing on scalp. Detangle out the shower.
are the moajority of you ladies natural?

it seems there is no one with permed hair that has WL hair, as well.

it this true?

Relaxers didn't work for me, but that doesn't mean they don't work for others.
Well it's true most of us are natural once you pass WL but there's alot of texlaxed WL and beyond ladies. Just check out some longhaired relaxed ladies




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