Special "friend"


Well-Known Member
Single and married ladies, have you ever had the designated friend w/ benefits? You know, the man you keep on the side solely for your sexual needs while you shop around for a husband :look:

Let's not be so judgy today, if you can't handle this topic then you know what to do...
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Only if you count exes that straggle on for too long after it's over.

However, I can appreciate the concept of a friend strictly for benefits. It's a genius idea :up:
Nope, I got married to early but ..only kind of friend with benefits relationship I would have.. the benefits would have to be loads of cash. Why should he get it for free that is what women buy dildos for.. :grin:
No, I've never had a friend with benefits. Judgement has nothing to do with it, I don't really see the point. As a rule, sex is used consciously & purposefully in my romantic preferences. A **** buddy serves no real benefit in my life.

And, quite frankly, I've never been that bored to entertain the idea either. I can think of better and more constructive alternatives for idle time, even if it's twiddling my thumbs. :look::lol:
Nope. I'm not sleeping with anyone I'm not with. I would be too afraid of catching feelings. I know I would because I'm not flucking somebody I'm not into.

He caught feelings and is now my SO (FAIL) -_- I was fine with how it was and I found it a positive experience during the no strings bit. :yep:
Yes, before I was saved. Sometimes I preferred that kind of arrangement to a relationship. Looking back, what I thought was a beneficial situation really wasn't.
Yes I have. The coloring was awesome but I would never be in a relationship with him. One time he says to me you'd want to be with me wouldn't you? I looked him in the the eye and said "No". He kinda laughed it off but I was so serious.
Before I was married, yea. It's not anything I'd ever do as a married woman, but when I was single I had a few paramours... They weren't anyone that I'd ever date, but they were Awesome in the sack. Either it would run its course, or they'd get too clingy and I'd have to vanish on them.
No..but I wish I did.

Also I fall in the category of woman looking for this and who is not shopping around for a husband :grin:
barbiesocialite said:
No, I've never had a friend with benefits. Judgement has nothing to do with it, I don't really see the point. As a rule, sex is used consciously & purposefully in my romantic preferences. A **** buddy serves no real benefit in my life.

And, quite frankly, I've never been that bored to entertain the idea either. I can think of better and more constructive alternatives for idle time, even if it's twiddling my thumbs. :look::lol:

I think it's different for you because if I recall correctly, you don't really enjoy sex anyway(correct me of I'm wrong). I'm the opposite and celibacy has only made me hornier, lol.

You can still be strategic w/ sex while getting your own nut on the flip side :look: and to a certain extent I can see how it can empower a woman, well a woman like me.
No, I've never had a friend with benefits. Judgement has nothing to do with it, I don't really see the point. As a rule, sex is used consciously & purposefully in my romantic preferences. A **** buddy serves no real benefit in my life.

And, quite frankly, I've never been that bored to entertain the idea either. I can think of better and more constructive alternatives for idle time, even if it's twiddling my thumbs. :look::lol:

I think it's different for you because if I recall correctly, you don't really enjoy sex anyway(correct me of I'm wrong). I'm the opposite and celibacy has only made me hornier, lol.

You can still be strategic w/ sex while getting your own nut on the flip side :look: and to a certain extent I can see how it can empower a woman, well a woman like me.

I have to really like someone to the point I'm "in love" or falling in love to enjoy physical intimacy of any kind. That said, I enjoy sex when I'm emotionally bonded to someone :yep:

I'm naturally emotional. However emotions inconsistent and other times they change. Even day-to-day. Just as quickly or intensely people fall in love/like, they can fall right back out equally as fast. :look: I can't predict or control everything but I can/do control my body as it relates to people/things that affect my emotions. Sex involves my body which is why it's natural and reflexive for me to use logical decision making when deciding to engage. So it's not that I dislike sex nor am I purposely manipulative with it, I just require a justifiable & provable reason for me to do it.

Friends w/benefits seems pointless and never interested me: the cons outweigh the pros for me personally. Ask any of my exes, unless I'm married I ain't giving it up for fun or just bc. And I'm a known indian giver.:look: There has to be a reason for sexing--sometimes its mine, others times its theirs :lol: