So you don't have problem with strippers at his bachelor party.Bride's story.

I feel like guys just wanna have fun with the guys .... this may include watching almost naked women dance around but hey, as long as its done all in fun then why stress over it?

If they don't bump privates, share any juices (sorry kinda gross) or anything like that then I hope no one is losing sleep over this.

Trust ur man and if u don't then please don't marry him. Lastly... LOOSEN UP LADIES! I plan on having male strippers at my bachelorette party... woooohoooo

Basically.... although I don't get down with rubbing tits on the chest. I know it happens but that is foreplay. I guess I don't agree with grinding. It should not occur. Those private shows can get quite raunchy.
I just wonder how he would feel if the shoe were on the other foot (Not sure if this has been said in the last 4 pages but thats my opinion)
I don't understand the NEED for strippers but I understand why men do it.

If my honey has a bachelor party...I want to know NOTHING about that night. That will be his final night of being single with his boys. There is to be no fingers...toes...tongues...ears...nose...genitalia...ANYTHING touching... LOL He can look all day and night...but NO touching...and no tipping over 20 bucks! (We are in a recession) LOL But beyond that...we are fine. I will let him know...if HE has strippers...I will ALSO have strippers. LOL Usually that clears up some things for us. LOL

In this story...I don't think her FH did anything wrong. Sounds like harmless drunken guy stuff. And the strippers...hey...they were just doing what they do daily...their jobs. Those strippers are not there looking to take the groom home...they are looking for a paycheck. Like I's a recession. Heck the stripper would prolly spank her also if she paid her. So I think that if she decided to "allow" her man to have strippers...she should have just left the details unknown...I mean if your trust him...why do you need the details of his final night of singledom?! Just my .02
I just wonder how he would feel if the shoe were on the other foot (Not sure if this has been said in the last 4 pages but thats my opinion)

Giirrrrrl you know good and full well men don't play that. Talk about ego and double standard.:rolleyes:

I don't understand the NEED for strippers but I understand why men do it.

If my honey has a bachelor party...I want to know NOTHING about that night. That will be his final night of being single with his boys. There is to be no fingers...toes...tongues...ears...nose...genitalia...ANYTHING touching... LOL He can look all day and night...but NO touching...and no tipping over 20 bucks! (We are in a recession) LOL But beyond that...we are fine. I will let him know...if HE has strippers...I will ALSO have strippers. LOL Usually that clears up some things for us. LOL

In this story...I don't think her FH did anything wrong. Sounds like harmless drunken guy stuff. And the strippers...hey...they were just doing what they do daily...their jobs. Those strippers are not there looking to take the groom home...they are looking for a paycheck. Like I's a recession. Heck the stripper would prolly spank her also if she paid her. So I think that if she decided to "allow" her man to have strippers...she should have just left the details unknown...I mean if your trust him...why do you need the details of his final night of singledom?! Just my .02

This is the part I don't like about the whole thing. Why is he acting like he'll never have fun again now that he is marrying you?

And another woman on that board made the point that most of these strippers that do private shoes are nothing more than prostitutes who don't work at the "classier" clubs that provide some sense of security and other benefits. They will do anything for a buck and then add alcohol and judgement goes out the window. That's what alcohol does. It lowers your inhibitions.
If you're engaged to be married, you aren't single.

Caught in the supply closet with your co-worker, letting strippers pull your pants down... same thing imho.
I see both sides to this story and really don't know how to answer....good food for thought, I tell you!
I firmly believe that some women just pretend to be ok with it because they know their man is going to do it anyway.:look:

Even though I personally truly don't care nor see the big deal, I agree with this statement. Obviously, in this story, the fiancee wasn't really okay with it otherwise she wouldn't have reacted the way she did over that little incident. However, it actually makes some sense to me why a woman would pretend to be okay with it if she wasn't.

From a logical standpoint, if the man is getting ready to marry you, why get into this whole big argument, potential break up or have him just str8 up lie to you over one night out of 365 days in the year?

Unless he frequents strip clubs now or he has some kind of addiction (which hopefully you would know before now), he will not be going to the strip club on a regular basis when you're married either. It just would seem like less hassle and strain to just let him do him with a few stated boundaries here and there.
This was not a "little" incident. Having a woman spank your bare behind is not normal nor little. In any other setting most women would be hot. Her being a stripper doesn't make it different. She was wrong to lie and say she was OK with the situation when clearly she was not. He was wrong for seeing his fiance's discomfort and doing it anyway and crossing boundaries within their agreement.
I admit I don't understand the Bachelor party / stripper connection. What man really wants to have his face in a strippers booty and then put those same lips in his new wife's face on their wedding day/night?


in this case I can't figure out why FW gave FH a thumbs up on having strippers in the first place then felt like she wanted to hear all of the details then got sick when they whupped him with his own belt.

I definitely agree with the OPs points, and I feel some women think they cannot ask their fiances not to have strippers and have those wishes respected with no further questions or lies or deceptions (aka doing it behind their back) occuring.

I honestly would not have minded if my DH had strippers, because I trust him not to cross the line in any way I would find inappropriate. I spoke to him about it, and he stated, "No good would come from a bachelor party anyway, at least not for the man being married, and many men just aren't mature enough to make a decision not to engage in those things."

I agreed, but added, "If I met you, and you were into the strip club, then I would have to make the decision then and there as to whether or not I was okay with it. I would have also needed to make a decision as to whether or not I would be okay if this was something that would be a part of your life even after being married. I can't change you, you have to change you, and I can accept the situation or not."

I think she was okay as long as she thought he would have been like, "Yea I was there but all I could think about was you, and I couldn't even enjoy myself!"
I personally don't see myself having a problem with strippers (I mean, they're just looking right?), but I'm not engaged yet. I may feel very differently about it when the time comes around. The way I see it, many happily married men watch porn.... both alone and with their wife. Not much of a difference to me. As long as its within moderation. :look:

If my husband wants to have a bachelor party, honestly, he can do what he wants. I'm not going to give any rules or stipulations because I think that's silly. I would feel very silly telling my husband no touching/ bodily fluid exchange like I'm keeping him from doing something he wants. If he still wants to be motorboating random *****s he doesn't want to get married to me! I shouldn't have to tell my future husband not to disrespect me at his bachelor party.