My SO Really Put HIs Foot in His Mouth !

This is all just sooooo.... "searching for word here" rich! And disturbingly derailed! :perplexed Poor OP, I hope you can find something in this train wreck of a thread that will be beneficial to you. :ohwell: Jus' sayin'
loox at my signature* Okay you don't know my situation.

And, no, you don't have the same privileges. You just...don't. But you've got it all figured out.

Tell you what. I pray to God nothing happens to your "man", but guess what if he dies or leaves you? You'll find out soon enough just what kind of wife privileges you DON'T have Keep banging, though.


:lachen: tell me that video is NOT real. Please !

ps. Cosigning w/ your post.
But you don't. If your "live-in lover" (as you call him) croaks tomorrow, you end up with nothing so how is that getting all the benefits?

Other than money what else does a wife get that a girlfriend doesnt if their SO passes??? Other than benefits also. Oh and the "privelage" of saying im married or im his wife?
This is all just sooooo.... "searching for word here" rich! And disturbingly derailed! :perplexed Poor OP, I hope you can find something in this train wreck of a thread that will be beneficial to you. :ohwell: Jus' sayin'

ITA!!!! this thread has turned kinda hateful IMO. The OP hasnt even come back because of all the uncalled for bashing SMH at people who pass judgement on others... Damn it aint ya life so why worry or be so mad about what another person is doing? tis done wit this thread
ITA! I guess some people are mainly focused on the finances as far as priviledges go...don't think about love, commitment, respect, harmony, understanding, etc. My grandmother used to tell my mother and aunts this, "never let a man know what you have in your pocket". So, if something happens to my SO (God forbids), trust and believe that I can maintain the same lifestyle that I have now. However, some people insist on telling others how they should live their lifes.

Since, I am nobody's pastor to strike people with my moral stick or someone's financial advisor (my major is finance) to advice them on the financial priviledges of a wife then my only position on this thread was and still is to do what makes the OP happy because everybody's situation is not the same. Therefore, live and let live!!

You gave her suggestions just like the rest of us. :yep: It's okay to disagree for us to disagree with each other.
ITA!!!! this thread has turned kinda hateful IMO. The OP hasnt even come back because of all the uncalled for bashing SMH at people who pass judgement on others... Damn it aint ya life so why worry or be so mad about what another person is doing? tis done wit this thread

She asked for advice. :yep:
I think that is kind of the way he views it, us being together so long it's kind of like marriage, but I would have no legal rights regarding him because our being together is not recognized by law. And I think that it is really special when you make an official commitment in front of God, family and friends that you want to form a union, and make it legal.:yep:

Move to Texas.

You'll be legally "married" in one week without the ring or ceremony.

Look it up.....
she asked for advice... not to be bashed for her living choices and to be criticized for living with a man, having children and not being married. She didnt ask fo all that.:nono:

I'm sure she didn't, but this is a board full of women and alot of us don't like to see a woman being taken advantage of. :yep: She has kids and some of us want the best for her. Sometimes the truth hurts, but I do understand what your saying. :yep: Another poster kept making posts about their living arrangements and some of us left the original OP alone because we had already said our peace and started to address the other poster because the other poster kept coming back in the thread, to defend her living arrangements, we then started replying back to her and her posts. :yep: Anyhoo, enjoy your weekend.
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ITA! I guess some people are mainly focused on the finances as far as priviledges go...don't think about love, commitment, respect, harmony, understanding, etc. My grandmother used to tell my mother and aunts this, "never let a man know what you have in your pocket". So, if something happens to my SO (God forbids), trust and believe that I can maintain the same lifestyle that I have now. However, some people insist on telling others how they should live their lifes.

Since, I am nobody's pastor to strike people with my moral stick or someone's financial advisor (my major is finance) to advice them on the financial priviledges of a wife then my only position on this thread was and still is to do what makes the OP happy because everybody's situation is not the same. Therefore, live and let live!!

It is NOT just finance. That is a chunk of it, but here are some benefits:

On the order of 1,400 legal rights are conferred upon married couples in the U.S. Typically these are composed of about 400 state benefits and over 1,000 federal benefits. Among them are the rights to:
joint parenting;
joint adoption;
joint foster care, custody, and visitation (including non-biological parents);
status as next-of-kin for hospital visits and medical decisions where one partner is too ill to be competent;
joint insurance policies for home, auto and health;
dissolution and divorce protections such as community property and child support;
immigration and residency for partners from other countries;
inheritance automatically in the absence of a will;
joint leases with automatic renewal rights in the event one partner dies or leaves the house or apartment;
inheritance of jointly-owned real and personal property through the right of survivorship (which avoids the time and expense and taxes in probate);
benefits such as annuities, pension plans, Social Security, and Medicare;
spousal exemptions to property tax increases upon the death of one partner who is a co-owner of the home;
veterans' discounts on medical care, education, and home loans; joint filing of tax returns;
joint filing of customs claims when traveling;
wrongful death benefits for a surviving partner and children;
bereavement or sick leave to care for a partner or child;
decision-making power with respect to whether a deceased partner will be cremated or not and where to bury him or her;
crime victims' recovery benefits;
loss of consortium tort benefits;
domestic violence protection orders;
judicial protections and evidentiary immunity;
and more....

There is a reason gays/lesbians want to be married (not trying to derail the thread even further, just saying). If anything were to happen to you, you do know that he won't be able to visit you in the hospital, right? Or the doctor can't consult him on what to do with/to you since you're not the next of kin?
Wow, it took me a looonnggg time to read this thread. Since I feel like I have to say something, I'll just go a little OT. I learned the hard way that men say what they mean. I was told on more than one occassion by my ex what kind of guy he was and I chose to ignore it. In the end, everything he told me turned out to be the truth. I will NEVER, EVER, EVER turn a blind eye to the truth again. Took up 3.5 years of my life.

ETA: all of the "truths" (except maybe one or two) came in the last year of our relationship, so this could very well be a sign that **** is about to hit the fan sometime in the near future. Anyway, I wish the best for you OP if you're even still reading this. I just hope you don't live to regret the path you choose/chose, whatever it may be. I know it seems so much easier to just swallow whatever bull crap they throw at us, than to deal with the heartache and pain of a break up. Don't settle if that's not what you really want in life.

Sorry to keep this thread alive ladies, I just wanted to throw in my own 2 cents.
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Wow just wow, what the heck! wow wow wow. How disrespectful, how inconsiderate, how disgusting. Wow, I guess if a man does not propose to you during a certain time he may be holding out for a certain woman... Wow I am pissed...
Last night my SO and I were watching the T.O. show (which I rarely watch) and started talking about interracial dating and the state of black families today.

Well long story short he started talking about when he was at the barber shop with his friends and they were talking about black women:look:. The men in the shop were defending black women and my SO was defending the reasons not to date black women:ohwell:.
(Here's where he really messed up) So he continues to talk about their conversation and say's that he told them that if he was to ever "settle down" he would settle down with a latin girl !(I'm 100% black):sad::wallbash::nono:

Soon as he said that I shut down completely, I asked him how could he make that statement when we have been together for almost 7 years ? And I know that I have been a good woman to him.

So he back peddles and says that he was just trying to "stir the pot" . I didn't buy it. I told him that since he knew he had a good black woman at home he should have been talking about that and not how he wants to settle down with some latin chick!
A latin chick has'nt been there for you for 7 years, helping pay the bills, raise our children, and cooking every night !

I was very hurt and embarrassed by his statement especially since his barber knows me.

He thinks that I am over reacting, but he just doesn't understand I tried to use the analogy of me telling my friends that I would want to settle down with a white man (even though I have a perfectly good black man at home) and it totally flew over his head.

I'm giving him the silent treatment right now because I don't know what to say, am I being too sensitive here ?

Wow...I'm so sorry to hear he's said something like that. I would be hurt to; I could only imagine.

I know people hate these statements but if it was me, I mean if it was my husband saying stuff like that I would be thinking:

I've loved this man for seven years;
supported him when no one else was there;
supported him when his ideas to move ahead were dumb and when they were good;
I've given him good love in the bedroom and out;
cooked his meals;
kept the house clean;
helped out with the bills;
held his babies for nine months, got stretch marks among other things that happen during pregnancy;
expressed my love in so many ways and would even die for him

and he would think to let something like marrying a Latin women come out of his mouth?

Better yet, it shouldn't even be in his mind.

It seems VERY immature and kind of brainwashed to simply look at the physicalities and not the fact that I've been one of the best women you could ever have. I would wonder if he could have the chance to leave me for a Latin women, would he? Why does he still think this about black women when I'm a proven example of how good a black women can be? And doesn't he think I'm beautiful on the outside; did he really ever think that or was it just convenient and until "The Latin" women came along but she never did;so he got stuck with me?

I would be crying and praying; God what happened to the love I thought we had.

I would discuss those things if it were my man because this is a deep-rooted issue and seems like some self-hate may be going on.
*lights up a newport one hunnit for dis one hea*

he stuck on stoopit n broke down on dumb.

you've been auditioning for the role of wifey for seven years, and as per your statement, he says that if he were to "settle down", then it would be with a latina chick. see, that raises a hair on my wig cuz if yall been t'getha for seven years, he doesn't feel as if he's settled down? well, no cuz yall not married.

i think it's time to re-evaluate da situation, your relationship, and your future for you and those chirren... the writing is on the walls, as you should stop and take the rosey colored glasses off. your mad at the fact that he said a latina chick, but fa real, u should be mad that he doesn't feel as if he's settled down, and afta 7 years, he didn't make you his wife yet, he just parked you on promise street sitting idle.

silence is golden, as i wouldn't say anything to him either, rather, i would re-evaluation my life and make a decision from there, and decide whether i want to "settle" or not with this idiot.... i think you deserve more.

Yeah, I suggest you listen to Tamia's "When a Woman."
Listen and do what enquiring mind wants to know?

Well, she can still move on with her life. She could've been with this man since she was 16 and that would make her 23 now. I mean, the first thing would be to pray but she can start making some plans right now...trying to figure our how she can pay the bills without him. Maybe a two-year course in at a community college. I wouldn't suggest getting up and leaving but I mean, you always got to have plan b.

Maybe some counseling and asking, "Why haven't you wifed me yet?" I feel like the question shouldn't have to be asked but men treat you in the way that women allow.
We have talked about marriage, and he says that he is not ready to get married. I have never really pushed the issue because I wanted finish school, and start my career first.

You all are doing everything that married folks do anyway; besides the legalities what would really change?

I just feel when a man really loves you, he wants to make you his wife.

Do you think being married would stop you from finishing school and starting a career?
Why is this thread still going without the OP's input? If she wants to continue discussing the topic she will but if not I dont see why its still being commented on:ohwell:
We have talked about marriage, and he says that he is not ready to get married. I have never really pushed the issue because I wanted finish school, and start my career first.

Well then in all honesty, he shouldn't be ready to play house either. Like the others have said, he has told you what's really in his heart. As hurtful as it is, he may not ever marry you.

If it were me, I would be like, "if you're not ready for marriage, then you aren't ready for the extra's either (i.e. paying bills, cooked meals, sex, companionship, etc.)". All of those things are the benefits of commitment.

Since he's waiting for Josefa to "settle down" then he needs to pack his rags rapido and get gone!
Look back through the years, what were his actions like. And did that statement fit in. If it did, then u know if he meant it or not.