What would u do if you fiance did something at his bachelor party?

That's so nasty. I'm not sure what I'd do but I definitely wouldn't trust this guy. To me, that's a sign of things yet to come.
I would call it off. Life is too short. I have been through ENOUGH to know that I am not putting up with things like this...yes I am only 25 but whew! I know some thangs.

I know I am NOT a perfect christian and THAT would be hard for me to forgive...then you gon' try to look me in the eye the NEXT day and say you love ME but would do something that would hurt me SO DEEPLY over something I could do?!?! No Sir...

KICK ROCKS WITH A BARE FOOT BRUH!!!!!! DEUCES!! And I will be going on the Honeymoon by my DANG SELF...
A friend of a friend called off her wedding after the rehearsal dinner (2 days before the wedding) because she found out some mess about her DH to be. People had flown in from around the country and she still called it off. She's my shero!

From where I sit today, I would hope I had enough man-radar to figure out well before the wedding what kind of man I had, but if for some reason I was completely broad sided with this info the night before, I think I'd have to put on my big girl panties and run the h*ll away from him with a quickness.
Everything would be on hold until I got to the bottom of the situation, even if I had to interrogate everyone at the party and call the strippers as well.

And if the person who told me was lying or there was no proof to back it up, then thats one thing, but if i find out that's what happened, its off. I sincerely hope I would have the strength to walk away, send everyone home w/ a doggy bag, eat my cake, go on my honeymoon, and send him the bills
After I found out what really went down.... church would be ova.

Me personally? I would stomp mud holes in his arse.... then turn around and stomp em dry. Then, I would promptly cancel... let everyone know WHY I cancelled.... and enjoy myself on the molassesmoon (not a honeymoon for obvious reasons lol)
I don't think I'd have a problem with dumping him and getting with one of his groomsmen, but calling off the wedding and looking shamed in front of guests would be tough to handle.
That's so nasty. I'm not sure what I'd do but I definitely wouldn't trust this guy. To me, that's a sign of things yet to come.

This is not a black and white issue to me. This would ruin my wedding day bc I would not be happy at all, it would steal my joy for the day and prob for the weeks coming. I wouldn't call off the wedding tho. If I decide to marry my SO, it's b/c I think he's a good man to marry. If cheating has never been an issue during the course of our relationship and he's been good to me, I don't know if I'd be so quick to call off the wedding. If cheating were an issue in our relationship, I wouldn't be marrying him anyway. I'd be more far alarmed if he did something like squander a huge amount of $$ on something irresponsibly b/c I def would not want to go into a marriage with financial issues and indescretions at all :nono:. Or if we got into a fight the night before the wedding and that ni99a puts his hands on me :whip: :nono:
I think it would be really hard but marrying someone knowing he cheated, or thought about it the day before is just condoning this behavior from this point forward .... And that IDK if I could live like that.... Never mind who came where to see what; it boils down to my happiness and what's good for me, cause he was thinking about himself and his rod..... I would torture his aaaa and postpone but very shortly when proof came ( this day and age in a matter of hours I'm sure) cut him off.... And let the important folks know why

Any true friends and family who love you, would understand and beat his a___ too

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This is not a black and white issue to me. This would ruin my wedding day bc I would not be happy at all, it would steal my joy for the day and prob for the weeks coming. I wouldn't call off the wedding tho. If I decide to marry my SO, it's b/c I think he's a good man to marry. If cheating has never been an issue during the course of our relationship and he's been good to me, I don't know if I'd be so quick to call off the wedding. If cheating were an issue in our relationship, I wouldn't be marrying him anyway. I'd be more far alarmed if he did something like squander a huge amount of $$ on something irresponsibly b/c I def would not want to go into a marriage with financial issues and indescretions at all :nono:. Or if we got into a fight the night before the wedding and that ni99a puts his hands on me :whip: :nono:

Good point.
Well, the jerk wouldn't "have me" nor "hold me" because he damn sure didn't "obey me" by "forsaking all others". To hell with him. I'd rather be hurt early on with the truth than to live a long drawn out lie single everyday. Everybody else is the wiser except me having witnessed his disrepect of my mind and body.

No thanks.
And another thing -

I'd haul his rump to court and sue him for $/mental damages. I'd also make him issue a statement to the family/friends that attended and wasted their time/energy/money.