So u finally met "her" (THE OTHER WOMAN!!)....


Well-Known Member
....what was it like for you?

By "other woman" I don't mean someone ur man cheated on u with , that would be:hammer:. I'm talking about your ex's new woman/fiancee or maybe even your current SO's ex-girl.

Was it awkward?:ohwell: did you try to be nice? Were u mad that she looks likes a supermodel :wallbash: :look: LOL!
Did u automatically hate her? felt sorry for her?
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right now if I saw my ex with a woman I would probably just die. Not because of how she looks but just because I can't believe we're done.
I've met several of DH's ex's. One of the ex's we are good friends with. We all went to school together.

When I met his long time ex it was ackward because when I met her she said "Ow, you're the one he has a picture of". I never liked her.

When I was dating the preachers son, his ex came from out of town to meet me. After service one sunday, she walked up to me and said "Hi, I'm *******, his ex, nice to meet you".

I got plenty where that came from. Bad memories.
I've never met my any of my ex's new girlfriend. But if I do, I would either feel sorry for her or hope she didn't have to put up with the misery I went through with him.
I's murried now but uhm I WILL be meeting my ex's supposedly "serious girlfriend" next month. I am up in the gym working on my fitness!! We dated in college, thought he was the one but thank goodness I thought wrong! I can't wait.
Oh and I will be gracious I just want to see her since I have been told she is a reallynow replica....AS IF!?! :rolleyes:
I've "met" my DH's ex on several occasions...and let's just say it's good we live in a different state :angry2: This chick has caused nothing but problems since DH and I were dating (...he broke up with her and started dating me...) and unfortunately since DH and her cousin are close friends, I still run into her every once in while. I'll spare you the details...but trust, homegirl is a trip.

The ***** has never spoken a word directly to me...she just stares when I'm right there in front of her, but then she spreads little "remarks" around the town gossip tree until they get back to me.

But God doesn't like ugly, from what I hear, she turned into a raging alcoholic after DH left her, she's still moochin' off her parents, and she's about 250 if she's a pound and has basically done nothing productive with her life.

Her hair is what she's known around town for...MBL, but real greasy and stringy:look:

I saw one of DH's other exes on Myspace...she looked like a streetwalker and was still trying to hit DH up:rolleyes: girl please, I got this right here:lol:
I’ve never had the experience of formally “meeting” an ex’s ex. However, if I did, I wouldn’t sweat it, b/c I would be with the man. There’s no need to compare yourself, etc. And that’s all I have to say ‘bout that:lol:
I had no feelings for him after I ended the relationship, so it wasn't awkward meeting her. As soon as my daughter told me about her, I knew she was perfect for who he wanted. I didn't feel threatened by her. I was nice although she was a little standoffish that day.

I felt sorry for her because she believed his lies. She stood by him through all of his crap. Now she's under lots of stress. They have five kids together (excluding his stepdaughter). They got married three years ago. His wife and stepdaughter didn't get along with my daughter at first, but they're cool now.

My daughter told me they're going through a horrible time in their relationship now. I'm glad I'm not in his wife's shoes.
My met my former DH, child's mother. No problems we all got along swell. I met my booty call's woman. No problems, of course she doesn't know about me.

My current flame's ex I doubt I will ever met her.
I am curious to see how everyone'e "meeting" went

It has been 2 1/2 years and his ex-wife dodges me like she is a baseball player.. :ohwell:
I met the ex and the FIRST THING that popped in my head was to give her Balisi's business card :ohwell:. But otherwise she was pleasant...
I have never formally met any of my exes' exes:perplexed, but I have seen pics. It was really weird though. Two of them could've been my sisters. They looked just like me, only variations, like me w/ longer hair, me thinner, me if I was lighter. I guess when my ex found something he liked he stuck w/ it. I haven't met the new one he's "fooling around with, but I don't think she's that fly b/c he's still speaking to me(as a friend), and asking if we can hang out:ohwell:.
....what was it like for you?

By "other woman" I don't mean someone ur man cheated on u with , that would be:hammer:. I'm talking about your ex's new woman/fiancee or maybe even your current SO's ex-girl.

Was it awkward?:ohwell: did you try to be nice? Were u mad that she looks likes a supermodel :wallbash: :look: LOL!
Did u automatically hate her? felt sorry for her?

My ex long term SO; he had another failed long relationship before me. He did her wrong, and he always felt guilty which led to him allowing her to call every now and then, which of course made me VERY insecure. One day I was complaining about the cost of my relaxers. This dummy suggested I go to Kim, because she was cheaper and she does hair in her basement.

At first I thought he was nuts. Then, I thought, what the hell? I booked it and went. I had nothing to worry about; she was really overweight and not nearly as attractive as I was (sorry to sound catty, but that was what I was thinking). But she was really cool and we had a good time together. And then she started asking about him, like how long we had been together, and I felt like, oh, now she's trying to see if he cheated on her. She was very surprised we had been together THAT long.

It was a very beneficial experience. Now he is with a really fool. And I feel comfortable saying that cause I was a fool, too. I don't want to meet her at all; I don't want to see an even more foolish version of myself :nono:.
....what was it like for you?

By "other woman" I don't mean someone ur man cheated on u with , that would be:hammer:. I'm talking about your ex's new woman/fiancee or maybe even your current SO's ex-girl.

Was it ackward?:ohwell: did you try to be nice? Were u mad that she looks likes a supermodel :wallbash: :look: LOL!
Did u automatically hate her? felt sorry for her?

She was a HAM. :nono: I couldn't understand why he didn't at least upgrade to a new and improved model. My ex ended up seeing this hoodrat that I found out about when she started a bunch of drama with me. When I finally saw her I was like :look::nono::ohwell:. All that drama for somebody who wasn't even about anything. Or looked like anything for that matter. Now I see why she was so concerned about me. He had a baby by her this year though. :ohwell: They've been off and on for almost 3 years now. They were engaged at one point 2 years ago but now that she had the baby he won't marry her.
I's murried now but uhm I WILL be meeting my ex's supposedly "serious girlfriend" next month. I am up in the gym working on my fitness!! We dated in college, thought he was the one but thank goodness I thought wrong! I can't wait.

Girl, ME TOO (except the married part, and the intro is in 2 mths not 1). I dated the guy thru college....4 years! Now I'm about to meet her. Unfortunately I don't have a hunk to introduce him to in return:wallbash:, I'm currently single. But i LOOOVE being single, its just now that I'm meeting her..........well, y'kno :wallbash:

But lemme tell y'all, meeting "her" is a damn good motivation to get into shape, grow that hair, get that skin a-glowing!!!!:lachen::grin:
The guy I was engaged to before my husband decided to keep it in the family and dated two of my relatives after we broke it off (we are not talking 1st or 2nd cousins; but still we are blood). But just say we speak and go about our business now.
I saw one of my ex's new wife. DH and I were shopping for a new house and the community we went to had 4 model houses we were looking at. There was a couple in front of me and it turned out to be my ex, his new wife and their new baby. I just smiled to myself 'cause he avoided me like the plague. I was looking at him to see if he would speak, but he didn't say a word. His wife was not unattractive, she was really just plain, but the baby was so cute. He started losing interest in me after 3 years when I told him I could not have children. I finally just broke it off cause the way he was acting wasn't worth it. I later found out that the same guy friend that introduced my ex and I, had dated ...well sexed my ex's current wife. To hear him tell it, she then sexed my ex, got pregnant and they got married. Either way I feel sorry for her, because he was the biggest compulsive liar I had ever met in my life.
2 months after seeing him, DH and I found out we were pregnant. God is in control!!
I saw one of my ex's new wife. DH and I were shopping for a new house and the community we went to had 4 model houses we were looking at. There was a couple in front of me and it turned out to be my ex, his new wife and their new baby. I just smiled to myself 'cause he avoided me like the plague. I was looking at him to see if he would speak, but he didn't say a word. His wife was not unattractive, she was really just plain, but the baby was so cute. He started losing interest in me after 3 years when I told him I could not have children. I finally just broke it off cause the way he was acting wasn't worth it. I later found out that the same guy friend that introduced my ex and I, had dated ...well sexed my ex's current wife. To hear him tell it, she then sexed my ex, got pregnant and they got married. Either way I feel sorry for her, because he was the biggest compulsive liar I had ever met in my life.
2 months after seeing him, DH and I found out we were pregnant. God is in control!!

BRAVO!!! I love it when things work out this way...good for you!
God definitely is runnin' this:yep:
Well in my case it was more like I KNEW the other girl but didn't know there was something going on like that. that ***** even hugged me because I thought her and my SO were just friends. I was sweet as sugar to her the whole time and then once I found out about what happened (maybe it was because I was older perhaps?), she was SOOO AFRAID... but seriously, I don't blame her because I could easily bench press her a**.

I felt terribly sorry for her. I might have gotten cheated on with her (and listen carefully when I say this, ladies) BUT AT THE END WHO IS THE JUMP-OFF AND WHO IS HERE TO STAY? That idea always makes me hysterical with laughter. Regardless of whether I chose to stay with my boyfriend or not, she was just a one night, piece of a** and I was wifey for almost 2 years at the time. Thats why I really just let the tramps roll off my back:lachen:.... I'd rather be cheated on in a long term relationship than someone's piece of a** for one night thats for sure. Boy she must've felt like an dumba** after. I know I would've if I were her- I'm so pathetic I couldn't get my own man and be in a lasting relationship- NO I have to take someone else's man because no one wants to be with me....Now who really has the problem!
I never met an ex's new girlfriend, but when I was with an ex, I met his ex wife, (she was cordial with me) and the ex wifes' grandparents. They were trying a bit too hard to be friendly. I thought they were nice but when they left, his( my man at the time) grandparent's told me that I shouldn't have told them any information about me (I didn't say too much) and come to find out they were upset because his grandparents allowed us to live with her for a while and they talked about both of us badly.
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"Hey ya'll, it's me".

Yah, it's fletgee, stepping on folk's feet, looking for a place to sit.

"Move down sweetie and pass that popcorn over here".

"I bought some wings with hot sauce and cheese
whiz". "And no, I don't share my root beer".

"And tell me..did I miss anything?" :lachen:
Girl, ME TOO (except the married part, and the intro is in 2 mths not 1). I dated the guy thru college....4 years! Now I'm about to meet her. Unfortunately I don't have a hunk to introduce him to in return:wallbash:, I'm currently single. But i LOOOVE being single, its just now that I'm meeting her..........well, y'kno :wallbash:

But lemme tell y'all, meeting "her" is a damn good motivation to get into shape, grow that hair, get that skin a-glowing!!!!:lachen::grin:

Girl you aint said nothing but a word-you hear me! I will be glowing, hair swinging, cute in my new smaller size jean wearing something he will never forget...I might just make him stutter! :yep: And DH is always so suave with it, I aint even worried-ole girl might just be drooling looking at my man! :grin: