SO has second Facebook account, and Im not invited.

:lachen::lachen: sounds like something a stalker would say

:lachen: I mean though...You have to let a man know that you see all and know all at times.

RE: requesting "In a relationship" with...on Fbook.

That's a whole nother cup of tea IMO. If he doesn't want that listed in his status, then I don't think there's anything wrong with it, b/c it is his personal business. But if it says "Single," then I'd say something...
Hehe, That is what I thought of doing too! I didn't know if that would make me shady but it's an idea!

If you have to do all that... you don't need to be together. Just be straight up and address all of your concerns with him. If that includes being added to the new page and a link back stating that you're in a relationship... tell him. If he really cares about you he will do it with no problems. And pay attention to any defensiveness and other signs when you communicate your Facebook issues with him.

I don't think you should start any sneak attacks :nono:
I'll do it!!

I'm with you girl. I knwo someone mentioned before that be straight forward-- yeah on your end you are beign straight forward, however what's to stop him from lying. SNEAK ATTACK! SNEAK ATTACK! I , too volunteer for the sneak attack! Men do not often tell the truth because they don't want to look sleezy. If you catch them then all you hear is crickets cuz they got busted. I'm not even trying to instagate I just don't want you to be played like a fool.
When you say you noticed that he had finally joined, do you mean you found out without him telling you?

I have two accounts on facebook, one has nothing on it and the other is the real one. It is not intentional, I signed up ages ago and forgot and made another so people get confused when adding me.

I agree it could be something dodgy so you need to ask him.
If you have to do all that... you don't need to be together. Just be straight up and address all of your concerns with him. If that includes being added to the new page and a link back stating that you're in a relationship... tell him. If he really cares about you he will do it with no problems. And pay attention to any defensiveness and other signs when you communicate your Facebook issues with him.

I don't think you should start any sneak attacks :nono:

ITA...what's the point of "catching" him being deceitful when you already feel that he is in some way...what if you don't catch him?...I'm sure you will still feel like he is "doing" something...actions/reactions like those just seem like they can be so draining and big time wasters...and most of the time that only adds another problem, him not trusting you or him just being a little more cautious when hiding things from you...what if it's really nothing (not saying that it is/isn’t, but just what if?)...the bottom line is you wanna know what's going on...ask him...if you "like" his answer, then drop it...if you don't, then drop him...nothing good will come out of creating another account to catch him...this guy is about to deploy…life is too short, and if you two stay in this relationship, is this “cat and mouse” game what you want him to remember about you while he’s gone?...and is this what you want to remember while you’re waiting for him to come back?
If your female intuition tells you something is wrong, then something is wrong, you just won't know what it is until you ask him, maybe. If he is up to now good he most likely won't admit it, but don't ump to conclusions. But he could state just "in a relationship" without adding your FB/name. that way you're acknowledged but it's still a little private.
People can have different facebook accounts. Maybe this facebook account is for his mostly military friends and that's why you're not there.

You're not married. You're not engaged. You're dating, which means you two can be together today, and broken up tomorrow.

I would not try to get into his other account. And I would not think anything of it. If the relationship progresses further and you get engaged, then yes, you deserve to be on any of his account, but still, I know married people who don't have their spouses listed on their Facebook and they are not divorced or anything like that.
Okay, to the women saying dont try to see what he's doing and don't worry about it because you aren't married or engaged, IF THAT'S WORKING FOR YOU then that's GREAT! But that doesn't work for everybody.

That being should ask him, because his reaction to you will be so won't wonder anymore after you ask him. Tell him how it makes you feel, and friend him. Just say something like, you were surprised that he had another page that was more active and it excluded you... and that is the reason why people lose trust in a relationship. If it isn't that serious to him, he'll add you. If he has a problem or some excuse why he can't add you or he says he will, but he doesn't or takes forever to do so, then you already know what's up. But the bottom line, YOU HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING whether it by by adding him, or by calling him on the phone...or saying it in person and watching his expressions...

HOWEVER, it wouldnt hurt though, to have someone you know that he doesn't know, to friend him so that when he adds that person you can see his page for yourself before he has a chance to change things around in case he really IS being shady.

At least that way you can know what's going on before you bring it to him...if nothing is wrong on his page you'll be at ease and you'll be calm when you go to him about it... if it isn't cool... at least you have an angle to go at him on. Tell him that you found his other page and you put in a friend request and whatever else comes to mind to say. He is going away in a few weeks and life is too short.
I just had to add...Dude had nerve because his profile picture on his second 'secret' facebook page is the portrait I took for him (Im a photography student) I was like. you have got to be kidding me.

FB got folks everywhere feeling some kinda way. :nono:
Thats what my best friend asked me too, So far on his page Im on, he hasnt added the relationship status, mine says im in a relationship and i've asked him to put his name in to be linked, which hasn't happened yet...I didnt pay much mind to it since he hasnt finished his page yet :rolleyes: but i am interested in seeing whats going on in that second page of his...

Oh this is too much for me. I don't think he wants his private life public. I'm the same way. I do not want all of my private life public on FB. You know why? Because people sit around and scour your pages and your pictures and your updates and your posts and any bit of information they can get their hands on.

I friended someone I knew from HS just the other day and the next day I saw that he'd been scouring my PICTURES and leaving me flirty messages all over my photo album in the middle of the night! :barf: He had to be unfriended. :nono: Now...what if my SO had a FB? He'd see that. (he doesn't and he has never seen my FB page). But, point is...there was nothing to it. Dude was just on his own trying to mack and I had to cut him loose.

You just never know. FB/Myspace/Blogs make folks feel more comfortable about being all up in yours. The flip side of that? He doesn't want girls who flirt with him to know he's in a relationship. Either way, girl, I'm sorry this whole thing is happening. It's nerve wracking.
There's no harm in asking him about it. The only thing is like one person said be ready for his answer (good or bad). Be able to read the way he replies to your asking. If you're scared to ask then that should be a red flag. It seems you're insecure about this situation so don't be afraid to ask him. Good Luck!
When you say you noticed that he had finally joined, do you mean you found out without him telling you?

I have two accounts on facebook, one has nothing on it and the other is the real one. It is not intentional, I signed up ages ago and forgot and made another so people get confused when adding me.

I agree it could be something dodgy so you need to ask him.

I had three, one that I created when I didn't really know what FB was about, one I created once I realized what it was all about (with all my info and pics), the third I created for the apps (to gift mysefl animals w. my farm, for just one more friend on mobsters, etc.). Now I have no accounts because personal reasons.

I don't know if you should automatically jump to shaddy behavior off gate, but talk to him about it, ask him what's up. I'm not really one for sneak attacks and all that, I prefer to ask questions, talk....even argue and yell if it means getting the truth out.
Facebook and myspace always causing trouble....

You knooowwww. I realize just like anything else (Internet included); a good thing can be used for evil. Buttt, for SOME reason, I ain't trusting/feeling those forums. Not even sure why and I consider myself a lil bit educated??????

Some weeks ago I was seeking information/comraderie relative to my newly installed Sisterlocks, one such venue was associated with Facebook and Dr. Cornwell herself posts there. I was forced to join if I wanted the association-and I did. Well, I would up attempting to close the account. Then, when I was told my SL's were all mucked up, I joined again. Long story short, it just don't set well with me so I deleted again.

However, I noticed they say "Oh you can come back any time, simply sign on, all will be as you left it". Well, to me, that means it wasn't truly deleted.

Don't know if it will do any good, but I drafted a letter, snail mail, that is going to their listed home office humbly requesting them to please DELETE anything, everything, associated with the account that I set up.
I don't trust any of them applications and i am now noticing twitter is turning into one of them let's connect type of things. very similar to dem dating sites.

my ex was heavily into the myspace thing and fb more myspace and yeah...couldn't be trusted.
Facebook and myspace always causing trouble....

Causing problems?

More like outing people and their shady ways.

What's done in darkness comes to light..

Facebook and Myspace are just neutral programs. It's the people with dirt that get themselves into problems...
facebook, phuckbook, myspace, his-place, payton place, all of it is some bullshyt to me...

see, dis is why i don't have one... and if u datin someone, and u find them online, then start going thru their pics, and one may see an "ex" then all hell breaks loose...

i just personally do not think those sites are safe, in terms of your pics, etc.

just like u found out he gotta second account. it's really a no brainer. if he wanted you to know, he woulda told you, or included you, but he didn't. it's just that simple. if u confront him, then to him, ur snoopin.

bottom line, get over it cuz he's just not that into you and is seeking new residence elsewhere. leave it alone, stop trippin n keep it movin. not worth the headache..