"It's not official until it's facebook official!"

How do you feel in regards to relationship statuses on facebook?

  • It's not official until it's facebook official.

    Votes: 26 17.9%
  • It is nobodies business but my own.

    Votes: 61 42.1%
  • If a man doesn't claim me on facebook, I am leaving him.

    Votes: 8 5.5%
  • Girls who can't get their man to claim them on facebook are sorry.

    Votes: 12 8.3%
  • It's just facebook...damn!

    Votes: 87 60.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The older I get (im 22 lmao) the less I feel like I want on facebook. Facebook is like a club to me..im only there to have fun with my girls :laugh:

For me, facebook is more about joking around and doing silly stuff with my friends. And when put your personal life on there, it just invites the whole world to look at you. When we get married then yeah i'll prob want that up there

I think it also depends on your age. People around my age have had facebook for about 6-7 years now (since spoh/junior year of HS).. its not uncommon to see people with 1000 or 1500+ friends because we friend everyone we come in contact with (mainly through school). Why do I need them knowing my business?

And I agree with not being connected your your SO in everyway. He would not follow me on twitter and would not be my FB friend until marriage.
I know y'all gonna say "It's FB! That's childish" but to me, it's the same as your man claiming you in public, cause FB is public. Now if you mutually agree that you don't want to go public with your relationship yet, then fine. But otherwise, I think people do judge that. And typically, the ones who don't claim their girl on FB, are sneakin` sneakin` sneakin` :yep:
I am very anti-relationship status on FB. My vote goes to neither of us will have it on our statuses. My relationship status is hidden anyway, so..yea. Also, I agree with not being friends with your SO on FB. I love FB...but not for romantic relationships :nono:

Oh, and lol @ claiming SO's on FB :lachen: That is too funny. If a man I was seeing started talking about claiming me on FB I would leave him. No offense to anyone, but that just reeks of immaturity...which is unattractive in a mate, to me.
Can't you just leave your relationship status silent? If that's what's going on, then I don't think it's a big deal. But if someone is misrepresenting himself (status is single when he's actually in a relationship) or if he refuses to acknowledge you, then that's a problem. Facebook isn't the be all end all, but respect for and esteem of your partner should be.
I have been married 12 years, I don't have a status at all on FB, because if you KNOW me, you know I am married and you know my hubby. I never really noticed it wasnt highlighted until someone IM'ed me to ask WHY I didnt have it on there. FB and that relationship crap is stupid, I dont care what anyone says.

As soon as someone changes their status, especially when they break up, 50-11 folks come in and comment. :lol: comedy

fb is corny as hell. that is all :lol:

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I am very anti-relationship status on FB. My vote goes to neither of us will have it on our statuses. My relationship status is hidden anyway, so..yea. Also, I agree with not being friends with your SO on FB. I love FB...but not for romantic relationships :nono:

Oh, and lol @ claiming SO's on FB :lachen: That is too funny. If a man I was seeing started talking about claiming me on FB I would leave him. No offense to anyone, but that just reeks of immaturity...which is unattractive in a mate, to me.

Exactly. Well said. It ain't all that serious. Even when I was in a relationship I didn't have my status up. Ex bf didn't do facebook anyway. I don't like folks all up in my business like that. Way too many nosy folks in this world anyway. I tell you exactly what I want you to know and nothing else.
It actually sounds like the majority of people posting in this thread DO take Facebook seriously. :look:

I link my dh on Facebook. We don't talk about our relationship. He talks about political things and sports on his page, and I talk about kids, shoes and other superficial crap on mine. We have had zero drama. I don't see the big deal.
My relationship status is not on Facebook. It is just blank. I don't need to announce to the e-world that I am in a relationship or not in a relationship. It is irrelevant to how I interact on Facebook.

I would NEVER link relationship status. It's just not me.

My SO and I, at this moment, are not Facebook friends. There isn't any particular reason why, we just haven't gotten around to it.

Whatever works for the two parties involved is A-OK with me.
Me and DH's pages are linked but IDK if I'd want that if we were just dating. Engaged yes, but just in a relationship, it's not that serious.

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I didn't even want to be friends with my SO on FB, but he eventually requested and I accepted. I changed my relationship status when we made it official and he followed suit. I was congratulated but he received a bunch of crazy inboxes.

After being in a drama-filled relationship before. I honestly could care less. I don't even go to his page. Anything concerning Facebook he just tells me.

There is a fine line between privacy and pride (when it comes to Facebook). Apparently

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Not everyone uses FB for the same reasons or to the same extent, or at all. Clearly if there's inconsistency between what two people put up then there's a problem. But not having it listed at all isn't itself indicative of trouble. I know multiple people who have gone from dating to marriage without it being "facebook official". I know one girl who is engaged and very happily so, and all her status says is "in a relationship" and he is not named. Everyone in her real life knows exactly who her FH is and vice versa.

A lot of the time, I get a little embarassed for people when you can click on people's photo albums and see a chronology of all the other women who have also had the honor of being named as "in a relationship with". Facebook memorializes and makes public past relationships as well as present ones. If things don't work out, the same thing that made you feel proud might lead to embarassment and people being in your business wondering what happened, etc.

idk, I think that there can also be an element of presumption in it. But that's probably because I personally am of a mind that until there's an actual engagement, anything could change and while I would have no reason to hide someone I'm dating, the fact that I'm dating someone is just not something that I feel is necessary to announce. (that's not a judgment about the seriousness of anyone else's relationship, it's just the way handle my own).

If a woman is being "hidden" she will know because he won't go out in real life public with her. He will not introduce her as his SO to his real world family and friends. FB gives a lot of people access to your personal life that you might not feel need to have such access.
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I understand why my sister chose to only make a relationship status update when she got exchanged. Some people's FB relationship status change every other day.....it's like a joke to them. I don't foresee myself making a status until I am engaged
Really? Facebook is the indicator of official-ness? Facebook? :rofl: That is hilarious! And also scary. I've never liked FB . . .
Aw man! I just saw the option of "Girls who can't get their SO to claim them on FB are sorry" :rofl: What?! :lachen:
What kinda concerns me though is the "drama" on FB pages. I don't add anyone to my page that I feel I have to "hide" part of my life from. I have only family, lifelong friends, and college friends on mine.

Oh, and my status is blank. I just think it's embarrassing for one person in the relationship to be "in a relationship" on FB and the SO isn't. Seems awkward to me ... *shrug*
I am on Facebook and so is my SO, we are in a relationship so why would we not put it up there?
People keep saying that people take Facebook too seriously, but honestly Facebook is an extension of your real life.. I don't see why I would hide my relationship status on Facebook when on a daily basis I am holding hands with my SO in public.

AMEN, I agree sweetie. I see no reason why I should hide my relationship status with people who already know i'm in a relationship,and so what if they didn't know... He is my man,I'm proud to call him that and I feel no need to hide it. My man and I hold hands everywhere we go in public,it's beautiful,and everyone say we're such a cute couple. So my man and I have our relationship status up on facebook,no big deal,nothing to hide,and love each other.
FB does not mean anything. Real life is what matters. I have definitely learned that sometimes its best to not even be friends with your SO on fb. eliminates drama and leaves mystery in the relationship.

I do not agree with this at all, perhaps, because I am married. Why would you be in a serious relationship, but thinking about creating mystery? I believe the only people that can create drama in ur relationship is you.

People coming out their mouth with bullish on FB to someone who is in a relationship should be shut down by that person(page owner)...

My DH is not into FB, but I am, and while I know it is just FB, I think any woman claiming a man and him claiming to be single speaks volumes!!!!

This is what the OP is saying, not having nothing at all, but him saying he is single and her saying otherwise. IMO, he is saying this so he can be on the creep up there. Sure anyone can still be cheating, but this right here is suspect!
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I'm not on facebook and would prefer to date someone who is not as well. If they are on facebook, they can either leave it blank or put in a relationship

I am a private person and I do not care for facebook. I would probably not date someone who is on twitter and tweets regularly. that is just too much for me.
Really? Facebook is the indicator of official-ness? Facebook? :rofl: That is hilarious! And also scary. I've never liked FB . . .

I hear people use this term all the time. I'm in college and I absolutely hate facebook and I hate Zuckerberg for creating such a pointless website (though I did love The Social Network). People always say "Oh, but it helps me keep in touch with my friends." If they were really your friends, trust, you would find a way to keep in touch. I know I do. You don't have to keep in touch with every single person you've every come across. Not that that is what everyone uses it for but still. It's sooooooo annoying.

Sorry. I'm just tired of hearing people talking about facebook in real lives. "oh, did you see what happened on Jamie's wall last night." Like OMGGGGGGG!


Going back to the topic at hand, when I actually had a Facebook, I never listed my relationship status. If you want to know if I'm in a relationship, I will tell you when you ask.
I'm not on facebook and would prefer to date someone who is not as well. If they are on facebook, they can either leave it blank or put in a relationship

I am a private person and I do not care for facebook. I would probably not date someone who is on twitter and tweets regularly. that is just too much for me.

Lmfao. I have to agree with you on this! :lachen: The world does NOT need to know your every move!
Relationship status on FB is very high schoolish to me. If that makes or breaks a relationship then the relationship may be a bit high schoolish also.
Well if you are dating someone and they remain single and seeking women on FB, you're relationship may be in trouble. I don't keep a status. However when I was seeing someone I noticed they kept a single and seeking status.

The relationship is now over.:look:

If you are going to be in a relationship, do it all the way. Claim the person! If you both decide you want to keep your relationship private on social networks, then don't keep a status at all. Even if you think the internet thing is silly and "don't take it serious," you won't think it's silly when you get a notification that your boyfriend is leaving flirtatious messages on another woman's wall. :nono:
I do not have any status on my facebook at all. It doesnt say single, married or in a relationship. That is really irrelevant. My friends who are most active in my life will know my status, those who don't can ask.

I really don't like the logic of " oh a lot of people get hit on via FB" either because quite honestly, it's not like i've never had to tell someone "no" before. Who cares, its even easier on the internet because they're not in your face.

I've had facebook since the very beginning of facebook and i still only add people i know, so if you're some friend of a friend that i've never met and you wanna send me that "hey sexy i saw your pics and you are beautiful can we be friends" bs trust me you will be ignored ( or blocked if you do it enough.)

All of my close friends are very active online, and we still maintain a decent level of privacy, and when i look back at pictures, even those are not so obvious who has dated who unless you know the people, 90 photos of girl+boy does not equal any romantic relationship, unless they are overtly affectionate or romantic pictures.If someone wants to assume I am dating my gay friend bc of pictures of the two of us and no status listed on my FB, thats fine because I'm obviously not close to them anyway.

I'm not interested in setting the record straight for people who are in the periphery of my life.
I guest I'm in the minority on this one. Although I don't take FB seriously and only post random statuses and never share anything too personal besides an occasional photo of my travels. I do believe that men who claim their women via facebook or links their page saids something about how he feels or respects the relationships and it shows he's not trying to hide it which is good. *shrugs*

I've had girlfriends be upset about their SOs not updating their rlp status and even after begging the guy to do so still no update...if ain't that serious then why not update? hm.

Again, this is just my opinion and I've heard guys say they don't have a FB account for this very reason, they don't want everyone knowing their relationship status. Why not? *shrugs*

ETA: My ex didn't have a FB page while we were together, he used FB via my account and I would occassionally along with his other family members ask him to get a page. He was sooooo against it, "no-no-no FB is just too much I don't wanna have any parts of that". Shortly after we broke up dude got a page. :lol:
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Well it's not that serious to me either...but shortly after we became official, he put up in a relationship on his fb and I happily followed suit. Then a few months later he requested me to show that he's in one with me. I thought about it for a minute then accepted. I was fine with just us having that we were simply in a relationship. Everyone on my fb knows it's him anyway. But I secretly do like that he wanted to share that with his facebook fam as well.
I guest I'm in the minority on this one. Although I don't take FB seriously and only post random statuses and never share anything too personal besides an occasional photo of my travels. I do believe that men who claim their women via facebook or links their page saids something about how he feels or respects the relationships and it shows he's not trying to hide it which is good. *shrugs*

I've had girlfriends be upset about their SOs not updating their rlp status and even after begging the guy to do so still no update...if ain't that serious then why not update? hm.
Again, this is just my opinion and I've heard guys say they don't have a FB account for this very reason, they don't want everyone knowing their relationship status. Why not? *shrugs*

ETA: My ex didn't have a FB page while we were together, he used FB via my account and I would occassionally along with his other family members ask him to get a page. He was sooooo against it, "no-no-no FB is just too much I don't wanna have any parts of that". Shortly after we broke up dude got a page. :lol:

This is what I am saying all that private person yada, yada- whatever! Nobody is going to come stalk you if you say your in a relationship so what is there is hide.

Facebook does not define you, no, but I don't see why people go on and on with the anti facebook and still have a damn page...go back to the old school way and email or call. You can still keep in touch :lol::lol:

Lastly, choose your real friends to communicate with. If your that damn private, why accept friends you dont want in your business. :rolleyes:
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This is what I am saying all that private person yada, yada- whatever! Nobody is going to come stalk you if you say your in a relationship so what is there is hide.

Facebook does not define you, no, but I don't see why people go on and on with the anti facebook and still have a damn page...go back to the old school way and email or call. You can still keep in touch :lol::lol:

Lastly, choose your real friends to communicate with. If your that damn private, why accept friends you dont want in your business. :rolleyes:

My relationship status is irrelevant in facebook. I only accept friend request from people I really know. So it's not like I'm expecting anyone on FB to hit on me because of my relationship status...