Solutions to dealing with ex-flames or people you don't want to deal with while on FB:
First things first:
Please review your privacy settings. Set them as you please. The recommended privacy setting is that only your friends can view your profile. However, lots of people set it so that friends AND people in your networks can view your profile. Also, you can block specific people from seeing specific things, like pictures, videos, wall posts, etc. For example: My mother and father are blocked from seeing my wall posts, status updates and things that I, and any of my friends, comment on. (My friends sometimes say some c/rude do I...sometimes). Set your privacy settings however you want them
1. Someone has sent you a friend request. You realize you either a) don't know this person or b) don't want to associate with this person
Solution: Click 'Not Now' and they will not be able to view your profile
if your privacy settings do not allow people who are not your friends to view it.
2. This person is consistent and keeps sending you friend requests that you keep 'Not Now'-ing. He realizes that he can message you. *You can still receive messages from non-friends* He keeps messaging you but you don't respond, but you still would like for him to leave you the phuck alone.
Solution: Go into your privacy settings and block this user by typing their name into the box and clicking 'block'. This user will no longer be able to contact you at all via FB, including message you nor be able to send friend requests. They will no longer be able to search for you.
*Yes, you can block people who aren't even your friends. So for those of you who are saying ex-flames can easily find you, not really (if their name on FB is their name IRL). What you can do is, seek them out first to make sure they are on FB, get the correct spelling of their name on FB, and block that person from even being able to search for you*
3. Say that you and your husband are browsing your FB page together just looking at all the cute pictures of you two that you have up. People keep saying 'hey!' via the chat feature. You two are very annoyed by these people. You're just trying to spend some quality FB time with hubby.
Solution: Click on the 'Chat' icon, and under 'Options' click 'Go Offline'. You will still be able to use all of FBs wonderful features sans chat. You and hubby are no longer being disturbed.
4. Also, lots of people don't use their real name on FB so people can't search for them in the first place. You could do this. But if you don't want to, utilizing the above features will make your FB life much more enjoyable
However, you can continue to blame FB for possible marital woes.