Minister ask church leaders to give up FB accounts

Okay, I guess it is settled...FB is the devil?!
Like some of the other posters, what about email,texting/cellphones?
Thanks, qchelle. I was on facebook when it had just opened up to everyone if I am not mistaken. My join date was either late 2005 or early 2006. To make a long story short, I am not sure that all of those options were there back then. I like that facebook seems to have more privacy settings in general now.
^^^No problem! :) And yea, they recently upgraded their privacy settings. Hopefully more people will know now.
I don't think it's appropriate to have them give up their FB accounts.

Facebook doesn't cause any mess that you don't bring to it.

People have been sneaking around such for years before this came about...these different internet groups and such just make a few more places where they can get CAUGHT because it leaves a trail.
I can understand why the Minister will ask the church leaders to do this but at the same time, Social Networks like FB can also be used according to God's purpose. I've had the opportunity to witness through FB. The church leader also has the opportunity to witness as well. Satan is always going to twist something for his own evil purpose but that doesn't mean we should just blame him for everything thing. We have free will and common sense. We are also adults (ok kids do use fb too) but we know how to act accordingly. If someone decides to cheat using FB on their spouse to hook up with an ex or even a complete stranger then that's not FB's fault, that's the someone who decided to act like a douche. My thing is don't go looking for trouble and then trouble doesn't you. If someone goes to FB with a double minded process, then he's going to expect to always see something that's not good and will think that no good will come from it.

If the church leader strongly feels that he is not to go on FB, then that should be between him and God, especially if God is convicting him not to go on the site because it may be a reason why that particular church member don't go. But the pastor should just up and ask all church leaders to give something that they do in their spare time up that isn't causing any harm.
I kinda understand the minister's point.
If FB has been a problem for your marriage, then you can suggest deleting the account.
Although, if you really want to cheat FB isn't the only way to get the deed done.

I'm on FB. My husband isn't because he's just not a social person, in real life OR online. If he really wanted to see my account, I would let him. I don't discuss anything negative on FB and rarely mention my husband unless it's something positive. See...that's another way folks get messy. You complain about your spouse then an ex knows they have an "open door."

An old flame of mine sent me a friend request. He's married and so am I. So I just ignored it. We have absolutely NOTHING to discuss. He's messy and is just looking for an open door. Our relationship ended years AGO. We have NOTHING to discuss.

@ the bolded: That is another way folks get messy, and it just doesn't extend to Facebook, either. Often times, people let too much of their business hang out in the open, especially the negative stuff. There are some things people just don't need to know.


How do you get to freakin' at a Bible study?

Too much, too much!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen: