Silkycoils is . . .the BLACKchorette. :-D

The Narcissist

I connected with the Narcissist (”P”) on my first, maybe second day on Hinge. He was alright looking . . .attractive enough, but I’d actually “liked” ” one of his statements about not dating anyone who has a roommate. I was fresh off of my interaction with the 35 y/o, so that resonated with me easily. :lachen: One thing I like about Hinge is that you can list your university, and “P” went to a “highly regarded” university. The prestige isn’t what attracted me to his profile, though I’ll admit to preferring college-educated men. Anywho, we exchange a bit of witty banter, and he asks for my number. He tries to call me that evening, but I’m on the phone with someone else :look:, so I tell him that I’ll call him back shortly.

I call him back and we start chatting. We establish a rapport easily. He’s an Attorney, but he doesn’t work as an Attorney . . .more of a Consultant. I don’t necessarily volunteer that I’m an Attorney with men up front. I’m certainly not ashamed, but I don’t like to lead with my accomplishments. I want them to try to impress me and not the other way around. I do tell him where I went for undergrad and grad school, but he doesn’t ask what my degrees are in, and I don’t volunteer. He’s from a solidly middle-class background, but according to him, he’s down to earth. I told him that I drive an old car to which I am very attached, lol. Lots and lots of witty banter, and I’m genuinely laughing. I ask how is it that he is single . . .he’s 41, lives in Buckhead, and supposedly does well for himself . . .and he’s aiight-looking. I told him I was asking because the women in Atlanta can be very aggressive about pursuing men . . .especially if they think they can secure “the bag.” He says that he’s “picky” (should’ve been a glaring red flag).

He asks about my social life, and I tell him that I admittedly don’t venture downtown that much, and where I live is not really a place for singles . . .it’s more so for families. I say that I’m changing that though.

We’re having a friendly little intellectual debate, and he says, “There’s only one Attorney on the phone.”
, to which I easily reply, “Actually, I’m an Attorney as well.”

He says, “You’re an Attorney?”, and he now seems to be “impressed” with my credentials. Yadda, yadda, yadda . . .it was still a “good” conversation, and I was looking forward to getting to know him. He even sent me a picture of his new puppy, which he said I could be his “stepmom” if I played my cards right. I took this as a joke because I’m not auditioning for anyone. The next day is when stuff hit the fan.

He called me the next evening, and it started off fine. He was asking me some questions about my relationship with my sons. For the most part, I’m pretty good at keeping my cards close to my chest, but I shared a story of when I went through a rough patch with my older son. He asked probing questions, and at one point, I actually said to him, “I feel like I’m being really vulnerable right now”(but I was uncomfortable with that because he wasn’t really sharing anything with me). Anywho, we move on from that, but then he says to me, “I know your last name” and I say, “No you don’t . . .how?” I’d given him my real number, but I’d forgotten that it sometimes displays your real name on caller id. I ask him if he’d looked me up on the State Bar website, and he says, “I’m not telling you how I know.”(?!!!!) I kept asking how he knew, and he absolutely refused to tell me. I finally said, “Oh, you probably saw it on my caller id.” Y’all . . .I don’t like that . . .at all. I’d just shared some private details about my life (granted, it was my choice to share), but you’re essentially playing “Nah-nah-na-boo-boo” when I ask you a simple question . . .that you baited me with. I got a bad feeling about that, but we move on.

I tell him my weight, but he doesn’t believe it. I’m currently over 200 lbs., but I’m also 5’11”. He doesn’t believe me and asks to see a picture. Y’all . . .brace yourselves for real!!!!

I send him this picture taken of me in December in Tulum, Mexico. I bought the bodysuit and shorts off of “Pretty Little Things”, but decided to put a full-coverage strapless bra underneath like a bustier, because these tiddd-ays are 45, and not 25. :lachen:. I send him the pic, and the first thing he says is, “Why do you have your breasts out?”

I say, “I don’t have my breasts out. They are fully covered.” He says, “I want a Michelle, not a Nicki.”

I said, “That picture DOES NOT look Nicki-Minaj-ish . . .at all, and there is a wide chasm between Michelle Obama and Nicki Minaj. I feel like I’m being criticized by you, and I don’t like it. I wore that outfit because I was in Mexico and it was hot. I’m a grown woman . . . I’m 45. I sent it to you because I thought it looked cute, and I STILL think it looks cute!” (Sidenote, when I get my girls lifted, they WILL be out!!!!)

He said, “My woman would never wear that, or if she did, she wouldn’t be my woman. I mean, it looks cute, but what would make you think to wear that . . .like what would make you think that was okay?” Y’ALLLLLLL . . .I was losing my . . .stuff at this point, but trying to stay composed. He absolutely would NOT relent.

I said to him, “What autonomous individual is going to take kindly to being questioned like that? Like, WHO TF are you?!!!” What I REALLY wanted to say was,






I told him that I feel like he has gaslighting tendencies, and this condescending
says, "Do you even know what that means?"?!!!!

Again, he still would not relent. I finally say, “You know what “P”, goodnight.” I went to unmatch him, but he’d already unmatched me. Honestly, a part of me took so long to write this because that encounter disturbed my spirit SO MUCH! I was like, “This old
adz, UGG-Glass naker did NOT!” When I told my friend, she said, “I’m not even into all of that, but I feel like you need some sage after that.” I promptly ordered some.

I’m SOOOOO thankful that I have done the work to recognize toxic and abusive behavior!!!! I didn’t have to open up about my sons, but I didn’t share too much. I will go back to holding my cards close to my chest though. I believe I allowed myself to be disarmed by his humor. Also, I first heard the term “negging” here on lhcf, and it was used by @CrackersPhinn. For those of you who don’t know, this is when someone will lowkey (and sometimes highkey) insult you to chip away at your self-esteem so that you start to seek their approval (which they never give). It’s VERY abusive!!!! If he didn’t like my outfit, he could’ve kept that to himself. By saying “his woman would never” and likening it to something Nicki Minaj would wear, he was setting the stage for me to prove my worth to him . . .which would’ve been perpetual and fruitless. Honestly, a lot of educated, high-earning black men think that they’re the prize . . .seriously. Fortunately for ME, I now fully know that I am THAT CHICK, and I quickly recognize and discard ANYONE who tries to dim or crush my light! Also, as an aside, I don’t WANT to be Michelle Obama! Sure, she’s great and to be admired for sure, but she says herself that she had to hold down the household for many years during the beginning of their marriage . . .that ain’t me and it WON’T EVER be me! These men want a Michelle, but they’re far from a Barack! Tuh! Also, while I’m no fan of Nicki Minaj, I didn’t like the comparison and the “shaming” of her. Compare Michelle to one of these kartrashian broads.

After that exchange, I felt . . .drained. I called my younger Son and told him what happened. I lamented the fact that I seem to be having a problem “making a real connection with anyone.” He said, “Mom, it’s your second day on the app.” :lachen: I knew what he meant, but I meant in general. He said, “You’re going to attract all types of guys. Forget him.”

If I’m being truly honest, disappointing and bad experiences with men have caused me to shut down in the past, but this is a form of self-sabotage, IMO. I shut down and retreat into my little “safe haven” of solitude, but that’s not getting me any closer to my goal of meeting a man with whom I’m compatible. I’m going to stay in the game this time, as much as my instincts try to fight it. I certainly WILL NOT internalize negative encounters such as the one with this @#$$%!

I'm good though (great actually). I know how to affirm my worth. :)
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Next up, the Sociopath. This is all in my first week! :lachen:
Ugh! You said "Attorney, Buckhead, alright-looking" and I could have already given the title of "narcissist". There are so many dudes here like him. It's a shame really. Grow up being praised like they are unicorns.

Where are you trying to move? Not like specifically...but general area? My friend and I were talking today. She is single and lives in an older community in Clayton. She said she is trying to move where there are younger people. We talked about Cobb, and parts of East Atlanta.
Ugh! You said "Attorney, Buckhead, alright-looking" and I could have already given the title of "narcissist". There are so many dudes here like him. It's a shame really. Grow up being praised like they are unicorns.

Where are you trying to move? Not like specifically...but general area? My friend and I were talking today. She is single and lives in an older community in Clayton. She said she is trying to move where there are younger people. We talked about Cobb, and parts of East Atlanta.

I don’t think I’m moving. I LOVE my house (especially now that those kids are gone! :lachen: ), and my mortgage is under $1,000/month! I couldn’t justify paying someone else rent when I have a lot of space and own it. Now if I stumble upon a nice foreclosure in the Downton Decatur or Grant Park area (yeah right! :lachen: ), then I’ll buy another property. For now, I’ll just have to drive.
Negging :moon: dudes are like anti-maskers. As soon as you identify them for what they are, disengage. All they go do is blow pestilence in your direction.

I'm very proud of your ability to move on to the next. BTW - You look cute in your little outfit. Giving all the chocolate amazon goddess in them Mexican streets!
I’m SOOOOO thankful that I have done the work to recognize toxic and abusive behavior!!!!
For the girls in the back, this bears repeating!!
Fortunately for ME, I now fully know that I am THAT CHICK, and I quickly recognize and discard ANYONE who tries to dim or crush my light!
I freaking love this!! Yessss!!!

overall, at least now you know why his behind is still single at 41. :lol:
Also, I first heard the term “negging” here on lhcf, and it was used by @CrackersPhinn. For those of you who don’t know, this is when someone will lowkey (and sometimes highkey) insult you to chip away at your self-esteem so that you start to seek their approval (which they never give). It’s VERY abusive!!!! If he didn’t like my outfit, he could’ve kept that to himself.
I’ve never heard that term before but it reminds me of a similar experience I had on a date. I don’t mean to hijack the thread but it fits the negging thing perfectly. It was New Year’s Eve group date at an upscale club. My friends with his friends. At some point I got separated from the entire group while in line and I was way ahead of them and ended up being the first in line to get us tickets to get in. I’m looking banging if I say so myself :gorgeous:. Tell me why this ninja proceeds to tell my friends (as I found out later) that he doesn’t like girls who wear makeup and fake hair. He likes his women “natural” looking. A direct shot at me who was all decked out with my wig and makeup on fleek. He never said it to my face mind you. He proceeded to flirt with other chicks the rest of the night. So I moved on quickly and flirted and danced with other men too. Oh well. We never went out again. He was also broke and still living with his parents (I’m seeing a trend there like with the 35 y/o mentioned above). So I didn’t really lose anything there. :lol: I didn’t know there was a term for what he did but now I know. It’s negging.
The Sociopath

I connected with “M” on my second day on Hinge as well :look: :lachen: If I’m being honest, he looked like a more attractive Scottie Pippen in his profile picture, but when you click further . . .he was fine as frog hair. :look: :lachen: He was tall, lived not too far from me (a major plus in Atlanta!), and had an amazing smile. I “liked” his picture with the amazing smile. He reaches out and we start chatting. He asks me what are my plans for the weekend, and I reply, “Let me know what you have planned for us.” :laugh: If he’s about that life, he will step up, and “M” did. He asked if I wanted to get a drink, and I said sure. He asked if I had any suggestions, and I suggested Bonefish Grill. He said that he would’ve thought that I would’ve wanted to stick closer to the main highway that was not too far from us.. I said, “But what’s there?” I wasn’t trying to go to Applebee’s or Chili’s. I said, “Don’t worry, ain’t nobody trying to finesse you out of a seafood dinner.” Now, I kept it light and playful, but I definitely logged it. I’m sure men don’t want to get played by spending a lot of money on first dates, but that’s not my problem. I didn’t mind drinks (and appetizers if I felt like it) though for an initial meeting.

Let me pause here to tell y’all about my date outfit. I bought a bunch of these T-shirt dresses off of Amazon (Missufe brand).
They were recommended by someone on Facebook as stylish and comfortable dresses to wear while traveling. The beckies on the reviews will tell you to order a size up, but I’m not about that life . . .I know what I’m doing. :lachen: I wore this black short-sleeved one with some black over the knee boots (with a heel) that I bought a few years ago from Macy’s (INC brand).
I wore a patterned headwrap, tied like in this picture. SC headwrap.jpgI didn’t eat anything all day (well except for two crab rangoons when my friend came over :lachen: ), but I drank ginger tea. I wanted to make sure my stomach was as flat as possible. :lachen: I took my shower and oiled up with my Amber oil. :laugh: I did my makeup, but I wore my glasses. I wasn’t going all out for drinks. :lachen: I also wore some “gold” hoop earrings. Oh! I wore black tights underneath to smooth everything out.

Anywho, I arrive on time (I give myself a seven minute grace period :lachen: ), and he is at the bar waiting . . .he looks hecka good in person. Mind you, we both have our masks on initially. I sit down and I say, “Oh, I guess I’ll take off my mask so you can see what I look like (he’d already removed his and yep . . .fine :lachen: ).” I take off my mask and his face literally lights up. :laugh: I said, “I told you I’m no Catfish . . .I look the same in person.”

We start chatting and it becomes evident early-on that he is feeling me . . .he turns his legs towards me and even lightly touches my knee at one point . . .and I liked it.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

So let me go no further without mentioning that he is separated. I don’t date or entertain men who are separated, but he quickly followed it up by saying that he’d already filed the paperwork and was just waiting for a final hearing. Plausible? Yes, because there are minor children involved. My antenna was still raised because I do a lot of work in the county where he filed though. I quickly decided that it wasn’t worth it to go too deep on our first meeting. So back to ole boy . . .

He’s taller than me (a plus!), college-educated, an Alpha, Jamaican :look:
(I’ll let my Jamaican sistren comment on that), and a pisces :look:
. Look, I’m not saying that I put a whole lotta weight in “signs” and such, but let’s just say that I have had similar experiences with certain “signs” that cause my eyebrows to be raised when I encounter them. :lachen:

So, we’re chatting over drinks, but he doesn’t offer me any appetizers. I later say that I hadn’t eaten, and he formally offers me something, but I’m actually not hungry (fail!).

He tells me he has three daughters: Kendall, Kamryn (?), and Kylie. He even shows me a picture of them. The conversation was good . . .it flowed easily. Eventually I’m ready to head out, and we get up to go. He helps me put my coat on and opens the door of course. He asks me if I would like to go walk around the bookstore that is in the plaza, and I say, “Sure”, because I love bookstores. I hold his hand, which isn’t strange at all because we’d been touching each other throughout the evening (respectfully).

We walk around the bookstore, and we’re talking about all types of stuff . . .Blackness, code-switching, favorite books. He seemed like he wanted it to keep going. He would say, “Let’s walk over here.” We have our masks back on, as we’re in the store. I’d given him a hug, and he smelled so . . .clean. :lachen: He had his hands around my waist, and I asked him afterwards if he could feel my waistbeads (that dress was fitted! :lachen: ). He said, “I don’t know, I need another one.” *Tee-hee* :lachen: I happily oblige and I could swear I felt . . .his excitement.

Let me also stop right here and tell y’all that ya gurl ain’t colored in a loooooooooong time. It felt good to be “fresh” for a moment (Get off my back, why don’t ya! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: ). He also told me that I smelled good, but I already knew that, as I had on my magical Amber oil. :lachen: *Sigh*

Anywho, he walks me to my car. My car is old (an ’05), but I love her so much! :lachen: I am unashamed of her (though my 24 year old thinks I should be :lachen: ). He opens my door and err’thang and asks me to text him when I get home, which I do.

He asks me if I can talk, and I’m like “sure.” He says he had such a great time talking to me, and how he’d like to see me again. He can TALK, but so can I :lachen:, so that’s not a problem. He asks if I will meet up with him tomorrow (Sunday). He wants to meet me to walk around the mall (naker, whut?!).

I’m like, “I dunno about alla dat.” I don’t even set an alarm on Sunday, and I don’t feel like getting cute. I said, “If I do come, we’re wearing sweatpants and leggings (IF).” He says, “Well, I don’t usually leave the house in sweatpants, but I will for you.” Well, laddie-dah, Mr. Alpha!

I said, “I ain’t no AKA!” :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I told him I’d think about it, but I’d already made up my mind. Listen, MONEY is my love language (I added it! :lachen: ), and we weren’t going to get into the habit of these cheap dates . . .Mmkay? And WHAT is it with these nakers wanting to take me walking?! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

The next morning, he texts me “Good morning”, and to ask what I’d decided in regards to the mall walk (like I’m a Gaht-dang senior citizen!).

I told him that I was going to pass, and that I like it when a man makes plans for us, so that I can just show up looking cute.

Blah-blah-blah, he’s disappointed, but he will just have to deal.

He texts me midday and our exchange is below (his text is in gray):

We talk on the phone that night as well, for at least an hour.

Ladies listen, I’m no fool, aiight. I knew that even if this man got divorced tomorrow, he wouldn’t be emotionally (and possibly financially) available for the type of relationship that I wanted. I wasn’t going to be there for a long time, but for a good time . . .after the divorce was finalized. :lachen:

I been realized that everybody ain’t gone be “The One.”

So the next day (Monday), I had court in the morning. He texts me “Good morning, blah-blah-blah . . .” I have accepted that I’m just going to have to deal with “Good morning” texts. :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I text him back when I’m stopped. Anywho, I’m just moseying along, feeling good about this fine-arse man that I’m tryna get next to (who obviously wants to get next to me). Oh, I forgot to mention that he got the hint and was taking me to Top Golf on Tuesday. So anyway, I’m driving along and I’m in a happy place.

Ladies, I just want to say, it’s so funny how the Creator/Universe will just pop a clue in your head like, “Bloop”, out of the blue. It’s up to us to pay attention to them. I’m driving along and all of a sudden, his daughters' names pop in my head . . .Kendall . . .Kylie . . .KENDALL, KYLIE?!!!! I’m like, “Ain’t those dem Kardashian bi-- chicks’ sisters?!!!!”

Now mind you, there are plenty of bourgie Black folks who give their daughters such names, but what are the ODDS that they would have BOTH of those names?! This got me thinking. My homegirl (also an Attorney) side-eyed him for being separated, but I didn’t want to look him up . . .yet. So now my “spidey senses” have been activated, and I decided to “fact check” his divorce filing. I only had his first name, so I did a party search under his first name with every letter of the alphabet, looking for his case . . .nothing. By this time, I’m at court, but I’m waiting on my client, who is super late and coming from a state over . . .so I had time. I tap my Attorney homegirl and tell her my suspicions. I’d done a “Reverse Phone Number” lookup and got his last name. I knew it was him because he said he’d previously lived in that particular town. Okay y’all, game on!

My homegirl and I checked the county records online, as well as the county where he said he’s currently living . . .nothing. At this point, I’m heated. This lying-arse ninja! Oh, I gave my friend his name, and in like 5 seconds, she was like, “Bow! Found his Facebook . . .which is private.” (of course it is) But what the facebook did confirm was that I’d found the correct last name.

She was like, “Ooh, what are you going to do?” Now a part of me wanted to just block him and be done with it, but where’s the fun in that? :lachen: I decided to play with him a bit, and sent him the following text:

Y’all . . .AIN’T NO D@MN PERRY GREEN LISTED ON THE STATE BAR WEBSITE!!!! This is why I call him a sociopath, because he was COMMITTED to the lie!!!! Smdgh . . .d@mn pisces! :lachen:

ETA: The reason I did the bit of “research” was because I didn’t want to leave any room in MY mind for doubt. I was verrrrry attracted to him, and I didn’t want that attraction to cloud my judgment.

Of course my Son disapproved of the curse out, but whatevs. :laugh:

Whew . . .that was long (aren’t they all? :lachen: )

Here are some important lessons that should stand out:

1. Be cautious of a man who wants to dominate too much of your time too soon. This is called “love bombing” and can easily sweep you off your feet (clearly! :lachen: ).

2. Do NOT ignore those little “voices” that tell you something isn’t adding up.

That’s all for now. I don’t have a date for today, but I had one yesterday (my second with this nice guy . . .I’ll get to him soon :lachen: ) He gave me flowers afterwards. When planning, I asked that we do it on Saturday evening. He sent me a text later saying that he didn’t realize that I was “booked” today, but I ignored that part. :lachen: Last night, after he gave me my gift and I hugged him, he said, “Have fun tomorrow”, and I almost felt bad. :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Guys really do be in their feelings. :laugh: My “fun” is writing this next entry for y’all and eating the second salted caramel brownie that he gave me (he made some with his kids). Happy “Galentine’s Day” to my single sisters, and for those of you in a relationship . . .y'all not better than me! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I’m just kidding. Y’all (WE) deserve ALL good things, including love. My “present” to myself (Amazon delivery) should be arriving today. I love y’all for real.


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After that exchange, I felt . . .drained. I called my younger Son and told him what happened. I lamented the fact that I seem to be having a problem “making a real connection with anyone.” He said, “Mom, it’s your second day on the app.” :lachen: I knew what he meant, but I meant in general. He said, “You’re going to attract all types of guys. Forget him.”
Can I just say your son
is a gem and
testament of the
good upbringing
you have given him.

This paragraph
so pulled at my
heartstrings :love2: :cry:

This was his
I did not even
think that
was a bra.
I assumed it was
the top of
a bathing suit.
And you do look cute!

Just from what
you have shared,
we know why he
is still single.

Bloody incel
in the making!
Can I just say your son
is a gem and
testament of the
good upbringing
you have given him.

This paragraph
so pulled at my
heartstrings :love2: :cry:

This was his
I did not even
think that
was a bra.
I assumed it was
the top of
a bathing suit.
And you do look cute!

Just from what
you have shared,
we know why he
is still single.

Bloody incel
in the making!
Thanks Sis. :) He's a little raggedy in his personal dealings, but I'm not going to put his business out there like that. :lachen:My son actually said that about the Narcissist ("That's why he's still single").
Here are some important lessons that should stand out:

1. Be cautious of a man who wants to dominate too much of your time too soon. This is called “love bombing” and can easily sweep you off your feet (clearly! :lachen: ).

2. Do NOT ignore those little “voices” that tell you something isn’t adding up.
So lemme get this straight: he lied about the kids too? When you said Kendall and Kylie, I thought you were making up fake names to protect that fool’s identity. I didn’t think he actually used those specific names. He’s a liar and not even a very good one. Because he’s so fine he’s not used to putting in any effort into his stories to see if they even make any dang sense or not. Women will still hope he picks them. :nono: Anyway glad you trusted your instincts and exposed his lying a**. If you’re gonna lie to me at least make it be good. I’m insulted for you! :lol: His broke/cheap self wanted to take you for a walk around the mall at his big age? Is that what counts as a date nowadays? Seriously?
So lemme get this straight: he lied about the kids too? When you said Kendall and Kylie, I thought you were making up fake names to protect that fool’s identity. I didn’t think he actually used those specific names. He’s a liar and not even a very good one. Because he’s so fine he’s not used to putting in any effort into his stories to see if they even make any dang sense or not. Women will still hope he picks them. :nono: Anyway glad you trusted your instincts and exposed his lying a**. If you’re gonna lie to me at least make it be good. I’m insulted for you! :lol: His broke/cheap self wanted to take you for a walk around the mall at his big age? Is that what counts as a date nowadays? Seriously?
The thing is, those might really be his kids names, but they might not be . . .but that is what got me off of my “cloud” to do a little (easy) digging to vet this guy. It was a sign either way.
He lied about going through a divorce?

He lied about being legally separated. He said that he’d filed the divorce petition and was just waiting for a final hearing. In most of the metro counties, you can look up cases online. I would’ve been able to see the case number, even if the case was still pending. Maybe my face showed that I wasn’t about that “separated” life (they don’t put marital status on Hinge) and he lied quickly, which is still inexcusable, but the fact that this naker came up with a WHOLE “Attorney Name” . . .knowing that I am an Attorney, is sociopathic, IMO.
He lied about being legally separated. He said that he’d filed the divorce petition and was just waiting for a final hearing. In most of the metro counties, you can look up cases online. I would’ve been able to see the case number, even if the case was still pending. Maybe my face showed that I wasn’t about that “separated” life (they don’t put marital status on Hinge) and he lied quickly, which is still inexcusable, but the fact that this naker came up with a WHOLE “Attorney Name” . . .knowing that I am an Attorney, is sociopathic, IMO.
Oh I know how the system works. So nothing was filed, not even a legal separation. That’s messed up.. So did you asked him was he married or has he ever been, or did he just volunteer that information?
Be careful dealing with these men online. Most are toxic and dangerous.
He lied about being legally separated. He said that he’d filed the divorce petition and was just waiting for a final hearing. In most of the metro counties, you can look up cases online. I would’ve been able to see the case number, even if the case was still pending. Maybe my face showed that I wasn’t about that “separated” life (they don’t put marital status on Hinge) and he lied quickly, which is still inexcusable, but the fact that this naker came up with a WHOLE “Attorney Name” . . .knowing that I am an Attorney, is sociopathic, IMO.
Now I get it. So, this dude gave you the name of his attorney, you looked it up only to discover that there is no attorney by that name? He sounds raggedy.