Men with money who are trying to spend $$$$ on you

Hmmm, I don't know. Men your age are very much interested in marrying someone much younger, like 22. They flip out crazy around middle-age. But they are very keen to attach to divorcees for all the wrong reasons. Some guy who was a friend once said that they literally can sense when a woman hasn't had sex for awhile. As it is very tempting to accept this guy's gifts, I'd be wary. He's probably up to no good because when a young-in comes around, he'll dump like a hot potato. Why men equate strong and successful divorcees with "desperate," I'll never know. Men just think with their ahem. Don't do it.

Interesting, I never heard that before. But, I would wish ANY 40+ man good luck snagging a 22 y/o :lachen: I may even be his wingman. lol :grin:
:yep: You are right, generous men don't have to talk about what they will do, they're too busy doing it!

I hear you on that! I don't need any bills paid so that's off the table at least in the beginning stages....

if I decided to be in a relationship I would expect it if I needed help though.

I'm just dating.... not even close to relationship .. and have no expectations.
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While it is nice to have someone lavish you with gifts, affection and attention I think a first date is way too soon to offer those kinds of things. I would seriously wonder what was up if a man offered those things to me (especially the out of town trip on him). Given the age range, my guess is that they are just trying to let you know that they are established and can take care of you. I would be weary of that because any man who really can and will take care of your NEEDS and wants doesn’t have to lay it out there on the first date; he can show you over time with his actions.
IMO sounds like game and not even good game. Men who are generous usually don't go around telling women on a first date that they will pay their bills. A generous man might inquire about your favorite stores and more than likely he will buy you a gift or take you shopping soon after. They just make it happen.

Also guys that talk like that are usually total losers and more than likely can barley pay their own bills. They spit this type of game to women who they think are naive. Not saying that you are OP, but it doesn't seem like you have dated generous men in the past and those of us who have can recognize game.

I hope I didn't come across as abrasive but I'm just keeping it real.

You're right. I've only dated one generous guy in the past and we quickly became exclusive and dated for 3 years. Other than that one experience I have not dated anyone else that made such offers.

I only would accept so much... because I want to be able to walk away after date 5 (for example) if it turns out that I am not compatible with the guy knowing that I put in a good faith effort but didn't short change myself the true dating experience.

I like what you said in the bolded pink that is classier and I would gravitate toward a man like that.
Blizzard, girl if they spending; be gracious and accept it. Cuz everyone is "grown" if they don't want to give it to you; then they wouldn't.

And it is a recession----every little bit helps.
I say enjoy your life, girl! When I was 27 I met a man who was 51. :look: (I know...I know...:grin:)

He had lots of money and loved spending it. I had the time of my life with him. We did not "blossom" into anything besides two people who were emotionally and physicaly attracted to each other because I eventually want a family, and he loved his life the way it was - childfree.

We remain cordial, he respects my current relationship. But he remains the only man who ever made me feel like a queen everyday!

My current man, 35, cannot hold a candle to what that man did for me, or the way he made me feel. I love my SO, but I've tasted the nectar of a generous, older man, and there is no forgetting that.

Oh, and I never felt like a gold-digger for accepting his gifts, and he never made me feel like I was one for accepting them either.

Did you live my life or did I live yours? :spinning:
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Are they attempting to buy you, impress you or both?

Just be careful. Men at that age aren't throwing money just because...there is often some catch.

Donald Trump
Hugh Hefnet
Harrison Ford
Michael Douglas

A whole lot of men in the Arab world and the Majority of men in Iran and other parts of Central Asia. They all marry much younger women if they could.

Interesting, I never heard that before. But, I would wish ANY 40+ man good luck snagging a 22 y/o :lachen: I may even be his wingman. lol :grin:
Side bar:


But he got that look on his face that says

Son don't mess with me or I will Blank you up

You lucky blizzard..I guess I need to up my fitness game stat so I can get the finer things in life without opening my mini me
Never turn down a gift! :look: :lol:

I've had to train myself to be able to accept gifts with ease.
It was hard for me at first, but if you want to be philosophical about it denying gifts can block the flow of good things coming to you.

So never say "no thanks" if it's a gift given with genuine kindness. :D
Never turn down a gift! :look: :lol:

I've had to train myself to be able to accept gifts with ease.
It was hard for me at first, but if you want to be philosophical about it denying gifts can block the flow of good things coming to you.

So never say "no thanks" if it's a gift given with genuine kindness. :D


The stories I could tell ...

Accept some gifts! Allow your self to be treated well by a man that wants to pamper you, if he treats you well and respects your boundries. Just know your boundries :yep:
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Donald Trump
Hugh Hefnet
Harrison Ford
Michael Douglas

A whole lot of men in the Arab world and the Majority of men in Iran and other parts of Central Asia. They all marry much younger women if they could.

Yesss! And they buy attention with gifts. It would make me feel as if I'm selling myself. That's just mho.
Yesss! And they buy attention with gifts. It would make me feel as if I'm selling myself. That's just mho.

I'm not sure what your point is? Are you saying that men with money desire younger women vs older ones? ok? :look:

I stated upthread that I wish all men who desire young women well. I mean all men are free to pursue whomever they desire.

I, however, only concerned myself with the ones who are interested in me. :yawn:
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